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Analisis Perbandingan Kinerja Web Server Apache dan Nginx Menggunakan Httperf Pada Portal Berita (Studi Kasus Intan Ferina Irza; Zulhendra Zulhendra; Efrizon Efrizon
Voteteknika (Vocational Teknik Elektronika dan Informatika) Vol 5, No 2 (2017): Juli - Desember 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/voteteknika.v5i2.8489


The internet world in the globalization era is now developing. Anyone and anywhere can access the internet if you already have the tools and connections are adequate. There are two-ways relationship in accessing a web, they are Client and Server. Good Web Server performance can affect the quality of two-ways relationship between Client and Server. There are two Web Servers that are widely used today are Apache and Nginx. As a media content provider is expected to meet all the needs of users, especially in terms of performance of the device itself. To prove how the apache and nginx Web Server performance compare to the data request by the user, it is necessary to do a test and compare the parameters of each Web Server. Based on the problems above, the authors want to analyze and compare the performance of both Web servers are Apache and Nginx, so users can choose the best Web Server. The author only compares the parameters of throughput, connection, request, reply and error by assigning load to each test and performed on attributes that exist on virtually. After testing, the results obtained where in responding and connecting data that requested by the client of web application server nginx was superior to apache. From these results, it is recommended to admin on to use nginx web server for better website performance.Keywords: Analysis, Performance, Web Server, Apache, Nginx, HTTPERF
Voteteknika (Vocational Teknik Elektronika dan Informatika) Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Januari - Juni 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/voteteknika.v6i1.10421


The purpose of this research is to reveal the magnitude of the percentage of the influence of the application of Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) learning method with direct learning model on the subjects of Digital Simulation class X Software Engineering semester odd SMK Negeri 4 Payakumbuh Year Teaching 2017/2018. This type of research is quantitative using experimental type quasi experimental design research method. This research was conducted at SMK Negeri 4 Payakumbuh on 15 October until 15 November 2017. Population in this research that is student of class X, XI, XII RPL SMK Negeri 4 Payakumbuh. Sampling technique used is probability sampling with simple random sampling technique. The selected to be samples in this study are students of class X RPL2 experimental class and X1 RPL1 as control class. Based on the result of the research, the average of learning result of the experimental class is 82,71, while the control class get the average value 79,34. The result of hypothesis calculation at significant level α = 0,05 got tcount>ttable that is (3,64> 1, 6668), because big tcount of ttable, null hypothesis (H0) rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) accepted. This means that Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) learning method has a positive effect on the learning outcomes Digital Simulation students of class X SMK Negeri 4 Payakumbuh.Keywords: Learning outcomes, Team Assisted Individualization (TAI) learning methods, direct learning models
Pengembangan Mobile Learning Berbasis Android (Studi Kasus pada Mata KuliahAnalisisPerancanganSistem) Afdhil Hafid; Efrizon Efrizon; Muhammad Adri
Voteteknika (Vocational Teknik Elektronika dan Informatika) Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Suplement (Januari - Juni 2014)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/voteteknika.v2i2.3298


Indonesian society more 'technological literacy' at the moment, along with a high need for information and supported by sophisticated IT devices like PCs, gadgets or smartphones. IT devices not only use by business environment but also at education. People who really need the information today would make the smartphone cannot be separated from day life. This makes students want a mobile device can be present in a class. In education environment it is known as mobile learning.It can also be a solution to the limitation of resources in education in order to access learning materials anywhere, anytime.Design Instructional is used to build applications, including construction and structure of teaching materials in a ‘mind map’ that will be given to students. Content provided in m-learning include the material in the form of text, images and simulation quiz. The application of mobile learning in the Android smartphone application form can be mobile learning systems integrated. Applications are made in an environment of learning Android using the Eclipse IDE for Jav.,Simulations quiz can also be applied to mobile applications in order to improve the understanding and the quality of learning. Selected engineering system development is the Waterfall model. Object-oriented design using UML modeling tools (Unified Modeling Language). The creation of mobile learning applications based on Android subjects Design Analysis Systems .At last, the creation of mobile learning applications based on Android subjects Design Analysis System can be m-learning resources based on Android system design analysis courses on informatics engineering education courses. It also can support class learning by using applications. Keywords: android, app, education,eclipse, information, interactive, java, mobile learning, platforms, resources, smartphones, technology, text.
Voteteknika (Vocational Teknik Elektronika dan Informatika) Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Januari - Juni 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/voteteknika.v6i1.10414


