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Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah, Supervisi Akademik, dan Motivasi Kerja dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru Hardono, Hardono; Haryono, Haryono; Yusuf, Amin
Educational Management Vol 6 No 1 (2017): June 2017
Publisher : Educational Management

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis pengaruh kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, supervisi akademik terhadap motivasi kerja dan kinerja baik secara parsial maupun simultan. Penelitian ini juga menguji pengaruh kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dan supervisi akademik terhadap kinerja melalui motivasi kerja. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah korelasional dengan alat pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, dan teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah validitas, reliabilitas, analisis regresi dan path analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai F test (51,172) dengan tingkat signifikan (0,000) < 0,05. Penelitian ini lebih lanjut akan membuktikan peningkatan kinerja guru melalui kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, superviai akademik melalui motivasi kerja.
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Vol 5: Edisi 1 Januari-Juni 2018
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

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Abstract : This research is based on the low motivation of learning PPKn of the students at SMP Negeri 1 Benai. The formulation of the problem in this research is "Is there any significant effect of using Wheel of Fortune learning model toward students’ motivation in learning PPKn at SMP Negeri 1 Benai Kecamatan Benai Kabupaten Kuantan Singing ?". This study aims to determine the effect of using Wheel of Fortune learning model toward students’ motivation in learning PPKn at SMP Negeri 1 Benai Kecamatan Benai Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi. This research was conducted at SMP Negeri 1 Benai in February 2018. This research was a quantitative descriptive which is experimental research which the students of grade VIII SMP Negeri 1 Benai became the population in this study. The sample in this research was taken based on "Random Sampling" technique. Where the class taken into the sample was students of class VIII.a (experimental class) given the learning model of Wheel of Fortune, and class VIII.c (control class) were students who were given the conventional method. Then data analysis by using homogeneity test and "t" test. Based on the result of research indicated that there was an effect of learning motivation between student who using Wheel of Fortune learning model and conventional method in SMP Negeri 1 Benai ( > ). Where there was an average increase toward motivation in learning PPKn of experimental class from 19.8 to 27 and the average of PPKn learning motivation of control class from 21,5 to 19,30. Thus the hypothesis which reads that there is an effect of using Wheel of Fortune learning model toward students’ motivation in learning PPKn at SMP Negeri 1 Benai Kecamatan Benai Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi, can be accepted.Keywords: Wheel of Fortune, Learning Motivation PPKn
Efektivitas Metode Discovery Learning Berbantuan E-Learning di SMA Negeri 1 Jepara Sumianingrum, Ninok Eyiz; Wibawanto, Hari; Haryono, Haryono
Innovative Journal of Curriculum and Educational Technology Vol 6 No 1 (2017): June 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijcet.v6i1.15573


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hasil belajar menggunakan metode Discovery Learning berbantuan aplikasi E-Learning Edmodo, menganalisis perbedaan hasil belajar peserta didik menggunakan metode Discovery Learning berbantuan aplikasi E-Learning Edmodo dengan Discovery Learning berbantuan aplikasi presentasi, menganalisis perbedaan hasil belajar peserta didik laki-laki dengan perempuan, dan menganalisis hubungan antara metode Discovery Learning berbantuan aplikasi E-Learning Edmodo dengan hasil belajar peserta didik laki-laki dan perempuan kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Jepara. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Quasi Experiment menggunakan desain faktorial (2x2). Analisis data yang digunakan adalah (1) analisis deskriptif untuk mengetahui rata-rata nilai sikap spiritual, sikap sosial, proyek, produk, dan respon peserta didik, dan (2) analisis inferensial menggunakan analisis Two Way Anova untuk menguji hipotesis perlakuan perbedaan hasil belajar peserta didik laki-laki dan perempuan menggunakan Discovery Learning berbantuan aplikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Pembelajaran dengan metode Discovery Learning berbantuan aplikasi E-Learning Edmodo memuat 6 langkah-langkah, (2) Terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar peserta didik yang menggunakan Discovery Learning berbantuan aplikasi E-Learning Edmodo dengan Discovery Learning berbantuan aplikasi presentasi, (3) Terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar peserta didik laki-laki dengan perempuan, dan (4) Tidak ada hubungan antara metode Discovery Learning berbantuan aplikasi terhadap hasil belajar peserta didik laki-laki dan perempuan kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Jepara.The research aims to determine learning outcomes using the Discovery Learning assisted application of E-Learning Edmodo, analyze the differences in learning outcomes of students using the Discovery Learning assisted application of E-Learning Edmodo with Discovery Learning aided presentation applications, analyze the differences in learning outcomes of students male with women, and analyze the relationship between the method of application aided Discovery Learning E-learning Edmodo with the study of students male and female grade X SMA Negeri 1 Jepara. This type of research is a Quasi Experiment using a factorial design (2x2). Analysis of the data were used: (1) descriptive analysis to determine the average value of spiritual attitudes, social attitudes, projects, products, and response learners, and (2) inferential analysis using analysis Two Way ANOVA to test the hypothesis of treatment differences in learning outcomes educate men and women use the Discovery Learning assisted applications. The results showed that: (1) Learning method Discovery Learning assisted application of E-Learning Edmodo contains six steps, (2) There are differences in learning outcomes of students who use the Discovery Learning assisted application of E-Learning Edmodo with Discovery Learning aided presentation applications (3) there are differences in learning outcomes of students male to female, and (4) there is no relationship between the method of Discovery learning aided application to the study of students male and female grade X SMA Negeri 1 Jepara.
