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Journal of Fisheries Resources Utilization Management and Technology Vol 2, No 2: April, 2013
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

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Central Java fishery is dominated by fish resources which are caught from the sea. Fish resources potential in Semarang Sea is about 1.873.539 ton/ year and it is divided into two sea territories such as Java Sea and Indonesian Ocean. In general, coastal communities in Central Java have a job as a fisher. One of the fishing gear are widely used and operated that can be called Gillnet. The utilization of fish resources as food source should be followed by sophisticated tools and technological improvements with the use of remote sensing technology. The purpose of this study is mapping fishing areas and researching the spatial fishing ground with gillnets in Semarang Sea Territory Central Java. In this research, the writer used explorative method. Explorative method has some purposes for knowing a social phenomenon about the relation between two or more variables. For taking some samples, the writer used purposive sampling method. The results from this research produced a map of the fishing that show gillnet gear dominantly in coastal and offshore areas. The gillnet makes some operation in coastal areas and it operates drift gillnet in the depth of 1 – 3 meters with the product such as: Pennahia sp, Restreligger sp, Scomberoides sp, Portunus sp, Plofosus sp, Lates sp, Scylla sp, Himantura sp, Polynemus sp, parastromateus and Siganus sp, encircling gillnet. In the depth of 5 meters gets the products such as: Mugil sp, Penaeus sp, Rochteichthys sp and drift gillnet in offshore areas in the depth of 25 – 30 meters with the products like: Scomberomorus sp, Euthynus sp, Xiphias sp.
Analisis Sebaran Klorofil-a Lamun di Pantai Pokemon dan Bobby di Karimunjawa menggunakan Citra Satelit Sentinel-2A Analysis of chlorophyl-a distribution in Pokemon dan Bobby Beachs in Karimunjawa Using Sentinel-2A Sembiring, Yoan Teresia Br; Hartoko, Agus; Latifah, Nurul
Management of Aquatic Resources Journal (MAQUARES) Vol 9, No 2 (2020): MAQUARES
Publisher : Departemen Sumberdaya Akuatik,Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

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ABSTRAK Lamun merupakan salah satu tumbuhan air yang memiliki peranan sangat penting baik secara fisik maupun biologis pada biota laut. Lamun mengandung klorofil-a yang berfungsi dalam proses fotosintesis dimana proses tersebut dapat membantu penyerapan karbon dan penyimpan karbon sehingga dapat menjadi cara untuk mengatasi terjadinya perubahan iklim. Kandungan klorofil-a lamun dapat dipengaruhi oleh adanya faktor fisika dan kimia perairan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kualitas perairan dengan klorofil-a yang ada di pantai Pokemon dan Bobby Karimunjawa ditinjau dari konsentrasi kedalaman perairan, suhu, pH, intensitas cahaya dan salinitas yang ada di Pantai Pokemon. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober 2019 di Pantai Pokemon dan Bobby Pulau Karimunjawa. Metode analisis yang diambil adalah klorofil-a menggunakan spektrofotometer, kerapatan  dan tutupan lamun dengan menggunakan seagrasswatch. Hasil penelitian ditemukan adalah  Halodule pinifolia, Enhalus acoroides dan Halophila ovalis. Nilai kerapatan jenis masing – masing spesies yaitu 160,44 ind/m2, 26,22 ind/m2 dan 4,44 ind/m2 . Kerapatan lamun di Pantai Bobby adalah Thalasssia hemprichii sebesar 126,66 ind/m2 dan Enhalus acoroides dengan nilai 3,55 ind/m2 . Tutupan  lamun yang didapatkan adalah jenis lamun Halodule pinifolia yaitu sebesar 70 % dan tutupan lamun terendah pada Halophila ovalis yaitu sebesar 1%. Tutupan lamun di pantai Bobby adalah  jenis Thalassia hemprichii sebesar 95 % dan Enhalus acoroides sebesar 5 %. Nilai klorofil-a pada Pantai Pokemon tertinggi pada , Enhalus acoroides dengan sebesar 20,819 mg/ml dan nilai klorofil-a terendah pada jenis lamun Halodule pinifolia sebesar 5,854 mg/ml. Nilai klorofil-a pada Pantai Bobby tertinggi pada Thalassia hemprichii dengan nilai 14,133 mg/ml dan nilai klorofil-a terendah pada jenis lamun Thalassia hemprichii sebesar 3,485 mg/ml.                                                                                     