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The number of trichoma leaves, preference of Bemisia tabaci, and resistance soybean genotype against cowpea mild motle virus after treatment variation doses of Nitrogen Endrik Nurrohman; Siti Zubaidah; Heru Kuswantoro
Bioscience Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Biology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/0202261113785-0-00


Bemisia tabaci is a dangerous insect for soybeans because it attacks the leaves and is a major obstacle in soybean cultivation and is considered a vector of Cowpea Mildmotle Virus (CpMMV). The part of the plant that defends itself from invading organisms is the trichome. Nitrogen nutrients can increase the number of trichomes in plant. This type of research is experimental research. The study design is a factorial design which is maintained in a complete group of randomized groups (RAKL). The first factor was a nitrogen dose consisting of four levels, such as N1 (0g), N2 (0.180g), N3 (0.36g), and N4 (0.543g), while the second factor was a genotype consisting of seven soybean genotypes UM.4-1, UM.7-2, UM.2-4, UM.7-6, UM.6-2, Wilis and Gumitir varieties. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the number of upper trichomes and lower trichomes with the number of Bemisia tabaci. The interaction treatment had significant effect on the amount of upper surface of leaf tricoma and lower surface of leaf. Treatment of 0,543/ polybag nitrogen dose gave the most significant influence to the number of upper trichomes and lower trichomes. The results of correlation-regression analysis show that the number of lower trichomes contributes 65.7% in describing the number of Bemisia tabaci. The number of upper trichomes contributed 89.4% in describing the number of B. tabaci. Plants with a large number of trichomes and dense have low Bemisia tabaci preference and resistance to Cowpea Mild Motle Virus attacks in high level.Bemisia tabaci merupakan serangga berbahaya bagi kedelai karena menyerang daun dan menjadi kendala utama dalam budidaya kedelai dan dianggap sebagai vektor Cowpea Mildmotle Virus (CpMMV). Bagian tumbuhan yang mempertahankan diri dari serangan organisme pengganggu adalah trikoma. Unsur hara nitrogen dapat meningkatkan jumlah trikoma pada tanaman. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen. Desain penelitian adalah desain faktorial yang dipertahankan dalam kelompok lengkap kelompok acak (RAKL). Faktor pertama adalah dosis nitrogen yang terdiri dari empat taraf yaitu N1 (0g), N2 (0,180g), N3 (0,36g), dan N4 (0,543g), sedangkan faktor kedua adalah genotipe yang terdiri dari tujuh genotipe kedelai. Varietas UM.4-1, UM.7-2, UM.2-4, UM.7-6, UM.6-2, Wilis dan Gumitir. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara jumlah trikoma atas dan trikoma bawah dengan jumlah Bemisia tabaci. Perlakuan interaksi berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah permukaan atas daun trikoma dan permukaan bawah daun. Perlakuan dosis nitrogen 0,543/polybag memberikan pengaruh paling nyata terhadap jumlah trikoma atas dan trikoma bawah. Hasil analisis korelasi-regresi menunjukkan bahwa jumlah trikoma bawah berkontribusi 65,7% dalam menggambarkan jumlah Bemisia tabaci. Jumlah trikoma atas memberikan kontribusi 89,4% dalam menggambarkan jumlah B. tabaci. Tanaman dengan jumlah trikoma yang banyak dan lebat memiliki preferensi Bemisia tabaci yang rendah dan ketahanan terhadap serangan Cowpea Mild Motle Virus pada tingkat yang tinggi.
JPBI (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Indonesia) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2015): JULY
Publisher : University of Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/jpbi.v1i2.3331


ABSTRAKJenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tanggal 20-28 Maret 2015 dengan metode jebakan (Pit tfall Trap). Penelitian dilakuka  bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis makrofauna tanah, parameter ekologi, indeks keanekaragaman jenis, dan indeks kemerataan jenis yang terdapat di kawasan perkebunan coklat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa makrofauna tanah yang ditemukan terdiri dari jenis Tachita angulata, Cryptocercus garciai, Lymnaea rubiginosa, Odontoponera denticulata, Sigmoria trimaculata, Pirata piratichus, Sitena sp., Grillus sp., Scolopendra gigantea, Forficula auricularia, Hydrochara soror, Leptocarisa acuta, Trigoniulus corallinus, Odontomanchus sp., Lumbricus rubellus, Phyllopaga sp., Componatus arogans, Geophilus sp., Gryllotalpa grillotalpa, Ploiaria sp.. Parameter ekologi makrofauna tanah adalah: (1) Kepadatan berkisar antara 0,25 ind/m2 – 4,75 ind/m2, kepadatan relatif berkisar antara 0,002 - 0,052. kepadatan terendah jenis Grillotalpa grillotalpa dan tertinggi jenis Pirata piraticus (2) Frekuensi berkisar antara 0,16 – 1,00, frekuensi relatif berkisar antara 0,018 – 0,115 dengan nilai frekuensi terendah jenis Grillotalpa grillotalpa dan tertinggi jenis Scolopendra gigantea. (3) Indeks nilai penting tertinggi jenis Pirata piratichus  5,28, terendah Grillotalpa grillotalpa 0,027. Indeks keanekaragaman jenis Shannon wiener (H’) kategori keanekaragaman jenis rendah. Nilai evennes (E) populasi cenderung merata. Hail Uji C-Organik tanah sangat tinggi berarti tanah tergolong tanah yang subur. Rendahnya keanekaragaman karena adanya penggunaan pestisida jenis Carbokfuran yang mendominasi. Hasil penelitian ini digunakan sebagai sumber belajar biologi berupa buku petunjuk praktikum.Kata kunci: Makrofauna Tanah, Bioindikator dan Keanekaragaman
Inteligensi : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 4, No 1 (2021): Inteligensi Vol.4 No.1
Publisher : Universitas Tribhuwana Tunggadewi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33366/ilg.v4i1.2453


