Abdul Muis Hasibuan
Indonesian Industrial and Beverage Crops Research Institute

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Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Supply chain management analysis of cashew seed (Case study in the district of East Flores). East Flores is sourced reference ofsuperio cashew seeds, so that this region is potentially a superior seed producer of cashew for development program in the future. This study aimed toanalyze supply chain management (SCM) and development strategy of cashew superior seed. The research was conducted in East Fl ores, East NusaTenggara Province in June - August 2010. The data used are primary and secondary data. Analysis used model of supply chain management. Theresults showed that the demand for cashew seed is dependent on the procurement project undertaken by the government. The time often not coincidewith the harvest of cashew seeds. Supply chain management applications has been running optimal although more are caused by g overnmentintervention in terms of distribution of seeds, so that the optimization process of SCM has not been produced from a process of good business activity.Strategies that can be achieved are: (i) government needs to encourage the process of seed certification by an official agency, (ii) developing the seedgarden in an amount sufficient to consider the projected seed demand in the future, either in the form of seeds and scion, (iii) the farmer / farmergroup, the owner of seed source should be able to apply the seed stock management so that demand outside the crop seed remain to be fulfilled, (iv) thebreeder needs to make improvements in a poly bag seed distribution methods, (v) The Government needs to introduce grafting technology, particularlyto the breeder and farmer groups, (vi) The Government needs to do the planning and mapping needs and promoting improved s eed varieties MPF 1.
Analisis Kinerja dan Daya Saing Perdagangan Biji Kakao dan Produk Kakao Olahan Indonesia di Pasar Internasional Hasibuan, Abdul Muis; Nurmalina, Rita; Wahyudi, Agus
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Kakao merupakan komoditas yang sangat penting bagi Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara eksportir utama kakao  dalam perdagangan internasional. Pasar kakao dunia masih memiliki potensi sangat tinggi, yang ditunjukkan oleh peningkatan konsumsi sehingga Indonesia diharapkan mampu meraih peluang pasar yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kinerja dan daya saing perdagangan biji kakao dan produk-produk kakao olahan Indonesia di pasar internasional. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder. Untuk mengukur daya saing produk kakao Indonesia menggunakan Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Indeks Spesialisasi Perdagangan (ISP), Export Product Dynamics (EPD), dan Constant Market Share Analysis (CMSA). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia mengalami surplus dalam perdagangan kakao, yang ditunjukkan oleh tren yang meningkat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Indonesia juga memiliki keunggulan komparatif sebagai eksportir biji kakao dan kakao olahan di pasar internasional. Hasil analisis EPD dan CMSA, terdapat sedikit perbedaan. Analisis EPD hampir semua produk kakao memiliki daya saing, sedangkan analisis CMSA menunjukkan produk-produk kakao yang memiliki daya saing adalah produk-produk kakao olahan. Untuk itu, dalam upaya meningkatkan daya saing produk kakao, baik dalam bentuk biji maupun produk olahan, diperlukan upaya peningkatan kualitas biji kakao dan pengembangan industri hilir. Analysis of performance and competitiveness of Indonesian cocoa and its intermediate products in the international marketABTRACT Cocoa is an important commodity for Indonesia, known as the third largest producing countries after Ivory Coast and Ghana. In the world market, the cocoa likely possesses high potency indicated by its consumption increasing steadily from year to year. It therefore enables Indonesia to play an important role and reach the chance. This study aims to analysis the performance and competitiveness of Indonesian cocoa bean and its intermediate products in the international market. Data used in this study were secondary on which competitive measures such as Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Trade Specialization Index (TSI), Export Product Dynamics (EPD), and Constant Market Share Analysis (CMSA) were approached. Results showed that the country has surplus in trade performance of cocoa bean indicated by its positive trend recently.  As the main exporting country, Indonesian cocoa has comparative advantage, both in form of cocoa bean and its intermediate products. Based on EPD analysis, almost all cocoa products have competitive advantage. While that of CMS analysis, the intermediate products have a higher competitive advantage than the cocoa bean. To improve competitiveness of the products, it needs to develop downstream industry, and some efforts to improve cocoa bean quality.