Pengembangan Media Komunikasi Buku Penghubung Berbasis SMS Gateway dan Mobile Web Rahmani, Margret Ade Cipta; Haryono, Haryono; Purwanti, Eko
Innovative Journal of Curriculum and Educational Technology Vol 6 No 2 (2017): November 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijcet.v6i2.16202


Untuk mendukung hubungan kemitraan antara pihak sekolah dan guru diperlukan media komunikasi yang efektif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) mengembangkan media komunikasi berbasis SMS Gateway dan Mobile Web, dan (2) mengetahui kelayakkan dan kepraktisan pengembangan media komunikasi buku penghubung berbasis SMS Gateway dan Mobile Web. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode Research and Development dengan tahapan studi pendahuluan melalui studi literature dan studi lapangan, dilanjutkan dengan tahap pengembangan dengan mendesain produk dan melakukan pengujian kelayakan produk oleh para ahli dan pengujian kepraktisan oleh praktisi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) Tersusunnya media komunikasi buku penghubung berbasis SMS Gateway dan Mobile Web; (2) Produk media komunikasi buku penghubung berbasis SMS Gateway dan Mobile Web dikategorikan sangat layak berdasarkan pengujian para ahli dengan nilai rerata 83,473 dan praktis dengan kategori sangat baik berdasarkan respon praktisi orangtua siswa dengan nilai 81,23 dan oleh guru dengan nilai 78,33. To support the partnership relationship between the school and teachers, an effective communication media is needed. The objectives of this research are: (1) to develop communication media based on SMS Gateway and Mobile Web, and (2) to determine the level of validity and practicability the development of communication media based on SMS Gateway and Mobile Web. The research method used is Research and Development method with preliminary study stage through literature study and field study, followed by development stage by designing product and doing product feasibility test by expert and practicability testing by practitioner. The results of this research are: (1) The establishment of communication media based on SMS Gateway and Mobile Web; (2) The communication media product based on SMS Gateway and Mobile Web is categorized as feasible based on expert test with 83,473 and practical score with very good category based on parents practitioner response with 81,23 value and by teacher with value 78,33.
