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Penerapan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja dan Perhitungan Statistik Kecelakaan Kerja Guna Mengurangi Resiko Bahaya pada Area Penambangan Batubara Tambang Terbuka PT. Daya Bambu Sejahtera, Kabupaten Tebo, Provinsi Jambi Rahmad Thry Arswendo; Heri Prabowo
Bina Tambang Vol 6, No 4 (2021): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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PT. Daya Bambu Sejahtera sebagai salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pertambangan Batubara. PT. Daya Bambu Sejahtera berlokasi di Desa Mangupeh Kecematan Tengah Ilir Kabupaten Tebo Provinsi Jambi. Luas izin usaha pertambangan  (IUP)  PT.  Daya Bambu Sejahtera  adalah  seluas  3.548,8  Ha. Sedangkan  target  produksi  tahunan  adalah  sebesar 1.200.000  ton/tahun.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai kinerja K3 di PT. Daya Bambu Sejahtera pada tahun 2017-2020 menggunakan statistik kecelakaan kerja . Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif yakni menggambarkan statistik kecelakaan kerja di PT DBS. Statistik kecelakaan kerja meliputi incident rate, frequency rate, severity rate dan safe T-score. Pengumpulan data menggunakan data sekunder, lembar observasi dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terjadi 4 kejadian kecelakaan kerja selama tahun 2017-2020. Hasil perhitungan statistik kecelakaan kerja didapatkan nilai incident rate dan frequency rate tertinggi pada tahun 2018, sedangkan severity rate tertinggi terjadi pada tahun 2017, 2018, dan 2019. Berdasarkan perhitungan safe T-score, kinerja K3 hanya mengalami peningkatan pada tahun 2019. Perkiraan terjadinya kecelakaan kerja di PT. Daya Bambu Sejahtera adalah adanya aturan- aturan tentang Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3)  yang belum terlaksana dengan baik. Kesadaran karyawan dalam bekerja yang memenuhi kaedah Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) belum tercapai, contohnya pemakaian alat pelindung  diri  (APD)  pada  saat  bekerja,  Beberapa  metode  dalam  mengenali potensi bahaya ditambang terbuka seperti Job Safety Analysis masih belum terealisasi di PT. Daya Bambu Sejahtera.
Bina Tambang Vol 2, No 1 (2015): Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk is an Indonesia-based company primarily engaged in coal mining industry. Methods used in open pit such as conventional and continuous mining. This conventional method is conducted by using backhoe and dump truck while for continuous mining used Bucket Wheel Excavator (BWE) and Conveyor. In January 2015, Tambang Muara Tiga Besar Selatan used conventional method such as backhoe and truck. In an effort to increase coal recovery, it is necessary to do broadening area in Tambang Muara Tiga Besar Selatan in order to get more company’s profit. PT Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk therefore plans to widen Tambang Muara Tiga Besar area for short term in June 2015. This research is conducted to make open pit design, calculate volume of burden and coal, disposal design, and also design mine haulage roads. Based on the result of analysis and calculation that has been done, elevation of pit design is amount of 62 mdpl to 0 mdpl. The total volume of burden is 1.500.000 BCM and tonnage of coal is 375.000 tons derived. The stripping ratio value is 4:1. The disposal area consist of two sections including first priority and second priority. The distance between mining front with disposal area is 1,97 Km. The width of haulage roads for two strips which appropriate with The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) is 30 meters, including trench and dike.
