Syamsuddin Haris
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Jurnal Penelitian Politik Vol 3, No 1 (2006): Papua Menggugat
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Politik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (299.689 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/jpp.v3i1.537


Politicalparties are integralpart o f process of democratization in Indonesia. But, rather be the solutionof the problem in democratization o f the country, Indonesian political parties are still part of the problem. Thepaper is aim to identify problem o f the parties in Indonesia and the party system. The paper describes that theparties have at leastfour shortcomings as its basicproblem, i.e. institutionalproblem, leadershipproblem, structuralproblem and ideological problem. This paper argues that to make political parties become the solution ofpoliticalproblem in Indonesia, it has to be modernized. In the context of revision o f Decree o f Political Party, the partysystem has to be fitted in with other system in Indonesian political system. The choice is not only to choosebetween multi-party or bi-party system, but to choose the system that coherence with the whole political system in Indonesia.
KOALISI DALAM SISTEM DEMOKRASI PRESIDENSIAL INDONESIA : Faktor faktor Kerapuhan Koalisi Era Presiden Yudhoyono Haris, Syamsuddin
Jurnal Penelitian Politik Vol 8, No 1 (2011): Menggugat Politik Parlemen
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Politik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1077.349 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/jpp.v8i1.473


Although the concept ofcoalition is only prevalent in parliamentary democratic system but multiparty presidential system scheme which is applied in Indonesia necessitates the existence ofcoalition among its party Thepresence of Coalition is necessary to minimize the risk ofpolitical deadlock in relations between President andParliament on the one hand and due to built effectiveness in the government as the outcome ofgeneral electionBut in fact political coalition do not guarantee effectiveness in government administration even on the contraryit has become a prison for president because opposition comes from inside of The Parliament which also partof the coalition member in government In the era ofPresident Yudhoyono there are three importantfactors thatlead to fragility of the coalition the coalition design factor personalityfactor of the President and character ofthe party in theparliament In order to Built effectiveness in government which requires restructuring the coalitionform especially related to coalition base political nature of the agreement and contract among the members ofcoalition scope ofmaterial agreement and internal mechanism in the coalition in thefuture the effectiveness isalso going to be base on restructuring general election format to become national general election to elect President and Vice President and members ofparliament and local elections to choose head oflocal governmentprovince and district and members of local house of representatives)
Faksi Dan Konflik Internal Partai-Partai Politik Di Indonesia Era Reformasi Budiatri, Aisah Putri; Haris, Syamsuddin; Romli, Lili; Nuryanti, Sri; Nurhasim, Moch; Darmawan, Devi; Hanafi, Ridho Imawan
Jurnal Penelitian Politik Vol 14, No 2 (2017): Demokrasi, HAM dan Militer
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Politik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3018.642 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/jpp.v14i2.726


AbstrakKonflik internal dan perpecahan partai merupakan persoalan pelik yang pernah dialami oleh hampir semua partai yang berkuasa di parlemen Indonesia selama era reformasi. Konflik tak terhindarkan meskipun Undang-Undang Partai Politik telah mengatur secara khusus mengenai konflik partai dan cara penyelesaiannya. Riset kualitatif ini menemukan ada beberapa hal yang menjadi penyebab konflik diantaranya ideologi partai, melembaganya kepemimpinan partai yang personal dan oligarkis, serta koalisi partai yang cair, inefektivitas aturan hukum formal, serta kombinasi sistem proporsional terbuka, sistem pemilu langsung dan sistem multipartai ekstrim. Konflik adalah problem yang memiliki dampak buruk bagi partai karena diantaranya mampu mengganggu rekrutmen partai serta kinerja elektoralnya. Oleh karena itu, upaya untuk mencegah dan mengatasi konflik adalah suatu kepatutan.Kata Kunci : Faksi, Konflik, Partai Politik, Pelembagaan
Masa Depan Partai Islam di Indonesia Nurhasim, Moch; Haris, Syamsuddin; Romli, Lili; Nuryanti, Sri; Amalia, Luky Sandra; Darmawan, Devi; Hanafi, Ridho Imawan
Jurnal Penelitian Politik Vol 13, No 2 (2016): Otonomi Daerah dan Pembangunan Perdesaan
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Politik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1736.508 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/jpp.v13i2.567


