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Journal of Rural and Urban Community Empowerment Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (690.79 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/jruce.2.1.42-49


The counseling was done on 25-26 July 2020 on Mengkapan village, Siak regency. The aims of the activity to providing knowledge and understanding for the people of Mengkapan Village about the important role of mangrove forests for human life.This extension activity provides benefits to stakeholders including extension participants, the community, members of extension services, universities, and local governments. The main target of this counseling activity is 30 people living in the coastal area of Mengkapan village. The methods were used in this extension are lectures and discussions, visits to mangrove forest locations, monitoring, and evaluation. The lecture method is used to deliver material in class. The field visit is intended to see the real function of mangroves according to the material that has been presented. Monitoring is carried out to determine the development of mangrove forest management activities, especially the activities and interests of the community to participate in existing conservation groups. In this activity, an evaluation was also carried out which aims to determine the level of increase in knowledge of extension participants and community participation in mangrove forest management. From the results of monitoring and evaluation, it is known that the level of knowledge and participation of participants about mangrove conservation and its benefits has increased.Kata kunci: extention, conservation, mangrove, Mengkapan Village.
Pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pelatihan pembuatan ecobrick sebagai upaya mengurangi sampah plastik di Kecamatan Bunga Raya Muhammad Fauzi; Eni Sumiarsih; Adriman Adriman; Rusliadi Rusliadi; Ika Fitria Hasibuan
Riau Journal of Empowerment Vol 3 No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/raje.3.2.87-96


Plastics are the synthesis of polymerization of different types of monomers. Almost all kinds of plastic will drift or float inside the water body. It will cause the plastic to be torn apart and damaged by the sunlight, oxidation and abrasion of mechanically forming plastic particles. Ecobrick is one way of handling plastic waste by packing clean and dry plastic into plastic bottles. Community empowerment to process plastic waste into something useful in the long term is one of the keys to the success of the plastic waste recycling program. This activity will provide benefits for community service participants, members who implement counselling, higher education and government. The target audience in these community service activities is the village community Bunga Raya, Siak regency. Results of public service activities that have been implemented by the community have been able to make seats from Ecobrick. In society, it is expected not only to make seats from Ecobrick but also to create other creations. So it can be used as a new business opportunity for the target community.
Penerapan minapadi untuk mendukung ketahanan pangan dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat Desa Koto Benai Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Eni Sumiarsih; Kausar Kausar; Adriman Adriman; Eddiwan Eddiwan; Ika Fitria Hasibuan
Unri Conference Series: Community Engagement Vol 1 (2019): Seminar Nasional Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31258/unricsce.1.304-309


Koto Benai village is a village where most of its inhabitants have eyes in the agricultural sector. The people of Koto Benai Village grow rice only 2 times a year. Mina padi is a way of maintaining fish between rice plants, this is one of the appropriate technologies in paddy fields. The types of fish that can be maintained on the system are carp, tilapia, tilapia, catfish, and others. The purpose of this activity is so that farmers can understand the technique of using fish with the Minapadi system. It is expected that after this service the farmers and the community can apply the Minapadi system technology to increase farmers' income which is not only from agricultural products. independent village. Method in this activity consists of lectures and direct practice in the field. The implementation of rice mina is carried out in several stages: the situation analysis stage and preliminary observations, training in the cultivation of rice mina and fish farming, mentoring and mentoring of rice mina, determining the reliability of activity indicators, and problems that arise. The results obtained from the implementation of this activity were enthusiastic communities to carry out minapadi cultivation, agricultural and livestock production increased in 24%.
Asian Journal of Aquatic Sciences Vol 2 No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (663.958 KB) | DOI: 10.31258/ajoas.2.2.199-126