Analisis Pengaruh Parameter Geomekanika Batuan Terhadap Kegiatan Peledakan Pada Front Penambangan Blok A2 di CV. Triarga Nusatama, Kecamatan Lareh Sago Halaban, Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota, Sumatera Barat Riki Rinaldo; Bambang Heriyadi; Heri Prabowo
Bina Tambang Vol 3, No 3 (2018): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Determination of the geometry of the blasting and powder factor should pay attention to characteristics of rock mass and local geological conditions. Alternative geometry experiments done to apply the problem of the resulting explosion. The alternative draft geometry is determined by using the characteristics of rock mass Blastability based on Lilly's Index, in the form of rockmass description, joint plane spacing, joint plane orientation, specific gravity influence, and hardness. Based on the results of weighting the mass of rock Blastability Index values obtained are blown up as big as 54.125. From these values, the geometry of the explosion which is good for a 3 inch bore hole is a burden 3 m, spacing 2 m, a depth of 5.5 m, subdrilling 0.5 m, high level of 3.5 m, steaming of 2 m, and explosive hole long 2 m. And also the value of the powder factor 0.24 kg/m³. From the geometry of the proposal generated the desired percentage of the company's boulder and the use of explosives is lower compared to the previous applied geometry. Keywords: Charateristic of rock mass, Blastability index, Geometry, Blasting, Fragmentation
Estimasi Biaya dan Evaluasi Kebutuhan Alat Muat dan Alat Angkut Terhadap Efisiensi Penambangan Batubara pada Tambang Terbuka PT. Allied Indo Coal Jaya, Sawahlunto Nurul Anisa Ardianti; Heri Prabowo
Bina Tambang Vol 5, No 2 (2020): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. Coal is an important energy source as a substitute for oil and gas fuels. Along with the increasing demand for coal, especially for steam power plants (PLTU) and for other industries, there has been an increase in coal production. An increase in the value of the dollar exchange rate against the value of rupiah reaching Rp. 14.091/$ USD throughout 2019 based on CNBC Indonesia and with falling coal prices in the world market calculated based on the average by ICI only 66,27 USD/ton, impacting coal mining companies in the world as well as PT. Allied Indo Coal Jaya. The importance of operating costs, owning costs and evaluating the need for loading and transporting equipment on production is certainly related to mining costs and the investment value to be incurred by the company and the production targets to be achieved by company. The relationship between production targets and the ability to produce equipment will determine the efficiency of operating costs and the cost of ownership and investment costs of equipment. With the NPV and IRR methods we can find out the feasibility of investing in loading and transporting equipment in relation to work efficiency and in the use of loading and transporting equipment used to meet these targets.Keywords: Effective Utilization, Operating cost, Owning cost, Net Present Value, Internal Rate Return
Bina Tambang Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. Coal is a sedimentary rock formed from homogeneous organic deposits. Coal is spread in layers and each layer has a different quality. Due to the difference in quality at each coal seam, the coal blending process needs to be done to meet market needs. PT. Cahaya Bumi Perdana is a coal mining company located in Sawahlunto City, West Sumatra. PT. Cahaya Bumi Perdana does mining with underground mining method. In underground mining, the BT 04 tunnel and the BT 06 tunnel have different calories because they are located on different seams. The calories in the BT 04 tunnel have high quality fine coal with a calorific value of 6,183 Kcal / Kg and the calories in the BT 06 tunnel have high quality coarse coal with a calorific value of 7,795 Kcal / Kg. Meanwhile, consumer demand is 6,300 Kcal / Kg. Due to the coal calories that are not in accordance with consumer demand, a blending process is required. In this study, the method used for the blending process is trial and error method. In this research, there are 4 parameters used for testing coal quality, namely ash content (AC), volatile matter (VM), total sulfur (TS) and calorie value (CV). This coal quality parameter is determined by consumer demand with a value of ash content (AC) with a maximum value of 14%, volatile matter (VM) with a maximum value of 36.60%, total sulfur (TS) with a value of less than 1%, calorie value (CV ) with a value of 6,300 Kcal / Kg with a tonnage of 2,000 tons. The results of the study are based on laboratory