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Pendidikan Sosiologi Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi
Publisher : Pendidikan Sosiologi

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SMA Negeri 1 Talamau has established regulations that prohibit students carry cell phones in school because it would have negatively impacted the learners in the learning process . However , students still carry and use mobile phones in school . This study aimed to describe the function of the manifest and latent functions of the use of mobile phones by students in SMA Negeri 1 Talamau . The author uses the structural functional theory . Robert K. Merton mengemukan manifest functions and latent functions . Manifest function is desired functions , while the latent function is a function that is not desired . This type of research is a qualitative approach using descriptive type . This research sites in SMA Negeri 1 Talamau . This study describes about the situation as it should . Selection of informants using snowball sampling technique . Type of data is the primary data and secondary data were collected through observations , interviews and documentation . Analysis of the data used is interactive model analysis . The results showed the manifest function of the use of mobile phones by students in schools as a means of communication with teachers , family and friends . In addition , learners also use mobile phones as a tool to seek assignments and as a means to relieve the boredom . Meanwhile , the latent function of the use of mobile phones by students in school , as a tool for social networking and open to take pictures.
Pendidikan Sosiologi Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi
Publisher : Pendidikan Sosiologi

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Discipline is one of the components that determine the educational achievement at school. With the discipline in students are expected to arise conducive atmosphere for teaching and learning in schools. As one of the institutions of formal education, SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Sikaping has issued a policy relating to rules and regulations. Schools impose sanctions for any violation point made by students in an effort to enforce discipline. The purpose of this study was to describe the cause of the implementation of sanctions effectiveness points in the enforcement of discipline in SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Sikaping and to explain the impact of the implementation of sanctions effectiveness points in the enforcement of discipline in SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Sikaping. The study was conducted in February and September. This type of research is a qualitative approach using a case study type. This research sites in SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk Sikaping. This study is only an attempt to make a description, a picture of a situation as it should. Selection of informants using purposive sampling technique. Type of data is the primary data and secondary data were collected through observations, interviews and documentation. Data analysis technique used is an interactive model of analysis. Results of this study indicate that (1) point penalty imposed may restrict students in behaving towards positive. This is due to the strict sanctions and fair in its implementation. (2) good socialization process also makes this point penalty to be more effective. (3) the cooperation of all components of the school such as the principal, vice-principal, subject teachers and counseling teachers make effective sanctions this point. (4) the impact of the adoption of this point of sanctions is to make students more responsible and the teacher can help teachers to control the students behavior.
Perilaku Remaja Dalam Penggunaan Media Internet Di Nagari Lakitan Kecamatan Lengayang Kabupaten Peissir Selatan Khairani, Era Zulmi; Erianjoni, Erianjoni; Firdaus, Firdaus
Pendidikan Sosiologi Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi
Publisher : Pendidikan Sosiologi

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This essay explains about adolescent behaviour using internet media in Lakitan village Lengayang district south pesisir regency. Internet in the school and internet’s stail make adolescent easy to access internet. The function of internet’s  stail as a media to get information, have change to be a place to playing game online, chatting and access the other website, so can influence adolescent behaviour. Based on the problems above, the purpose of this research are: (1) The motivate factor using internet by adolescent in Lakitan village Lengayang district south Pesisir regency, (2) The model of internet that use by adolescent in Lakitan village Lengayang district south Pesisir regency, (3) the impact of use internet by adolescent in Lakitan village Lengayang district south Peissir regency.The theory is Max Weber theory about social action and Edwin Shuterland about deviate attitude. In this research us qualitative approach, to explain strong theory. Informan of this research are twenty five people. The data cinsists of words and action. World and obsevation people and interview are prime source. Thecnique and collecting data too;s are interviewing, observation, documentation and collecting data tools are interview instruction, book, pen, and handhphone.The result of this research shows the motivate factor adolescent use internet in Lakitan village Lengayang district south Pesisir Regency are education factor, are the internet that use by adolescent in Lakitan village Lengayang district south Pesisir regency are communication media like facebook, chatting and to entertain media like game online in internet. The impact of use internet in Lakitan village Lengayang district south Pesisir regency are positive of task and increas adolescent knowledge and negative impact like social deviate attitude that open pornogarfi, less of achievement in the school and always lie to parents in home.
Pendidikan Sosiologi Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi
Publisher : Pendidikan Sosiologi