Seagrass is present in the Genting Beach. During the low tide, however, propeler of fishermen ship damage the seagrass habitat in general. To understand the types and density of seagrass in Genting Beach, a study has been conducted in April – June 2018. There were 3 sampling points, in the river mouth of the Genting River (SP I), in the shipping line (SP II), and in the mangrove area (SP III). Seagrass were taken from 3 quadrants (1x1 m) in each sampling point. Sampling were conducted once. The seagrass was then identified. Results shown that there was one type of seagrass species, namely Enhalus acoroides. Seagrass density range from 17.99 – 90.78 organism/m2 and the coverage of seagrass was around 3.04% – 14.39%, water temperature was 31.66 - 32ºC, salinity 32‰, pH 8, clarity 0.26 – 0.33 m, current flow 0.37 – 0.42 m/s, sandy mud substrate, nitrate 0.033 – 0.075 mg/L, phosphate 0.035 – 0.104 mg/L and organic material was 20.50 – 27.57%. The seagrass density in the Genting Beach is classified as rare and the coverage as low.
Kualitas dan distribusi spasial karakteristik fisika-kimia Sungai Siak di Kota Pekanbaru Luri Anita Vanri; Adriman Adriman; Muhammad Fauzi
Depik Vol 9, No 2 (2020): August 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (520.993 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/depik.9.2.16578


Siak River is one of the biggest rivers and the deepest in Riau Province in Indonesia with its 20-30 depth and depth 370 kilometers. The Siak River used for bathing, washing, dumping industrial palm oil, plantation, domestic waste, and port so it has an impact on water quality changing. This study analyzed the water quality and distribution spatial physical and chemical parameters the river around in Pekanbaru city, using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), this study used laboratory in situ and ex situ water quality measurement instruments. Water sampling each station done three times in two weeks during October to November 2019. The results obtained from this study shows the water quality of these 6 stations in the category of bad and the water quality from headwaters to downstream river influenced by organic parameter as a dominant pollutant. The correlation of water quality characteristic was 74.4% main factor 1 (F1) 47.4% and main factor 2 (F2) 26.7% with main characteristics fecal coliform, phosphate, and nitrate. Grouping these characteristics through a dendrogram showed three levels of relationship based on the characteristic parameter. The first group stands for station 1,2, and 4 have higher brightness and Dissolved oxygen (DO) parameters than other stations. The second group stands for stations 3 and 5 that have relatively high in parameter phosphate and nitrate. The third group is station 6 (river estuary) which results in shows high of fecal coliform proportional to pollution. The study can be concluded that three groups heavily contaminated. Each group has different parameters that show influence upland and waters activities.Keywords: Distribution of spatial, The quality of water, Siak River, Physical and Chemical Parameters, PCA ABSTRAKSungai Siak merupakan salah satu sungai terbesar di Provinsi Riau dan terdalam di Indonesia, dengan kedalaman sekitar 20-30 meter dan panjang 300 kilometer. Sungai siak masih dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat sebagai sarana Mandi Cuci Kakus (MCK), tempat buangan limbah industri kelapa sawit, perkebunan, rumah tangga dan pelabuhan, sehingga berdampak pada perubahan kualitas perairan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisa kualitas dan distribusi spasial karateristik fisik-kimia perairan Sungai Siak di sekitar Kota Pekanbaru, dengan menggunakan Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Kajian menggunakan instrument pengukuran kualitas air in situ dan ex situ di laboratorium. Pengambilan sampel air pada masing-masing stasiun dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali setiap dua minggu selama bulan Oktober hingga November 2019. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kajian ini adalah kualitas air di keenam stasiun masuk dalam katagori buruk dan mengalami penurunan kualitas dari hulu ke hilir yang disebabkan bahan organik. Korelasi karakteristik kualitas air sebesar 74,3%, faktor utama 1 (F1)  47,4% dan faktor utama 2 (F2) 26,7% dengan penciri utama fecal coliform, fosfat dan nitrat. Pengelompokan stasiun pada dendogram klarifikasi hierarki menunjukkan adanya tiga tingkat hubungan kekerabatan berdasarkan parameter pencirinya. Kelompok satu terdiri dari stasiun 1, 2 dan 4 memiliki hasil relatif tinggi pada parameter kecerahan dan oksigen terlarut (DO) dibandingkan dengan stasiun lainnya. Kelompok dua terdiri dari stasiun 3 dan 5 memiliki hasil relatif tinggi pada paramter nitrat dan fosfat dibandingkan dengan stasiun lainnya. Kelompok tiga adalah stasiun 6 (muara sungai sail) dengan parameter fecal coliform relatif tinggi yang berbanding lurus dengan tingkat pencemarannya. Berdasarkan hasil kajian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tiga kelompok sama-sama tercemar berat, namun masing-masing kelompok memiliki perbedaan parameter pencirinya yang memperlihatkan pengaruh berbagai aktifitas di darat maupun di perairan itu sendiri.Kata kunci: Distribusi spasial, Kualitas air, Sungai Siak, Parameter fisika dan kimia, PCA
Kualitas dan distribusi spasial karakteristik fisika-kimia Sungai Siak di Kota Pekanbaru Luri Anita Vanri; Adriman Adriman; Muhammad Fauzi
Depik Vol 9, No 2 (2020): August 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.9.2.16578


