Rr. Sri Hartati
Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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DIRECT AND INDIRECT SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS ON ARABICA COFFEE (Coffea arabica) Ibrahim, Meynarti Sari Dewi; Hartati, Rr. Sri; Rubiyo, Rubiyo; Purwito, Agus; Sudarsono, Sudarsono
Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Science Vol 14, No 2 (2013): October 2013
Publisher : Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development - MOA

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Propagation of Coffea arabica L. through direct and indirect somatic embryogenesis technique is promising for producing large number of coffee seedlings. The objectives of the research were to evaluate methods for direct and indirect somatic embryo-genesis induction of C. arabica var. Kartika. The explants were the youngest fully expanded leaves of arabica coffee. The evalu-ated medium was modified Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with a combination of 2.26 µM 2,4-D + 4.54 or 9.08 µM thidiazuron; 4.52 µM 2,4-D + 4.54 or 9.08 µM thidiazuron; or 9.04 µM 2,4-D + 9.08 µM thidiazuron. Both calli (100 mg) and pre-embryos developed from the edge of leaf explants were subcultured into regeneration medium (half strength MS with modified vitamin, supplemented with kinetine 9.30 µM and adenine sulfate 40 mg L-1). The results showed coffee leaf explant cultured on medium containing 2.26 µM 2,4-D + 4.54 or 9.08 µM thidiazuron to induce direct somatic embriogenesis from explant, while that of 4.52 or 9.04 µM 2,4-D + 9.08 µM thidiazuron to induced indirect somatic embrio-genesis. The medium for calli induction from coffee by explants was medium supplemented with 4.52 or 9.04 µM 2,4-D in combination with 9.08 µM thidiazuron. On the other hand, the best medium for activation of induction of somatic embryos was MS medium supplemented with 9.04 µM 2,4-D + 9.08 µM thidiazuron. Based on this results, the first step for developing micropropagation for coffee has been resolved. The subsequent studies will be directed to evaluate agronomic performance of the derived planting materials.
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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ABSTRAKPerakitan varietas unggul memerlukan informasi daya gabung tetua,baik umum maupun khusus. Tetua dengan daya gabung umum (DGU)tinggi berpotensi menghasilkan varietas sintetis atau komposit. Sementaraitu, tetua dengan daya gabung khusus (DGK) tinggi berpotensimenghasilkan varietas hibrida. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui dayagabung tetua jarak pagar yang dapat menghasilkan hibrida atau populasikomposit. Sepuluh tetua, yaitu 1 tetua berdaya hasil rendah, 6 menengah,dan 3 tinggi digunakan dalam persilangan dialel lengkap. Evaluasidilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Balittri Pakuwon Sukabumi, mulaiAgustus 2008 sampai Juli 2011 menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompoktiga ulangan. Karakter yang diamati yaitu tinggi tanaman, lingkar batang,lebar kanopi, umur mulai berbunga, serta jumlah cabang total, cabangproduktif, infloresen, tandan, fruit set, dan buah per tanaman. Analisisdialel menggunakan metode I Griffing. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ratioragam DGU dan DGK lebih besar daripada satu ( DGU / DGK > 1) padasemua karakter yang dievaluasi. Tetua 3012-1 dan PT 15-1, yang berdayahasil tinggi, memiliki DGU tinggi pada karakter umur mulai berbunga,lebar kanopi, serta jumlah cabang total, cabang produktif, infloresen,tandan, dan buah. Tetua PT 33-2, yang berdaya hasil menengah, memilikiDGU tinggi pada karakter umur mulai berbunga, serta jumlah cabang total,cabang produktif, infloresen, dan buah. Sementara itu, tetua 575-3, yangberdaya hasil rendah, memiliki DGU tinggi pada lingkar batang. Tetua PT33-2, 3012-1, dan PT 15-1 berpotensi sebagai penyusun populasi dasaruntuk pembentukan varietas sintetik yang cepat berbunga dan berdayahasil tinggi. Tetua 575-3 berpotensi untuk dirakit sebagai varietas yangmemiliki lingkar batang besar dan berbunga lambat.Kata kunci: daya gabung umum, daya gabung khusus, gen aditif,komposit, Jatropha curcas L.ABSTRACTGeneral Combining Ability (GCA) and Specific Combining Ability(SCA) are important in creating high yielding varieties. A parent havinghigh GCA is appropriate to produce synthetic or composite varieties, whilehigh SCA is to produce hybrid. The research objective is to find out theinformation of parents combining ability in Jatropha curcas L. Researchwas conducted using diallel analysis. Ten genotypes i.e. 1 low yieldingparent, 6 medium, and 3 high were used to generate F1 arrays with fulldiallel analysis. Evaluation was conducted at Indonesian Spice andIndustrial Crops Research Institute Experimental Station, usingRandomized Block Design from August until July 2011. The observationwere plant height, stem girth, canopy width, days to flowering, andnumber of total branches, productive branches, inflorescences, bunches,fruit set percentages; and fruit per plant. Diallel analysis was usingGriffing Model I. Results showed that general variance, each of GCA andSCA ratio, is more than one ( GCA / SCA > 1) in all evaluated characters.High yielding parents of 3012-1 and PT 15-1 exhibited high GCA on daysto flowering, canopy width, and number of total branches, productivebranches, inflorescences, bunches, and fruits. Medium yielding parents ofPT 33-2 exhibited high GCA for days to flowering, number of totalbranches, productive branches, inflorescences, and fruits. Low yieldinggenotype of 575-3 exhibited high on stem girth. PT 33-2, 3012-1, and PT15-1 could be used for developing early flowering and high yieldingvarieties, while 575-3 was suitable for producing big stem girth and lateflowering varieties.Key word: general combining ability, specific combining ability, additivegen, composite, Jatropha curcas L.