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Nopita Sari (09070024), Childrens Achievement and Learning Strategies From Poor Families In SMAN 3 Lengayang South Coastal District. Thesis Sociology Program Educational Studies High School Teaching and Education ( STKIP ) Sumatran PGRI weight , Padang , 2013This research  examines about learning strategies achieving children from poor families in SMAN 3 Lengayang South Coastal District. In the learning process necessary facilities which sometimes costly, consequences for parents who are unable to fulfill that facilities, then the child will be late in the learning process, but not for children who excel from poor families that the author found in SMAN 3 Lengayang. It means that they can still get the achievement even though the economic conditions that limited the strategies they do. This study aims to describe the learning strategies achieving children in SMAN 3 Lengayang South Coastal District and describe the obstacles encountered achieving children from poor families in SMAN 3 Lengayang South Coastal District.The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach, which is trying to approach social reality that wish to study in depth and using qualitative data in the form of words and deeds. Informants of this study are the students who excel from poor families in SMAN 3 Lengayang South Coastal District. The selection of informants in this study using purposive sampling technique. Data used primary and secondary. Data collection techniques used were observation , interviews, documentation. The unit of analysis is the individual. Analysis of the data used includes three stages: 1 ) data reduction 2 ) presenting data 3 ) conclusion drawing or verification.Results of this study showed that children performed a variety of strategies for learning achievement such as 1 ) borrow books, among the others: the senior who has graduated, borrow books at the library, borrow books to a different school friends, borrow the book to the teacher 2 ) to repeat the lesson the teacher at the school, 3 ) for the materials and discuss the problems of the Internet, 4 ) form a study group. Then the constraints faced by students who excel , such as 1 ) divide difficult time in learning 2 ) lack of pleasure when one of my friends active in the learning process 3 ) is ridiculed by classmates for bringing lunch ( rice ) to school .
Pendidikan Sosiologi Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Wisuda Ke 48 Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi
Publisher : Pendidikan Sosiologi

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This research is motivated by socialization which is run by his parents in fact running properly. During the father worked in the mining socialize mother who values her children as teach their children the Koran, read the Quran, teaches reading prayers, invite children to pray. Although the father was busy working in the mine, but the father also plays a role in disseminating the values to their children. Therefore, this study aimed to determine how to disseminate the values to children by their parents in the family miners.The approach used is descriptive qualitative approach. Determination of purposive informant done. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The unit of analysis is the family miners. Data analysis method used is descriptive analysis of the data was analyzed according to the interactive model (Interactive Model Of Analysis) Miles & Hubermas.The results showed in general how to disseminate the values to children by their parents in the family miners in Jorong Sariak Taba is seen that parents who work as gold miners disseminate good values to their children and teach their children by bringing material values, parents also teach vital values and spiritual values.
Pendidikan Sosiologi Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Wisuda Ke 48 Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi
Publisher : Pendidikan Sosiologi

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This study aimed to describe social control through mating arrested in Nagari Air Bangis               WestPasaman.The approach used is descriptive qualitative approach. Determination of purposive informant done. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The unit of analysis is the individual, kewilayah and time according to the research focus. Data analysis method used is descriptive analysis of the data was analyzed according to the interactive model (Interactive Model OfAnalysis) Miles &Hubermas.The results showed that the mating behavior of control teens arrested in Nagari Air Bangis generally concluded that the mating catch is a sanction given by the villagers Air Bangis against teens who violate the ordinance association, in which the mating process which begins with the arrest here of surveillance , in where the teen initially staked out by youths around , then the arrest is an act of investigating a temporary restraint, then calling parents, teens who are arrested can not be processed without the presence of their parents, the next to marry is a process of settlement of the juveniles arrested for have violated procedures in Nagari Air Bangisassociation .
Pendidikan Sosiologi Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Wisuda Ke 48 Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi
Publisher : Pendidikan Sosiologi

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 Factors that affect learning can provide positive support in learning, but can also inhibit the learning process. Barriers that occur impact on learning outcomes of individuals who experience the learning process is not as expected. Difficulties are often experienced would be a very significant barrier to further the learning process, as it can lead to low student achievement. Objectives to be achieved in this study are : to determine the sociological factors on student learning difficulties sociology subjects in class X SMA PGRI 1 Padang. The theory used in this study is the theory of behaviorisme. In behavioristik flow, learning is essentially the formation of associations between sensory impression captured by a tendency to act or the relationship between stimulus and response. This study used a qualitative research approach. This type of research used in this study is descriptive to express concerns about the sociological factors on student learning difficulties sociology subjects. In this study, the determination of informants conducted by purposive sampling technique, in this study, are the students and teachers of class X subjects of sociology, Principal, High School Principal at Vice PGRI 1 Padang. The data of this study is primary data obtained through interviews. The unit of analysis is the group with the analysis of the data comprising the steps of reduction, data presentation / analysis of data, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study are : ( 1 ) Internal factors cause difficulty in studying sociology student from one of the students is, students do not utilize well as learning resources,  read the handbooks are recommended teachers, students therefore difficult to understand the subject matter of sociology. It also comes from a lack of student motivation, due to laziness students in doing the task and answer the questions provided by the teacher about the lesson that has been taught, so that the desired learning outcomes are not achieved properly. ( 2 ) external factors difficulties experienced by students in learning sociology teacher education factor interaction with students is, due to the way the lead teacher in the learning process does not use a variation, which causes saturation partially students to follow the learning process, so that students tend to get bored with the lessons taught teacher.
Deviant Behavior of SMA PGRI 4 Students in the learning process. Yanti, Irma; Erianjoni, Erianjoni; Firdaus, Firdaus
Pendidikan Sosiologi Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Wisuda Ke 48 Mahasiswa Prodi Pendidikan Sosiologi
Publisher : Pendidikan Sosiologi

