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Translation Techniques and Grammatical Equivalence in Indonesian English Translation of “Central Java Visitor Guide” afifah, Iif nur; Hartono, Rudi; Yuliasri, Issy
English Education Journal Vol 8 No 2 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : English Education Journal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/eej.v8i3.22622


“Central Java Visitor Guide” is a media to promote tourism for International tourists. This study was intended to reveal the translation techniques used by the translator in translating the sentences and to see the resulted grammatical equivalence between the source text (ST) and target text (TT). This study was done qualitatively. The findings of the research reveal that nine of 18 translation techniques proposed by Molina & Albir (2002) are chosen by the translator. They are : literal, borrowing, modulation, reduction, amplification, transposition, particularization, generalization, and description. Literal translation  (50.98 %) and borrowing (17.24 %) are the most dominant technique used. On the other hand, generalization and description are the lowest ones (0.73 %). It is also found out that the translator’s choice of translation techniques has resulted in 223 used of voice equivalent (45.60 %), 203 used of tense equivalent (41.51 %), and 63 used of number equivalent (12.88 %). There is no certain techniques influence the equivalence on tense and number category. However, non-equivalent on the category of voice is caused by the use of modulation and transposition techniques. Besides that, this study  also analyses the common problems of non-equivalence. They are : culture specific term (75.67 %), TL lacks specific term (12.16 %), TL lacks superordinate (8.10 %), and the use of loan words in the ST (4.05 %). Therefore, it can be concluded that the high rate of grammatical equivalence shows the translator’s success in translating the text.
Pengaruh produk domestik regional bruto (pdrb) dan upah minimum kota (umk) Hartono, Rudi; Busari, Arfiah; Awaluddin, Muhammad
INOVASI Vol 14, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Economics and Business Mulawarman University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (431.278 KB) | DOI: 10.29264/jinv.v14i1.3545


Dalam penelitian ini digunakan analisis cobb douglas, dengan sistem komputerisasi menggunakan SPSS. Setelah melakukan penelitian dengan data sekunder, dapat disimpulkan ada dua variabel yang mempengaruhi Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja yaitu Produk Domestik Regional Bruto dan Upah Minimum Kota. Hasil penelitian secara simultan atau bersama-sama dalam Uji F, Kedua variable independen yaitu Produk Domestik Regional Bruto dan Upah Minimum Kota secara bersama-sama mempengaruhi Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja di Kota Samarinda. Kemudian dengan uji t, Produk Domestik Regional Bruto berpengaruh Positif dan signifikan terhadap Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja di Kota Samarinda. Upah Minimum Kota berpengaruh Positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja di Kota Samarinda
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (540.245 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/dt.v3i2.320


Development courses Educational Innovation is based on the analysis of the needs that exist in FKIP Djuanda Bogor University for a study to be carried out face-to-face and through/within network (Online). This can affect the mindset lecturers to continue to maximize learning to be more effective and efficient so that students can absorb the knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The purpose of this research is to design and develop an open course materials Innovation blended learning based education that is appropriate to the achievement of graduation Prodi PGSD on the first semester 2016/2017. This study refers to the development of which was developed by the Directorate of Education and Student Affairs consisting of (1) the analysis phase, (2) the design stage, and (3) the development stage. This research was developed and implemented for four months from June to September 2016 in Prodi PGSD FKIP University Djuanda Bogor. The results of the study material Outdoor Education Innovation begins with analyzing the needs of the development phase, design phase material content of Educational Innovation, and the stage of development which include team development process pengampu courses and a small scale trial with five PGSD semester students. The conclusion of the development of open innovation educational materials as follows; (1) Development of courses open Educational Innovation has been developed according to the concept of achievement of graduation courses, (2) Subject of Educational Innovation developed blended learning easier for students PGSD Semester 5 FKIP University DJuanda Bogor to obtain course materials offline, (3 ) students of the fifth semester PGSD give a positive response will be the development of an open matter Education Innovation.
ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching Vol 7 No 1 (2018): ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching
Publisher : ELT Forum: Journal of English Language Teaching

