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Kinerja Model Fisik Konverter Energi Ombak Rangkaian Gear Searah pada Periode Ombak yang Bervariasi Muchtar, Masjono; Manjang, Salama; Suriamiharja, Dadang A; Thaha, M Arsyad
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (529.933 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v22i2.12871


To date there were few research on the effect of non-linearity properties of the ocean waves on the performance of wave energy converter (WEC), which uses a series of unidirectional gear. One such parameter is the variation of wave period. The influence of wave period variations on the performance of physical model of the wave energy converters have been investigated at the Hydraulics Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, Hasanuddin University Indonesia. This WEC physical model was fabricated and assembled at Politeknik ATI Makassar Indonesia. The investigation steps consists of physical model development, physical model investigation at wave flume prior to the wave period  variation, measuring input output parameters of the physical model under test and empirical model formulation based on observed data analysis. Physical model test carried out on the wave flume at the Hydraulics Laboratory of the Department of Civil Hasanuddin University, at a water depth of 25 cm, wave height between 5-9 cm and wave period between 1.2 - 2.2 seconds. Investigation result based on flywheel radial speed (RPM) and torque (Nm) indicated that calculated harvested power was inversely proportional with the wave period. The longer the period of the waves, the energy produced is getting smaller. The derived empirical formula was y = -85.598x + 208.53 and R² = 0.8881. Y is energy produced (Watt) and X is the wave period (Second). Formulations generated from this study could be used as a reference for future research in dealing with wave period variations on a design one way gear wave energy converter as a source of renewable energy.
The Calibration Test Of Hybrid Landfill Gas -Photovoltaic-Genset Model In Bontang, East Borneo Salama Manjang; Sitti Hamnah Ahsan
International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS) Vol 9, No 1: March 2018
Publisher : Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (251.37 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/ijpeds.v9.i1.pp89-97


The study is aimed to determine the measurement of sensor tool made in Model Real Time Hybrid LFG-PV-Genset by finding the correction factor produced at TPA Bontang City, East Borneo. The research was conducted by using ampere clammeter, variable voltage regulator, thermometer, odalog7000 series.  The calculation results  show that the calibration test of Model Real Time Hybrid LFG-PV-Genset from MQ4 sensor data that has been designed capable of having errors of 1,91% and the LM35 temperature sensor is capable of monitoring tempertures of 30°C to 120°C and has an error value of 0,519°C. ZMPT 101B voltage sensor has a linear output change to input changes and has an average error of 1.499V. While the current sensor SCT 013 has an aerage error value of 0,0022A CO2.
Improved Performance of Silicon Rubber Insulation with Coal Fly Ash Micro Filler Tajuddin Waris; Yoshinobu Murakami; Naohiro Hozumi; Tomohiro Kawashima; Salama Manjang; Ikhlas Kitta
EPI International Journal of Engineering Vol 1 No 2 (2018): Volume 1 Number 2, August 2018 with Special Issue on Railway Engineering
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Engineering Faculty, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/epi-ije.082018.13


This paper presents the effect of coal fly Ash filler (CFA) on the electrical properties of silicon rubber composite. The observed electrical properties are volume resistance, surface resistance, and the surface breakdown voltage. The temperature The effect on the surface breakdown voltage of silicon rubber with CFA filler also was observed. The type of silicon used is RTV 683. The filler concentrations of the matrix are 0,​​10.20,30,40 per-hundred gram of resin (phr). The test results show that the surface resistance increased significantly with the increasing of CFA loading filler. The increasing of volume resistance is nonlinear; the volume resistance tends to decrease when the CFA loading filler exceeds 30 phr. Flashover test results show that flashover inception voltage (FOIV) increases with the increasing of CFA filler concentration and the increasing of temperature.
Processing of Drone’s Digital Image for Determining Border of Rice Fields with Edge Detection Method Suhardiman Diman; Zahir Zainuddin; Salama Manjang
EPI International Journal of Engineering Vol 2 No 2 (2019): Volume 2 Number 2, August 2019 with Special Issue on Natural Disaster and Mitigat
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Engineering Faculty, Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25042/epi-ije.082019.08