tests conducted by PT. Cahaya Bumi Perdana is the value of ash content (AC) with a maximum value of 13,93%, volatile matter (VM) with a maximum value of 35.202%, total sulfur (TS) with a small value of 0.3965%, calorie value (CV) with a value of 6,577.9 Kcal / Kg with a ratio of high-quality fine coal tonnage 1,510 tons and high-coarse coal tonnage 490 tons or with a ratio of 3:1. There is a slight difference between the calculation using the trial and error method that the author did. The calculation result that passes consumer demand is the calorific value (CV), which 6,577.9 Kcal/Kg through 6,300 Kcal/Kg consumen demand. For this difference in calorific value, will be returned to the agreement between the company and the consumer.Keywords: Coal, trial and error, coal quality
Evaluasi Kebutuhan dan Estimasi Biaya Alat Muat Kobelco 380 dan Hitachi 350 Dengan Alat Angkut Scania P360 dan Mercedez Actroz 4043 Pada Pengupasan Overburden PT. Caritas Energi Indonesia Jobsite KBB, Sarolangun Eric Sandeir; Heri Prabowo
Bina Tambang Vol 3, No 3 (2018): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Based on field observation on overburden removal at PT. Caritas Energi Indonesia, found that the production activity of overburden removal has not been optimal. This caused by the inconsistency between loading and transporting equipment, inefficiency of equipment and match factor which do not match, which is evident from the presence of equipment waiting in the field. The total production of actual loading equipment was 168.653,5 BCM/month, and hauling equipments was 103.530,2 BCM/month, this results in not achieving the planned overburden production target. After the analysis has obtained the cause of low production is due to the low efficiency of work and the lack of hauling equipment used. By increasing work efficiency and adding hauling equipment, total loading equipment is 185.630,4 BCM/month and hauling equipments are 177.781,7 BCM/month. The number of production increases but has not reached production targets due to high rainfall in March, the company spends a lot of time waiting for rain and slippery. This will have an impact on the increase of unavoidable standby time. From the calculation results obtained the amount of production costs of loading and hauling equipments for overburden removal before analyzed is Rp.,11 /month or Rp.10.577,17/BCM, and after analyzed the amount of production cost become Rp.1.552.132.079,73/ month or Rp.8.730,55/BCM. And based on the calculation of BESR obtained SR economic value is 3,91.Keywords: Overburden, Work Efficiency, Match Factor, Production Cost, BESR.
Kajian Teknis Geometri Jalan Angkut dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Produksi Alat Angkut pada Penambangan Batu Andesit di PT. Ansar Terang Crushindo 1Kecamatan Pangkalan Koto Baru, Sumatera Barat. Mutia Zara; Heri Prabowo
Bina Tambang Vol 5, No 5 (2020): JURNAL BINA TAMBANG
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract: PT. Ansar Terang Crushindo is andesite mining company located in Kecamatan Pangkalan Koto Baru, Kabupaten  Lima Puluh Kota. The monthly target production PT. Ansar Terang Crushsindo is 20,000 tons / month, while the actual production in November was 15,608.8 tons / month. One of the factors that affect the non-achievement of production targets is the condition of the haul road. Based on observations in the field, there grades above 8%, the width of the haul roads has not met the standards so that when one passes, one of the conveyances must stop and there is no cross slope and safety berm. Based on the measurement of haul road geometry, it is found that the actual road width ranges from 3.68 to 6.2 meters, while theoretically the straight road width is 9 meters. The actual curved road width ranges from 3.54 to 6.4 meters, while the theoretical curved road width is 12.2 meters. actual road grade is from 3.54% to 11.68%. Meanwhile, ideal road grade is 8%. The cross slope value for a road width of 9 meters is 0.04 and a height difference of 17.1 cm. the superelevation value for the bend width of 12.2 meters is 0.04 and the height difference is 48 cm. After being evaluated, there are 5 straight road segments are necessary to add width and 4 segment of road bends, and lower grade in 4 segments. Mitsubishi Fuso 250 PS production in actual conditions was 15,367.62 tons / month. The estimated production of the Mitsubishi Fuso 250 PS after evaluation is 16,504.43 tons / month. The theoretical production of the Mitsubishi Fuso 250 PS after improving work efficiency and ideal road geometry is 20,713.76 tons / month.Keywords : Road Geometry, Production, Work Efficency, Dump Truck, Cycletime.