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This thesis observes the deviant behavior of SMA PGRI 4 students in the learning process. One of the National Education Goal contents based on article 3 of law 2003 National Education System is to develop the students’ potential to be faithful and devoted to God Almighty, and to be nice person. But in fact, educational function has not been achieved yet maximally with a number of deviant behavior cases found in SMA PGRI 4 learning process. Based on the matter above, the research problems are formulated as follow: (1) Factors cause students of SMA PGRI 4 have deviant behavior in learning process? (2) The teacher’ efforts in fixing this SMA PGRI 4 Padang students’ deviant behavior in learning process?In this study, the researcher uses the theory of differential association by Edwin H. Sutherland, which the environment is very influential to the students’ behavior. The approach that is used in this research in qualitative research method, which the approach intends to make a solid theoretical research. While the research type is descriptive to provide a detailed description of the reality under research. The informant retrieval of this research is done by using purposive sampling, informants in this research consisted of 22 people. The collected data type are primary data and secondary data. The data collecting technique is done by observing, intensive interviewing, and document studying. The analysis unit in this research is individual, they are student, teacher, and community member. The data analysis uses Miles and Huberman models, they are data collecting, data reducing, data displaying, and concluding.             The result of this study indicates that: (1) The factors cause students have a) the deviant behavior are the classmates influence, b) the teachers’ emotion factor, c) the lack of parents’ attention, d) the environment influence around the school. (2) The efforts that are done by the teachers to fix the students’ deviant behavior are a) giving license card and limiting students out of the classroom, b) giving some pre activities before entering the classroom, c) changing learning method, d) separating students who like to cheat, d) giving motivation and punishment to the students.
A Study on Sasak’s Local Wisdom in Supporting Tourism Development in Central Lombok Regency Z, Yenti; Zed, Mestika; Erianjoni, Erianjoni
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education Volume 2 Number 1
Publisher : Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (468.165 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/sjdgge.v2i1.119


The purpose of this research was to study local wisdom of traditional people of Sasak Tribe in supporting tourism development in Central Lombok Regency. The method being used was a descriptive qualitative method. The result found that traditional people of Sasak Tribe had their own uniqueness, for example: 1) Custom Home of Sasak Tribe. The Custom Home was made of wood and had bamboo wicker wall and rumbia leaf roof. The floor was constructed from a mixture of soil, chaff ash and tree sap, smeared and polished with buffalo dung. 2) Handycraft. Women of Sasak Tribe are very skilfull in weaving. It had been taught since they were kids. A Sasak woman was not allowed to marry if she was not yet able to weave. Children aged 9 to 10 years were proficient in weaving. 3) Marriage system of Sasak Tribe. In Sasak Tribe culture, the marriage was carried out with the tradition of kidnapping a potential wife by potential husband which was also named after kawin culik (kidnapping marriage).
Social Capital Laundry Enterprises in Mailing Business Laundry in West Padang City Padang. Syamrizal ramadhani; Afriva khaidir; Erianjoni
International Conference on Education, Islamic Studies and Social Sciences Research
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan UNP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32698/24239


