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Keragaman Genetik dan Heritabilitas Beberapa Karakter Utama pada Kedelai Sayur dan Implikasinya untuk Seleksi Perbaikan Produksi Handayani, Tri; Hidayat, Iteu Margaret
Jurnal Hortikultura Vol 22, No 4 (2012): Desember
Publisher : Indonesian Center for Horticultural Research and Development

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Salah satu tujuan seleksi pada kegiatan pemuliaan kedelai sayur ialah produksi polong tinggi. Kegiatan seleksi dalam program pemuliaan membutuhkan keragaman genetik dan heritabilitas yang tinggi dari karakter-karakter produksi.  Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui keragaman genetik dan fenotip, serta menduga nilai heritabilitas beberapa karakter produksi kedelai sayur. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Tawangmangu, Jawa Tengah, dari Bulan Oktober 2011 sampai dengan Januari 2012.  Materi tanaman berupa 12 genotip kedelai sayur yang ditanam di lapangan dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan tiga ulangan.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakter tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang per tanaman, jumlah polong per tanaman, berat polong per tanaman, berat per polong, berat polong per plot, dan produksi polong segar memiliki keragaman genetik maupun fenotip yang tinggi.  Nilai duga heritabilitas tinggi dijumpai pada semua karakter kecuali persentase biji keras. Kombinasi keragaman genetik dan nilai duga heritabilitas tinggi dijumpai pada karakter  tinggi tanaman (pada fase R1 dan R5), jumlah cabang per tanaman, jumlah polong per tanaman, berat polong per tanaman, berat per polong, berat polong per plot, dan produksi polong.  Seleksi pada karakter-karakter tersebut dapat dilakukan secara langsung berdasarkan penampilan fenotipiknya di lapangan. High pod yield is one of the goals in the breeding program of vegetable soybean. Selection activities in the breeding process requires the availability of high genetic variability and heritability of production characters.The experiment was conducted at Tawangmangu, Central Java from October 2011 to January 2012. Twelve vegetable soybean genotypes were grown in a randomized complete block design with three replications to examine the genetic and phenotype variability and to estimate broad sense heritability of some production characters. The results showed that the characters namely plant height, number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, weight of pods per plant, weight per pod, pod weight per plot, and pod yield were high both in genetic and phenotype variability. High heritability was found in all characters except percentage of hard seed. Combination of high genetic variability and heritability ​​was found in plant height, number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, pod weight per plant, weight per pod, pod weight per plot, and pod yield. Consequently, direct selection can be done based on the appearance of phenotypic in the field for all these characters.
IQTISAD Vol 2, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : IQTISAD

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Peluang agar sebuah perusahaan jangan sampai dinyatakan pailit, dan debitor masih dapat menjalankan usahanya adalah dengan jalan restrukturisasi utang. Bahkan apabila berhasil maka sebaiknya dituangkan sebagai substansi perdamaian (accord) antara kreditur dan debitur. Cara ini dapat dibilang paling efektif untuk menunda pernyataan pailit bagi perusahaan, sebab dengan adanya tenggang waktu tersebut sebuah perusahaan dapat memperbaiki usahanya dan mendapatkan penundaan pembayaran.   Kata kunci: Restrukturisasi utang dan Penundaan pembayaran.
Buletin Kebun Raya Vol 11, No 1 (2008): Buletin Kebun Raya Vol. 11 (1) Januari 2008
Publisher : Center for Plant Conservation Bogor Botanic Garden, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

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Cananga (Cananga odorata) belongs to Annonaceae family. It is potentially used for many purposes, such as for ornamental plant, roadside tree, and timber tree, or as an important component in traditional medicines, traditional ceremonies and the production of some perfumes and biopesticides. As a part of promoting the species conservation and utilization, a study on seed germination of Cananga was carried out in the Bogor Botanic Gardens to observe the viability, germination characteristics and seedling morphology of seeds collected from the Bogor Botanic Gardens plant collection. As many as 450 mature seeds of Cananga were directly sown in three germination beds containing sand medium for germination capacity observation and the other 50 seeds were sown in a separate bed for germinant growth observation. It was noted that seedling emergence of Cananga started at 24 days after sowing and terminated at 45 days after sowing. The total seed germination was 58.05 %. Seedling emergence of Cananga odorata follows an epigeal pattern that shows the leafy emergent cotyledons.
Buletin Kebun Raya Vol 11, No 1 (2008): Buletin Kebun Raya Indonesia Vol. 11 (1) January 2008
Publisher : Center for Plant Conservation Bogor Botanic Garden, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