ABSTRACT         Seagrass is one of the aquatic plants that has a very important role both physically and biologically in marine biota. Seagrass contains chlorophyll-a which functions in the process of photosynthesis in which the process of can help carbon sequestration and carbon storage so that it can be a way to cope with climate change. The content of chlorophyll-a seagrasses can be influenced by the physical and chemical factors of the waters. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between water quality and chlorophyll-a on the Pokemon beach and Bobby Karimunjawa in terms of water depth, temperature, pH, light intensity and salinity concentration in Pokemon Beach. This research was conducted in October 2019 at Pokemon Beach and Bobby Karimunjawa Island. The analytical method taken was chlorophyll-a using a spectrophotometer, density and seagrass cover using a seagrasswatch. The results found were Halodule pinifolia, Enhalus acoroides and Halophila ovalis. Species density values for each species are 160.44 ind / m2, 26.22 ind / m2 and 4.44 ind / m2. The density of seagrass in Bobby Beach is thalasssia hemprichii of 126.66 ind / m2 and enhalus acoroides with a value of 3.55 ind / m2. Seagrass cover obtained was Halodule pinifolia seagrass which was 70% and the lowest seagrass cover in Halophila ovalis was 1%. Seagrass cover on Bobby beach is a Thalassia hemprichii species at 95% and enhalus acoroides at 5%. The highest chlorophyll-a value in Pokemon Beach was at Enhalus acoroides with 20.819 mg / ml and the lowest chlorophyll-a value in the species of seagrass Halodule pinifolia was 5.854 mg / ml. The highest chlorophyll-a value on Bobby Beach was in Thalassia hemprichii with a value of 14.133 mg / ml and the lowest chlorophyll-a value in the species of seagrass Thalassia hemprichii was 3,485 mg / ml. 
ASPEK BIOLOGI Emerita emeritus (Linnaeus 1767) DI PANTAI GLAGAH, PARANGTRITIS, DAN PARANGKUSUMO Rahmatuloh, Irzani Hamzah Setya; Hartoko, Agus; Sulardiono, Bambang
Jurnal Pasir Laut Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Februari
Publisher : Magister Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan, Departemen Sumberdaya Akuatik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3736.747 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/pasir laut.2020.30526


Undur-undur laut adalah salah satu jenis hewan Crustacea dari Superfamili Hippoidae yang hidup di swash zone di wilayah intertidal. Undur-undur laut Emerita emeritus dapat ditemukan di Pantai Glagah, Pantai Parangtritis dan Pantai Parangkusumo. Perbedaan kondisi di ketiga lingkungan pantai tersebut dapat menyebabkan respon yang berbeda-beda pada undur-undur laut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor biologis E. emeritus dan mengetahui hubungan panjang berat dengan bahan organik dan tekstur sedimen di ketiga pantai tersebut. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 23-24 April 2019. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Analisis data yang digunakan meliputi analisis morfometrik untuk pengukuran panjang dan berat E.emeritus, analisis uji regresi linear untuk pola pertumbuhan, metode gravimetri untuk bahan organik, analisis tekstur sedimen menggunakan sieve sheker dan analisis uji korelasi Pearson. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola pertumbuhan undur-undur E. emeritus jantan dan betina di ketiga pantai bersifat allometrik negatif dengan nilai b<3. Nisbah kelamin jantan dan betina di Pantai Glagah 4:1, Pantai Parangtritis 0:1, dan Pantai Parangkusumo 1:17. Faktor kondisi berkisar 0-1 yang berarti E. emeritus dalam kondisi pipih. Hubungan panjang berat E. emeritus dengan tekstur sedimen untuk ketiga pantai berada di kategori lemah berbanding terbalik dengan hubungan panjang berat dengan kandungan bahan organik yang masuk ke dalam kategori tinggi.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis Vol. 10 No. 1 (2018): Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis
Publisher : Department of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, IPB University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (523.418 KB) | DOI: 10.29244/jitkt.v10i1.19236


Pulau Menjangan merupakan bagian dari wilayah Taman Nasional Bali Barat (TNBB), secara fisik termasuk pulau yang unik karena memiliki luas hanya 175 Ha, tidak berpenduduk dan memiliki sebaran terumbu karang yang merata di sekeliling pulau. Aktivitas pariwisata merupakan aktivitas utama yang dilakukan di pulau ini. Terpaparnya ekosistem terumbu karang oleh aktivitas pariwisata secara berlebih tanpa adanya batasan akan mengganggu ekosistem terumbu karang di suatu wilayah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui beberapa unsur serta nilai terpaparnya ekosistem terumbu karang oleh aktivitas wisata serta unsur alamiah yang menjadi ancaman kerusakan terumbu karang. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada 4 titik lokasi snorkeling menggunakan pendekatan teori kerentanan (vulnerability) dengan parameter keterpaparan yaitu jumlah pengunjung, kepadatan Acanthaster planci, tinggi gelombang, kedalaman, pH, suhu, tipe substrat perairan serta pasang surut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wilayah perairan Pulau Menjangan berpotensi keterpaparan dari berbagai unsur, yaitu unsur alami dan unsur lain seperti aktivitas pariwisata. Nilai keterpaparan yang didapat dari wilayah perairan Pulau Menjangan TNBB adalah 1,5 yang termasuk dalam tingkat keterpaparan rendah.
Model Sebaran Penurunan Tanah di Wilayah Pesisir Semarang Aris Ismanto; Anindya Wirasatriya; Muhammad Helmi; Agus Hartoko; Prayogi Prayogi
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 14, No 4 (2009): Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (569.729 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.14.4.189-196


Banjir rob merupakan fenomena bencana yang melanda daerah pesisir Kota Semarang sejak 30 tahun terakhir yang sampai saat ini belum dapat tertanggulangi dan bahkan semakin meluas. Penyebab utama timbulnya banjir rob adalah terjadinya penurunan tanah yang dapat mencapai + 15 cm/tahun. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut diperlukan informasi yang akurat mengenai penurunan tanah yang terjadi, terutama mengenai zona sebaran penurunan tanah yang dikaitkan dengan penggunaan lahan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran spasial Penurunan Tanah di Pesisir Kota Semarang sehingga diharapkan bisa menjadi acuan bagi Pemerintah Kota Semarang dalam rangka penanggulangan banjir rob. Data spot height peta RBI dan hasil pengukuran lapangan dengan menggunakan DGPS digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Laju penurunan tanah dihitung berdasarkan perbedaan ketinggian wilayah pada saat ini dengan ketinggian wilayah pada spot height peta RBI, tahun 2001. Data citra satelit IKONOS yang didownload dari Google Earth digunakan untuk mengetahui penggunaan lahan eksisting. Pengolahan data dilakukan berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis dengan menggunakan tool Spatial Analyst pada software Arc GIS 9.1. Hasil penelitian memberikan gambaran bahwa Kota