Padang City is a city of solid education will be a lot of services like Laundry. The entrepreneurs have social capital in maintaining the business that is run in Padang Barat Sub-district, Padang City. 1) The impact of social capital utilization. The type of research used qualitative research with descriptive method. Through the technique of selecting informants with purposive sampling. Data were collected by participant observation, interview, and documentation study methods. Analyzed by Miles and huberman Methods The business capital of laundry entrepreneurs in maintaining the laundry business by establishing: 1) activities such as laundry clothes. 2.The backlinks also have a very helpful role in making this enduring business known as symbiosis mutualism or mutual benefit.3.Trust or trust that addresses customer satisfaction in practical and efficient washing, especially padang city as the center of all activities.
Co-Authors Aaron Kristian Aditya Wijaya Afdhal Afdhal Afnita, Nora Afriva Khaidir Ahmad Ahmad Ahmaddul Hadi, Ahmaddul Akhirul Akhirul Al Faizah Imanina Yunas Al Fajri Yusra Al Rafni Aldi Fradana Aldri Frinaldi Alfajri Yusra Alfajri Yusra Aloha Aloha Aloha, Aloha Alzikri, R. Flourenta Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani Andri Fernando Angga Dayu Satria Anggara Bratama ANGGARA BRATAMA Annisa Tulhafzah Aprizon Putra Arif Zulfian Amrullah Asnil Asnil Atikah Zulfa Ayu Lestari Ayu Wulandari Azwar Ananda Berliana Yuliza Chici Cania Afdani Clara Elviana Dasman Lanin Dasman Lanin Dedi Hermon DediMardia Fitri DEFITA, NILA RAHMAD Delviana Fitri Denis Septiana Depnawati Depnawati Desi Kurnia Ningsih Desmailafrita Desmailafrita Desy Mardhiah Detari Elma Sagita Dian Anggraini Oktavia Dian Ayu Lestari Alifa Putri Dianti Veniza Hetri Difri Maza R Dilta, Salsa Yusari Dimas Mediansyah Dini, Mira Embun Dio Yoan Sabrina Dola Asmita Eka Armando Iqbal Eli Astuti Elvawati Elvawati Era Zulmi Khairani Erda Fitriani Eri Barlian Erningsih Erningsih Erniwati Erniwati Etmi Hardi Fadel Ikrar Jamika Faradilla Rahayu Fatimah Az Zahra Fatmariza Fatmariza Fitri Eriyanti Fitrisia, Azmi Fransisca Margareta Wende Ganefri . Gautama, Mohammad Isa Gus Endrawan Hafiza, Riska Hafizh Halim Yasefa heldi heldi Hermana, Rina Herza Netti Hosea Sitepu Husnul Habib Sihombing I Ketut Suada Imam Aulia Rahman Indah Septianing Ayu Indang Dewata Indrawadi, Junaidi Indri Milanda Irma Yanti Isnarmi Moeis Iswandi U Iswandi Umar Jamalul Ihsan Junita Sihombing Karmala, Fauziah Sri Khairudin Aljunied Lasmita sari M Rafi Ariansyah Maemonah, Maemonah Maisy Cipta Ningtias Mandasari, Wiwik Riana Manya Deptiana Sari Maria Montesori Marleni Marleni Meiputri Wulandari Mestika Zed Mira Hasti Hasmira Montesori, Maria Mufti Ali Muhamad Sholichin Muhammad Abdi Azzara Muhammad Davis Afrinaldi Muhammad Hidayat Nadia Muspita Sari Nailatul Fadhilah Netdrawati Netdrawati Neviyarni Neviyarni Nidya Sonia Nopita Sari Nora Afnita Nora Susilawati Nora. AN, Desri Nova Aswayori Julian Nurhidayah Nurhidayah Nursal, Yelliza Nurul Fitriani Oky Budi Pratiwi Olivia Oktorie Olivia Oktorie Ossy Ana Prima Putri Novela Sari Rachrin, Rachma Deli Rahman Arif Rahman, Suhadi Rahmayoni, Rahmayoni Rahmi Fauziah Rahmi Ramadhana Syafri Randha Rizky Resti Yulia Putri Reza Dispi Eliza Rian Fauzi Rica Sandra Rika Syafri Zalen Riki Fernando RINEL MA FITLAYENI S.Sos Ririn Alwani Riso Sari Mandeli Rizal Ikhsan Rizky Wiradini Romi Mesra Silvia Nengsih Silvia Yasni Siti Fathimah Siti Fatimah Sri Mariya Sri Marlina Sri Wahyuni Sri Winda Meizalani Suci Maharani Suhai Ratu Rahmi Surya Eka Putra Suryanef Suryanef Syafri Anwar Syamrizal ramadhani Syatri Syatri Taufik Hidayat Titen Darlis Santi Umar, Iswandi Wahyu Dwi Yanda Wahyu Ikhsan Hadley Wandi, Joni Indra Widya Refani Wigo Mahata Fetra Wirdanengsih Wirdanengsih Wiska Wiska Wiwik Maladerita Yaldi, Priyaldi Yani Irma Yanda Yelfida Witra Yenni Melia Yovi Oktialista Yozzi Yuda Pratama Yudha Novanda Yulia Wilki Rahayu Yurni Suasti Z, Yenti Zaim, Ryanda Luthfi Zaitun Munirah