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Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 3, No 1: Juni 2010
Publisher : Jurnal Konstitusi

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The main objective of this study is to find the implication of the election regional government system. responsibility in regional government system is extremely vital on establishing regional government. It is analyzed from the character and kind of responsibility. The character and kind of responsibility not only has juridical meaning, but also has philosophical meaning in the context of Indonesian philosophy, which is reflected in governmental system of Indonesian Republic Unity State. Constitutional base, variety, maintaining and developing the real governmental principles, and law state basis are the primary pillars in determining the character and kind of responsibility in regional government system.  Responsibility concerning its position in regional government system that keep refer to the system of regional household. Responsibility is vital in establishing the governance is oriented to the principles of regional government establishment that includes general principles of good government and the principle of good governance. Beside that, the responsibility and accountability in the context of state administration and the aspect of public service as well. The principle and system of managing the distribution of regional matters, changes on managing the establishment of regional autonomy, and urgency of the development on the future of nation and Indonesian Republic Unity State.
Kewenangan Organ Negara Dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Hakim, Lukman
Jurnal Konstitusi Vol 4, No 1: Juni 2011
Publisher : Jurnal Konstitusi

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A state is a community organization intended to put the collective life in order. In order to reach such a life, government rules are created as a means of implementing the state duties, and  of  distributing duties and of delimiting powers/ The government or state  administration is a abstraction which is personified and raised by the law as the reality of the law. As an abstraction, the government cannot do any actions without via its organs. It is important for the government to drive the cycle of “power”  and “authority”. In the administrative and constitutional law the terms ‘power’ and “authority’ is closely related to the implementation of the government functions.  Modern states tend to make the duties of government more technical which is more difficult to predict, and as a result it is impossible for laws to provide with legality to all government affairs.
WALISONGO Vol 19, No 2 (2011): Walisongo, Pendidikan
Publisher : IAIN Walisongo Semarang

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Abstract   A combination of the research by Asatuan (2004) and Kiuk (2007), gave a model for empowerment to private institutions like madrasah to become qualified institutions that can take part in education development in order to educate people through learning orientation, motivation and commitment as well as to improve the performance of private madrasah. Applying the combination the two research scheme, this research aims to determine the influence of (1) orientation on performance of private madrasah, (2) motivation of working on performance of private madrasas, (3) commitment to the performance of the private madrasah. The results showed that (1) Learning orientation affect the performance of the private madrasah, (2) Motivation of working affected the performance of private madrasah, (3) Commitment affected to the performance of private madrasah.   ***   Kombinasi penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Asatuan (2004) dan Kiuk (2007) memberikan model pemberdayaan bagi lembaga swasta seerti madrasah untuk menjadi lembaga yang bermutu yang dapat ikut ambil bagian dalam pembangunan pendidikan untuk tujuan mendidik masyarakat melalui orientasi pendidikan, motivasi, dan komitmen serta perbaikan kinerja madrasah. Dengan menggunakan kombinasi dua desain penelitian, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh: (1) orientasi kinerja madrasah swasta; (2) motivasi kerja pada kinerja madrasah swasta; dan (3) komitmen terhadap kinerja madrasah swasta. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan: (1) Orientasi belajar mempengaruhi kinerja madrasah swasta; (2) Motivasi kerja mempengaruhi kinerja madrasah swasta; (3) Komitmen mempengaruhi kinerja madrasah swasta.   Keywords: madrasah swasta, orientasi pembelajaran, motivasi kerja, komitmen, kinerja
Clinical Manifestation of Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Elderly Suryadipradja, Miftah; Dewabrata, Wahyu; Harun, S.; Alwi, Idrus; Hakim, Lukman; Effendy, Shufrie
Medical Journal of Indonesia Vol 12, No 4 (2003): October-December
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia

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A retrospective study were performed in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) that hospitalized in ICCU Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital, Jakarta during the period of January 1994 until Decmber 1999. There were 513 patients hospitalized with MCI, 227 patients (44.2%) were classified as elderly, and 35.2% of them were female. Most of the elderly AMI patients reported typical chest pain just like their younger counterparts. Elderly AMI patients tend to come later to the hospital, and more Q-wave myocardial infarction were identified compared to non- Q-wave myocardial infarction. Risk factors of diabetes mellitus and hypertension were more common among the elderly. The prevalence of atrial fibrillation and the mortality rate were higher among elderly AMI patients. (Med J Indones 2003; 12: 229-35) Keywords: clinical manifestation, acute myocardial infarction, elderly
The effect of Ramadhan fasting on kidney function among elderly patients Setiati, Siti; Haricahyo, Suksmono; Rahardjo, Pudji; Hakim, Lukman; Supartondo, Supartondo; Rahardjo, Tri B.W.
Medical Journal of Indonesia Vol 9, No 1 (2000): January-March
Publisher : Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia

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[no abstract available]
Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 9, No 1 (2008): April 2008
Publisher : Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development - MOA

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Information on the variability and correlation between agronomiccharacters of mungbean accessions with their yield are importantfor supporting breeding program of the plant. A total of 350mungbean accessions were evaluated at Muara ExperimentalFarm, Indonesian Center for Food Crops Research and Development,Bogor, during the dry season of 2005. The experimentwas conducted in a completely randomized block design withthree replications. Each accession was planted in two rows of5 m long. Plant spacing was 40 cm x 20 cm, two plants per hill.Correlation and path coefficient analyses were used to quantifythe magnitude of the relationship between yield componentsand grain yield. The variability among the accessions wassignificant for most of the characters studied, especially fordays to maturity, plant height, pods per plant, and seed size.Among the yield components, the number of pods per plant andplant height positively correlated with the grain yield, but theseed size negatively correlated with grain yield. The directeffects of the number of pods per plant and plant height on seedyield as indicated by path coefficient were the highest, whileother causal effects were small or negative. Yield variation (1-R2) attributable to the nine yield component variables wasslightly high (61.23%), which means that mungbean accessionswith high grain yield should have sufficient plant heightand high number of pods per plant. Therefore, these parameters(number of pods per plant and plant height) can be usedas the selection criteria in mungbean breeding program. Thesecriteria can be visualized during bulk selection on the earlygeneration stage of F2 to F4, and subsequently on line developmentof individual plant (pedigree) of F5.
Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 15, No 1 (2014): April 2014
Publisher : Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development - MOA

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The F2 progenies of crosses among three soybean varieties were evaluated with their parents at Ngale Experimental Farm, Ngawi, East Java during the dry season of 2011. The experi-ment was conducted in a randomized block design with three replications. The seeds of each F2 progenies and parents were planted in two rows of 4.5 m long. Plant spacing was 40 cm x 15 cm and each hill contained one plant. Among the characters studied, seed weight per plant, number of pods per plant and days to maturity had the highest coefficient of variability with the means of 52.6%, 48.2% and 41.9%, respectively. Whereas seed size, plant height and number of reproductive nodes had moderate values of 36.9%, 35.5% and 37.4%, respectively. Number of branches and days to flowering had the lowest variability of 11.7% and 15.3%, respectively. Number of pods per plant, days to maturity, plant height and seed size had high mean estimates of heritability coupled with high genetic advance. The genetic progress of these characters that would be obtained for one generation of selection was estimated 47.2%, 45.7%, 40.9% and 40.3%, respectively. Among the agronomic characters, plant height, number of pods per plant, seed size and days to maturity had the highest coefficient of variability associated with high heritability and genetic advance. Therefore, selection for high yielding with early maturity soybean genotypes based on plant height, number of pods per plant and seed size might be possible.
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business Vol 24, No 3 (2009): September
Publisher : Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business

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The ASEAN Charter has been ratified by the ten member countries of ASEAN in 2008. This is to reaffirm the commitment of the member countries to the establishment of the ASEAN free trade area by 2015. The ASEAN members must prepare themselves with the economic and non economics aspects to be ready facing this era. Nevertheless, the global financial crisis could be a major hindrance to the implementation of the ASEAN free tradearea. In this study, we attempt to determine how the global financial crisis could possibly affect the creation of the regional economic integration among ASEAN countries.The study based on Newtonian paradigm on economic regional or namely the gravity model. Gravity model explored the economic relation of the many regions or countries.The core properties of gravity model are export, GDP, population and distance inters countries. This followed by the analysis of the possibility of the economics integrationusing the core gravity model. Next, we will incorporate the Exchange Market Pressure (EMP) as the financial crisis index to the core gravity model, to determine the influence offinancial crisis in ASEAN-5’s economic integration. We will use the panel data method to execute the model. The result indicates EMP giving negative effect on ASEAN-5’seconomic integration. In overall result reported here indicate that economic integration is possible to implement on ASEAN-5 countries. But, the global financial crisis will be threat implementation of the economic integration.Keywords: economic integration, gravity model, global financial crisis.
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan: Kajian Masalah Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 8, No 2 (2007): JEP Desember 2007
Publisher : Universitas Muhammdaiyah Surakarta

