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Journal : Jurnal PORKES

Meningkatan Keterampilan Motorik Kasar Melalui Permainan Sederhana Dwi Agung Andhika; Aba Sandi Prayoga; Kuncoro Darumoyo
Jurnal Porkes Vol 5, No 1 (2022): PORKES
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29408/porkes.v5i1.5678


This reserach aims to improve student’s motoric gross through applying of simple games to the students  in the academic year of 2021/2022.. The subjects were 21 students of PAUD Al-Kautsar Ngawi who consist of 11 male students and 10 female students.1The data were collected from the researcher, collaborator, and students using tests and observations. The data were validated using data source triangulation technique, and analysed using descriptive analysis technique.1Learning student’s through applying of simple games can improve student’s motoric gross in PAUD Al-Kautsar in the academic year of 2021/2022.  In the beginning condition, there were 4,76% or 1 of students who had learning achievement in good cindition, 33,34% or 7 of students who had learning achivement in fair category, 47,62% or 10 of students were in poor category, 14,28% or 3 of students were in very poor caterory, and the number1of students who passed the passing grade were only 8 students. In the first cycle, there were 4,76 % of students who had motoric gross in good category, 61,91% of students were in fair category, 28,57% of students were in poor category and 4,76% of students were in very poor category, and the number of students who passed the passing grade were 14 students. While in the second cycle, there were 4,76% of students who had motoric gross in very good category, 19,05% of students who had learning achivement in good category, 61,91% of students were in fair category, 14,28% of students were in poor category, and the number of students who passed the passing grade were 18 students.The conclusion of this research is the use of simple games can improve student’s motoric gross at PAUD Al-Kautsar Ngawi in the academic year of 2021/2022.
Upaya Meningkatkan Kompetensi Ketrampilan Gerak Dasar Lokomotor Lari Melalui Permainan Sederhana Aba Sandi Prayoga; Andy Widhiya Bayu Utomo; Arief Nur Wahyudi
Jurnal Porkes Vol 2 No 2 (2019): PORKES
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29408/porkes.v2i2.1748


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan gerak dasar lokomotor lari dengan berbagai variasi gerak lari dengan menggunakan berbagai jenis permainan sederhana.Strategi dalam penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilakukan melalui 2 siklus dan pada setiap siklusnya. Sedang untuk mengaktifkan siswa dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan latihan-latihan yang diberikan kepada siswa dalam kelompok besar dan kelompok kecil. Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 02 Lego Kulon Kecamatan Kasreman Kabupaten Ngawi tahun ajaran 2019/2020, jumlah 20 siswa dengan jumlah siswa 12 siswa putri dan 8 siswa putra. Metode Penelitian Kelas ini diawali dengan perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan pelaksanaan tindakan, dan lakukan refleksi, dan teruskan perbaikan atau peningkatan yang diharapkan dapat diperoleh. Hasil penelitian pada nilai sikap Kompetensi Inti I (Sikap Spiritual) untuk 20 siswa, pada siklus I = 65% atau 13 siswa, dan pada siklus belajar II = 85% atau 17 siswa, dan dapat disingkirkan naik 20% atau 4 siswa. Pada nilai kompetensi Kompetensi Inti II (Sikap Sosial), pada siklus I = 60% atau 12 siswa, dan pada siklus belajar II = 85% atau 17 siswa, dan dapat disimpulkan pembelajaran naik 20% atau 5 siswa. Pada nilai kompetensi Kompetensi Inti (Aspek Pengetahuan) untuk 20 siswa, pada siklus I = 60% atau 12 siswa, dan pada siklus belajar II = 80% atau 16 siswa, dan dapat disimpulkan naik 20% atau 4 siswa.Pada nilai kompetensi Kompetensi Inti IV (Aspek Ketrampilan) untuk 20 siswa, pada siklus I = 65% atau 13 siswa, dan pada siklus belajar II = 85% atau 17 siswa, dan dapat disingkirkan naik 20% atau 4 siswa.DOI: 10.29408/porkes.v2i2.1748