Abstrak. Pemberian air irigasi secara konvensional di lahan usaha tani menyebabkan penurunan nilai efisiensi air irigasi. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan kehilangan air irigasi dan pemberian air irigasi yang tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan tanaman. Penerapan teknologi irigasi sprinkler mampu meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas air irigasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efisiensi penerapan teknologi irigasi sprinkler pada lahan pertanian di Kecamatan Tarakan Utara Kota Tarakan. Penelitian ini terdiri atas beberapa tahapan yaitu analisa tanah lahan percobaan, koefisiensi keseragaman (CU) irigasi sprinkler, distribusi keseragaman (DU) irigasi sprinkler, efisiensi penyimpanan (Es) dan efisiensi penggunaan (Eap) irigasi sprinkler. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tanah lahan percobaan memiliki tekstur lempung berpasir. Efisiensi penerapan irigasi sprinkler tergolong dalam kondisi baik dengan nilai CU 89,18%, DU 82,79%, Es 75%, Eap 68%. The Efficiency Sprinkler Irrigation Technology On Agricultural Land In North Tarakan District, Tarakan CityAbstract. Provision of irrigation water conventionally on farmland. causes a decrease in the efficiency of irrigation water. This can result in loss of irrigation water and this is not suitable for crop needs. The application of sprinkler irrigation technology can increase irrigation efficiency and water productivity to meet plant needs. This study aimed to determine the efficiency of the application of sprinkler irrigation technology on agricultural land in North Tarakan District, Tarakan City. This research consisted of several stages, namely the soil analysis of experimental land, analysis of uniform coefficient (CU), analysis of the uniform distribution (DU), analysis of storage efficiency (Es), and efficiency of use (Eap). The results showed that the experimental land had a sandy loam texture. The efficiency of the application of sprinkler irrigation was in good condition with the value of CU 89.18%, DU 82.79%, Es 75%, and Eap 68%.