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The aim of this study is to find out the effectiveness of Booktrack in teaching reading comprehension on the tenth grade students of a senior high school in Semarang. In order to achieve the objective of this research, the writer designed a quasi-experimental study. The subject of this study was 64 students of the tenth grade of a senior high school in Semarang; 32 students acted as the experimental group to be taught reading comprehension by using Booktrack App and the other 32 students as the control group to be taught reading comprehension by using regular medium. The results of the study showed that the score of experimental group was higher than control group. Based on the results, it can be concluded that Booktrack App is effective as a medium in teaching reading comprehension.
Students’ Speaking Assessment Used by English Teachers Based on the 2013 Curriculum Jannah, Waritsatul; Hartono, Rudi
English Education Journal Vol 8 No 3 (2018): September 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/eej.v8i3.24823


The present study was focused on the speaking assessment used by some English teachers in Margasari sub-district. The objectives of this study are to explain; 1) the Implementation of Speaking Assessment based on 2013 Curriculum, 2) the types of speaking assessment used by English teachers, 3) teachers’ perception on speaking assessment based on 2013 curriculum, and 4) teachers’ perception of speaking assessment based on 2013 compared to school based curriculum. This research was qualitative. The data were collected by implementing interview and questionnaires, observation, and document analysis. The samples of this study were eight English teachers who taught seventh grade in some schools in Margasari sub-district by using purposive sampling technique. The data of this study were classified and analyzed qualitatively. The result of the study showed that; 1) the English teachers of some Junior High Schools in Margasari sub-district have implemented the speaking assessment, yet it was not properly conducted and did not fulfil the standard 2) the usage of performance based assessment was used in assessing the students’ speaking skill with role play as its most frequently implemented assessing activity, 3) the teachers’ perception towards the speaking assessment was very good, considered the problems that could be addressed and the solutions to overcome them, and 4) most of teachers’ perceived that speaking assessment based on 2013 curriculum and school based curriculum is different from several points of view yet the same on the activity of speaking test.
Analisa Keputusan Konsumen Dalam Memilih Bank Umum Mandiri Dan Bank Muamalat di Kabupaten Lumajang Hartono, Rudi; Wiranata, Roni
PRIVE: Jurnal Riset Akuntansi dan Keuangan Vol 1 No 2 (2018): September
Publisher : Program Studi Akuntansi, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Islam Majapahit

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The number of banking companies with a wide range of products and facilities offered raises a complexity of its own for prospective customers to specify where to save. In a complex situation like this, it would require an in-depth and systematic thinking before making a decision. Thus the need to draw up a priority level, agree that in a certain period, the choice of which one will be more important than the other options, and consideration in order to get an effective decision. Research on scientific writing is the consumers decision to Commercial Bank Mandiri and Bank Muamalat in Lumajang. Through the interview techniques descriptive analysis using data analysis by Miles and Hubermen, which this analysis is done in an interactive and takes place continuously until complete. Activities in the analysis of this data is to summarize, selecting subject matter, focusing on things that are important to look for themes and patterns (data reduction), then the data is presented in a pattern corresponding to the study (data display), and thereafter drawn a conclusion that generates a hypothesis and a description or picture of an object that previously were dim or dark becomes clear. Results of this study was obtained from interviews Customers Bank Mandiri and Bank Muamalat KCP Lumajang Lumajang. In this study the number of informants in the interview as many as 10 people. From the analysis and discussion that has been done, it can take some conclusions Turns Conventional their perceptions of the bank is more dominant and their decisions as the most Top Needs. As well as existing facilities can be met all the needs of each - each informant. Meanwhile Muamalat Islamic banks are more likely to special interests such as personal Haj Savings, Savings Home, Education and etc. Moreover, the existing facilities in the Islamic bank is incomplete and not fulfilled all by people like ATMs less extensive coverage unlike in a conventional bank very broad scope to the outlaying place. Factors Services, ATM Facility, Building, Location, Convenience and Parking are dominant and still less compared to conventional.
Publisher : Universitas Djuanda Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (458.19 KB) | DOI: 10.30997/qh.v3i1.1000