Edge detection was the basic thing used in most image processing applications to get information from the image frame as a beginning for extracting the features of the segmentation object that will be detected. Nowadays, many edge detection methods create doubts in choosing the right edge detection method and according to image conditions. Based on the problems, a study was conducted to compare the performance of edge detection using methods of canny, Sobel and laplacian by using object of rice field. The program was created by using the Python programming language on OpenCV. The result of the study on one image test that the Canny method produces thin and smooth edges and did not omit the important information on the image while it has required a lot of computing time. Classification is generally started from the data acquisition process; pre-processing and post-processing. Canny edge detection can detect actual edges with minimum error rates and produce optimal image edges. The threshold value obtained from the Canny method was the best and optimal threshold value for each method. The result of a test by comparing the three methods showed that the Canny edge detection method gives better results in determining the rice field boundary, which was 90% compared to Sobel 87% and laplacian 89%.
Pengaruh Bahan Pengisi (Filler) Eceng Gondok dan Sekam Padi pada Material Isolasi Listrik (Polymer Epoxy) Trisna Amelia Fitriah; Salama Manjang; Ikhlas Kitta
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring Vol 21 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (257.526 KB) | DOI: 10.25042/jpe.052017.14


Penggunaan serat alam sebagai filler dalam bidang industri masih terus dikembangkan,mengingat sifatnya yang ramah lingkungan dan mengandung material yang besar.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh eceng godok dan sekam padi sebagai filler pada material resin epoxy. Pembuatan spesimen menggunakan metode hand lay-up dengan masing-masing variasi filler 10%-40% dari berat total bahan uji dan spesimen tanpa filler 0% sebagai pembanding. Bahan polimer yang digunakan yaitu resin epoxy. Pengujian yang dilakukan yaitu uji tarik,uji resistivitas permukaan dan resistivitas volume. Uji tarik dilakukan menggunakan standar ASTM D-638 dan uji resistivitas menggunakan standar ASTM D 257. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa nilai resistivitas volume maksimum dicapai dalam kadar eceng gondok 20% sedangkan pada sekam padi peningkatan resistivitas volume terus terjadi sampai kadar 40% dari resin epoxy. Peningkatan resistivitas permukaan berlanjut hingga kadar eceng gondok mencapai 20 % pada resin epoxy begitupun dengan penambahan filler sekam padi. Kekuatan tarik dari material resin epoxy mengalami penurunan dengan penambahan eceng gondok dan sekam padi. Nilai kekuatan tarik maksimum dicapai pada komposisi filler 20% . Dengan bertambahnya kadar eceng gondok dan sekam padi didalam resin epoxy, sifat getas dari material resin epoxy semakin meningkat atau terjadi peningkatan kekerasan dari resin epoxy sehingga mengakibatkan kerapuhan
Efek Penurunan Tahanan Pembumian Tower 150 kV terhadap Sistem Penyaluran Petir Naomi Lembang; Salama Manjang; Ikhlas Kitta
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring Vol 21 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (956.793 KB) | DOI: 10.25042/jpe.112017.02