Preferensi Petani terhadap Adopsi Teknologi Lada Hibrida Tahan Penyakit Busuk Pangkal Batang ( BPB ) Listyati, Dewi; Hasibuan, Abdul Muis; Setiyono, Rudi T
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 3, No 2 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Indonesia merupakan salah satu produsen utama lada dunia dan komoditas ini telah dijadikan sebagai salah satu andalan ekspor dari subsektor perkebunan. Akhir-akhir ini  produktivitas lada terus mengalami penurunan yang salah satu penyebab utamanya adalah akibat serangan penyakit busuk pangkal batang. Oleh karena itu, inovasi teknologi lada hibrida tahan penyakit busuk pangkal batang diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis preferensi petani untuk mengadopsi lada hibrida tahan penyakit busuk pangkal batang (BPB) dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Lampung Utara pada bulan Juli-Oktober 2010. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan model persamaan struktural. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden sangat tertarik untuk mengadopsi lada hibrida tahan BPB karena diharapkan lebih menguntungkan dan belum ada varietas lada yang tahan terhadap serangan penyakit busuk pangkal batang. Faktor kelembagaan yang diindikasikan oleh peran kelompok tani dalam mengadvokasi anggotanya untuk mengadopsi lada hibrida tahan BPB serta bantuan pemerintah untuk mengembangkan lada hibrida tahan BPB merupakan faktor kunci yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peluang adopsi lada hibrida tahan BPB oleh petani. Farmer Preference of Technology Adoption of Hybrid Pepper That Resistant to Foot Rot DiseaseABSTRACT Indonesia is one of black pepper main producing countries in the world. The commodity has become the main export commodity from estate crops subsector for the country. Recently, there is however a trend of declining in its productivity, because of pest and disease attack, especially foot-rot disease. An innovation of hybrid blcak pepper that has resistant to foot-rot disease is expected to become a solution to rising productivity of the crop. This research aimed to analyze farmers’ preference to adopt hybrid black pepper that has resistant to foot-rot disease. This research was conducted at North Lampung District, form July-October 2010. The analysis used was descriptive method and structural equation model. Analysis showed that most of farmers were interested in adoption of hybrid black pepper that has highly resistant to foot-rot disease since there is no black pepper variety that has been released having resistant to the disease. Institutional factors are indicated by farmer group activities in advocating their members to adopt hybrid blcak pepper, and governmental assistances to develop it are key factors that have a significant effect in adoption of the technology for farmers.
Pengaruh Pencapaian Kebijakan Penerapan Bea Ekspor dan Gernas Kakao terhadap Kinerja Industri Hilir dan Penerimaan Petani Kakao (Suatu Pendekatan Dinamika Sistem) Hasibuan, Abdul Muis; Nurmalina, Rita; Wahyudi, Agus
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 3, No 2 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Indonesia merupakan salah satu produsen biji kakao terbesar di dunia, namun produksi kakao olahan masih sangat rendah dan industri hilir tidak berkembang. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh pencapaian kebijakan gernas dan penerapan bea ekspor kakao terhadap kinerja industri hilir dan penerimaan petani kakao. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder dan dianalisis dengan pendekatan dinamika sistem. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada kondisi aktual kemampuan industri pengolahan kakao dalam menyerap produksi kakao selama periode analisis (2008-2025) mengalami tren yang menurun. Demikian juga dengan pangsa volume dan nilai ekspor produk kakao olahan serta penerimaan petani. Kebijakan gernas kakao dan penetapan bea ekspor kakao secara simultan mampu meningkatkan kemampuan industri pengolahan dalam menyerap produksi biji kakao domestik. Kebijakan tersebut juga mampu meningkatkan pangsa volume dan nilai ekspor kakao olahan. Namun, kebijakan tersebut hanya mampu mengangkat penerimaan petani yang mengikuti program gernas kakao, sedangkan petani yang tidak mengikuti program gernas memiliki tingkat penerimaan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan kondisi aktual. Dengan demikian kebijakan gernas kakao dan bea ekspor lebih cenderung berdampak positif terhadap industri pengolahan, namun berdampak negatif kepada petani yang tidak terlibat dalam program gernas kakao.  