Belajar bersama masyarakat adalah kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh mahasiswa yang mempunyai tujuan umum mendukung dan memprakarsai segala proses pembangunan di masyarakat demi meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh mahasiswa Universitas Djuanda Bogor dibagi 20 kelompok di tujuh Kecamatan Kabupaten Bogor. Ada beberapa aspek yaitu pendidikan, kesehatan, lingkungan, dan ekonomi lokal. Melalui program KKN diharapkan Mahasiswa dapat meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan keluarganya dan diri sendiri. Menjadi keluarga yang mampu menghadapi persoalan-persoalan yang datang. Mahasiswa berhasil membentuk program yang meliputi bidang kesehatan melakukan program Jumat bersih, jalan sehat, bidang ekonomi menginovasi kuliner dengan berbagai inovasi-inovasi baru, kerajinan, seminar dan pengolahan sampah dan mencapai target 80 persen dengan kendala utama terbatasnya modal dan sinergitas antara masayarat, swasta dan pemerintah daerah.Kata kunci: pemberdayaan masyarakat, belajar bersama masyarakat, kesehatan, ekonomi. LEARNING WITH THE COMMUNITY THROUGH KKN ACTIVITIES IN EDUCATION, ENVIRONMAN, ECONOMY, AND RELIGION ABSTRACTLearning with the community is an activity carried out by students who have a general purpose to support and initiate all development processes in society in order to improve the welfare of the community. This activity was followed by students of Djuanda University Bogor divided by 20 groups in seven sub-districts of Bogor Regency. There are several aspects of education, health, environment, and local economy. Through the KKN program, students are expected to improve the quality of their family life and themselves. Being a family capable of dealing with the problems that come. Students succeeded in establishing programs covering the health field of clean Friday programs, healthy roads, the economic field of culinary innovation with new innovations, crafts, seminars and waste processing and achieving 80 percent target with the main constraints of limited capital and synergy between private, local government. 
International Journal of Education Vol 9, No 1 (2016): August 2016
Publisher : UPI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ije.v9i1.3720


This present study examined the use of Islamic magazine articles as authentic materials in teaching reading comprehension for the students of English Education Department of IAIN Batusangkar, Indonesia. This idea is based on the belief that students can be motivated and challenged to read if the selected materials pertain to their prior knowledge and experiences.  In addition to this, using Islamic magazine articles as essential sources of information can positively expose students to real language. This study used qualitative research. This research was conducted to the third semester students. Observation and interview were used to collect data from 58 students who learned reading comprehension in the classroom. The research findings showed that the use of Islamic magazine articles empirically enhanced the students’ reading performance and built their character values. Based on these findings it is recommended that lecturers of reading comprehension subject should be able to exploit up-to-date articles to be used as lesson materials in teaching reading comprehension at the English education department in order to avoid boredom in reading texts.
English Teachers’ Perception on Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension to Motivate the Students Nugroho, Toto; Bharati, Dwi Anggani Linggar; Hartono, Rudi
English Education Journal Vol 9 No 1 (2019): March 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/eej.v9i1.24741


A teacher should have good perception of teaching and strategies to deal with some difficulties that can be aroused in the process of reading. However, the teachers’ background of State Senior High School of Pemalang Regency are various. This condition make different perception when they performed in their teaching English in their classroom. The present study sought to explore English teachers’ perception of learning second language. Motivation is one of the important factors which impacts greatly on language learning. One of the most important factors which receives the special focus in foreign language teaching is reading motivation. More recently, studies on reading motivation have also gained much interest. This review paper is going to consider the impact of reading motivation on reading comprehension. In this paper, the researcher explains the terms of strategies, motivation, reading comprehension, and different models of reading comprehension. The review of this study showed that teachers’ strategies on teaching reading comprehension had a considerably positive effect on reading comprehension activities.
Simetris: Jurnal Teknik Mesin, Elektro dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 7, No 2 (2016): JURNAL SIMETRIS VOLUME 7 NO 2 TAHUN 2016
Publisher : Universitas Muria Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (669.538 KB) | DOI: 10.24176/simet.v7i2.763


