Sofyan Hadi
State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Imam Bonjol Padang

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Mabāḥiṡ al-Īmān ‘alā Naẓrah Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jamā’ah: Dirāsah ‘an Makhṭūṭah Naẓm al-waṣiyyah li asy-Syaikh Muhammad Sa’id Bonjol al-Mīnangkābāwī Hadi, Sofyan
Heritage of Nusantara: International Journal of Religious Literature and Heritage Vol 2, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Center for Research and Development of Religious Literature and Heritage

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Konversi Vol 1, No 1 (2012): Oktober 2012
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/k.v1i1.77


Abstrak- Tanah lempung gambut memiliki kandungan alumina yang memiliki banyak manfaat. Proses recovery alumina dari tanah lempung gambut dapat dilakukan menggunakan metode kalsinasi dan elutriasi. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengambil kembali alumina dari tanah lempung gambut dan mempelajari pengaruh variasi penambahan CaCl2 serta keefektifan variasi kecepatan pengadukan terhadap pengambilan alumina dari tanah lempung gambut. Penelitian dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap. lempung yang berasal dari tanah gambut dibersihkan dan dikeringkan. Lempung gambut yang sudah kering dilakukan penggerusan dan pengayakan hingga didapatkan lempung gambut berukuran 75 mesh. Lempung gambut yang berukuran 75 mesh  dicampur dengan CaCl2 dengan variasi perbandingan CaCl2 :  lempung gambut adalah 0,5:1, 1:1, dan 1,5:1. Masing-masing campuran CaCl2 dan  lempung gambut dikalsinasi dengan pemanasan dalam furnace pada suhu 800oC selama 4 jam. Lempung gambut hasil kalsinasi kemudian digerus dan diayak hingga  berukuran 200 mesh. 80 gram lempung gambut hasil kalsinasi ukuran 200 mesh ditambahkan 400 mL larutan HCl 6 N, kemudian dilakukan p leaching dengan pengadukan selama 2 jam dengan kecepatan pengadukan sebesar 200 rpm, 300 rpm dan 400 rpm. Larutan hasil leaching didekantasi dan difiltrasi. Filtrat hasil leaching diuapkan  sampai tersisa 100 mL, selanjutnya ditambahkan dengan 100 mL aquadest. Penguapan kembali campuran filtrat dan aquadest sampai volumenya 100 mL dilakukan dengan pengadukan. Cairan yang dihasilkan diuji kandungan aluminanya dengan menggunakan titrasi volumetrik berdasarkan SNI 13-6620-2001. Berdasarkan hasil analisis untuk sampel awal diperoleh kadar alumina dalam tanah lempung gambut 2,81%. Hasil akhir diperoleh kadar alumina optimum yang dapat terambil dari tanah lempung gambut sebesar 0,622% menggunakan variasi perbandingan berat CaCl2 dan lempung gambut 0,5:1 dengan kecepatan pengadukan sebesar 400 rpm.Keywords: tanah lempung, alumina, kalsinasi, elutriasiAbstract- Peat clay contains alumina (Al2O3) that has many benefits. The process of recovery of alumina from clay peat can be done by using the method of calcination and elutriasi (stirring). This research aims to recover the alumina from clay peat and study the effect of the addition of CaCl2variations and the effectiveness of stirring speed variations in the process of alumina recovery from clay soils. This research was conducted with several steps. Clay from the peat soil is cleaned and dried by drying. The dry clay that has been done peat milling and sifting to obtain the size of 75 mesh peat clay. A 75 mesh peat clay mixed with a variation ratio of CaCl2 and peat clay is 0,5:1, 1:1, and 1.5:1. Each mixture of CaCl2 and peat clay calcined by heating in a furnace at a temperature of 800°C for 4 hours. Calcined peat clay was performed milling and sifting through a 200 mesh. 80 grams of calcined clay peat size of 200 mesh is added 400 mL of HCl 6 N, then performed solid-liquid separation processes (leaching) with stirring for 2 hours with stirring speed of 200 rpm, 300 rpm and 400 rpm. Solution of the leaching process was decanted and filtered. The filtrate of the result of leaching process is heated (evaporated) until the remaining 100 mL, then added with 100 mL of aquadest. Heating (evaporating) re-mixed filtrate and aquadest until the volume of 100 mL of this process while stirring by using stirer. Liquid contents alumina was tested using volumetric titration method based on SNI 13-6620-2001. Based on the results of the analysis initial sample obtained for the content of alumina in the  peat clay is 2.81%. The final result is obtained optimum levels of alumina which can be recover from peat clay soi is 0,622%l using a variation of weight ratio CaCl2 and peat clay 0,5:1 with stirring speed of 400 rpmKeywords: peat clay, alumina, calcination, elutriasi.
Jurnal Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan Vol 1, No 1 (2013): Volume 1 Nomor 1 Tahun 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Olahraga dan Kesehatan