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Cananga (Cananga odorata) belongs to Annonaceae family. It is potentially used for many purposes, such as for ornamental plant, roadside tree, and timber tree, or as an important component in traditional medicines, traditional ceremonies and the production of some perfumes and biopesticides. As a part of promoting the species conservation and utilization, a study on seed germination of Cananga was carried out in the Bogor Botanic Gardens to observe the viability, germination characteristics and seedling morphology of seeds collected from the Bogor Botanic Gardens plant collection. As many as 450 mature seeds of Cananga were directly sown in three germination beds containing sand medium for germination capacity observation and the other 50 seeds were sown in a separate bed for germinant growth observation. It was noted that seedling emergence of Cananga started at 24 days after sowing and terminated at 45 days after sowing. The total seed germination was 58.05 %. Seedling emergence of Cananga odorata follows an epigeal pattern that shows the leafy emergent cotyledons.
EFFECT OF TIME AND TEMPERATURE ON ISOMERIZATION REACTION OF Α-PINENEUSING CATALYST ZR 4+ Nanik Wijayati, Supartono, Nuni Widiarti, Tri Handayani /NATURAL ZEOLITE Wijayati, Nanik; Supartono, Supartono; Widiarti, Nuni; Handayani, Tri
Sainteknol : Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Vol 14, No 2 (2016): December 2016
Publisher : Unnes Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/sainteknol.v14i2.8993


Effects of time and temperature on α-pinene isomerization reaction using catalysts Zr/natural zeolitewas studied. Characterization of the catalysts include: crystallinity, observed using X-Ray Diffraction, count Zr 4+ carried observed using X-Ray Fluorescence, area and porosity catalyst was observed using the Surface Area Analyzer, and acidity catalyst observed through gravimetric method. Isomerization reaction carried out in a batch reactor with temperature variations 90, 120 and 150 C and reaction time variations of 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 minutes. Best results of isomerisation in this study was obtained at 150 derajat C with a reaction time of 180 minutes. Kindsof isomer obtained was observed using GCMS. Catalyst characterization results indicate that modification of the catalyst by cation Zr increases the acidity from 2.76 to 6.64 mmol/g and does not damage the crystal structure significantly. The highest product conversion in this research is 9.24%, less than the maximum results caused by pre-treatment of the catalyst produces a low area. Thus, temperature and reaction time affect the concentration of α pinene isomerization product in addition to the effect of the catalyst used.
Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science Vol 4 No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Indonesian Journal of Chemical Science

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Telah dilakukan penelitian untuk mempelajari pengaruh waktu dan temperatur pada reaksi isomerisasi α-pinena menggunakan katalis Zr4+/zeolit alam. Karakterisasi terhadap katalis meliputi: kristalinitas, yang diamati dengan X-Ray Diffractometer, jumlah Zr4+ teremban diamati menggunakan X-Ray Fluorescence, luas area dan porositas katalis diamati menggunakan Surface Area Analyzer, dan keasaman katalis diamati melalui metode gravimetri. Reaksi isomerisasi dilakukan di dalam reaktor batch dengan variasi temperatur 90, 120 dan 150o C dan variasi waktu reaksi yaitu 60, 90, 120, 150 dan 180 menit. Hasil isomerisasi paling baik dalam penelitian ini diperoleh pada 150oC dengan waktu reaksi 180 menit. Jenis isomer yang diperoleh diamati menggunakan GCMS. Hasil karakterisasi katalis mengindikasikan bahwa modifikasi katalis dengan logam Zr meningkatkan keasaman dari 2,76 ke 6,64 mmol/g dan tidak merusak struktur kristal secara signifikan. Konversi produk tertinggi dalam penelitian adalah 9,24%, hasil ini kurang maksimal disebabkan oleh perlakuan awal terhadap katalis menghasilkan luas area yang rendah. Dengan demikian, temperatur dan waktu reaksi berpengaruh terhadap konsentrasi produk isomerisasi α-pinena di samping pengaruh katalis yang digunakan.
Induksi dan Karakterisasi Pisang Mas Lumut Tetraploid Poerba, Yuyu s; ,, Witjaksono; Ahmad, F.; Handayani, Tri
JURNAL BIOLOGI INDONESIA Vol 10, No 2 (2014): Jurnal Biologi Indonesia
Publisher : Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (336.051 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/jbi.v10i2.2082