The Impact of Export Tax Policy and Cocoa “Gernas” Program Achievement to Cocoa Downstream Industry Performance and Farmers’ Revenue (A System Dynamic Approach)ABSTRACT Indonesia is one of main producing countries of cocoa in the world. Most products yielded is however in form of processed cocoa due to the cocoa processing industries are not developed well. The objectives of this study was to analyze the impact of “Gernas” (National action) and export tax policy on cocoa downstream industry performance and farmers revenue. This study used secondary data and system dynamic approach. The analysis showed that the actual conditions of the cocoa processing industrys ability to absorb production of cocoa bean during period of 2008-2025 has been in declining trend, as well as share of processed cocoa export and farmers revenue. Applying of gernas and export tax policy scenario simultaniously was able to increase the ability of processing industry to absorb domestic production of cocoa beans and the share of processed cocoa export. However, the policies are only able to raise the revenue of farmers who join the “Gernas” policy, while the farmers who do not follow the program, have lower revenue than the actual conditions. As a whole, the policies tend to give positive impact for processing industry of coca bean, but not for those farmers who do not follow the programs
Analisis Keunggulan Komparatif dan Kompetitif Usahatani Pala ( Studi Kasus: Kabupaten Bogor dan Sukabumi ) Hasibuan, Abdul Muis; Sudjarmoko, Bedy; Listyati, Dewi
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 3, No 3 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Indonesia merupakan produsen dan eksportir pala terbesar dunia. Adanya persaingan yang semakin tinggi di pasar internasional akibat penerapan perdagangan bebas mengharuskan pala sebagai salah satu komoditas ekspor memiliki kemampuan bersaing. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui keunggulan komparatif dan kompetitif usahatani pala Indonesia khususnya di Kabupaten Bogor dan Sukabumi sebagai salah satu sentra pala. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kelayakan finansial dan ekonomi serta Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa usahatani pala di Kabupaten Bogor dan Sukabumi memiliki kelayakan untuk diusahakan serta memiliki keunggulan komparatif dan kompetitif termasuk jika terjadi peningkatan harga input dan penurunan harga output sebesar 10%. Namun usahatani pala di Kabupaten Bogor memiliki tingkat kelayakan, keunggulan komparatif dan keunggulan kompetitif yang lebih baik dibanding dengan Sukabumi. Intervensi pemerintah terhadap pasar input dan output belum memberikan keuntungan bagi petani.  Comparative And Competitive Advantage Analysis of Nutmeg Farming System (Case Study: Bogor And Sukabumi District)ABSTRACT Indonesia is the largest producer and exporter of nutmeg in the world. The higher competition in the international market due to the implementation of free trade agreement requires nutmeg as one export commodity has the ability to compete. This study aims to determine the comparative and competitive advantages of nutmeg farming system in Indonesia, especially in Bogor and Sukabumi District as one of the centers of nutmeg. The method of analysis used is the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). The analysis shows that farming nutmeg in Bogor and Sukabumi viable to cultivate and has comparative and competitive advantages, including in increasing of input prices and decreasing of output prices by 10 percent. However, nutmeg farming in Bogor has a high feasibility, comparative advantage and competitive advantage better than Sukabumi. Government intervention in input and output markets has not provided benefits to farmers.