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In order to strengthening cooperation regional and form the strength regional in ASEAN, likely require to relate at successful European Union in forming financial and economic market integration (EMU). ME become the “model" a success economic integration. We can conclude that to reach monetary union have to beforehand realized by economic union supported by union and strong politics willingness, where this matter have been blazed the way old in such a way by leaders of European countries of West which is merged into EMU. Intention of this research is to see the international parity condition of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) and rate of interest parity (UIP) of among currency in ASEAN-5 with the currency of United States. Result of this research obtained is show that the goodness of theory of Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) and rate of interest parity (UIP) cannot be holded for the nations of ASEAN-5. In general, hypothesis ß 1=1 refused by existing data. This fact is indication that PPP and UIP cannot be holded during period 1980.01 until 2004.12. With do not hold of two the parity (PPP and UIP) hence possibility to existing of monetary uni ASEAN likely still will passing sufficient process.
Pembuatan Film Pendidikan Masyarakat Tentang Lalu Lintas Kepolisian Resort Karanganyar Hakim, Lukman; Purnama, Bambang Eka
Speed - Sentra Penelitian Engineering dan Edukasi Vol 1, No 4 (2009): Speed 4 - 2009
Publisher : APMMI - Asosiasi Profesi Multimedia Indonesia

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Semakin padatnya jalan raya oleh pengguna kendaraan bermotor tentunya membawa dampak maupun peluang terjadinya kecelakaan lalu lintas, maka diperlukan kesadaran masyarakat untuk mentaati peraturan lalu lintas agar terhindar dari kecelakaan. maka diperlukan media informasi tentang peraturan lalu lintas yang jelas dan mudah dimengerti yaitu berupa film. Film merupakan visualisasi cerita yang ada disekeliling kita atau merupakan gambaran cerita dari kehidupan manusia sebenarnya. Dalam membuat film dibutuhkan ide-ide yang dapat membangun beberapa video dan suara menjadi suatu cerita yang ingin disampaikan. Peralatan yang digunakan dalam pembuatan film adalah kamera, mikrophone, lampu dan komputer. Komputer dalam hal ini digunakan untuk mengedit video, suara dan untuk menambahkan beberapa efek visual dan efek suara agar didapat sebuah film yang bagus. Pembuatan film diawali dengan pengembangan ide cerita yang akan diangkat untuk sebuah film. Ide cerita dikembangkan menjadi sebuah skenario utuh. Dalam pembuatan skenario, penulis skenario harus dapat membayangkan bagaimanakah skenario yang dibuat divisualkan. Setelah skenario selesai dibuat maka langkah berikutnya adalah implementasi skenario yang dipimpin oleh seorang sutradara (Director). Seorang sutradara dalam menerapkan skenario dilarang untuk menyimpang dari skenario yang telah ada. Apabila pengambilan visual telah selesai, tugas editor untuk mengedit video dan suara yang masih mentah untuk didapat sebuah film utuh sesuai