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SIMULASI SISTEM PEGAS MASSA Hasan, Moh; Hidayat, Rusli; Vitaloka, Dwi Candra
KadikmA Vol 4, No 1 (2013): April 2013
Publisher : KadikmA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (381.972 KB)


Abstract.Mass spring system is a system composed of objects that have mass and are connected by a spring. The series of spring can be composed of several pieces of spring are mounted in series or parallel as required. The springs are mounted in series will reduce the value of the spring constant, while the installation of spring in parallel to increase the value of the spring constant. This studyaimed toexamine thebehavior ofthe spring system, both without and with thefrictioncreatedfrictionwith the variationof mass,spring constantand theformationof differentspring system. Formationspring systemis theformation ofa simplespring systemarranged in seriesorparallel. The stage of research was conducted on the determination of the mathematical equations for the motion of the mass determined from the equilibrium position of the spring system formation include a mass spring system connected to two springs arranged series, a mass spring system connected to two springs arranged parallel and two mass spring system connected by two springs arranged series, then made a spring system simulation program. Key Words: Mass spring system, harmonik, friction, simulation.
APRON Jurnal Pemikiran Seni Pertunjukan Vol 2, No 12 (2018)
Publisher : APRON Jurnal Pemikiran Seni Pertunjukan

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Masyarakat Kabupaten Sampang berminat menonton pertunjukan teater tradisional soto Madhureh karena isi cerita yang disampaikan sangat menarik. Masayarakat Madura memandang pertunjukan teater tradisional soto Madhureh sangat penting karena masyarakat Madura khususnya wilayah Sampang sangat haus pertunjukan teater disebabkan oleh minimnya kesenian di daerah Sampang. Permasalahan yang dikaji adalah 1) Bentuk interaksi simbolis pemain dengan pemain, pemain dengan pemusik, dan pemain dengan penonton. 2) Bagaimana Interaksi simbolik pertunjukan teater tradisional soto Madhureh dalam orkes Nusa Indah di Kabupaten Sampang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis kualitatif. Objek dari tentang penelitian interaksi simbolik pada pertunjukan teater tradisional soto Madhureh dalam orkes Nusa Indah di Kabupaten Sampang, pengumpulan data di lakukan dengan wawancara, pengamatan, catatan lapangan, dan dokumentasi, serta menggunakan teknik analisis data dengan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan Hasil analisis yang didapat penelitian ini, yaitu interaksi simbolik pertunjukan teater tradisional soto Madhureh dalam Orkes Nusa Indah di Kabupaten Sampang menyajikan bahasa banyolan yang menggelitik dan sering menggunakan kata-kata kasar, memukul pantat wanita sering terjadi ditengah-tengah pertunjukan. Gaya lelucon seringkali berlebihan karena mengikuti keinginan penonton, gaya seperti ini terdapat pada pertunjukan teater tradisional soto Madhureh, hampir sepanjang jalan ceritanya didominasi dialog yang dilontarkan pemain menggunakan bahasa verbal seperti pokeh (alat kelamin wanita), sosoh (payudara), patek (Anjing), tang-mlatang (genit), sennok (perempuan malam) dan gerak tubuh menimbulkan simbolik non verbal seperti simbol tangan, gerakan ? gerakan bahasa tubuh yang lucu membuat penonton tertawa, akan tetapi gaya leluconan akan menimbulkan sisi negatif pada kalangan anak remaja yang belum cukup menerima gaya lelucon tersebut. Sistem dan jaringan interaksi simbolik terbentuk dan saling mempengaruhi. Sistem dan jaringan interaksi terbentuk ketika masing-masing aktor mulai bertemu, saling memainkan peranan, membawa makna, dan menentukan pola interaksi. Kata Kunci: Teater Tradisional, Soto Madhureh, Orkes Nusa Indah
Analysis of Smart Tank Clean Water Supply Infrastructure Development Waluyo, Shiddiq; Purwanto, M Yanuar J; Pramudya, Bambang; Rustiadi, Ernan; Hasan, Moh
Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences Vol 4, No 4 (2021): Budapest International Research and Critics Institute November
Publisher : Budapest International Research and Critics University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birci.v4i4.3228


This study aims to develop an appropriate clean water supply infrastructure, to increase the need for clean water infrastructure, especially smart tanks following the development of the city and society. Quantitative descriptive analysis is used to identify the existing clean water supply infrastructure. The results of quantitative descriptive analysis show that the existing service area of the Piping SPAM Cibinong urban settlement area is an area that is used as the center of urban activities with an existing service level of 17.26%. The existing raw water source used by PDAM Cibinong District is the Ciliwung River with a water discharge rate of 643.360 l/sec. PDAM Tirta Kahuripan in 2018 was only able to produce clean water of 643,360 l/second, so that there was a shortage of clean water in Cibinong sub-district in 2038 of 748 l/second, therefore we had to look for alternative sources of raw water. To be able to realize the fulfillment of clean water supply infrastructure in urban areas precisely in accordance with urban development, the construction of a water supply system is immediately carried out by developing clean water supply infrastructure, in this case the smart tank design. The development of clean water supply infrastructure is expected to be able to overcome the shortage of water supply infrastructure and clean water.
SIMULASI SISTEM PEGAS MASSA Dwi Candra Vitaloka; Moh Hasan; Rusli Hidayat
KadikmA Vol 4 No 1 (2013): April 2013
Publisher : Department of Mathematics Education , University of Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/kdma.v4i1.1120


Abstract.Mass spring system is a system composed of objects that have mass and are connected by a spring. The series of spring can be composed of several pieces of spring are mounted in series or parallel as required. The springs are mounted in series will reduce the value of the spring constant, while the installation of spring in parallel to increase the value of the spring constant. This studyaimed toexamine thebehavior ofthe spring system, both without and with thefrictioncreatedfrictionwith the variationof mass,spring constantand theformationof differentspring system. Formationspring systemis theformation ofa simplespring systemarranged in seriesorparallel. The stage of research was conducted on the determination of the mathematical equations for the motion of the mass determined from the equilibrium position of the spring system formation include a mass spring system connected to two springs arranged series, a mass spring system connected to two springs arranged parallel and two mass spring system connected by two springs arranged series, then made a spring system simulation program. Key Words: Mass spring system, harmonik, friction, simulation.
Hadis-Hadis Al-Fitan Dan Metode Memahaminya Zaimuddin Zaimuddin; Moh Hasan
Al-Bayan: Jurnal Ilmu al-Qur'an dan Hadist Vol 6 No 1 (2023): Januari
Publisher : LPPM Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an Wali Songo Situbondo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35132/albayan.v6i1.331


Hadis-hadis al-fitan adalah salah satu pilar penting Agama yang ditanyakan oleh malaikat Jibril kepada Nabi secara langsung, yaitu tentang tanda-tanda kiamat. Hadis-hadis tentang fitnah adalah hadis Nabi yang mengabarkan tentang perkara atau kejadian yang merupakan ujian untuk umat Islam dan akan terjadi pada masa depan sesuai keadaan dan sebab tertentu. Hadis-hadis ini harus mendapatkan penelitian lebih serius, utamanya dalam merumuskan metode pemahamannya agar menjadi cabang ilmu tersendiri. Dari sekian banyak metode pemahaman pada hadis, metode fatwa adalah metode terbaik dalam memahami hadis-hadis al-fitan, karena setiap fitnah yang dikabarkan oleh Nabi akan terjadi di masa depan memiliki sudut penelitian empiris untuk membuktikan kebenaran nubū’āh Nabi pada objek atau realitas tertentu.