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Analisis Penentuan Supplier Bahan Baku Mebel Terbaik Menggunakan Metode VIKOR Dodi Guswandi; Suci Wahyuni; M.Hafizh; Triana Novita; Hadi Syahputra
Jurnal KomtekInfo Vol. 9 No. 4 (2022): Komtekinfo
Publisher : Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35134/komtekinfo.v9i4.323


Kualitas dan kelancaran suatu produksi perusahaan tergantung dengan persediaan bahan baku yang dipasok oleh supplier. Setiap supplier memiliki karekteristik yang berbeda dalam persediaan bahan bakunya. CV Surya Jepara merupakan toko Mebel yang mengolah bahan baku kayu menjadi furniture. Permasalahan yang terjadi selama ini dimana bahan baku yang dipasok oleh supplier terdapat beberapa kekurangan kualitas, keterlambatan pengiriman, dan biaya pemesanan yang dikeluarkan oleh toko semakin tinggi. Dengan permasalahan tersebut maka tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan suplier terbaik dalam melakukan supply bahan baku pada CV Surya Jepara. Metode yang digunakan dalam proses penentuan menggunakan metode ViĊĦekriterijumsko Kompromisno Rangiranje (VIKOR). Kinerja metode Vikor mampu mengkompromi alternatif dari solusi ideal negatif dan solusi ideal positif untuk menghasilkan keputusan berupa perankingan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kinerja metode Vikor mampu memberikan solusi ideal alternatif paling efektif, dimana hasil keputusan dengan berbentuk perankingan dengan nilai yang terendah adalah solusi yang terbaik yaitu alternatif A7 satu-satunya yang mendapatkan nilai 0 sebagai supplier terbaik.
Perbandingan Tingkat Akurasi SAW-TOPSIS dalam Penilaian Kelayakan Proposal Liga Mayola; Dodi Guswandi; Wifra Safitri; M Hafizh; Muhammad Habib Yuhandri
Jurnal KomtekInfo Vol. 10 No. 3 (2023): Komtekinfo
Publisher : Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35134/komtekinfo.v10i3.415


Seminar proposal adalah salah satu matakuliah pada kurikulum yang wajib dilalui oleh mahasiswa Teknologi Informasi agar dapat melanjutkan ke tahapan berikutnya yaitu kualifikasi. Penentuan kelayakan kelulusan seminar proposal mahasiswa oleh penguji masih dilakukan dengan manual dan belum menggunakan Sistem Pendukung Keputusan (SPK) dalam mengambil keputusan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengambilan keputusan kelayakan sebuah proposal yang diajukan mahasiswa dan menguji metode yang tepat diantara dua metode SPK yang dipilih. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode SAW dan metode TOPSIS. Data sampel yang digunakan berjumlah dua belas data penilaian dosen terhadap mahasiswa. Kriteria yang digunakan dalam penilaian kelayakan proposal yakni kemuktahiran topik dan ketajaman rumusan masalah (C1), relevansi dan kemuktahiran kajian pustaka (C2), ketepatan metode penelitian (C3), manfaat dan kontribusi penelitian (C4), referensi acuan (C5) dan estetika penulisan (C6). Hasil penelitian ini berupa pemodelan Decision Support System (DSS) dalam bentuk perankingan agar dapat mengetahui kelayakan seminar proposal mahasiswa. Berdasarkan perbandingan metode SAW dan TOPSIS pada kasus ini, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode SAW memiliki tingkat akurasi yang lebih tinggi yaitu 41,667 %.
Decision Support System for Selection of the Best Employees based on Performance with the Topsis Method Ghina Ramadhanti Andonela; Mardison; Dodi Guswandi
Journal of Computer Scine and Information Technology Volume 9 Issue 2 (2023): JCSITech
Publisher : Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35134/jcsitech.v9i2.68


Selection of the best employees at Wali Nagari is an activity carried out by the Wali Nagari by carrying out this activity to determine the best employees at the Nagari. In determining the selection of the best employee candidates in Nagari Singguling, this research uses a decision support system (SPK) concept with the TOPSIS method. The decision support system that was built can provide recommendations to Nagari for the best employee candidates at Nagari Singguling. The TOPSIS method used can carry out a calculation that begins with determining the criteria of the variables used, then creates a matrix and proceeds to the solution matrix process. In the end, the process will enter the ranking stage until the output can recommend the best prospective employees at Nagari Singguling. The results obtained in this study also provide a model or form of a semi-structured system, in determining the best prospective employees in Nagari Singguling using the TOPSIS method decision support system. The results of this study are based on data testing of 9 alternatives, it can be determined that alternative A5 on behalf of Dona Riona S.Pd is the best employee with a value of 0.63 . So that the benefit that will be obtained is to provide convenience
Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) Method to Provide Recommendations for Selection of Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) Adrul Hutama; Fajrul Islami; Dodi Guswandi
Journal of Computer Scine and Information Technology Volume 9 Issue 2 (2023): JCSITech
Publisher : Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35134/jcsitech.v9i2.71


CV. Venes Jaya is a company that operates in the field of technological equipment such as computer hardware, monitors, recording equipment, communications equipment, networks, and many more. With the complete range of products sold and reliable teams, this company still has problems in providing recommendations for GPU selection to customers. This process is still carried out manually, namely by providing recommendations according to the funds owned by the customer. If there is more than one alternative that suits the funds owned by the customer, employees will have difficulty choosing them. Such a manual process is likely to be wrong or mistaken. Therefore, there is a need for innovation that can help and make it easier for employees to provide recommendations for GPU selection to customers, namely by implementing a Decision Support System (SPK) that uses the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method built with the VB programming language, and a MySQL database. in determining GPU recommendations that will be given to customers. This system is expected to help CV. Venes Jaya in providing GPU recommendations quickly, precisely and accurately. The results obtained from this research are that Alternative 5, namely the Gigabyte RTX 3080 Ti Gaming OC, was selected as the best alternative with a total value of 1. These results are the results obtained from the Decision Support System created by the author, where these results will be used as recommendations to customers in choosing Graphics . Processing Unit (GPU). This system can help CV. Venes Jaya in providing GPU recommendations to customers quickly, precisely and accurately