The purpose of this research is to reveal the magnitude of the percentage of the influence of the application of explicit instruction learning method with direct learning model on the subjects of Dynamic Web Programming class X1 Software Engineering semester odd SMK Negeri 1 Sintuk TobohGadang Year Teaching 2016/2017. This type of research is quantitative using experimental type quasi experimental design research method. This research was conducted at SMK Negeri 1 SintukTobohGadang on 17 july until 17 august 2017. Population in this research that is student of class X1 RPL SMK Negeri 1 SintukTobohGadang. Sampling technique used is probability sampling with simple random sampling technique. The selected to be samples in this study are students of class X1 RPL2 experimental class and X1 RPL1 as control class. Based on the result of the research, the average of learning result of the experimental class is 82,48, while the control class get the average value 77,75. The result of hypothesis calculation at significant level α = 0,05 got tcount>ttable that is (2,278> 1, 677), because big tcount of ttable, null hypothesis (H0) rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) accepted. This means that explicit instruction learning method has a positive effect on the learning outcomes Dynamic Web Programming students of class X1 SMK Negeri 1 SintukTobohGadang. Keywords:Learning outcomes, explicit instruction learning methods, direct learning models
Sustainability of Cultural Values in HR Development in Social and Intellectual Capital for Resource Excellence Efrizon Efrizon; Masydzulhak Djamil Mz; Enny Ariyanto; Sugeng Santoso
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal) Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute May
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v5i2.5386


This literature review reveals the important role of cultural values and indigenous knowledge of local people (Indigenous people) in sustainable development and human resource development for resource advantage. Each community has developed complex practices to protect and manage its natural resources and ecosystems. The knowledge of indigenous people has been used and developed for thousands of years to carry out productive businesses and ways of organizing in the social structure of their communities. Cultural values and indigenous knowledge or local wisdom are social capital as the embodiment of traditional cultural elements that are deeply rooted, inhuman, and community life related to human resources, cultural resources, economy, security, and law.
Coronavirus: Buku Edukasi Visual Untuk Anak-Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar Ihsan Lumasa Rimra; Riza Widia; Wiwik Wiharti; Efrizon Efrizon; Zas Ressy Aidha; Silfia Rifka; Amelia Yolanda; Randy Heriyanto; Dedi Kurniadi
Jurnal Abdimas: Pengabdian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (432.44 KB)


Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat COVID19 dengan judul “Coronavirus: Buku Edukasi Visual Untuk Anak-Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar” ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman mengenai COVID19 kepada anak-anak dalam rentang umur sekolah dasar yaitu antara 6 tahun sampai dengan 12 tahun dengan harapan dapat memberikan suatu perbaikan tata nilai bagaimana anak-anak menyikapi dan bertindak agar tidak terpapar COVID19 tersebut dan memutus mata rantai penyebaran COVID19. Buku edukasi visual ini dipaparkan sesuai dengan pola perkembangan otak dan pola berpikir anak-anak dalam usia sekolah dasar sehingga isi yang terkandung dalam buku edukasi visual tersebut dapat tersampaikan secara maksimal kepada anak-anak.Pendekatan dalam memberikan dan penyampaian pemahaman kepada anak-anak perlu disesuaikan dalam bentuk visual karena anak-anak akan lebih paham dengan pendekatan ini. Buku edukasi visual ini disebarkan utamanya kepada anak-anak yang berada dalam daerah, kecamatan, kelurahan, lokasi zona merah penyebaran COVID19 yang terbesar dan tertinggi di Kota Padang.Kasus anak-anak terjangkit COVID19 di Kota Padang tidak menunjukkan perkembangan yang signifikan karena telah terjadi perubahan sikap anak-anak menghadapi COVID19 ini.
Modul Pengendalian Motor Tiga Phasa Menggunakan PLC Berbasis Papan Arduino Sebagai Sarana Pendukung Dalam Uji Praktik Keahlian di SMK Dhuafa Padang Tri Artono; Efrizon Efrizon; Dedi Erawadi; Firdaus Firdaus
Jurnal Abdimas: Pengabdian dan Pengembangan Masyarakat Vol 4 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (613.289 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/jppm.v4i2.910


