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AKSIOMA : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol 4, No 2 (2015)
Publisher : AKSIOMA : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika

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Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh deskripsi penerapan  pendekatan tutor sebaya yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Kasimbar dalam menyelesaikan pertidaksamaan linear satu variabel (PtLSV). Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Desain penelitian mengacu pada desain penelitian Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart, yaitu: perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Kasimbar. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data, yaitu wawancara, tes, observasi, dan catatan lapangan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di kelas VII SMP Negeri 1 Kasimbar menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran yang menerapkan pendekatan tutor sebaya dapat meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dari siklus I ke siklus II pada materi PtLSV dengan tahap-tahap kegiatan pembelajaran pendekatan tutor sebaya,  yaitu: (1) persiapan, (2) pelaksanaan, dan (3) evaluasi. Pada tahap 1 peneliti membentuk kelompok dan satu orang tutor tiap kelompok; pada tahap 2 siswa mengerjakan LKS kelompok dengan bimbingan tutor masing-masing; dan pada tahap 3 peneliti memberikan tes individu.Kata kunci: Pendekatan tutor sebaya, Kemampuan Siswa, dan Pertidaksamaan Linear Satu Variabel
Jurnal Pendidikan Khusus Vol 8, No 1 (2016): volume 8 no.1
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan Khusus

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ABSTRACTMentally disabled child is one of the children with special needs that have independence that should be increased. It is because the mentally disabled child has a limit in doing social activity and has the level of IQ under the average of the normal child. So, the child still needs help from the other people to do some activities. Understanding the instructions that dealing with directions is one of the examples. Mentally disabled children have trouble in identifying the movement directions especially the movements to the right, left, forward and backward direction. In this case, the activity play ball is used to increase the level of direction recognizing for the mid-level-mentally-disabled students. The purpose of this study is to increase the skill of direction recognizing to the mid-level-mentally-disabled students in the 3rd Grade SDLB Muhammadiyah Jombang. This research is quantitative researches with pre-experiment design which using pre-test post-test design, with six subjects which are mid-level-mentally-disabled children. The data analysis is using non-parametric statistic with wilcoxon test.The research shows that there is an increase of direction recognizing level of the students in 3rd grade of SDLB Muhammadiyah Jombang by activity play ball, fit into the result of the pre-test marks average which is 44.41 and the average of the post-test which is 63.01. From the result of the data analysis, it can be concluded that the calculation number is from Z = 2.20. That number than compared with the critical value 5% Ztable which is 1.96. This fact proves that the value of Zcount > 1.96 which means Ha is received and Ho is rejected. This means that football game is effective in escalating the skill of direction recognition by the mid-level-mentally-disabled students in 3rd grade of SDLB Muhammadiyah Jombang.Keywords: Movement direction, activity play ball
Pembuatan Program Home-Based Childcare Untuk Stimulasi Perkembangan Kognitif Anak Usia Dini Hardiyanti, Siti; Ana, Ana; Rinekasari, Nenden Rani
FamilyEdu: Jurnal Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Vol 5, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Prodi PKK - Departemen PKK - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

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This research was conduct due to the absence of a program in childcare with a focus stimulation for cognitive development, this program is created Home-Based Childcare with the development of childcare characteristics by Barnados (2017) such as care in an environment that’s like home, flexibility for child and family, nurturing relationships and attention to individual needs. A Design Based Research (DBR) was used to collect data from three participants compiring early childhood education experts, family education experts and childcare practitioners in two times judgment. The results represent that at first times judgment program was designed to be in decent category with revisions on program purpose, program activity planning, process management activities and program activity reports. Futhermore in second times judgment indicates that the program is in very decent category. Therefore the program can be used in childcare to stimulate for children cognitive development. The results recommend to childcare manager, that a home-based childcare program that has been created by researchers can be implemented in childcare, as well as for future researchers, conducting research with a topic of report the children developing aspects of the digital-based program activities.
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa Vol 2, No 5 (2013): Mei 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Khatulistiwa