Semarang  mempunyai luas 17.073,23 ha dan laju penurunan tanah <1 cm/thn terjadi seluas 3.355,93 ha (19,7%); 1,1-4 cm/thn seluas 6.515,77 ha (38,2%), 4,1-8 cm/thn seluas 5.048,51 (29,6%); 8,1-12 cm/thn seluas 1.685,6 ha (9,9%); dan 12,1-15 cm/thn seluas 467,45 ha (2,7%). Penurunan tanah tersebut menyebar secara spasial di Kecamatan Genuk (8.1-15 cm/th) dan Semarang Utara serta sebagian Semarang Barat (4.1-12 cm/th). Kecamatan Tugu memiliki tingkat penuruan tanah yang relatif rendah, yaitu kurang dari 1 cm/th. Kata kunci: Semarang, Banjir Rob, Penurunan tanah, Since the last 30 years, Tidal flood hazard in the Semarang Coastal Area has never been clearly solved and even getting worse time to time. Most possible cause of this tidal flooding is believed land subsidence which reaches up to 15cm/year. Accurate information of land subsidence distribution, in relation to land use, is therefore needed to ease this flooding problem. The study is aimed to identify spatial distribution of land subsidence in Semarang coastal area which hopefully can be used as scientific reference for Semarang City Government on solving this tidal flooding problem. A spot height data of Indonesian Land Surface (RBI) map was used as the main information of the study collaborated with comprehensive field measurement using DGPS. Land subsidence rate was then calculated as differences between actual height of the location with spot height indicated on 2001 RBI map. An IKONOS satellite image of the same spot was then used to determine existing land use of the area. The dara were processed using a GIS-based analysis ‘Spatial Analyst’ of ArcGIS 9.1. The result showed that among total of 17.073,23 ha of the study area 3.355,93 ha (19,7%) has rate of land subsidence of <1cm/year, 6.515,77 ha (38,2%) of 1.14cm/year, 5.048,51 ha (29,6%) of 4.1-8cm/year, 1.685,6 ha (9,9%) of 8.1-12cm/year and 467,45 ha (2,7%) of 12.1-15cm/year. Spatial distribution of land subsidence in Semarang is spreading in Genuk (8.1-15 cm/th), North Semarang and West Semarang District (4.1-12 cm/th). Land subsidence in Tugu District is relatively lower, that is less then 1 cm/th. Key words: Semarang, tidal flood, land subsidence,
Aplikasi Teknologi Geomatik Kelautan unfuk Analisa Kesesuaian Lahan Tambak di Kabupaten Demak Agus Hartoko; Lestari Lahksmi Widowati
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 12, No 4 (2007): Jurnal Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (744.356 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.12.4.205-210


Aplikasi teknologi geomatika untuk analisa dan model spasial serta gabungan data lapangan dan data satelit khususnya untuk analisa kesesuaian lahan dan sumberdaya di wilayah pesisir. Tujuan studi adalah untuk mendapatkan algoritma perhitungan klorofil_a; suhu permukaan laut dan muatan padatan tersuspensi serta analisa kesesuaian lahan tambak berdasarkan data Landsat_ETM dan data lapangan (pH; oksigen terlarut, salinitas, nitrat dan fosfat). Studi ini menggunakan metoda survei dan untuk analisa kesesuaian lahan tambak menggunakan model spasial antara hasil algoritma data satelit Landsat_ETM dan berdasarkan skoring data lapangan. Sampling data lapangan dilakukan pada bulan April 2003. Studi ini mendapatkan bahwa algoritma perhitungan klorofil_a di Kab.Demak 17.912 ((bl-b2)/(b 1 +b2))-0.3343, dengan nilai kisaran antara 0.368 -2.852 μg/l, algoritma perhitungan suhu permukaan laut (°C) adalah 0.6674 (b6) - 75.544, dengan kisaran suhu 25.03- 34.00 (°C); algoritma perhitungan muatan padatan tersuspensi MPT (ppm) adalah 15.8049 + 0.6657(b1) - 1.0665(b2) + 0.9437(b3) + 0.1939(b4), dengan kisaran 26.074 - 74.000 ppm. Kesesuaian lahan tambak di Kab.Demak dldapatkan kategori "Sesuai" di Kec. Sayung dan Karang Tengah dan "Sesuai Bersyarat" di hampir semua Kec. Bonang dan Wedung. Hasil di atas