Evaluasi Implementasi Kurikulum dalam Aktivitas Riil pada Mata Pelajaran melakukan Instalasi Sistem Operasi Jaringan Berbasis Graphical User Interface Juliyanto, Juliyanto; Haryono, Haryono; Khumaedi, Muhammad
Innovative Journal of Curriculum and Educational Technology Vol 6 No 2 (2017): November 2017
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/ijcet.v6i2.18655


Penerapan kurikulum KTSP masih ada kendala maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi implementasi Kurikulum KTSP yang berfokus pada proses pembelajaran dengan model Context Input Process Product (CIPP). Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Pendekatan penelitian ini evaluative yang mengambil kriteria dari CIPP yang difokuskan pada standar proses. Data angket dianalisa secara kuantitatif dan hasilnya disampaikan secara evaluative dengan mengambil kriteria proses pada CIPP. Dalam komponen proses terdapat beberapa unsur yaitu pendahuluan, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, penutup, penilaian, dan sarana/prasarana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan proses pembelajaran yang disampaikan guru dalam pembelajaran produktif sudah berjalan efektif. Hasil penelitian dalam komponen proses yaitu pendahuluan yang disampaikan guru dalam kategori tinggi yaitu sebesar 88%, pelaksanaan pembelajaran produktif dalam kategori tinggi yaitu sebesar 90%, penutup yang disampaikan guru dalam pembelajaran produktif dalam kategori sangat tinggi yaitu 90 %, penilaian yang disampaikan guru dalam pembelajaran produktif dalam kategori tinggi yaitu 77%, sarana dan prasarana dalam kategori sangat tinggi yaitu 89%. Hasil penelitian ini sebagai kajian pada bidang ilmu khususnya evaluasi kurikulum yang bermanfaat untuk pengembangan KTSP.Application of curriculum of KTSP is still obstacle this research aim to evaluate implementation of Curriculum KTSP which focus on learning process with Context Input Process Product (CIPP) model. This research method is descriptive quantitative. This evaluative research approach takes the criteria of CIPP that focus on process standards. Questionnaire data were analyzed quantitatively and the results were presented evaluatively by taking process criteria at CIPP. In the process component there are several elements of the introduction, implementation of learning, cover, assessment, and facilities/infrastructure. The results show that the learning process that is delivered by teachers in productive learning has been effective. The results of the research in the process component is the introduction of the teacher in the high category of 88%, the implementation of productive learning in the high category that is 90%, the cover delivered by teachers in productive learning in the category is very high that is 90% In productive learning in high category that is 77%, facilities and infrastructure in very high category that is 89%. The results of this study as a study in the field of science, especialy the evaluation of curriculum that is useful for the development of KTSP.
The Journal of Educational Development Vol 5 No 1 (2017): February 2017
Publisher : The Journal of Educational Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jed.v5i1.14304


Education that is charged with multicultural values ​​is a staged-educational process that can be used as a binder and a bridge to accommodate differences, such as ethnicity, language, culture, gender, region, and religion in a multi-cultural society in order to create intelligent, wise, and polite personality in dealing with diversity issues. Multicultural education should continue to be understood comprehensively, so it is not stagnant only limited to discourse, and ultimately can be implemented in harmony and without any negative effects. It is this basis that causes multicultural education urgent for immediate implementation in educational institutions, so it is necessary to comprehensively study various aspects of life so that there is a synergy between the academic community and the society of a nation-state. This study employed a research and development (R &amp; D) design from Borg and Gall, while the design of the model was adopted from the development of McKenny. The research procedure was based on the ten-phased design from Borg and Gall that has been modified into three phases, namely (1) a preliminary study; (2) the development of the design; and (3) testing the feasibility of the product. Based on the conclusion, this study recommends that multicultural education is a new discourse of education in Indonesia, but the urgency of its implementation is very high; the multicultural education curriculum can be implemented through each level of education, the student program and in the process of habituation through daily learning both within the school and in the family. Multicultural education can be inserted through the planting of multicultural values ​​into the curriculum or learning activities which are responsively multicultural by promoting respect for differences: racial, ethnic, cultural, religious, and territorial between the community members; and no less important is that multicultural education discourse can be implemented within the scope of the family, as the smallest social institution in the community which is most effective learning media in the process of internalization and transformation of values, as well as the socialization of family members.
Civil Servant Entreprneurship “Diklat” Management Model Based on Achievement Motivation Training in the Human Resources Development Board of Central Java Martuti, Martuti; Soesanto, Soesanto; Hardyanto, Wahyu; Haryono, Haryono
The Journal of Educational Development Vol 5 No 3 (2017): October 2017
Publisher : The Journal of Educational Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jed.v5i3.18125


The main purpose of this study is to find the final model of Civil Servant (PNS) entrepreneurship education and training (DIKLAT) management based on Achievement Motivation Training (PMB) which is suitable to be applied in the Human Resource Development Board of Central Java Province. This research employed a research and development (R &amp; D) method. The ten (10) steps contained in the method were modified into three, namely the preliminary stage, the development stage, and the evaluation stage. The data source was civil servants who were attending the education and training program in the Human Resource Development Board of Central Java Province. Data were drawn from the respondents through interviews, open and closed questionnaires, observations, as well as pre and post test. The data were validated using validity and reliability tests. The effectiveness of the model was assessed using pre and post tests. The result of this research shows that the civil servant entrepreneurship education and training management model based on achievement motivation training is feasible to be applied in Regional Human Resources Development Board of Central Java Province. The effectiveness of the model is proven by the pre and post test results showing that it improves the need for achievement/n-Ach) from 5.27 to 8.10, the need for affiliation/n-Aff from 1.80 to 2.00, and the need for power/n-Pow motive from 4.63 to 5.27; there is an increase of&nbsp; each from medium to high category.