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Penelitian ini berjudul Warna Daerah dalam Novel Centhini Karya Sunardian Wirodono. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keinginan penulis untuk menemukan warna daerah dalam novel Centhini karya Sunardian Wirodono. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif, dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitiannya yaitu: 1) Kebiasaan hidup, meliputi a) mengadakan upacara panggihan, pahargyan, unduh pengantin, b) malam sepasaran pengantin, c) pesta andrawina, d) upacara boyongan rumah, e) makna sepasang kembar mayang. 2) Keyakinan kepada Tuhan, meliputi a) shalat, b) percaya kepada takdir, c) menjaga aurat, d) berikhtiar, e) berdoa. 3) Sikap hidup, meliputi a) menyembunyikan perasaan untuk menjaga perasaan orang lain, b) tekun, c) berbudi luhur, d) jujur, e) tulus, f) segan, g) bijak, h) gotong royong, i) sabar, j) sederhana. Kata kunci: warna daerah, novel Abstract: This research entitle the Local Colour in Novel Centhini Masterpiece of Sunardian Wirodono. This research is background by wtiter desire to find the local colour in novel Centhini of masterpiece of Sunardian Wirodono.Method used by is descriptive method and in form of qualitative. Based on the result and discussion, this research creates a conclusion that colour of regions: 1) In forms of life habit it holds, a) panggihan ceremony, pahargyan, unduh pengantin, b) malam sepasaran pengantin, c) andrawina party, d) house boyongan ceremony, e) meaning of mayang twins. 2) Faith in God in of prayers: a) faith in destiny, b) genitals cover, c) ikhtiar (efforts), d) praying. 3) Life attitude that: a) hides feeling to keep solidarity, b) diligent, c) good behaviour, d) honest, e) sinere, f) reluctant, g) wise, h) mutual aid, i) patients, j) low-profile. Keyword: local colour, novel
Partisipasi Politik Dalam Perencanaan Pembangunan Di Desa Lubuk Tenam Jambi Hardiyanti, Siti; Asrinaldi; Aidinil Zetra
Jurnal Niara Vol. 14 No. 1 (2021)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (353.793 KB) | DOI: 10.31849/niara.v14i1.7312


Partisipasi masyarakat memiliki posisi yang sangat penting dalam perencanaan pembangunan, karena pada dasarnya masyarakat adalah pihak yang paling mengetahui masalah dan kebutuhannya sendiri. Oleh karena itu perencanaan pembangunan yang partisipatif menjadi amanat undang-undang yang harus dilaksanakan oleh pelaku pembangunan yang diregulasikan melalui Undang-undang Nomor 25 Tahun 2004 tentang Sistem Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional. Regulasi produk hukum ini sekaligus meretas kebuntuan paradigma pembangunan top-down menjadi pembangunan bottom-up. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitati dengan pendekatan pembangunan model bottom-up, dimana model ini adalah partisipatoris, yaitu model melibatkan masyarakat dalam rangkaian proses perencanaan pembangunan yang dalam penelitian ini melihat partisipasi politik dalam pembangunan di Desa Lubuk Tenam, Jambi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan bahwa perencanaan partisipatif dalam pembangunan daerah belum dilaksanakan dengan baik ditandai dengan keengganan masyarakat ikut berpartisipasi, kemampuan aparat dan masyarakat dalam melaksanakan perencanaan partisipatif belum memadai dan tim delegasi Desa Lubuk Tenam belum mempunyai kemampuan untuk negosiasi pada musrenbang kecamatan maupun kabupaten sehingga dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa masyarakat dan pemerintah mempunyai peran terkait rendahnya partisipasi masyarakat dalam perencanaan pembangunan.
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Kimia Vol 8, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Pendidikan Kimia
Publisher : Universitas Lampung