mengindikasikan bahwa lahan tambak di Kab Demak dapat dikembangkan lebih lanjut dengan berbagai usaha. Algoritma yang diperoleh sesuai terutama untuk kondisi musim kemarau, dan untuk kondisi musim hujan diperlukan verifikasi data musim hujan. Kata kuncl: tambak, kesesuaian lahan, geomatika Aims of the research are to obtain estimation formula/algorithms for chlorophyll_a, sea surface temperature, and total suspended solid, and to analyze pond's suitability based on satellite Landsat ETM 7+ (chlorophyll_a, water surface temperature, and total suspended solid) and field data (pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity, nitrate and phosphate). The study use survey methods, and spatial modelling based on algorithms analysis of satellit Landsat ETM_7+ data and scoring method of seatruth data of pond for suitability analysis of pond's water quality. Field sampling had been carried on April, 2003. The research revealed that Algorithm to estimate chlorophyll_a, in pond's of Demak residence is: 17.912 ((bl-b2)/(bl+b2))-0.3343, the tolerance is 0.368 -2.852 μg/l. (lb) Algorithm to estimate water surface temperature in pond's of Demak residence is: 0.6674 (b6) - 75.544, the tolerance is 25.03- 34.00. Algorithm to estimate total suspended solid in pond's of Demak residence is: 15.8049 + 0.6657(b1) - 1.0665(b2) + 0.9437(b3) + 0.1939(b4), the tolerance is 26.074 - 74.000 ppm. Suitability of pond's water quality in Demak revealed the category of "Suitable" at Sayung and Karangtengah Sub district and "Suitable with special effort" at most of Bonang and Wedung Sub district. The above findings Indicates that pond at Demak regency can be developed with special effort. The algorithm generated In this case were suitable especially for dry season conditions, and for rainy season is suggested to use data on rainy season. Key words : brackish water pond, suitability analysis, geomatic
Land Subsidence Affects Coastal Zone Vulnerability (Pengaruh Penurunan Tanah Terhadap Kerentanan Wilayah Pesisir) Pra Luber Agung Wibowo; Agus Hartoko; Ambariyanto Ambariyanto
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences Vol 20, No 3 (2015): Ilmu Kelautan
Publisher : Marine Science Department Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (550.446 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ik.ijms.20.3.127-134


Vast development of urban cities in coastal area has caused rapid degradation of the environment. Coastal zone vulnerability is mainly influenced by sea level rise, land subsidence, storm surge, sediment transport, socio-economic and coastal management policies. Present study investigates the main factor influences coastal vulnerability of developing coastal urban city at north coast of Java. Two factors were observed in the study; firstly land subsidence was observed by geodetic and leveling methods. Secondly, tidal inundation was measured by field work and participatory mapping. Tidal inundation model was performed using spatial model. Physical vulnerability model was conducted by scoring and weighting. The results show that Average rate of land subsidence between 2003-2014 is -0,021 (0,0-0,091) m.yr-1. Tidal inundation in 2014 covering 1286.29 hectares, where the highest impact happened at brackish water pond (969.63 ha). Tidal inundation prediction on 2031 will inundate ​​1786.76 ha, which the largest tidal inundation is in the residential area (646.85 ha). Coastal zone vulnerability in the research areas predominantly was influenced by land subsidence, and classified in moderate vulnerable. Land subsidence happened due to most of research areas are consists of alluvial plains morphology units that are still in consolidation process. Land subsidence conditions strongly influence the extent of tidal inundation in the future. Keywords: land subsidence, tidal