Pengaruh Pencapaian Kebijakan Penerapan Bea Ekspor dan Gernas Kakao terhadap Kinerja Industri Hilir dan Penerimaan Petani Kakao (Suatu Pendekatan Dinamika Sistem) Hasibuan, Abdul Muis; Nurmalina, Rita; Wahyudi, Agus
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 3, No 2 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Indonesia merupakan salah satu produsen biji kakao terbesar di dunia, namun produksi kakao olahan masih sangat rendah dan industri hilir tidak berkembang. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh pencapaian kebijakan gernas dan penerapan bea ekspor kakao terhadap kinerja industri hilir dan penerimaan petani kakao. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder dan dianalisis dengan pendekatan dinamika sistem. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pada kondisi aktual kemampuan industri pengolahan kakao dalam menyerap produksi kakao selama periode analisis (2008-2025) mengalami tren yang menurun. Demikian juga dengan pangsa volume dan nilai ekspor produk kakao olahan serta penerimaan petani. Kebijakan gernas kakao dan penetapan bea ekspor kakao secara simultan mampu meningkatkan kemampuan industri pengolahan dalam menyerap produksi biji kakao domestik. Kebijakan tersebut juga mampu meningkatkan pangsa volume dan nilai ekspor kakao olahan. Namun, kebijakan tersebut hanya mampu mengangkat penerimaan petani yang mengikuti program gernas kakao, sedangkan petani yang tidak mengikuti program gernas memiliki tingkat penerimaan yang lebih rendah dibandingkan kondisi aktual. Dengan demikian kebijakan gernas kakao dan bea ekspor lebih cenderung berdampak positif terhadap industri pengolahan, namun berdampak negatif kepada petani yang tidak terlibat dalam program gernas kakao.  The Impact of Export Tax Policy and Cocoa “Gernas” Program Achievement to Cocoa Downstream Industry Performance and Farmers’ Revenue (A System Dynamic Approach)ABSTRACT Indonesia is one of main producing countries of cocoa in the world. Most products yielded is however in form of processed cocoa due to the cocoa processing industries are not developed well. The objectives of this study was to analyze the impact of “Gernas” (National action) and export tax policy on cocoa downstream industry performance and farmers revenue. This study used secondary data and system dynamic approach. The analysis showed that the actual conditions of the cocoa processing industrys ability to absorb production of cocoa bean during period of 2008-2025 has been in declining trend, as well as share of processed cocoa export and farmers revenue. Applying of gernas and export tax policy scenario simultaniously was able to increase the ability of processing industry to absorb domestic production of cocoa beans and the share of processed cocoa export. However, the policies are only able to raise the revenue of farmers who join the “Gernas” policy, while the farmers who do not follow the program, have lower revenue than the actual conditions. As a whole, the policies tend to give positive impact for processing industry of coca bean, but not for those farmers who do not follow the programs
Preferensi Petani terhadap Adopsi Teknologi Lada Hibrida Tahan Penyakit Busuk Pangkal Batang ( BPB ) Listyati, Dewi; Hasibuan, Abdul Muis; Setiyono, Rudi T
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 3, No 2 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Indonesia merupakan salah satu produsen utama lada dunia dan komoditas ini telah dijadikan sebagai salah satu andalan ekspor dari subsektor perkebunan. Akhir-akhir ini  produktivitas lada terus mengalami penurunan yang salah satu penyebab utamanya adalah akibat serangan penyakit busuk pangkal batang. Oleh karena itu, inovasi teknologi lada hibrida tahan penyakit busuk pangkal batang diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis preferensi petani untuk mengadopsi lada hibrida tahan penyakit busuk pangkal batang (BPB) dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Lampung Utara pada bulan Juli-Oktober 2010. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan model persamaan struktural. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden sangat tertarik untuk mengadopsi lada hibrida tahan BPB karena diharapkan lebih menguntungkan dan belum ada varietas lada yang tahan terhadap serangan penyakit busuk pangkal batang. Faktor kelembagaan yang diindikasikan oleh peran kelompok tani dalam mengadvokasi anggotanya untuk mengadopsi lada hibrida tahan BPB serta bantuan pemerintah untuk mengembangkan lada hibrida tahan BPB merupakan faktor kunci yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peluang adopsi lada hibrida tahan BPB oleh petani. Farmer Preference of Technology Adoption of Hybrid Pepper That Resistant to Foot Rot DiseaseABSTRACT Indonesia is one of black pepper main producing countries in the world. The commodity has become the main export commodity from estate crops subsector for the country. Recently, there is however a trend of declining in its productivity, because of pest and disease attack, especially foot-rot disease. An innovation of hybrid blcak pepper that has resistant to foot-rot disease is expected to become a solution to rising productivity of the crop. This research aimed to analyze farmers’ preference to adopt hybrid black pepper that has resistant to foot-rot disease. This research was conducted at North Lampung District, form July-October 2010. The analysis used was descriptive method and structural equation model. Analysis showed that most of farmers were interested in adoption of hybrid black pepper that has highly resistant to foot-rot disease since there is no black pepper variety that has been released having resistant to the disease. Institutional factors are indicated by farmer group activities in advocating their members to adopt hybrid blcak pepper, and governmental assistances to develop it are key factors that have a significant effect in adoption of the technology for farmers.