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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ABSTRAKKontribusi sifat hermaprodit terhadap daya hasil tanaman jarakpagar belum banyak diketahui. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui peranbunga hermaprodit terhadap daya hasil dan mekanisme pewarisannya.Penelitian dilakukan terhadap 60 genotipe jarak pagar di Kebun PercobaanBalittri Sukabumi. Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai bulan Mei 2007 sampaidengan Juli 2010. Jarak tanam 2 m x 2 m, menggunakan 2,5 kg pupukkandang + 20 g Urea + 20 g SP 36 + 10 g KCl per tanaman. Penelitianterdiri dari (1) evaluasi tipe bunga jarak pagar dan (2) pewarisan sifathermaprodit dan kontribusinya terhadap daya hasil. Hasil evaluasimenunjukkan bahwa delapan dari 60 genotipe jarak pagar yang dievaluasimerupakan tanaman tri-monoecious yang menghasilkan bunga jantan,bunga betina, dan bunga hermaprodit, 52 lainnya merupakan tanamanmonoecious yang hanya menghasilkan bunga jantan dan bunga betina.Karakter yang dimiliki oleh delapan genotipe tri-monoecious yangdievaluasi adalah lebih lambat berbunga (mulai berbunga pada umur 120-274 hari) dan berdaya hasil rendah sampai sedang (jumlah buah 23-228per tanaman pada tahun pertama). Kemunculan bunga hermaprodit tidakterjadi sepanjang tahun, tetapi lebih dominan pada tanaman berumur enambulan. Persentase bunga hermaprodit berkisar 6,25-53% dari total bungayang dihasilkan. Persentase fruitset pada tandan bunga hermaprodit lebihtinggi dibanding tandan bunga non-hermaprodit, dengan tingkatkeberhasilan rata-rata 80% (kisaran 56-100%). Pada tandan bunga yangtidak menghasilkan bunga hermaprodit, buah jadi rata-rata sebesar 50%(kisaran 11-100%). Daya hasil tanaman jarak pagar ditentukan olehgenetik tetua. Bunga hermaprodit diwariskan oleh tetua betina maupuntetua jantan. Gen pengendali sifat hermaprodit diduga adalah gensederhana yang bersifat dominan.Kata kunci: Jatropha  curcas,  monoecious,  tri-monoecious,  bungahermaprodit, fruit setABSTRACTHermaphrodite character has been reported in physic nut, its roleand contribution to production process especially to the yield has not beeninvestigated. The objectives of this research were to evaluatehermaphrodite flowers contribution on yield and their mechanisminheritance. The evaluation was conducted at the Experimental Station ofBalittri Sukabumi from May 2007 to July 2010. The spacing was 2 m x 2m with 2,5 kg manure + 20 g Urea + 20 g SP 36 + 10 g KCl/plant. Theexperiment consisted of (1) evaluation of flower type of physic nut and(2) hermaphrodite inheritance and their contribution on yield. Results ofthe experiment indicated eight from 60 physic nut genotypes were tri-monoecious which were capable on producing male, female, andhermaphrodite flowers while as the rest (52 genotypes) were monoeciouswhich produced only male and female flowers. The tri-monoecious weregenerally late flowering (120-274 days after planting) and low to mediumyield (producing 23-228 fruits per plant in the first year). Hermaphroditeflowers generally occurred six months after planting at the amount rangedfrom 6,25-53% of total flowers. Fruit set of inflorescences havinghermaphrodite flowers was higher, average of 80% (ranged from 56-100%) than those with female and male flowers, average of 50% (rangedfrom 11-100%). Yield of physic nut was affected by the genetic potentialof their parents rather than hermaphrodite character. Hermaphrodite flowercharacter was inherited by both female and male parents and might becontrolled by simple-dominant gene.Key words: Jatropha curcas, monoecious, tri-monoecious, hermaphroditeflower, fruit set