inundation, vulnerability, coastal zones Pesatnya perkembangan kota di daerah pesisir menyebabkan degradasi lingkungan secara cepat. Kerentanan wilayah pesisir sangat dipengaruhi oleh kenaikan permukaan laut, penurunan tanah, gelombang badai, transport sedimen, kebijakan sosial ekonomi dan manajemen pesisir. Penelitian ini meneliti faktor utama yang mempengaruhi kerentanan pesisir pada pengembangan kota pesisir di pantai utara Jawa. Dua faktor yang diamati dalam penelitian ini; pertama penurunan tanah diamati dengan metode geodetik dan leveling. Kedua, genangan rob diukur dengan survei lapangan dan pemetaan partisipatif. Model genangan rob dilakukan dengan menggunakan model spasial. Model kerentanan fisik dilakukan dengan scoring dan pembobotan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata tingkat penurunan tanah antara tahun 2003-2014 adalah -0.021 (0,0-0091) Genangan rob pada 2014 seluas 1.286,29 ha, dimana dampak tertinggi terjadi di area tambak (969,63 ha). Prediksi genangan rob pada 2031 akan menggenangi 1.786,76 ha, dimana genangan rob terbesar berada di area perumahan (646,85 ha). Kerentanan wilayah pesisir di wilayah penelitian dominan dipengaruhi oleh penurunan tanah, dan diklasifikasikan dalam kerentanan sedang. Penurunan tanah terjadi karena sebagian besar daerah penelitian terdiri dari unit morfologi dataran aluvial yang masih dalam proses konsolidasi. Kondisi penurunan tanah sangat mempengaruhi luasan genangan rob di masa depan. Kata kunci: penurunan tanah, genangan rob, kerentanan, kawasan pesisir
Analysis of Ex Disposal Area Land Use For Agriculture Activity and Mangrove Ecosystem in Segara Anakan Regency Based on Geography Information System Churun A’in; Subiyanto Subiyanto; Agus Hartoko
Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol 5, No 2 (2010): Jurnal Saintek Perikanan
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (179.027 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ijfst.5.2.26-33


The aim of research was  to study potential land location and width of EDA as agriculture activity and mangrove ecosystem, based on land suitability. The research methode was descriptive case study and sampling method used was purposive sampling, including 2 sampling periods (rainy and dry season). The location in this research was Ex Disposal Area (EDA), consist of Klaces, Panikel and Ujunggagak district were involved. Research variabel are soil quality (land quality), water quality and EDA’s environment parameters. Analysis data using GIS, proccess by ER Mapper 7,0 and ArcGIS 9,3 software. The concept of suitability level by scoring method combining values and weight variable. Result of esearch showed that potential land for fisheries activity (pond land)  are: moderately suitable class (S2) is 5,309.05 m2, include Panikel and Ujunggagak district; marginally suitable class (S3) is 77,325.77 m2, not suitable for present time class (N1) is 1,365,955.67 m2, and permanently unsuitable class (N2) is 7,583,809.51 m2. S3, N1,N2 class were found in Panikel, Klaces and Ujunggagak district. Potential land for agriculture activity (rice field)  are : moderately class (S2) is 2,051,725.30 m2; marginally suitable class (S3) is 54,083.03 m2, width of not suitable for present time class (N1) is 2,416,591.48 m2, and permanently unsuitable (N2) is 4,510,000.20 m2. Fourth classes of  potential land for agriculture activity (farming land) exist in Panikel, Klaces and Ujunggagak district. Potential land for mangrove ecosystem are : marginally suitable class (S3) is 401.64 m2, found in Ujunggagak district ; not suitable for present time class (N1) is 1,046.59 m2, include Panikel dan Ujunggagak district, and permanently unsuitable class (N2) is 9.030.951,77 m2. This class are found in Panikel, Klaces and Ujunggagak district. Key Words : Land Use,  EDA, GIS.