AbstrakKeberadaan partai politik Islam bukan sekedar penanda tumbuh suburnya pluralitas politik di Tanah Air. Namun jauh dari itu, pluralitas “Keindonesiaan” tidak ada artinya tanpa ke-Islam di dalamnya. Oleh karena itu, partai-partai Islam tetap relevan dan dibutuhkan, bukan hanya sebagai saluran aspirasi dan kepentingan umat Islam, melainkan juga sebagai bagian dari pluralitas dan “Keindonesiaan” itu sendiri. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa peluang ideologi Islam dan partai-partai Islam di masa depan bergantung pada sejauhmana ideologi Islam dapat dihadirkan untuk menjawab persoalan “Keindonesiaan” dan kebangsaan. Peluang partai-partai Islam pada satu sisi dapat dilihat dari hasil elektoral, namun pada sisi yang jauh lebih mendasar dari hal itu ialah bagaimana meningkatkan kualitas kehadiran dan kontribusi partai-partai Islam bagi praktik demokrasi Indonesia yang tidak sekedar lebih etis dan beradab, melainkan juga lebih adil, akuntabel, dan berintegritas. Kata Kunci: Demokrasi, Partai Politik Islam, Pemilu
Personalisasi Partai Politik di Indonesia Era Reformasi Budiatri, Aisah Putri; Haris, Syamsuddin; Romli, Lili; Nuryanti, Sri; Nurhasim, Moch; Amalia, Luky Sandra; Darmawan, Devi; Hanafi, Ridho Imawan
Jurnal Penelitian Politik Vol 15, No 2 (2018): Konstelasi Politik di Tahun Elektoral
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Politik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2965.423 KB) | DOI: 10.14203/jpp.v15i2.766


AbstrakMayoritas partai politik di Indonesia pada era reformasi telah terjebak pada persoalan personalisasi politik. Individu elite partai menjadi image partai sekaligus orang yang sangat berpengaruh dalam pembuatan kebijakan partai dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Padahal, partai politik telah memiliki mekanisme suksesi, namun satu sosok elite tetap mampu mempersonalkan partainya. Penelitian ini melihat ada beberapa aspek yang menjadi penyebabnya, termasuk sejarah pendirian partai, kepemimpinan karismatik dan pendanaan partai. Di luar itu, presidensialisme, sistem kepartaian dan sistem pemilu menjadi faktor yang turut memfasilitasi munculnya personalisasi partai. Personalisasi partai ini harus dihindari karena dalam jangka panjang akan berdampak negatif tidak hanya kepada partai politik, tetapi juga pada upaya penegakan demokrasi di Indonesia. Kata kunci: personalisasi partai, pemimpin karismatik, era reformasi
KOALISI DALAM SISTEM DEMOKRASI PRESIDENSIAL INDONESIA : Faktor faktor Kerapuhan Koalisi Era Presiden Yudhoyono Syamsuddin Haris
Jurnal Penelitian Politik Vol 8, No 1 (2011): Menggugat Politik Parlemen
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Politik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jpp.v8i1.473


Although the concept ofcoalition is only prevalent in parliamentary democratic system but multiparty presidential system scheme which is applied in Indonesia necessitates the existence ofcoalition among its party Thepresence of Coalition is necessary to minimize the risk ofpolitical deadlock in relations between President andParliament on the one hand and due to built effectiveness in the government as the outcome ofgeneral electionBut in fact political coalition do not guarantee effectiveness in government administration even on the contraryit has become a prison for president because opposition comes from inside of The Parliament which also partof the coalition member in government In the era ofPresident Yudhoyono there are three importantfactors thatlead to fragility of the coalition the coalition design factor personalityfactor of the President and character ofthe party in theparliament In order to Built effectiveness in government which requires restructuring the coalitionform especially related to coalition base political nature of the agreement and contract among the members ofcoalition scope ofmaterial agreement and internal mechanism in the coalition in thefuture the effectiveness isalso going to be base on restructuring general election format to become national general election to elect President and Vice President and members ofparliament and local elections to choose head oflocal governmentprovince and district and members of local house of representatives)
Jurnal Penelitian Politik Vol 3, No 1 (2006): Papua Menggugat
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian Politik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/jpp.v3i1.537


Politicalparties are integralpart o f process of democratization in Indonesia. But, rather be the solutionof the problem in democratization o f the country, Indonesian political parties are still part of the problem. Thepaper is aim to identify problem o f the parties in Indonesia and the party system. The paper describes that theparties have at leastfour shortcomings as its basicproblem, i.e. institutionalproblem, leadershipproblem, structuralproblem and ideological problem. This paper argues that to make political parties become the solution ofpoliticalproblem in Indonesia, it has to be modernized. In the context of revision o f Decree o f Political Party, the partysystem has to be fitted in with other system in Indonesian political system. The choice is not only to choosebetween multi-party or bi-party system, but to choose the system that coherence with the whole political system in Indonesia.