Creating Community Bond through Cultural Branding to Maintain Community-Based Schools Hidayatun, Hidayatun; Rusdarti, Rusdarti; Haryono, Haryono; Soesilowati, Etty
The Journal of Educational Development Vol 5 No 3 (2017): October 2017
Publisher : The Journal of Educational Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jed.v5i3.18126


The increase in people’s prosperity and education level create a change on their view about education and the need for it. Consequently, they choose an education institution in a more selective consideration. Schools under Ma’arif institution in Semarang regency faced some difficulties as the impact. They had negative students growth values in the last three years before the research was conducted. In order to survive, institutions management strategy needed to be evaluated. This research examined the interface between culture and school, with specific reference to branding. The purpose of this research was to develop a cultural branding model for junior high schools under Ma’arif institution. Therefore, it includes research and development (R&amp;D) systematic activities. This study was carried out on a premise that creating a bond between a school and its community by adopting the community’s culture in a formal education setting will help the school to gain certain positioning in their community. After a limited implementation on a Ma’arif’s school, the pilot project school underwent a significant increase in a number of new students. The analysis on the fact resulted in a conclusion that implementation of cultural increase community’s love, emotional attachment, and loyalty to the school. The study also suggested applying the model in a wider scope, at least in regency area as it is only implemented in a school as a pilot project. Applying the model in the different type of schools in wider scope will add the worthy value and benefit of the model.
The Management of Executive, Copa, Motiva (ECM) Counseling Service in the Primary School Wibowo, Mungin Eddy; Haryono, Haryono; Wahyudin, Agus; Hardiyanti, Dwi
The Journal of Educational Development Vol 5 No 3 (2017): October 2017
Publisher : The Journal of Educational Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jed.v5i3.18129


The limitations and difficulties of finding professional counseling teachers with adequate competencies for the elementary school still hamper the effort of developing the counseling service program at school. 130,000 counseling teachers are still needed in junior and senior high school/equivalent, excluding the needs of counseling teachers in elementary school/equivalent. The availability of counseling teachers is far from ideal, there should be an action as a solution from the government and schools demanding that a number of schools are able to develop mechanisms related to service management and procurement of counseling teachers. Therefore, this study offers a solution through a product in the form of a guidebook resulted from of a research and development based on the standard model in the service implementation and guidance at elementary school. This research and development (R &amp; D) study employed Borg and Gall design as well as a model design that adapts the development of McKenny. This study includes 10 procedures introduced by Borg and Gall which were modified into three stages: (1) preliminary study; (2) design development; (3) final product testing. The results show: (1)&nbsp; preliminary study found that the form of counseling service management model in elementary school has weaknesses, i.e. the implementation has not been referring to the principle of counseling service comprehensively, the involvement of stakeholders has not yet been maximal, the implementation was just remedial-curative and inclusive along with the learning activities. Most primary schools have&nbsp; not had counseling teachers yet, and there was no evaluation as feedback from the stakeholders; (2) the design development resulted in an Executive, Copa, Motiva (ECM) model as practical solution in counseling service in elementary school; (3) the final product of counseling service management has five management functions: planning, organizing, implementing, evaluating, and reporting. The five management functions in the counseling services in elementary school are used as a standard guideline for preparing the guidebooks produced from this study.