The Experiment of Floating Ability of Material of Polyurethane and Styrofoam Indradi Setiyanto; Agus Hartoko
Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol 2, No 1 (2006): Jurnal Saintek Perikanan
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (34.622 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/ijfst.2.1.54-58


Polyurethane can  be used  as alternative of  substituted material  of  synthetic cork (Styrofoam)  giving buoyancy at float vest. The research was aimed to observe the difference both materials (Polyurethane and cork) on acceptable load, so that efficiency can be estimated. The same load was given to gravity at both material that is 234.576 g, then checked the float ability. Results showed that Polyurethane indicated buoyancy of polyurethane better cork, with efficiency 3.6 %, for sample material with size of 10 cm x 7.5 cm x 5.5 cm. The Significant change of efficiency was expected can be done by determination of material (sample)  according  to  use in  field  and  different  density  of  polyurethane  when  conducting  moldings process.   Key words: The experiment of floating ability
Saintek Perikanan : Indonesian Journal of Fisheries Science and Technology Vol 17, No 3 (2021): SAINTEK PERIKANAN
Publisher : Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/ijfst.17.3.%p


Pots operated are traping fishes and passived, making the fish easier to get in and difficult to escape. Problems faced  fisherman is difficulty finding ideal fishing grounds. This study to analyze real bathymetry spatial distribution and Satellite Imagery Landsat 8 with operationing of pots in Jepara. This study uses the methods purposive sampling with primary data is real bathymetry, and fish measures from pots catching. Secondary data is tides local and satellite imagery Landsat 8.  Result of polynomial regression Landsat 8 bathymetry to real bathymetry is 25.88%, whereas the Landsat 8 bathymetry against long size of fish catched is only 5% and 3.3% bathymetry was able to explain the fish weight variables. On real bathymetry with long size of fish is only 3.6%  define long size variables and 1.6% for weight variables. Hypothesis is tested with linear regression in SPSS 22. Test results assumed spatial distribution of bathymetry had no effect on the catch of pots. Based on a simple linear regression test, the effect values is only 0.9 % while on fish weight there was no effect at all. Results of real bathymetry analysis with satellite image Landsat 8 have a relationship with a coefficient of determination value is 0.258).
Co-Authors - Pramonowibowo - Subiyanto - Supriharyono Abdul Ghani Agus Wahyudi Ahmad Fadlan Alfian Zulfikar, Alfian Ambariyanto Ambariyanto Andri Ramdhani Andrian Juniarta, Andrian Angela Merici Dwi Widiyanti Anindya Wirasatriya Aris Ismanto Ayuningtyas Indrawati Bagus Biantara, Bagus Bambang Sulardiono Boedi Hendrarto Budhi Agung Prasetyo Carleone de Prima, Carleone Churun A’in Dewati Ayu Febrianti Dewi Sartika Djoko Suprapto Ferdiansyah Ferdiansyah Frida Aprilia Loinenak, Frida Aprilia Frida Purwanti Geertruidha Adelheid Latumeten Haeruddin Haeruddin Hanifati Masturah Herry Boesono I. Kumalasari Indradi Setiyanto Khoerul Umah Kurniawan Kurniawan Lestari Lahksmi Widowati Max Rudolf Muskananfola Max Rudolf Muskanonfola Miladiyah Ahsanul Akhlak, Miladiyah Ahsanul Moh Toriq Abidin, Moh Toriq Monica Evi Suanty Manurung Monica Febrina Silitonga Muhammad Helmi Muhammad Najib Habibie Muhammad Zainuri Mutia Ismi Febrianti Mutia Ismi Febrianti Nabila Fikri Dwi Cahyani Nadhea O. Rahmawati Niniek Widyorini Nining Sari Ningsih Noky Rizky Samudra, Noky Rizky Nurul Latifah nurul latifah Nurwinda Hikmawati Olvi Cristianawati Pra Luber Agung Wibowo Pramonowibiwo M.Pi. Prayogi Prayogi Prijadi Soedarsono Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo Rahayu Sapta S. Sudewi Rahmatuloh, Irzani Hamzah Setya Ratri Canar Perdana Restiana Wisnu Ariyati Richan Fakhrurrizal Rimty Mayuftia Rio Januardi, Rio Roni Kurniawan Sahala Hutabarat SARASWATI SARASWATI Sasanti Retno Suharti, Sasanti Retno Sembiring, Yoan Teresia Br Simon Giando Sinaga, Simon Giando Siska Tri Cahyaningrum Siswanto Siswanto Sonny Lahati Subiyanto Subiyanto Suryanti - Sutrisno Anggoro Sutrisno Anggoro Urfan Ridha Yosafat Donni Haryanto Zulyani Zulyani