Telah terjadi gangguan di sistem transmisi SULSELRABAR mengakibatkan terjadinya black out pada hari selasa 19 Januari 2016 pukul 14.13 WITA. Gangguan tersebut terjadi bersamaan dengan hujan dan angin kencang disertai petir yang begitu keras menyebabakan lepasnya beban sebesar 746 MW menimbulkan kerugian PLN sebesar Rp. 8.355.200.000. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa dampak terjadinya back flashover yang mempengaruhi jaringan 150 kV akibat surja petir di lingkungan tropis, mengetahui dan menganalisa besar tegangan impuls dijaringan transmisi 150 kV akibat ack flashover, dan mengetahui solusi yang paling efektif mengurangi surja petir.Dari hasil penelitian ini efek nilai pentanahan akibat sambaran petir di sistem jaringan transmisi 150 kV khususnya di sepanjang line transmisi GI Sungguminasa – GI Tallasa berdampak pada kerusakan eralatan gardu induk dan pemadaman meluas. Untuk menganalisis hal tersebut digunakan metode simulasi ATPdraw, metode gelombang berjalan dan metode paralelisasi guna menemukan ampak back flashover pada setiap nilai pentanahan tower. Respon terhadap nilai pentanahan tiap tower, terdapat 41 tower berdampak terjadi loncatan api balik sudah melebihi BIL isolator. Hasil penelitian ini menujukkan penurunan nilai pentanahan metode paralelisasi menggunakan tembaga penambahan arang dan garam dapat mereduksi besarnya nilai pentanahan senilai 0,78 ohm, dapat mempengaruhi kestabilan sistem saat terjadi sambaran petir.
Sistem Pengendali Pengisian Baterai pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Asma Ainuddin; Salama Manjang; Faizal Arya Samman
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring Vol 21 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1199.398 KB) | DOI: 10.25042/jpe.112017.03


Kerusakan baterai merupakan permasalahan yang sering terjadi pada Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya. Beberapa penyebabnya yaitu keadaan pengisian yang berlebih, tegangan terlampau rendah dan suhu baterai yang terlalu panas. Pemanfaatan sistem kendali pengisian baterai merupakan solusi terbaik. Selain berfungsi untuk mempertahankan tegangan luaran panel surya pada level tegangan baterai, sistem ini juga mengendalikan waktu pengisian. Pada paper ini, sistem pengisian baterai dibangun dari rangkaian DC ke DC konverter menggunakan charge pump, rangkaian kendali menggunakan Arduino Mega, dan rangkaian pengisian baterai. Tahap perancangan terdiri dari simulasi, pembuatan perangkat keras, dan perangkat lunak. Simulasi karakteristik charge pump menggunakan PSpice dengan konfigurasi dioda dan Mosfet sebagai komponen pensaklaran. Karakteristik yang didapatkan berupa penguatan tegangan maksimum sebesar 2.44×, rekuensi kerja 10 kHz hingga 250 kHz, dan nilai tahanan beban antara 1 Ohm hingga 5 kOhm. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut diketahui pula bahwa penggunaan dioda lebih baik dibanding penggunaan Mosfet, oleh karena itu perangkat keras charge pump dirancang dengan menggunakan dioda. Pengetesan rangkaian dilakukan dengan menghubungkan panel surya ke masukan sistem kendali, hasil akhir menunjukkan sistem kendali pengisian baterai mampu mempertahankan kondisi tegangan pada level baterai yaitu sebesar 12 V walaupun tegangan panel surya bervariasi pada nilai 6 V hingga 10 V.
Penerapan Mobile GIS pada Peta Panduan Jalur Angkutan Umum Berbasis Android dengan Metode Optimasi Rute Ant Colony Optimization Salmiati Salmiati; Salama Manjang; Inggrid Nurtanio
Jurnal Penelitian Enjiniring Vol 21 No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Center of Techonolgy (COT), Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Hasanuddin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (776.755 KB) | DOI: 10.25042/jpe.112017.04