dengan skenario. Proses editing menggunakan software multimedia seperti Cool Edit Pro 2.0 untuk menambahkan berkas suara digital, Adobe Photoshop 7 untuk menambahkan gambar-gambar yang akan ditampilkan, 3DS Max 6 untuk membuat efek animasi 3 dimensi, kemudian dari hasil-hasil pembuatan gambar, suara digital dan animasi diekspor ke Pinnacle system 8 untuk digabung dengan video yang telah di capture dari kamera untuk ditata sesuai dengan cerita. Untuk mendapatkan film yang bagus, yang pertama pengembangan ide cerita yang disertai dengan riset cerita dan karakter tokoh, setelah itu penerapan skenario film, dalam hal ini harus ada kekompakan antar kru film dan antar artis. Terakhir editing film, untuk mendapatkan film yang bagus harus memperhatikan spesifikasi komputer, karena spesifikasi komputer mempengaruhi hasil render film. Hasil Film ini dapat didistribusikan kepada masyarakat melalui Sekolah-sekolah, kantor pemerintahan, dan lembaga swadaya masyarakat.
Co-Authors . Yulianti ., Nurmatias ., Zuliani A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abdul Azis Abror, Daimul Affandi, Yohan Affandi, Yohan Afijal Afijal Agus Purbo Widodo Agus Setiawan Ahwan, Zainul Aji, Fafit Rahmat Akmal Riza Alamsyah Putra, Tegar Mukmin Amang Fathurrohman, Amang Amiruddin Dg. Malewa Andayani, Tri M. Andi Martias, Andi Andri Anto Tri Susilo, Andri Anto Andri Prasetyo Apriwiyanto, Syukur Sugeng Arif Rachman Arizal, Joko Asep Jajang Kusnandar Athika Dwi Wiji Utami Aweq, Fransiska Leny Azhari Azhari Azwar Riza Habibi, Azwar Riza Bachtiar, Mochammad Alvin Tri Bambang Eka Purnama Basuki, Johanes Budi Raharjo Cahya Bagus Sanjaya, Cahya Bagus Castiglione, Fabio Cecilia Widjiati Imam Chamdan Purnama Dajtisoesanto, Wahjoe Dallyono, Ruswan Dasnan Ismail Dayat, M Dedi Hanwar dedi irawan Devi, Silvia Shinta Dewi Anggraini Dewi Sri Andika Rusmana Dian Dinanti Diansyah, Ramzie Nendra Didi Sukyadi Dimas Wisnu Adrianto Dini Rachmawati, Dini Doddy M Soebadi Doddy M. Soebadi Dolly Irbantoro, Dolly Donosepoetro, Imelda Fitria Eko Sugiyanto Eliana Eliana Eman Paturohman Endang Pujiastuti Endang Sri Sunarsih Endang Yuniarti Evy Kamilah Ratnasari Fahmi Kamal, Fahmi Faridawati, F Faridawati Fathurrahman, Hasroni Fatmah, Dinda Fiqih Ismawan Fita Rahmawati Fredie Irijanto Furqan Hidayatullah Gondowahjudi, Lana Emilia Hajid Rahmadianto Mardihusodo, Hajid Rahmadianto Halim Agung Handoko Handoko Hardjanti Soelistijo Harun Al Rasyid Heri Kiswanto Hidayati, Nuri Husna Amalya Melati Husna, Nurias Difa'ul I Dewa Putu Pramantara Ida Dwijayanti Idrus Alwi Ifantono, Nono Indra Bachtiar Indri Lakhsmi Putri, Indri Lakhsmi Irmawati Irmawati Istiana Wati, Ika Iwan Nugroho Jati, Hery Sulistio Jauhari Dahalan Jauhari Dahlan Jhonson P Sihombing Johadi, Johadi Johan Renaldo Jondar, Aloysius Joys Karman NP, Joys Karman Kamara, Ibrahim Sorie Kartikawatiningsih, Dewi Khairina Khairina, Khairina Kloping, Yudhistira Pradnyan Kristanto, Cecep Sugeng Kurniawan Budi Santoso, Kurniawan Budi Kurniawan, Andrie Rhomdhon Kurniawan, Gladys Kurniawati, Chandrasari Kusdiyanto Kusdiyanto, Kusdiyanto Kusharwanti, AM Wara Kusworo Kusworo Laleat, Yoram