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Translating the Subtitle of MacGyver Movie “On a Wing and a Prayer” form English into Bahasa Indonesia Bona Paramitha Putri; Martini Martini; Witri Handayani
Journal Polingua: Scientific Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Language Education Vol 7, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/polingua.v7i1.63


This study discusses about the complete translating process that was used to translate the subtitle of MacGyver Movie “On a Wing and a prayer” from English into Bahasa Indonesia. This movie told about how to keep survive in certain condition, and also several tips and tricks in utilizing the equipment that are found in the environment. In translating the movie, the process, the method and the procedure of translation were applied. The process of translation that was used namely analyzing, drafting, revising and finalizing. Moreover, adaptation method was used in translating the subtitle of this movie. Then, the procedures that were applied are transference, through-translation, cultural equivalent, functional equivalent, shift or transposition, compensation, modulation, reduction and expansion, and synonymy. As the result, by translating this subtitle into Bahasa Indonesia and inserted it into the movie, this subtitle can be used to help the viewers to understand the content of the movie.
The Use of E-Portfolio for Improving Students’ English Skills: A Pilot Study in English Department, The State Polytechnic of Padang Dhini Aulia; Desi Yulastri; Witri Handayani
Journal Polingua: Scientific Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Language Education Vol 5, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (704.662 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/polingua.v5i2.37


ne"> This research addresses the use of technology, especially information technology, by promoting the use of electronicportfolio (e-portfolio) for improving students' English skills. Some experts have suggested the use of e-portfolio for students inindependent learning activities and others proposed this as one of alternative assessment tools. Barret (2005) defines e-portfolio as thestore to collect and organize portfolio artifacts in many types of electronic media such as audio, video, graphic, and text; it usuallyuses hypertext links to manage the materials, connect evidence to appropriate outcomes, goals or standards. However, the term of eportfolio has not been popular among English teachers in Indonesia, especially in English Department of the State Polytechnic ofPadang, although some lecturers in this institution have been using social media in giving instructions, collecting assignments andgiving feedback to students. Moodle LMS has been applied as a platform for the e-portfolio in this research. This research examineswhether the use of e-portfolio improves students’ English skills. The English skills include four skills: Listening, Reading, Speaking,and Writing. An experimental research design will be employed. More specifically, this article discusses the students’ responsestoward the use of Moodle LMS in their learning. The questionnaire was distributed to students to find out their perceptions aboutMoodle LMS. It was found that 64.62% of the responses indicates positive perceptions. In other words, the students gave positiveresponses to the use of Moodle LMS. It can be concluded that Moodle LMS is considered to be used supporting the use of e-Portfolioin the next main study, which will be conducted as an experimental study.
Utilization of Internet for Autonomous Learning in Speaking Witri Handayani
Journal Polingua: Scientific Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Language Education Vol 4, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (512.361 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/polingua.v4i2.98


Internet use for promoting students’ autonomy in language learning has been a great phenomenon to discuss. Many researches have been conducted about this issue. Now the tendency is pointed out specifically for improving students’ competency in speaking. Speaking is normally learned in the classroom setting in which learners have interlocutor as their speaking partner and under direct supervision from the lecturer. The discussion bellow will concern about some internet links that can be used for speaking study. The learners can study by using these internet links independently and record their own voice and video for their own self- assessment. They choose their own target and links to access and determine their own learning target. In the meantime, they also collect the recording to their teacher for assessment purpose.
Grammar Usage in Public Speaking Witri Handayani
Journal Polingua: Scientific Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Language Education Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/polingua.v2i2.38


Many people think that it is difficult to speak grammatically correct since grammar has so many rules. However, in the concept of public speaking, grammar can be used to avoid mistakes and misunderstanding, so that, the messages are delivered correctly and the targets are reached purposely. Here, the writer divides the discussion of the grammar usage into two categories; they are the function of grammar in public speaking and the grammar awareness in public speaking. In addition, it is hoped that the readers consider to pay more attention toward the grammar before saying something, especially speaking in a public speaking context.
Pembuatan dan Pelatihan Tata Kelola Website Nagari Untuk Promosi Digital Yuhefizar; Ikhsan Yusda Prima Putra; Yenida; Lilimiwirdi; Novadilastri; Witri Handayani; Variyetmi Wira; Hidra Amnur; Zulka Hendri; Deddy Prayama
Prosiding SISFOTEK Vol 5 No 1 (2021): SISFOTEK V 2021
Publisher : Ikatan Ahli Informatika Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (960.314 KB)