Penguatan Kelembagaan untuk Peningkatan Posisi Tawar Petani dalam Sistem Pemasaran Kakao Listyati, Dewi; Wahyudi, Agus; Hasibuan, Abdul Muis
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Kelembagaan petani kakao masih sangat lemah sehingga membuat posisi tawar petani menjadi lemah menghadapi sistem pasar yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kelembagaan yang ada di sentra produksi kakao Sulawesi Tenggara serta merumuskan strategi penguatan kelembagaan untuk meningkatkan posisi tawar petani dalam sistem pemasaran kakao. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni-Oktober 2012 di Kabupaten Kolaka, Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara dengan metode survey. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat empat model kelembagaan, yaitu model Gapoktan Harapan Jaya (GHJ), Gapoktan Kakao Bina Karya (GKBK), Gapoktan Kakao Maju Makmur (GKMM), dan tanpa gapoktan (TGKT). Dari empat model tersebut, model GHJ telah berkembang menjadi koperasi dan lebih baik dari yang lainnya dalam menjalankan fungsinya, yaitu dalam pemilihan pengurus, pemberian reward and punishment, penyedia sarana produksi dan pembiayaan, serta pengolahan hasil dan pemasaran. Model ini berperan mengadvokasi petani agar melakukan proses fermentasi biji kakao melalui rangsangan selisih harga. Untuk lebih menguatkan posisi tawar petani, dikembangkan konsep Model Kelembagaan Kakao yang merupakan kemitraan antara organisasi petani dengan industri pengolahan serta beberapa elemen terkait lainnya, yaitu petani/kelompok tani/gapoktan/asosiasi petani, industri pengolahan kakao, lembaga pembiayaan, lembaga penyuluhan, pemerintah, perguruan tinggi/lembaga litbang dan instansi terkait. Dalam model ini, asosiasi petani memegang peran penting sebagai lembaga pemasaran bersama yang berada di tingkat Kabupaten untuk memperkuat posisi tawar petani terhadap industri pengolahan/eksportir.Kata Kunci: Model kelembagaan, petani kakao, harga, industri, pengolahan kakaoInstitutional cocoa farmers is still very weak that cause low bargaining position of farmers in existing market system. The objectives of this study were to analyze the existing institutional in Southeast Sulawesi as cocoa production centers and to formulate the institutional model in improving bargaining position of farmers in the cocoa marketing system. The survey conducted in June-October 2012 at Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi Province. The results showed that there were four models of farmer’s institution, namely Gapoktan Harapan Jaya (GHJ), Gapoktan Kakao Bina Karya (GKBK), Gapoktan Kakao Maju Makmur (GKMM) and no farmers group. Of the four models, GHJ models are better than the others in carrying out its functions such asin the election of the board, giving reward and punishment, providing of agricultural inputs, financing, processing and marketing. This model had developed into a cooperative. In addition, this model also plays a role in advocating farmers to make the process of fermentation of cocoa beans, so that the price can be slightly higher than non-fermented, the price difference considered as the advantages for farmers. To strengthening the bargaining position of farmers, the concept of institutional models of cocoa which is a partnership between farmers and the processing industry organizations as well as several other institutions have been developed. At this model, farmers association has important roles to strengthen farmer’s bargaining to the industrial/exporter.