Perkembangan teknologi yang semakin pesat saat ini, harus dapat dimanfaatkan dalam setiap sisi kehidupan manusia yang bertujuan agara teknologi tersebut berguna, membantu dan mempermudah kehidupan manusia. Peranan teknologi tidak hanya dipandang pada kehidupan orang dewasa, namun alangkah baiknya teknologi juga dapat berperan dalam kehidupan anak-anak khususnya bidang pendidikan. Teknologi yang akan difokuskan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknologi di smart phone dan android, guna memudahkan anak dalam belajar bahasa inggris sejak dini. Dalam pengembangan aplikasi ini dibuat semudah mungkin dalam pengoprasian dengan penggunaan control drag and drop pada gameplaynya. Game English For Fun dinilai dapat menambah ketertarikan dalam belajar bahasa inggris sesuai dengan survey yang telah dilakukan dengan hasil kuisoner responden, kuisioner dengan pertanyaan Apakah dengan Game English For Fun dapat lebih mudah dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris? dihasilkan 48,6% responden menjawab sangat setuju. Game ini dapat berjalan di perangkat android pada beberapa versi operating system, seperti Jellybean, Kitkat, dan Lollipop. Game Edukasi English For Fun yaitu sebagai sarana bermain sekaligus pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk anak-anak, khusunya anak kelas 1-2 Sekolah Dasar agar mengenal lebih banyak nama-nama Alfabet, Angka, Buah, Hewan, Transportasi, Bangun Datar, Anggota Tubuh Manusia dan Warna dalam Bahasa Inggris. Kata kunci: game, android, unity 3D, edukasi bahasa inggris.
Co-Authors -, Rusmiyanto Abdul Muhib, Abdul Abdul Zain Abdurrachman Faridi Abdurrahman Faridi Abu Asyari Achmad Delianur Nasution Adam Ismail, Adam Adlin " Admiati, Admiati afifah, Iif nur afifah, Iif nur Agus Purnomo Agus Purnomo Agus Purnomo Agus Purnomo Agus Purwoko Agus Purwoko Agus Rofi’i Ahamad Seng Ahdillah, Muhammad Zidni Ilman Ahmad Baiquni Rangkut Ahmad Sofwan Aji, Kresna Rahma Aji, Kresna Rahma Alwi Nurfaizi Anggani L. Bharati, Dwi Anggani L. Bharati, Dwi Angguntur, Wayan Anita Zaitunah Apri Heri Iswanto Areni, Galuh K.D. Areni, Galuh K.D. Arfiah Busari Arida Susilowati Arif Suryo Priyatmojo Arina Hafadhotul Husna, Arina arjun halek Arlina Nurbaity Lubis Asriana, Risa Winda Atikah Wati, Atikah Atin Kurniawati Atmawi DARWIS Azizah, Intan Nur Azmi, Mia Nurul Bambang Purwanto Berliana Kusuma Riasti Bhima mahawira Budiningtyas, Rina Cahyaningsih, Iskandar Jati Cahyanti, Ade Dwi Candradewi Wahyu Anggraeni Chandra Ertikanto Chilyatul Mazizah, Chilyatul Damar Isti Pratiwi Damayanti, Syafira Ilyas Dedy Suryadi Dedy Suryadi Deni Elfiati Dessy Ardianti Dessy Artina Dhaniel, Ridianto Dian Sukmawati, Ida Dika Dwi Prasetyo Djoko Sutopo Dumasari Dumasari Dwi Anggani L.B., Dwi Dwi Anggani LB, Dwi Dwi Anggani Linggar Bharati Dwi Rukmini Dzulhaq, Muhammad Iqbal Eko Fabianto, Eko Eko Priyotomo Eko Suyanto Erdianto ' F, Rizqi Amalia F, Rizqi Amalia F.Trias Pontia W Fauzi Febrianto Febri Yuliani Febrina Heryani Tarigan Firdiana, Intan Hikmah