Bina Tambang Vol 3, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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The steps of the mining activities in PT. Aman Putra Toebillah includes the activities of land clearing, stripping the ground cover, the exploitation of coal, transporting, processing and marketing of coal. After the mining is finished, the ex of mining area will leave an opening hole. Therefore any company of mine obligatory to implement reclamation of ex mining area to maintain environmental sustainability. Based on Ministerial Regulation Number 7 Year 2014, reclamation are activities during of mining to organize, restore, and improve the quality of the environment and the ecosystem to the function. Therefore, it takes a good planning, so the rate reclamation success can be realized.Mining avtivities include the arrangement of land reclamation. The Inpit Dump will be covered with land cover. Then on the top layer is covered with top soil as a medium growing plants. After the arrangement is finished then the Inpit Dump will be replanting (revegetation). To prevent the erosion, we made waterways, do care and give limes to settling pond to prevent the formation of acid mine water.Based on calculations of planning reclamation and revegetation, direct costs for reclamation activities and revegetation on the Pit D1 PT. Aman Toebillah Putra amount to Rp RP,00 and indirect costs amount to Rp 1.339.901.555,00. Then the total cost of reclamation and revegetation on the site amount to Rp 15.444.128.447,00.Keywords: Reclamation Plans, Costs, Pit D1
Studi Karakteristik Mineral Pirit pada Seam Batubara A2 dan C Di Pit 1 Utara Penambangan Banko Barat PT. Bukit Asam, Tbk, Tanjung Enim, Sumatera Selatan aufa fikri abdillah; ansosry ansosry; heri prabowo
Bina Tambang Vol 6, No 5 (2021): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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PT. Bukit Asam, Tbk is a coal mining company in South Sumatera Province that supplies coal from Steam Power Plant (PLTU) with domestic shipments to Tarahan Steam Power Plant (PLTU) reaching 39.7% of coal production. The purpose of this research is to determine the potential characteristics of pyrite minerals that produce sulfur dioxide gas (SO2) which affects coal combustion and it can form an encrustation or slag in the steam power plant (PLTU) boiler pipes. The results of the XRF analysis for coal of A2 seam detected the oxidation of sulfur SO3 is 41.28% and Fe is 17.908% and XRF detected the oxidation of sulfur SO3 is 75.838% and Fe 8.026% for coal of C seam. Based on the results of microscopic analysis on coal of A2 seam and C seams, there are different of pyrite minerals types analysed. According to the analysis on coal of A2 seam that it contained an epigenetic pyrite mineral type. Mineragraphic analysis on coal of seam C that it contained a sygenetic pyrite mineral type. the framboidal pyrite mineral has fine crystals so it is reactable quickly and it is predicted that it can cause a slag during coal combustion in steam power plants (PLTU).
Management Pengendalian Kualitas Batubara Berdasarkan Parameter Kualitas Batubara Mulai Dari Front Sampai Ke Stockpile Di PT. Budi Gema Gempita, Merapi Timur, Lahat, Sumatera Selatan. Fitri Rahma Yenni; Heri Prabowo
Bina Tambang Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Journals Mining Engineering: Jurnal Bina Tambang
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Pertambangan FT UNP

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Abstract. Pt. Budi Gema Gempita (PT. BGG) is one of the companies engaged in coal mining with the mining system implemented is the open pit mining system. coal produced by PT. BGG consists of different types grouped by their caloric value. To maintain the quality of coal, the company must have a coal quality control management team based on coal quality parameters, namely a series of activities in controlling the quality of coal, because in the process there is a decrease in the quality of coal that is when coal is mined (coal getting), then the accumulation of coal from the Front to the Stockpile area. Parameters used to maintain the quality of coal both clamped and stockpiled are total moisture (%),volatille matter, calories, ash content (%),), total sulphur (%). After sampling obtained results Coal quality on the mining front has a total moisture value (ARB) of 29.84%, inherent moisture value of (-)%, ash content value of 2.42%, volatile matter value of 32.56%, fixed carbon value of 35.18%, total sulfur value of 0.27% and calorie value of 4846 Kcal/kg, while the quality of coal distockpile ARB has a total moisture value of 30.01%, inherent moisture value of (-)%, ash content value of 2.65%, volatile matter value of 33.30%, fixed carbon value of 32.16%, total sulphur value of 0.30% and calorie value of 4866 Kcal/kg. The higher the fixed carbon value, the higher the caloric value.The lower the fixed carbon value, the ash content, moisture content and sulfur content will be higher.  Keywords: Coal, Pit channel, coal parameters, Stockpile, SOP Quality Control.