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Supply chain management analysis of cashew seed (Case study in the district of East Flores). East Flores is sourced reference ofsuperio cashew seeds, so that this region is potentially a superior seed producer of cashew for development program in the future. This study aimed toanalyze supply chain management (SCM) and development strategy of cashew superior seed. The research was conducted in East Fl ores, East NusaTenggara Province in June - August 2010. The data used are primary and secondary data. Analysis used model of supply chain management. Theresults showed that the demand for cashew seed is dependent on the procurement project undertaken by the government. The time often not coincidewith the harvest of cashew seeds. Supply chain management applications has been running optimal although more are caused by g overnmentintervention in terms of distribution of seeds, so that the optimization process of SCM has not been produced from a process of good business activity.Strategies that can be achieved are: (i) government needs to encourage the process of seed certification by an official agency, (ii) developing the seedgarden in an amount sufficient to consider the projected seed demand in the future, either in the form of seeds and scion, (iii) the farmer / farmergroup, the owner of seed source should be able to apply the seed stock management so that demand outside the crop seed remain to be fulfilled, (iv) thebreeder needs to make improvements in a poly bag seed distribution methods, (v) The Government needs to introduce grafting technology, particularlyto the breeder and farmer groups, (vi) The Government needs to do the planning and mapping needs and promoting improved s eed varieties MPF 1.
Analisis Kinerja dan Daya Saing Perdagangan Biji Kakao dan Produk Kakao Olahan Indonesia di Pasar Internasional Hasibuan, Abdul Muis; Nurmalina, Rita; Wahyudi, Agus
Jurnal Tanaman Industri dan Penyegar Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Buletin Riset Tanaman Rempah Dan Aneka Tanaman Industri
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

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Kakao merupakan komoditas yang sangat penting bagi Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara eksportir utama kakao  dalam perdagangan internasional. Pasar kakao dunia masih memiliki potensi sangat tinggi, yang ditunjukkan oleh peningkatan konsumsi sehingga Indonesia diharapkan mampu meraih peluang pasar yang ada. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis kinerja dan daya saing perdagangan biji kakao dan produk-produk kakao olahan Indonesia di pasar internasional. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder. Untuk mengukur daya saing produk kakao Indonesia menggunakan Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Indeks Spesialisasi Perdagangan (ISP), Export Product Dynamics (EPD), dan Constant Market Share Analysis (CMSA). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Indonesia mengalami surplus dalam perdagangan kakao, yang ditunjukkan oleh tren yang meningkat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Indonesia juga memiliki keunggulan komparatif sebagai eksportir biji kakao dan kakao olahan di pasar internasional. Hasil analisis EPD dan CMSA, terdapat sedikit perbedaan. Analisis EPD hampir semua produk kakao memiliki daya saing, sedangkan analisis CMSA menunjukkan produk-produk kakao yang memiliki daya saing adalah produk-produk kakao olahan. Untuk itu, dalam upaya meningkatkan daya saing produk kakao, baik dalam bentuk biji maupun produk olahan, diperlukan upaya peningkatan kualitas biji kakao dan pengembangan industri hilir. Analysis of performance and competitiveness of Indonesian cocoa and its intermediate products in the international marketABTRACT Cocoa is an important commodity for Indonesia, known as the third largest producing countries after Ivory Coast and Ghana. In the world market, the cocoa likely possesses high potency indicated by its consumption increasing steadily from year to year. It therefore enables Indonesia to play an important role and reach the chance. This study aims to analysis the performance and competitiveness of Indonesian cocoa bean and its intermediate products in the international market. Data used in this study were secondary on which competitive measures such as Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Trade Specialization Index (TSI), Export Product Dynamics (EPD), and Constant Market Share Analysis (CMSA) were approached. Results showed that the country has surplus in trade performance of cocoa bean indicated by its positive trend recently.  As the main exporting country, Indonesian cocoa has comparative advantage, both in form of cocoa bean and its intermediate products. Based on EPD analysis, almost all cocoa products have competitive advantage. While that of CMS analysis, the intermediate products have a higher competitive advantage than the cocoa bean. To improve competitiveness of the products, it needs to develop downstream industry, and some efforts to improve cocoa bean quality.