Fitri A. Pitaloka, Fitri Fitri, Okta Maya Fitri, Okta Maya Fradika Oktavianus Bernadi Siahaan Fuad Anwar Fujiati, Hikmah Hafizah Arinah Handi Pratama Shadam Hussaeni Hanung Adi Nugroho Happy gusnar, Nindya Septarica Harahap, Moehar Harisyah Manurung Hartatik Hartatik Harunika, Arian Pramesta Helmia Thalib Henrikus Joko Yulianto Herlina Herlina Herman Khunaivi, Herman Hidayah, Insani Nur Hudi, Anugrah Cahyo Humaedi Humaedi I Gusti Bagus Wiksuana Imam Wahyudi Indrawan, Imam Wahyudi Indra Aulia Irawati AZHAR Iskandar Jati Cahyaningsih Issy Yuliasri Jajang Sutiawan Jannah, Waritsatul Jannah, Waritsatul Januarius Mujiyanto, Januarius Jeckson Fransiskus Sagala Jendro Zalukhu John Parulian Nainggolan Josua Parulian Hutajulu Jumaedah, Ninik Kansih Sri Hartini Karismawati, Angga Khusnah, Laila Koman, Hanifah Nur Najibah Koman, Hanifah Nur Najibah Lasmiatun, Lasmiatun Liliya Dewi Susanawati Luky Adrianto Luthfi Hakim Luthfi Hakim Mariah Ulfa Marisi Aritonang Marlina Marlina Marselia, Marselia Marselia, Marselia Megawati, Wahyu Merin M. Karina, Merin Milchatun -, Milchatun Moh. Hufron Mohammad Erdda Habiby Mohtar Yunianto Muaz Zul, Muaz Zul muhammad al risal fitrah Muhammad Awaluddin, Muhammad Muhammad Triyogo Adiwibowo Muhdi Mukhlis Muslimin Muktiono Waspodo Mursid Saleh Mustika, Rindi Nafisah, Nuharani Dyah Navik, Susi Navik, Susi Ni Putu Nita Wijayanti Nikmatu Rupiah, Sri Nikmatu Rupiah, Sri Ningrum, Rena Listya Ningrum, Rena Listya Nughthoh Arfawi Kurdhi Nughthoh Arfawi Kurdhi, Nughthoh Arfawi Nugroho, Agnesti Pramuktiasih Nugroho, Toto Nugroho, Toto Nurchayati Nurdin Ibrahim Nurpermadi, Erwin Dwi OK Hasnanda Syahputra Oktabriyanti, Sita Oktabriyanti, Sita Onrizal Onrizal Pahlawanita, Nur Via Pahlawanita, Nur Via Pindi Patana Pontia W, F.Trias Prasetya, Irfan Zahid Prasetya, Irfan Zahid Prasetyo, Dika Dwi Priatmojo, Arif Suryo Prihatin Lumbanraja Puji Astuti Pujiati Utami Puspita, Dinda Anjasmara Putro, Rizki Hartono R. Sapto Hendri Boedi Soesatyo Raden Aditiya Raharjo, Joko S. Dwi Rais, Azka Iftiani Rambey, Ridahati Rasi Odesto Tarigan Rini Susanti Wulandari Rizki Ahmad Fauzi Rizky Nurul Amalia, Rizky Nurul Rochyani Lestiyanawati, Rochyani Rois Arifin Ruslan Wirosoedarmo Sahirul Alim Tri Bawono Sahirul Alim Tri Bawono, Sahirul Alim Saiful Ridlo Samsuri Samsuri Sansan Sarif Hidayat Seful Bahri Setyani, Dwi Putri Setyani, Dwi Putri Shabitah, Wulan Shanty Sianturi Sigit Wibowo Slamet Slamet Sri Handani W Sri Wuli Fitriati Sukirman Sukirman Suratno -, Suratno Suri Fadhilla Susilowati, Nunung Sutomo Sutomo Suwandi Suwandi Tacazely, Alrina Raras Tacazely, Alrina Raras Taufiqi, Muhammad Aulia Taufiqi, Muhammad Aulia Teguh Prasetyo Thoyyibah, Naelatut Thoyyibah, Naelatut Titik Wijayanti Tito Sucipto Tri Umari Ubaedillah Ubaedillah, Ubaedillah Wahyu DWIANTO Wahyu Setyorini Wardalia Wardalia Warsono -, Warsono Warsono Warsono Weni Ratnasari, Weni Widyasari Widyasari, Widyasari Wiranata, Roni Witono Hardi Yusuf Sumaryana zulfa Sakhiyya Zulham Afandi Harahap Zulpan, Zulpan