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This research was aimed to describe the effect of pre lecture quiz in improving creative thinking skill and student concept mastery. The research method used was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest control group design. The sample selection was done by purposive sampling, and XI IPA 3 is obtained as experimental class and XI IPA 1 as control class. The chemical material taught in this research is Arrhenius acid base. The effect of pre lecture quiz was measured based on a simple regression test. The results of a simple regression test at a significance level of 0.05 showed a positive linear influence of the pre lecture quiz on creative thinking skill and student concept mastery, with a contribution of 16.9% influenced by the pre lecture quiz.Keywords: Arrhenius acid base, creative thinking, pre lecture quiz Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh pre lecture quiz dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kreatif dan penguasaan konsep siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan pretest-posttest  control  group  design.  Pemilihan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling, dan diperoleh kelas XI IPA 3 sebagai kelas eksperimen serta kelas XI IPA 1 sebagai kelas kontrol.  Materi kimia yang diajarkan pada penelitian ini adalah asam basa Arrhenius.  Pengaruh pre lecture quiz diukur berdasarkan uji regresi sederhana.  Hasil uji regresi sederhana pada taraf signifikansi sebesar 0,05 menunjukkan adanya pengaruh linier positif dari pre lecture quiz terhadap keterampilan berpikir kreatif dan penguasaan konsep siswa, dengan kontribusi sebesar 16,9% dipengaruhi oleh pre lecture quiz. Kata kunci: asam basa Arrhenius, berpikir kreatif, pre lecture quiz
Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum L.) dengan Pemberian Kompos Rumen Sapi dan Pupuk NPK Siti Hardiyanti; Armaini Armaini; Idwar Idwar
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Pertanian Vol 6 (2019): Edisi 2 Juli s/d Desember 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Pertanian

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ABSTRACTThe research aim to examine the effect of interaction of cow rumen compost with NPK fertilizer and single factor of cow rumen compost, NPK fertilizer and get the best treatment combination in increasing the growth and yield of shallot. The research was conducted at UPT (Unit Pelaksanaan Teknis) of Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Riau from September to November 2018. The research was done in a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial and repeated three times. The first treatment was cow rumen compost that consist of 0 kg per plot, 2 kg per plot, 4 kg per plot and 6 kg per plot. The second factor was NPK fertilizer that consist of           0 g per plot, 30 g per plot and 60 g per plot. The observation parameters were relative growth rate, number of leaves per clump, number of tubers per clump, tuber circumference per clump, plant dry weight on day 50, fresh tuber weight per clump and tuber weight worth keeping per clump. The research data were analyzed using analysis of varriance (ANOVA) and followed by duncan’s new multiple range test (DNMRT) at level 5%. The result of the research showed that the treatment of cow rumen compost 6 kg per plot, NPK fertilizer 60 g per plot and the treatment combination of cow rumen compost 6 kg per plot with NPK fertilizer 60 g per plot were the best treatments in increasing 3,9 ton.ha-1 the growth and yield of shallot.Keywords: shallot, growth, yield, cow rumen compost, NPK fertilizer. 
Application of Fungicides and Silica Fertilization Suppress Pyricularia zingiberi Leaf Spot Disease on Red Ginger Marlina Puspita Sari; Dono Wahyuno; Siti Hardiyanti; Dyah Manohara
Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia Vol 18 No 4 (2022)
Publisher : The Indonesian Phytopathological Society (Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14692/jfi.18.4.167-176


Application of Fungicides and Silica Fertilization Suppress Pyricularia zingiberi Leaf Spot Disease on Red Ginger Pyricularia zingiberi is the dominant cause of leaf spot disease in Indonesia. Leaf spot disease control still relies on chemical fungicides. The combination of control techniques and the fungicide application timing must be determined to increase control effectiveness and reduce the negative impact of using chemical fungicides. This study aims to assess the combination of fungicide and silica fertilizer and the effective time for controlling leaf spot disease. The research was arranged in a split-split plot design, with silica fertilizer as the main plot, fungicide as a subplot, and the time of application as a subplot. Silica fertilizer (20 mL L-1) was applied at four weeks old red ginger, and then plants were inoculated with P. zingiberi at eight weeks of age. Fungicides were used according to the treatments (12, 14, and 16 weeks of age). There is no interaction between the three tested factors. The application of silica in the form of SiO2 had no significant effect on the severity and rate of disease progression. The application of silica increases the phenol content in red ginger plants. Botanical pesticides made from clove oil induce the synthesis of salicylic acid but are not significant in suppressing the rate of development of leaf spot disease. Mancozeb was more effective in suppressing the rate of development of leaf spot disease than other treatments. The recommended time for fungicide application is when the plants are 14–16 weeks old or when the symptoms of leaf spots begin to appear. Monitoring periodically is necessary.
Journal Health & Science : Gorontalo Journal Health and Science Community Vol 7, No 1 (2023): JANUARI: JOURNAL HEALTH AND SCIENCE : GORONTALO JOURNAL HEALTH AND SCIENCE COMMU
Publisher : Gorontalo State University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35971/gojhes.v7i1.17389