Cangkang Telur Ayam sebagai Sumber Kalsium dalam Pembuatan Hidroksiapatit untuk Aplikasi Graft Tulang Noviyanti, Atiek Rostika; Haryono, Haryono; Pandu, Rinal; Eddy, Diana Rakhmawaty
Chimica et Natura Acta Vol 5, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Departemen Kimia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (406.017 KB) | DOI: 10.24198/cna.v5.n3.16057


Hidroksiapatit dengan struktur heksagonal merupakan biomaterial yang berpotensi sebagai implan tulang maupun gigi, karena memiliki sifat biokompatibilitas, dan bioresorbabilitas. Karakteristik kimia dan kristalinitas hidroksiapatit yang mirip dengan sifat tulang dan gigi manusia, menyebabkan kehadirannya dalam tubuh mudah diterima. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menyintesis hidroksiapatit dengan metode basah menggunakan kalsium hasil isolasi dari cangkang telur ayam. Sintesis hidroksiapatit dilakukan dengan reaksi metode basah. Proses sintering optimum diamati dengan variasi waktu 3, 5 dan 9 jam. Karakterisasi struktur, morfologi, dan komposisi unsur hidroksiapatit masing-masing menggunakan XRD dan TM-EDX. Hidroksiapatit terbanyak diperoleh pada waktu sintering selama 5 jam, yaitu sebesar 74,74%, dengan rasio massa Ca/P 1,67. Pola difraksi XRD hidroksiapatit hasil sintesis mirip dengan ICSD #157481.
Co-Authors - Kardoyo - Kustiono A.A. Ketut Agung Cahyawan W Abd. Rasyid Syamsuri Abdul Hadi Kadarusno, Abdul Hadi Abdul Haris Achmad Husein Achmad Rifai RC, Achmad Adi Prehanto Agus Hadiat Tjakrawidjaja, Agus Hadiat Agus Riyanto Agus Wahyudin Ahad Legiarto Ahmad Eddison Ahmad Syaifudin Ahsan, Muhammad Ahsan, Muhammad Akaat Hasjiandito, Akaat Akhmad, Sulthoni Amin Yusuf Anang Budi Utomo Andi Samsu Alam, Andi Samsu Andriko, Andriko Anton Maretno, Anton Ari Syahidul Shidiq Arief Yulianto Arifiadi, Ferry Arifudin Suhaili Ariyanti, Desi Arum, Winda Falah Setianing Arum, Winda Falah Setianing Ashadi Ashfahani, Aufa Ashfahani, Aufa Asih, Sidi Asih, Sidi Asnuddin, Asnuddin Atiek Rostika Noviyanti Ayola, Nursatry AYU LESTARI Azmy, Rikzi Izzet Alvaeni Azmy, Rikzi Izzet Alvaeni Azrianingzih, Rodiyati Azrianingzih, Rodliyati Bahri, Moh. Syaeful Bambang Suwerda, Bambang Bana, Rifal Arma Bety Prastiwi Budiyono Budiyono Catharina Tri Anni, Catharina Tri Dadan Irwan Dani Febriyanto, Dani Darunanto, Danang Dea Nuraini Rahmadhani Desti Handayani, Desti Dewi, Sri Purnama Dewi, Sri Purnama DIAH SETYORINI Diana, Eva Ria Djoko Legono Djoko Widodo Djuniadi Djuniadi Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu DYP. Sugiharto, DYP. Eddy, Diana Rakhmawaty Eleonora Runtunuwu Elfrida Riyani Endang Tjahjaningsih Endik Deni Nugroho Erni Susanti Ertambang Nahartyo Etty Soesilowati Evy Ernawati, Evy Fadhlullah Ramadhani Fahrudin, Mohammad Khoirul Fahrudin, Mohammad Khoirul Fajriah Fajriah, Fajriah Fakhruddin Fakhruddin Fanisa Laras Budiati Farid Ahmadi Farida, Haning Galang Windi Pratama, Toebagus Gimin Gimin Gofar, Abdul Gumilar, Panggayuh Jala Gunadi Gunadi Gustami, Reynaldi Gustina, Yolanda Haesti Sembiring Hambali Hambali Hamzah, Akmal Handriani, Loly Hanny Hafiar Hardiyanti, Dwi Hardiyanti, Dwi Hardjono Hardjono, Hardjono Hardono