Dalam mendukung pengembangan jaringan sistem transportasi cerdas, Mobile GIS menjadi salah satu faktor pendukung, dimana mobile GIS ini dapat menjadi pemandu bagi pengguna transportasi untuk bepergian dengan menggunakan angkot. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sebuah aplikasi yang berbasis android untuk menentukan jalur angkot yang optimal menuju tujuan yang diinginkan. Melalui penerapan Mobile GIS ini pengguna mendapatkan informasi tentang kode angkot apa saja yang dapat digunakan, jalur alternatif yang mana yang lebih menguntungkan dan jumlah biaya yang harus dibayarkan. Masalah timbul manakala rute yang diinginkan pengguna harus dengan proses transfer rute yang mungkin bisa hanya satu kali transfer, dua kali transfer atau lebih. Dengan demikian untuk optimasi rute yang digunakan adalah metode Ant Colony Optimization. Algoritma Ant Colony Optimization merupakan salah satu jenis algoritma yang meniru prilaku serangga (swarm) yaitu semut. Namun kasus rute angkot ini, untuk mencapai rute optimal dalam metode Ant Colony Optimization ini yang diperhitungkan adalah jarak dan jumlah angkot, dengan asumsi bahwa meskipun rute tersebut berjarak dekat, tetapi kurang angkot yang melalui rute tersebut, maka rute tidak dianggap optimal. Dalam implementasi aplikasi ini membutuhkan waktu akses kurang lebih 1 menit. Hal ini dikarenakan adanya proses pengambilan data dari Google Maps, selain itu juga bergantung pada akses jaringan yang digunakan.
Investigation of High-Voltage Insulator Surface Conditions based on Machine Learning TensorFlow Salama Manjang
INTEK: Jurnal Penelitian Vol 7, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1484.397 KB) | DOI: 10.31963/intek.v7i1.2053


The insulator plays an essential role in preventing the flow of current from the phase conductor to the earth through supporting towers so that the insulation is a significant part of the electrical energy transmission system. Generally, high-voltage insulators are widely used as external plug insulators, for that the performance of insulators is influenced by environmental conditions that indirectly affect the surface condition of the insulators. In this study, a diagnostic tool used in the testing surface of the insulator, which can classify mechanically whether the insulator is good or damaged. The classification method uses TensorFlow Machine learning. Machine Learning is used as a brain in the isolation classification process while TensorFlow functions to store training data and test data in the classification process. The results obtained from this study show the accuracy of classification data is 98%.
Pelatihan Pemeliharaan Sistem Distribusi Tenaga Listrik pada Tenaga Kerja Perusahaan Bidang Ketenagalistrikan Salama Manjang; Ikhlas kitta; Syafaruddin -; Yusran -; Indar C Gunadin; Gassing -
JURNAL TEPAT : Teknologi Terapan untuk Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 2 No 2 (2019): Aplikasi Teknologi untuk Hidup Masyarakat yang Lebih Baik
Publisher : Faculty of Engineering UNHAS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (371.179 KB) | DOI: 10.25042/jurnal_tepat.v2i2.98


This community service activity aims to establish a cooperative relationship between the Department of Electrical Engineering, Hasanuddin University and Electrical Engineering Alumni in South Sulawesi. One of the most important professional skills for Electrical Engineering alumni is in the field of maintaining the distribution of electricity. This ability can help graduates to develop their talents, express themselves in the science of electrical engineering, and one of the skills capital to be ready to compete in the job market. That requires knowledge and work experience from electrical engineering alumni to master the field practically with the knowledge that requires refreshment of work competencies in the field of maintenance of electric power distribution. This activity provides training on maintenance of electric power distribution in the form of maintenance of medium voltage overhead, maintenance of distribution substations, maintenance of low voltage overhead, and maintenance of limiting and measuring devices. The preparatory process for the training begins with coordinating with electrical engineering alumni coordinated by partners who are represented through a business entity namely PT. Rahmat Alam Utama related to the schedule, participants, and materials to be given during the training. The implementation team then made some training modules in the form of softcopy as the main material of the training. The training was held for 1 (one) day, which is August 15, 2019, which was attended by 26 electrical engineering alumni. The results of the evaluation of activities through the questionnaire provided showed that most participants had a high level of interest in maintaining electricity distribution and still wanted to attend training at the next opportunity. In addition, there is also the addition of knowledge and skills of the majority of trainees.