Demam tifoid merupakan penyakit yang terjadi akibat infeksi bakteri Salmonella Typhi. Demam ini secara umum menyerang penderita dalam kelompok usia 5-30 tahun. Kebaruan penelitian ini karena menganalisis faktor pendidikan dan pengetahuan Ibu dalam penanganan demam typoid pada bayi usia 0-24 bulan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis faktor pendidikan dan pengetahuan Ibu dalam penanganan demam tifoid pada bayi usia 0–24 bulan di Desa Mali-Mali. Metode penelitian menggunakan rancangan survey deskriptif. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 20 ibu yang memiliki bayi 0–24 bulan di Desa Mali-Mali. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan Ibu dalam penanganan demam tifoid pada bayi usia 0–24 bulan sebagian besar pendidikan Sekolah Dasar (40%). Pengetahuan Ibu dalam penanganan demam tifoid pada bayi di Desa Mali-Mali sebagian besar pengetahuan cukup sebanyak 9 orang (45%). Kesimpulan bahwa pendidikan dan pengetahuan Ibu akan berpengaruh dalam penanganan demam typhoid pada bayi usia 0-24 bulan.Kata Kunci : Pendidikan; Pengetahuan; Demam tifoid.AbstractTyphoid fever is a disease that occurs due to infection with Salmonella Typhi bacteria. This fever generally affects sufferers in the age group of 5-30 years. The novelty of this study is that it analyzes mothers' educational factors and knowledge in handling typhoid fever in infants aged 0-24 months. This study aimed to investigate mothers' educational factors and knowledge in running typhoid fever in infants aged 0-24 months in Mali-Mali Village. The research method uses a descriptive survey design. The samples in this study were 20 mothers who had babies 0–24 months in Mali-Mali Village. The results showed maternal education in handling typhoid fever in infants aged 0–24 months was primary, primary school education (40%). Mothers' knowledge in handling typhoid fever in Mali-Mali Village infants is mostly enough for as many as 9 people (45%). The conclusion is that mothers' education and knowledge will affect the management of typhoid fever in babies aged 0-24 months.
Jurnal Ilmiah Tata Sejuta STIA Mataram Vol 9 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Ilmiah Tata Sejuta STIA Mataram
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian pada Masyarakat Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi (STIA) Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32666/tatasejuta.v9i1.504


The research entitled Integrity of Village Leadership, Efforts to Prevent Corruption in Village Funds in Bireuen Regency, the researchers aimed to obtain information on the influence of the integrity of the leadership figure of the village head in Bireuen Regency to commit to not commit acts of corruption in managing village funds sourced from the APBN, and carried out by the leadership of the village head to prevent corruption in village funds that could harm state money. So far, there have been many cases of village leadership having integrity crises in managing state money, there are several village heads in Bireuen who have been ensnared in legal cases regarding the corruption of village funds. In this study, the researcher used a qualitative method in the form of a participant observation approach, where the researcher himself became the main instrument in collecting data in the field. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, documentation and literature study. The results showed that cases of corruption in village funds in Bireuen occurred, not because of a lack of supervision and law enforcement against village heads. Another factor that causes corruption in village funds is that they do not have strong personal integrity in village leadership. The integrity is in the form of honesty, keeping promises, loyalty, responsibility and fairness. There are two approaches to preventing village fund corruption in Bireuen, namely the psychological approach and local wisdom.