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Abstract The improvement of sport, physical and health education at school has important role student’s means, beside it develop students achievement especially at physical education. To realize this condition, there are several thing required by student. Those are proper infrastructure, competent teacher, teacher’s work, also achievement and award got by teacher and student. There was renewable Pangkalan Data Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga Indonesia (PDPJOI) on april 2nd 2011. Therefore, the researcher would like to know the condition of physical education in karangan subdistrict, because in karangan subdistrict, there is no research that conducted about the condition of physical education yet. Statement of problem in this research are : (1)how is the condition of sport and physical education at public elementary school around karangan subdistrict in years 2012/2013  (2) how is the condition of sport and physical education at public junior high school around karangan subdistrict in years 2012/2013  (3) how is the condition of sport and physical education at public around karangan subdistrict in years 2012/2013? In this research, the researcher used the instrument of PDPJOI that includes four aspects. They are (1) the availability of facilities and infrastructure  (2) the existence of physical education teacher (3) the overall result of educational unit’s work in year 2012  (4) achievement and award in year 2012. The result of recapitulation data in public elementary school ,junior high school and senior high school are  (1) the average score of public elementary school 598 was categorized “ C ”  (2) the average score of public junior high school 677 was categorized “ B ”  (3) the average score of public senior high school 755 was categorized “ B ”. The conclution is the condition of sport and physical education in educational unit of public elementary school, junior high school and senior high school got the score 615,81 and was categorized “ B “. The school that got the highest score is SDN 1 Buluagung, SMPN 1 Karangan, and SMAN 2 Karangan. Most of educational unit at Karangan subdistrict, their sport and physical education had subjectively develop. Keyword :  Progress of physical and health education unit of public lementary school, junior high school and senior  high school.
Nakhoda: Jurnal Ilmu Pemerintahan Vol 15, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (133.155 KB) | DOI: 10.35967/jipn.v15i2.3848


In the Pekanbaru City Regional Regulation No. 8 of 2012 concerning Disturbance Permits inArticle 3 has been explained that this permit is valid for five (5) years and shall re-register everyyear by paying a levy. But in reality there are many employers who do not pay the levy each year,mainly in the district Charming.The approach used in this study is qualitative and classify informant research include keyinformants, key informants and informant extra. Data collection techniques used in the form ofin-depth interviews and secondary data analysis with qualitative analysis techniques procedure;reduction, data presentation and verification / conclusions.The results showed that the retribution permit interference in Pekanbaru has decreased, eventhough efforts are minor nuisance levels continue developing States at any time for the purposeof investment employers by various businesses. Resistor in retribution disorder is an enumera-tion of objects levy is less good, less than the maximum dissemination and awareness of thepoor to pay the levy.
Desain dan Analisis Kekuatan Chassis Kendaraan Ramah Lingkungan Mobil Hybrid “Bed 18” Sumber Energi Udara Bertekanan dan Listrik Setyono, Bambang; Noerpamoengkas, Ardi; Hadi, Sofyan
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Terapan 2020: Memberdayakan Riset dan Inovasi untuk Teknologi yang Berkelanjutan
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Adhi Tama Surabaya

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Chassis atau rangka  merupakan bagian terpenting dari konstruksi suatu kendaraan, karena semua beban bertumpu pada chassis. Ketepatan dalam perancangan chassis kendaraan merupakan hal penting untuk menjamin keselamatan dan keamanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang kekuatan chassis mobil hibrid dengan berbagai variasi beban hingga batas maksimal beban yang mampu ditahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode simulasi dengan input desain chassis, material dan ukuran chasiis. Out put berupa distribusi tegangan utama, displacemet dan angka keamanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beban (kg)/angka keamanan minimal: 60/3,7 ; 70/3,6 ; 80/3,5 ; 90/3,3 ; 460/1,26 ; 650/0,94. Dari simulasi menunjukkan bahwa chassis mobil akan patah apabila dibebani 650 kg atau lebih. Pada beban total 60-90 kg chassis masih aman karena angka keamanan minimal masih berkisar antara 3,3 – 3,7 displacement antara 0,3951 – 0,4519 mm dan tegangan utama antara 64,1155 – 73,0857 MPa.
Analisis Yuridis Perkembangan Kewenangan Pengawasan Pemerintah Pusat terhadap Pemerintah Daerah Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah Rahim, Abdur; Fikri, Muhamad Mufid Al; Hadi, Sofyan; Supriyono, Supriyono; Warto, Warto
JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan Vol. 6 No. 4 (2023): JIIP (Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan)
Publisher : STKIP Yapis Dompu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (205.124 KB) | DOI: 10.54371/jiip.v6i4.1839


Indonesia merupakan negara kesatuan dan negara hukum. Hubungan kewenangan pusat dan daerah dalam sistem negara kesatuan melahirkan konsep sentralisasi dan desentralisasi. Kewenangan pengawasan pembentukan perda yang dimiliki oleh pemerintah memungkinkan untuk berakhir kepada pembatalan atau revisi terhadap substansi peraturan daerah bersangkutan. Menggunakan metode penelitian studi pustaka, dan Teknik analisis isi. Penulis menemukan bahwa dalam perkembangannya, prinsip dan asas sentralisasi dan desentralisasi otonomi daerah di Indonesia terdapat beberapa kali perubahan sesuai rezim yang berkuasa saat itu. Mulai dari masa awal kemerdekaan, masa orde lama, masa orde baru, dan masa reformasi.