Triploid banana breeding could be achieved by crossing tetraploid to diploid banana cultivars. The availaibility of tetraploidbananas is naturally very limited. One of methods to produce tetraploid bananas is inducing tetraploid plants usingchemicals that inhibit spindle fiber formation during mitosis such as oryzalin or colchicine. The present research is aimed toproduce and characterize tetraploid Pisang Mas Lumut (Musa acuminata, AAAA genome) induced by in-vitro oryzalintreatment from diploid Pisang Mas Lumut. Fifteen in vitro-cultured shoots were treated wih oryzalin at of 60μM for 7days in a liquid MS basal medium with addition of 2 mg/l BA. After 6 sub-cultured, 54 shoots and 104 plantlets wereproduced. Forty seedlings were then survived and grew well and healthy. Ploidy identification of induced Pisang MasLumut was conducted using Flowcytometer at seedling stage and repeated at reproductive phases for 2 cycles. The resultsshowed that oryzalin treatments produced tetraploids at a frequency of 30%, diploid at 65% and mixoploid at 5%. Thetetraploid plants have longer and thicker pseudostems, produce fewer suckers, drooping and larger leaves, and broader fruitscompared to its diploid control at harvest time. The tetraploid plants have similar genetic properties with their diploidcontrols as shown by genetic identity of 0.90-0.97.Key words: Pisang Mas Lumut, Musa acuminata, AA, oryzalin, tetraploid
Uji Toleransi Tanaman Kentang Hitam (Plectranthus rotundifolius (Poir.) Spreng.) Hasil Radiasi Sinar Gamma terhadap Cekaman Kekeringan Ridwan, Ridwan; Handayani, Tri; Witjaksono, Witjaksono
Publisher : Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jbi.v12i1.2310


Plectranthus rotundifolius (Poir.) Spreng. is one of the potential root crops to become an alternative food. The aim of thisstudy was to determine drought resistant status of Plectranthus rotundifolius irradiated by gamma irradiation. Thisexperiment was conducted in the Green House using a Completely Randomized Design with 2 factors and 5 replications.The first factor was plant number consisted of 7 accessions (D116, D69, M343, D40, M95, D3, and Klefa Imut/KI). Thesecond factor was the level of field capacity (FC) consisted of 100% FC, 60% FC, and 20% FC. The observed parameterwere vegetative and generative growth stage, stomatal conductance, leaf water potential, and chlorophyll content. The resultshowed that the resistance level of the 7 accessions can be devided into 3 categories: 1) The plants that were susceptible todrought i.e. D116, D69, M343, and KI; 2) The plants that were semi-tolerant to drought i.e. D40 and M95; and 3) The plantthat was tolerant to drought i.e. D3.Keywords: Plectranthus rotundifolius, gamma irradiation, drought stress
Induksi Tetraploid Pada Tanaman Jambu Biji Merah (Psidium guajava L.) secara In Vitro Handayani, Tri; Witjaksono, Witjaksono; Nugraheni, K. Utami
Publisher : Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (909.481 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/jbi.v13i2.3401


ABSTRACTSome commercial varieties of Guava seedless are triploid and rarely found naturally. A triploid variety with less seeds and better yield potential can be achieved by crossing tetraploid to diploid variety. Guava tetraploid plants can be synthetically induced by using oryzalin or colchicine to double the chromosome from its diploid. This research was aimed to obtain tetraploid lines by studying the effects of oryzalin in germination and in vitro growth of Guava. Seed from Red Guava were cultured in liquid medium MS + 2 mgL-1 BA with adding oryzalin according to the treatment, then seed planted in MS solid medium. Seed explants were exposed to Oryzalin 0 (controls), 15, 30 dan 60 ?M with exposure time are 23, 36 and 49 days or 3, 5, and 7 weeks. Results from polyploid induction were 8 tetraploid (5.48%) and 9 (6.16%) mixoploid shoots in vitro. High est tetraploid shoots were obtained from treatments by exposing the seed explant to 15 – 30 ?M oryzalin for 23 – 36 days. Oryzalin treatments inhibit germination and in vitro growth of Guava until 1st subculture. After second subculture, tetraploid or mixoploid shoots quantitatively showed no difference respons on in vitro growth with its diploid.Keywords: guava, tetraploid, seed explant, in vitro germination, polyploid
Pembentukan dan Penampilan Pisang Rejang Hibrid Triploid Hasil Persilangan Pisang Rejang Mixoploid Dengan Pisang Rejang Diploid Poerba, Yuyu S.; Witjaksono, Witjaksono; Handayani, Tri
Publisher : Perhimpunan Biologi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jbi.v12i1.2308


Induction of tetraploid from diploid bananas often producing mixoploid plants.Characters of the mixoploidplant is similar to those of tetraploid plants. In this research mixoploid banana cultivar Rejang was crossed withdiploid Rejang to produce triploid hybrid Rejang. Triploid banana is one of plant breeding target because of itsbest vigor and productivity compared to diploid or tetraploid banana. 570 crosses were conducted withmixoploid Rejang as female parents and diploid Rejang as male parents. Out of 570 crosses, 130 hybrid seedswere produced. However, only 19 seeds (14.61%) contained embryos, and only two embryos were developedinto shoots. The two genotypes of developed embryos were then in-vitro propagated and planted in the field.Results of ploidy identification using Flowcytometer showed that the two genotypes were diploids (31%) andtriploids (69%). The triploid hybrid Rejang had plant growth habit of drooping, few suckers, higher and biggerpseudostem, higher bunch weight and fruit weight compared to those of the two parents. The triploid hybridhad similar genetic properties with genetic identity of 0.9174-0.9703.Keywords: Banana, crosses, diploid, Rejang, mixoploid, triploid, hybrids