Oddang Lestiningsih, Amin Setio Lilis Widayanti Lingga, Evi Sofiani Lingga, Herningtyas Nautika Lumbangaol, Arifai M. Soebadi, Doddy Maidy Jaya Suharja, Maidy Jaya Malik Cahyadin manihar Situmorang, manihar Manurung, Kesaktian Mardianto, Totok Mardianto, Totok Martin Saputra, Martin Martodiharjo, Suwaldi Martodiharjo, Suwaldi Marudut Sinaga Masriani . Mawdudi, Ari Alauddin Megawati - Megawati, Megawati - Meidayanti, Anisah Miftah Suryadipradja Muhammad Imron Rosadi Muhammad Shidqy, Eldien Muhammad Shidqy, Eldien Muhammad Tri Habibie Mukti, Ade Indra Mulyanto Mulyanto Muthia Septiana, Muthia Mutiara Herawati, Mutiara Nasrul ZA, Nasrul Ningrum, Esya Racha Nizaruddin Nizaruddin Noper Tulak Nugroho, Ananta Cahyo Nugroho, Ariyanto Adhi Nur Rasdianah Nurhadi, Pradana Nurhay Abdurahman Nurvi Oktiani, Nurvi Oktaviantari, Deviana Eka Paidjo Paidjo Pardede, Benny M. Y. Parlindungan Sinaga Pradiningsih, Anna Prakoso, Nurcahyo Iman Prasetyo, Suryo Pratama, Widya Sakti Prayoga, Resdi Hadi Prayoga, Resdi Hadi Pudji Rahardjo Puji Subekti Pujitami, Sri Wahyuni Purba, Muhammad Hasbi Wardhana Purwandi, Oktavianus Eduardo Purwantiningsih Purwantiningsih Purwidyaningrum, Ika Putri, Warrantia Citta Citta Putro*, Tetuko Rawidyo Ragil Putra Wijaya, Ragil Putra Rahmah, Mirhamida Rahmah, Zakiyah Zulfa Rahmat Alyakin Dakhi Rahmatullah, Satrio Wibowo Rahmawati, Yuntafiani Mufidatu Rais, Asep Abdur Ratri, Devita Rahmani Rezia, Dian Kartika Rini Hidayati Rini, Nurul Sri Hidayati Riza Mazidu Sholihin Rizaldi, Fikri Rochim, Achludin Ibnu Roeswahjuni, Neny Rozanna Dewi, Rozanna S. Harun sabil sabil, sabil Saputra, Agam Sari, Mutiara Rulan Sarungu, J J Sarungu, J J Satibi Satibi Sembiring, Evarina Senja Rum Harnaeni seno sudarmono Hadi Sholikhah Nur Rokhmah, Sholikhah Nur Shufrie Effendy Sihombing, Jhonson P Sihombing, Kawan Silaban, Indry Sinthya dewi Silvania, Arinda Sistriatmaja, Muhammad Bagus Siti Aisyah Tri Rahayu, Siti Aisyah Tri Siti Mutrofin Siti Setiati Situmorang, Agam Soediatmoko, Soediatmoko Soesilo, A M Soesilo, A M Soetojo Soetojo Sri Widodo Subkhan Subkhan Subyantoro Sucik Maylinda Sugiyanto . Sujudi, Muhammad Suksmono Haricahyo Sulistiawati Sulistiawati Sumantri . sumantyo, riwi Sunardi, Lukman Sunaryo Hardjowijoto Supartondo Supartondo Susanto Susanto Susi Ari Kristina Sutrisno, Sutrisno Suyamto Suyamto Syafi’i, Imam Taat Kuspriyono, Taat Tarmono Djojodimedjo Tatong Hariyanto Telussa, Arley Sadra Thontowi Djauhari Tri B.W. Rahardjo Tri Murti Andayani Tri Murwaningsih, Tri Tri Rahayu, Siti Aisyah Triyuni Soemartono Turnodihardjo, Marlina A. Upik Kesumawati Hadi Usran Masahere Utami, Annisa Nadya Vida, Tiara wahjoe djatisoesanto Wahyu Dewabrata Wahyu Utaminingrum Wakhid Slamet Ciptono Wardhana, Muhammad Yuzan Widiyatmo Ekoputro Widodo, Dwiyatmoko Puji Widyati, Widyati Widyatmanti, Wirastuti Widyokirono, Dyah Ratih Wiedy Murtini Wijaya, Harma Oktavia Lingga Willi Wahyu Timur Wirawan, Rio Wiyanti, Rahma Wobisono, Mulyono Yanti, Vera Agustina Yudasmara, Dona Sandy Yudistira Arya Sapoetra Yulianasari, Melisa Yulianto, Luqman Yuniar, Kressy Arba Zakaria Aulia Rahman Zulfa Irawati, Zulfa