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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ABSTRAKUntuk mengetahui pengaruh inbreeding (ID) dan outbreedingdepression (OD) pada tanaman jarak pagar dilakukan evaluasi populasi S1hasil penyerbukan sendiri dan F1 hasil penyerbukan silang genotipeterpilih. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Balai PenelitianTanaman Industri dan Penyegar mulai Juni 2009-Juli 2010. Evaluasimenggunakan 100 populasi S1 dan F1 yang berasal dari persilangan diallellengkap antar 10 tetua yang terdiri atas 1 tetua berdaya hasil rendah, 6tetua berdaya hasil sedang, dan 3 tetua berdaya hasil tinggi. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan penyerbukan sendiri pada tanaman jarak pagartidak selalu mengakibatkan ID. ID ditemukan pada sebagian karakterprogeni hasil penyerbukan sendiri tetua 1 (575-3), 2 (HS 49-2), 4 (PT 13-1), 5 (SP 16-2), 6 (PT 33-2), 7 (3012-1), 8 (PT 15-1), 9 (PT 14-1), dan 10(Sulsel 8), sedangkan OD ditemukan pada progeni hasil penyerbukansilang tetua 3 (IP 1A-2) dengan tetua lainnya. Penyerbukan sendiri tetua 2(HS 49-2), 6 (PT 33-2), 8 (PT 15-1), dan 9 (PT 14-1) mengakibatkan IDpada karakter umur berbunga dan OD pada karakter jumlah buah pertanaman dan menghasilkan progeni yang lebih cepat berbunga danberbuah  lebih  banyak  dibanding  penyerbukan  silangnya.  ODmengakibatkan penurunan hasil pada F1. Persilangan antar tetua dengandaya hasil berbeda menghasilkan progeni F1 dengan daya hasil lebihrendah dari tetua terbaiknya. Persilangan dengan tetua jantan berdaya hasilrendah menghasilkan progeni F1 yang berdaya hasil lebih rendah dari tetuabetinanya. Penurunan daya hasil pada progeni F1 akibat persilangandengan tetua jantan berdaya hasil rendah berkisar 31-76%.Kata kunci: Jatropha curcas L., populasi S1, populasi F1, penurunanhasilABSTRACTA sets of F1 and S1 arrays were generated to determine the presenceof inbreeding (ID) and outbreeding (OD) effects of physic nut. Researchwas conducted at Indonesian Industrial and Beverage Crops ResearchInstitute Experimental Station during June 2009 to July 2010. Ten physicnut genotypes i.e. 1 parent with low yield, 6 parents with medium, and 3parents with high yield potential were used to generate one hundred F1 andS1 progenies by full diallel scheme. Results indicated ID only occurred ina several number of genotypes. ID for a number of characters wereobserved among S1 progenies derived from parents number 1 (575-3), 2(HS 49-2), 4 (PT 13-1), 5 (SP 16-2), 6 (PT 33-2), 7 (3012-1), 8 (PT 15-1),9 (PT 14-1), and 10 (Sulsel 8), while OD were observed among F1progenies derived from parent number 3 (IP 1A-2). Selfing of parentsnumber 2 (HS 49-2), 6 (PT 33-2), 8 (PT 15-1), and 9 (PT 14-1) resulted IDfor days to flowering and OD for number of fruit. Selfing of these parentsresulted early flowering and high fruit yielding progenies. OD resultedyield reduction on several F1 progenies. Crossing among parents withdifferent yield level resulted F1 progenies with lower yield than that of thebest parent. Crossing to low yielding male parent resulted F1 progenieshaving lower yield than that of low yielding female parent. Yield reductionamong F1 progenies ranged from 31 to 76%.Key words: Jatropha curcas L., S1 population, F1 population, yieldreduction