Siak River is one of the biggest rivers and the deepest in Riau Province in Indonesia with its 20-30 depth and depth 370 kilometers. The Siak River used for bathing, washing, dumping industrial palm oil, plantation, domestic waste, and port so it has an impact on water quality changing. This study analyzed the water quality and distribution spatial physical and chemical parameters the river around in Pekanbaru city, using Principal Component Analysis (PCA), this study used laboratory in situ and ex situ water quality measurement instruments. Water sampling each station done three times in two weeks during October to November 2019. The results obtained from this study shows the water quality of these 6 stations in the category of bad and the water quality from headwaters to downstream river influenced by organic parameter as a dominant pollutant. The correlation of water quality characteristic was 74.4% main factor 1 (F1) 47.4% and main factor 2 (F2) 26.7% with main characteristics fecal coliform, phosphate, and nitrate. Grouping these characteristics through a dendrogram showed three levels of relationship based on the characteristic parameter. The first group stands for station 1,2, and 4 have higher brightness and Dissolved oxygen (DO) parameters than other stations. The second group stands for stations 3 and 5 that have relatively high in parameter phosphate and nitrate. The third group is station 6 (river estuary) which results in shows high of fecal coliform proportional to pollution. The study can be concluded that three groups heavily contaminated. Each group has different parameters that show influence upland and waters activities.Keywords: Distribution of spatial, The quality of water, Siak River, Physical and Chemical Parameters, PCA ABSTRAKSungai Siak merupakan salah satu sungai terbesar di Provinsi Riau dan terdalam di Indonesia, dengan kedalaman sekitar 20-30 meter dan panjang 300 kilometer. Sungai siak masih dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat sebagai sarana Mandi Cuci Kakus (MCK), tempat buangan limbah industri kelapa sawit, perkebunan, rumah tangga dan pelabuhan, sehingga berdampak pada perubahan kualitas perairan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisa kualitas dan distribusi spasial karateristik fisik-kimia perairan Sungai Siak di sekitar Kota Pekanbaru, dengan menggunakan Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Kajian menggunakan instrument pengukuran kualitas air in situ dan ex situ di laboratorium. Pengambilan sampel air pada masing-masing stasiun dilakukan sebanyak tiga kali setiap dua minggu selama bulan Oktober hingga November 2019. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kajian ini adalah kualitas air di keenam stasiun masuk dalam katagori buruk dan mengalami penurunan kualitas dari hulu ke hilir yang disebabkan bahan organik. Korelasi karakteristik kualitas air sebesar 74,3%, faktor utama 1 (F1)  47,4% dan faktor utama 2 (F2) 26,7% dengan penciri utama fecal coliform, fosfat dan nitrat. Pengelompokan stasiun pada dendogram klarifikasi hierarki menunjukkan adanya tiga tingkat hubungan kekerabatan berdasarkan parameter pencirinya. Kelompok satu terdiri dari stasiun 1, 2 dan 4 memiliki hasil relatif tinggi pada parameter kecerahan dan oksigen terlarut (DO) dibandingkan dengan stasiun lainnya. Kelompok dua terdiri dari stasiun 3 dan 5 memiliki hasil relatif tinggi pada paramter nitrat dan fosfat dibandingkan dengan stasiun lainnya. Kelompok tiga adalah stasiun 6 (muara sungai sail) dengan parameter fecal coliform relatif tinggi yang berbanding lurus dengan tingkat pencemarannya. Berdasarkan hasil kajian dapat disimpulkan bahwa tiga kelompok sama-sama tercemar berat, namun masing-masing kelompok memiliki perbedaan parameter pencirinya yang memperlihatkan pengaruh berbagai aktifitas di darat maupun di perairan itu sendiri.Kata kunci: Distribusi spasial, Kualitas air, Sungai Siak, Parameter fisika dan kimia, PCA