The existence of a website in the current digitalization era has become a mandatory requirement for every Nagari (Village), as a promotional medium and an effort to digitize all business processes in the Nagari. For this reason, in this service activity an official village website was created and given website management training to village staff for digital promotion purposes. The website is equipped with menus that explain in detail the profile, potential, and facilities of the Nagari. Based on the results of a survey conducted after the training activities, it was concluded that an increase in the understanding of Nagari staff in managing the website was achieved by 90%, so that by utilizing the website media there was an increase in efficiency and effectiveness in digitally disseminating Nagari information to the wider community. This has a positive impact on the performance of the nagari government.
Senior High Schools Teachers’ Perception on Teaching English through Online Platforms during The Lock Down Policy for School due to Covid 19 Period Witri Handayani; Baetty Baetty; Difiani Apriyanti; Dhini Aulia; Nini Wahyuni
Journal Polingua: Scientific Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Language Education Vol 11, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/polingua.v11i2.168


Online learning have changed its identity and purposes because of the pandemic covid-19 issue which creates the situation where online learning through the online platform media is obligated due to lock down policy for school. The main aim of this study is to observe the teachers perception on teaching English through online platforms during the covid-19 period. Beside, the evaluation of the implementation of the online learning through the online platform is also being emphasiszed. The participants of this study are the Senior Hight School English teachers on West Sumatera which have passed the proffesional certification for teachers. The result of study shows that the teachers’ perception through online platform has changed. Before the pandemic, some of them found that teaching by using online platform is useful and more interesting bacuse it combined with classroom activity. However, during the pandemic where the online platform is harsly required due to lockdown policy for school, the teachers found some obstacles in implementing the online learning. The result of this study will be used for further study about teaching English through online platform.
Optimalisasi Promosi Nagari Berbasis Website Yuhefizar; Novadilastri; Witri Handayani; Rita Afyenni; Andi Syukri
ABEC Indonesia Vol. 10 (2022): 10th Applied Business and Engineering Conference
Publisher : Politeknik Caltex Riau

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Information disclosure in the digital era is now very important for government institutions, includingNagari whose communities are diverse, so that all public information from Nagari can be known by the public.Therefore, the existence of the nagari website can be optimized for its function as a nagari promotion media.Service activities are carried out in 4 stages, namely the preparation, implementation, mentoring and evaluationstages at Nagari Koto Tinggi Kuranji Hilir, Sungai Limau District, Padang Pariaman Regency which previouslydid not have a nagari website. The purpose of this service is to help provide nagari profiles website, nagariwebsite governance training and digital promotions, as well as provide ongoing assistance after service activities.After conducting an evaluation at the end of the activity in the form of a questionnaire, it was concluded that thetraining participants had understood how to manage the nagari website and for digital promotion purposes, thiswas proven by the updating of the nagari website content at the address
Rubric for E-portfolio Assessment: Define the Standard Criteria Handayani, Witri; Rozimela, Yenni; Thahar, Harris Effendi; Sari, Indah
International Journal of Language Pedagogy Vol. 4 No. 1 (2024)
Publisher : Language Pedagogy Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/ijolp.v4i1.60


An e-portfolio is an e-learning tool that also can be utilized as an assessment tool. As it supports student-centered learning in the process, it has the possibility to gain the students' skills and acquisition of the subject matter which will be very useful for their future careers. This study aims to design a rubric that makes a standard for students' guidance in learning to assess themselves as part of an e-portfolio application in the classroom and to simplify the lecturers' work in assessing the students' assignments. The rubric designed in this study was arranged based on Rico’s theory of four aspects of a rubric to assess e-portfolios. The element criteria of the rubrics are competence development, content acquisition, learning process reflection, and e-portfolio display. Meanwhile, the levels of functioning are advanced, moderate, and poor. It is an analytic rubric without a numbered scoring scale, yet the lecturers are free to set the level of measurement range to the level of functioning. After the rubric was completed, it was validated by two assessment validators and got the criteria of very valid. After being validated, the rubric was ready to be tested in the experimental group which will be discussed further in the other publication.