Hardono, Hardono Hari Wibawanto Haris Syahbuddin Hartono Hartono Hawa, Kenwari Hendra.s, Hendra.s Herman Sanjtoko Herman Santjoko Hidayatun, Hidayatun Hidayatun, Hidayatun Ibnu Rois Ika Umaya Sinta, Ika Umaya Imam Muhsin Mubarok, Imam Muhsin Indah Epriliati Indah Werdiningsih INDRA PRATAMA PUTRA SALMON Iskandar, Bayu Isti Hidayah Istyarini Istyarini, Istyarini Jojo Subagja Juliyanto, Juliyanto Juliyanto, Juliyanto Karimah, Luthfia Karnuriman, Karnuriman Kharmila Sari Kosam, Darussalam Kosam, Darussalam L. Hendrowibowo Lucky Herawati Luh Putu Ratna Sundari M. F. Rahardjo, M. F. Maemonah, Maemonah Martuti, Martuti Martuti, Martuti Maskur Maskur Masrukhi Masrukhi Melati Ayuningtyas Mikha Bimantara Warsito, Mikha Bimantara Mochammad Muchid, Mochammad Muhadharah, Umarah Muhadharah, Umarah Muhammad Khumaedi Muhammad Shodiq Abdul Khannan Muhsin Muhsin Mulyadi . Mulyaningrum, Meilia Muna Chanifia, Muna mungin eddy wibowo, mungin eddy Nanik Dwi Nurhayati Nasution, Annio Indah Lestari NATANAEL, CHRISTI LIAMITA Nia Kurniawan Notosoegondo, Hendriani Selina Novi Astrini, Novi Novita Setyo Cahyani Nurhakiki, Nurhakiki Nurlinah Nurlinah, Nurlinah Nurmansyah, Gupi Rohman Nursantipa, Nursantipa Onisimus Amtu Pakpahan, Valen Octavia Pakpahan, Valen Octavia Pamungkas, Sawitri Pandu, Rinal Pranoto Pranoto Purwanto Purwanto Pusaka, Semerdanta Putri, Analita Hanata Putri, Femmy Andani Radna Pambudhi, Radna Rafika Bayu Kusumandari, Rafika Bayu Rahim, Habibi Rahmadillah, Wulan Rahmah Rizki Akbar W, Rahmah Rizki Rahmani, Margret Ade Cipta Rahmani, Margret Ade Cipta Raihan, Siti Raihan, Siti Ramadhani, Dwi Putri Renata Kusuma Wardani, Renata Kusuma RIDWAN AFFANDI Rukiah Rukiah Rusdarti - Rusqiyati, Eka Arifa Rusqiyati, Eka Arifa Samsudi . Sapto Budoyo Saputro, Edwin Wicaksono Sardjito Eko Sari, Iis Purnama Sari, Tika Yurnia Sarjiyah Sarjiyah, Sarjiyah Separen, Separen Septi Nurlaeli, Septi Seran, Theodorina Novyani Sigid Sudaryanto Siswati, Endhang sitanggang, Apri ani Sitorus, Nomi Destari Situmorang, Eka Erlia Slamet . Soesanto Soesanto Solihudin, Solihudin Sri Erlinda Sri Handayani Sri Puji Ganefati Sri Retno Dwi Ariani Sri Suneki SRI WARDANI Sri Widiastuti, Sri Sri Wulandari Sri Yamtinah Sugianto Sugianto Sugiyarta Stanislaus, Sugiyarta Sulhi, M. Sulhi, M. Sulistyo Saputro Sumianingrum, Ninok Eyiz Sumianingrum, Ninok Eyiz Suntari Suntari Supartono - Suparwan Cecep Kosasih, Suparwan Cecep Suryani, Erlina Suryanta, Novan Hendra Suryanta, Novan Hendra Susanti Perangin-angin Sutedjo Sutedjo syahputra, Rari timur, wahyu Titi Prihatin Titik Haryati Tjakrawidjaja, Agus H Tjipta Bahtera, Tjipta Tommy, Muhammad Totok Sumaryanto Florentinus, Totok Sumaryanto Tri Joko Raharjo Tri Prihatiningsih Trismawati, Trismawati U.Z., L.M. Zulfahrin U.Z., L.M. Zulfahrin Utami, Retno Arif Wahyu Hardyanto Wahyu Lestari Wahyu Widodo Wahyu, M. Hasyir Wahyuni, Rr. Endang Wasino Wasino Wesman Endom Widhanarto, Ghanis Putra Yanti, Asvira Pamelda YAYAN APRIYANA Yoris Adi Maretta Yuli Rifiani, Yuli Yuli Utanto Yulianti Yulianti YULIANTI, YATI B Yurilla Endah Muliatie, Yurilla Endah Zahirman, Zahirman Zahirman, Zahirman Zahrotunnisa, Fathimah Zulfahmi, Muhammad Nofan