COVID-19 is a type of virus that attacks the respiratory system, this virus is a family with SARS and MERS. The impact of this virus makes some countries force online learning, namely learning through internet social media, online learning has a very beneficial effect on the psychomotor aspects of students. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of parental readiness in online learning with students' psychomotor abilities. Subjects in this study were Mohammad Hatta elementary school students grade 3 and parents of students with 30 each. The parameters studied were online readiness including the provision of infrastructure tools, application systems, and online content. The parameters used for the psychomotor aspects of art and cultural materials and craft making a miniature house include the preparation stage, the process stage, the product. Data collection technique is observation using a Likert scale questionnaire. Data analysis using Pearson's task test. The results showed that the average readiness of parents during online learning in the provision of infrastructure tools was 73%, application systems 62%, online content 62%. The average value of psychomotor ability is 81%. The findings of this study are the correlation between parents 'readiness in online learning and students' psychomotor abilities (0.638 0.361)
Effect of Nitrogen Dosage (N) on Morphology of Soybean Strains (Glycine max (L.) Merr) Hold Bemisia tabaci Endrik Nurrohman; Siti Zubaidah; Heru Kuswantoro
BIOEDUKASI Vol 15 No 2 (2017)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/bioedu.v15i2.6931


Nutrients are needed by plants for the growth process and development. One crucial nutrient is nitrogen. Nitrogen triggers the formation and growth of vegetative parts of plants such as roots,stems and leaves. This study aimed to determine the effect of nitrogen dose against Glicine max. L strains UM.4-1, strains UM.7-2, strain UM.2-4, strains UM.7-6, strain UM.6-2, and two varieties namely Gumitir and Wilis resistant Bemisia tabaci. This experimental research was using a completely randomized block design with 4 treatment doses of nitrogen, 0 g, 25 g, 75 g and 100 g/polybag combined with 0,55g of potassium and phosphate 0,917g/polybag. The variables measured were length of petioles, the leaf ratio, leaf length, width and leaf area. Observations was carried out based on soybean lines, dosage, and a combination of both. Data were analyzed using 2-way ANOVA. The results showed that there were significant different in the lenght of petiole, leaf ratio, leaf length, width and leaf area on different strains of Glicine max. L. There was also the effect of different treatments (doses) on the length of petiole, leaf ratio, leaf width and leaf area but no significant effect on leaf length. Combination of treatments showing there were effect on the length of petiole, leaf ratio, leaf length and width and also on leaf area. Keywords: Nitrogen, morphologycal character, Glicine max.L.
Stomata leaves characteristics of sapindaceae family in malabar forest, Malang city Endrik Nurrohman; Roimil Latifa; Samsun Hadi
Bioscience Vol 6, No 2 (2022): Biology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/0202262118189-0-00


Malabar forests are composed of various plant families, one of which is the Sapindaceae family. Differences in family, plant species, and environmental factors can affect the number of stomata and the size of plant cells. The purpose of this study was to explore the characteristics (number, density, type, shape, and size) of leaf stomata of plants of the Sapindaceae family in the Malabar forest of Malang City. This type of research is descriptive. The research was conducted in the Malabar City Forest of Malang City and the Biology Laboratory of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang. The study started from March 2021 to September 2021. The sampling technique was carried out using the cruising method. The method of collecting stomatal characteristics data using a light microscope and Scanning Electrone Microscope (SEM). The research data obtained were analyzed by descriptive statistics. The results showed that (1) there were 5 types of plants from the Sapindaceae family, there were variations in the size of the stomata parts of the Sapindaceae (2) family, the longest guard cell length was the stomata of the matoa leaf (22.4 m), the widest guard cell width was the matoa leaf (14.1 m). The longest pore length of rambutan leaves (15.8 m), and the widest pore width of longan leaf stomata (3.88 m), overall stomata are kidney-shaped, stomata types are anomocytic, paracytic, and cyclocytic, the highest stomata density kiara payung leaves (37.44 cells/mm2).Hutan malabar terdiri dari berbagai famili tumbuhan, salah satunya adalah famili Sapindaceae. Perbedaan famili, jenis tumbuhan, dan faktor lingkungan dapat mempengaruhi jumlah stomata dan ukuran sel tumbuhan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik (jumlah, kerapatan, jenis, bentuk, dan ukuran) stomata daun tumbuhan famili Sapindaceae di hutan Malabar Kota Malang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan di Hutan Kota Malabar Kota Malang dan Laboratorium Biologi Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang. Penelitian dimulai pada bulan Maret 2021 hingga September 2021. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode cruising. Metode pengumpulan data karakteristik stomata menggunakan mikroskop cahaya dan Scanning Electrone Microscope (SEM). Data penelitian yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) terdapat 5 jenis tumbuhan dari famili Sapindaceae, terdapat variasi ukuran bagian stomata dari famili Sapindaceae (2) panjang sel penjaga yang paling panjang adalah stomata daun matoa (22,4 m), lebar sel penjaga terluas adalah daun matoa (14,1 m). Panjang pori terpanjang daun rambutan (15,8 m), dan lebar pori terlebar stomata daun kelengkeng (3,88 m), stomata keseluruhan berbentuk ginjal, tipe stomata anomositik, parasitik, dan siklositik, kerapatan stomata tertinggi daun kiara payung (37,44 sel/mm2).