Salah satu sekolah swasta di kota Padang yaitu SMK Dhuafa adalah milik Yayasan Bakti Nusantara Isafat yang bertujuan ingin membantu pendidikan kaum dhuafa dengan mendirikan sekolah gratis. Satu-satunya sekolah kejuruan teknologi yang gratis di Sumatera Barat adalah sekolah ini. Beberapa bidang keahlian di SMK Dhuafa adalah Teknik Bangunan, Teknik Listrik dan Teknik Mesin. Saat ini sekolah tidak memiliki sarana untuk praktikum pengendalian motor listrik tiga phasa menggunakan PLC karena harga alat tersebut sangat mahal, padahal keahlian bidang ini dibutuhkan siswa Teknik Listrik di era Revolusi Industri 4.0 saat ini. Politeknik Negeri Padang (PNP) memberikan solusi yaitu melakukan inovasi dalam teknologi terapan dengan melibatkan dosen untuk membuat modul pengendalian motor tiga phasa menggunakan PLC berbasis papan Arduino yang memiliki harga lebih murah dan sebanding dengan PLC untuk industri. PLC tersebut diberikan lalu dilakukan pelatihan bagaimana cara menggunakannya. Pihak SMK Dhuafa Padang berterima kasih dan memberikan penghargaan kepada PNP karena sudah membantu menyediakan sarana pendukung dalam uji praktik keahlian bagi siswa. Selain itu SMK Dhuafa Padang memiliki harapan agar kerjasama dengan PNP terus dilakukan terutama dalam inovasi teknologi tepat guna khususnya di dunia pendidikan yang memang terbukti sekarang membantu mereka dalam prose belajar mengajar.
Hubungan Minat dan Lingkungan Keluarga Terhadap Persepsi Karir Guru Pada Mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Elektronika UNP Sylvia Atifah Chania; Dedy Irfan; Efrizon Efrizon; Vera Irma Delianti
Jurnal Vokasi Teknik Informatika Vol 4 No 1 (Februari 2024). Jurnal Vokasi Informatika (JAVIT)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/javit.v4i1.172


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara Minat dan Lingkungan Keluarga terhadap Persepsi Karir Sebagai Guru Pada Mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Elektronika program studi Pendidikan Teknik Informatika dan Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika di Universitas Negeri Padang dengan populasi 132 mahasiswa angkatan 2020. Teknik pengambilan sampel probability sampling dengan stratified random sampling sehingga sampel yang didapat sebanyak 100 mahasiswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan besarnya pengaruh variabel minat menjadi guru dan lingkungan keluarga terhadap persepsi karir sebagai guru pada mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Teknik Informatika adalah 35,7% sedangkan sisanya sebesar 64,3% bisa dijelaskan melalui variabel lain yang tidak diteliti oleh peneliti. Kemudian hasil penelitian besarnya pengaruh variabel minat menjadi guru dan lingkungan keluarga terhadap persepsi karir sebagai guru pada mahasiswa program studi Pendidikan Teknik Elektronika adalah 47,8% sedangkan sisanya 52,2% dapat dijelaskan melalui variabel lain yang tidak diteliti oleh peneliti.