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Artificial Neural Network Application for Aroma Monitoring on The Coffe Beans Blending Process Susanti Roza; Zas Ressy Aidha; Milda Yuliza; - Suryadi; Surfa Yondri
JOIV : International Journal on Informatics Visualization Vol 2, No 3 (2018)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (761.278 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/joiv.2.3.86


This study aims to identify the type of coffee powder aroma from the coffee beans blending using backpropagation artificial neural network (ANN). Backpropagation is a controlled training implementing a weight adjustment pattern to achieve a minimum error value between the the predicted and the actual output. Within this study, the coffee aroma testing utilized electronic tasting sensor system consisted of 4 sensors namely TGS 2611, TGS 2620, TGS 2610 and TGS 2602. The coffee aroma monitoring and data collection in this system applied LabVIEW software as a virtual instrumentation. The testing result of this ANN was able to distinguish the coffee variety of Robusta, Arabica coffee powder and the one without any coffee aroma. The backpropagation architecture was formed by 3 layers consisting of 1 input layer with 4 input nerve cells, 1 hidden layer with 8 neural cells, and 2 output layers by applying the backpropagation training algorithm. The training data was taken from 70 data samples of each circumstance of coffee with 5 testing times. The results of the training and testing showed that the established backpropagation was capable to identify and differenciate the coffee powder in accordance with the given input with different average success rate;  91.96% for Robusta coffee, 100 % for Arabica coffee, and no 84.24% for without coffee aroma.
Elektron : Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 1 No 1 (2009): Elektron Jurnal Ilmiah
Publisher : Teknik Elektro Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (242.214 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/eji.1.1.10


traffic light still uses analog system with discrete component. This technology has many disadvantages for example difficulty in maintenance and repair, display only to lamp without counter and no control for delay in normal hours or rush hours. These can be cause traffic jam and accident. To solve this problem, traffic light system is completed by digital system and buzzer using microcontroller AT89C51. The observation result to prototype at laboratory in Polytechnic State of Padang show this system can be implemented to real condition.
Pengontrolan Level Air Dan Pendeteksi Kekeruhan Kolam Ikan Berbasis Mikrokontroler anton hidayat; Suryadi suryadi; Dwivo Yendrial
Elektron : Jurnal Ilmiah Vol 9 No 1 (2017): Elektron Jurnal Ilmiah
Publisher : Teknik Elektro Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (453.774 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/eji.9.1.79


Banyaknya tambak ikan air tawar yang terdapat di daerah limau Manis Kecamatan Pauh Kota Padang ini disebabkan adanya bendungan air yang dibuat pemerintah untuk pengairan sawah sehingga dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat untuk berkolam ikan air tawar baik didepan rumah maupun diladang yang tidak produktif, karena sumber air berlimpah sehingga kebutuhan akan air bagi petani tambak ikan di limau manis kecamatan Pauh Kota Padang tidaklah menjadi masalah. Namun permasalahan akan terjadi bila hujan turun dimana air pada bendungan akan meningkat sehingga ini akan meningkatkan jumlah debet air yang masuk pada kolam ikan, ini menjadi permasalahan bagi petani tambak karena ikan akan mudah mati, ikan akan keluar dan juga ikan akan berpenyakit disebabkan banyaknya debet air dalam kolam di karenakan air keruh. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut saya mencoba membuat sebuah alat menggunakan mikrokontroler yang dapat diatur menggunakan keypad dan mengontrol level air menggunakan sensor ultrasonik serta tingkat kekeruhan air pada kolam air deras ditampilkan pada LCD secara otomatis dengan cara mengatur buka tutup pintu keluar air kolam sehingga tinggi level air kolam dapat diatur sesuai kebutuhan. Cara mengatur posisi motor DC dapat dimanfaatkan dengan menggunaakan mikrokontroler agar petani tambak ikan air deras dapat memantau kondisi air pada kolam dan juga dapat mengatur ketinggian air yang akan masuk keluar kolam secara otomatis, guna meningkatkan hasil panen ikan serta mencegah kematian ikan akibat kondisi air yang tidak baik
Rancang Bangun Alat Penghancur Green Bean Coffee Otomatis Berdasarkan Berat Berbasis Load Cell dan Mikrokontroler Suryadi suryadi; Tuti Angraini; Wahyu Esa Mahendra
Elektron : Jurnal Ilmiah Volume 11 Nomor 1 Tahun 2019
Publisher : Teknik Elektro Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (694.049 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/eji.11.1.94


Daerah dataran tinggi dan gunung merupakan daerah yang cocok untuk pertanian tanaman kopi yang mana tanaman kopi yang akan menghasilkan kualitas baik ditanam diketinggian 1000 meter diatas permukaan laut. Gunung Sago yang memiliki ketinggian 2571 Mdpl yang terletak di Kabupaten 50 Kota tepatnya di daerah situjuah merupakan tempat penghasil kopi di kawasan Sumatera Barat. Biji kopi hijau atau disebut juga green bean coffee merupakan biji kopi yang tidak melalui proses penyangraian atau roasting. Kopi hijau memiliki banyak khasiat untuk kesehatan tubuh terutama orang yang ingin menurunkan berat badan karena khasiat kopi hijau dapat membakar lemak karena mengandung asam kloregenat yang lebih tinggi dibanding kopi hitam yang sudah disangrai. Pada alat penghancur green bean coffee ini menggunakan load cell sebagai pembaca berat hasil penghancuran green bean coffee dan keypad sebagai masukan input data berapa penghancuran yang diinginkan, modul relay sebagai on / off motor 1 phasa sebagai penggerak penghancur green bean coffee dan LCD sebagai penampil hasil berat green bean coffee.
Sistem Pengendalian dan Monitoring Distribusi Air Berbasis Nodemcu 8266 Laxmy Devy; Yul Antonisfia; Monica Febrina; Suryadi suryadi
Elektron : Jurnal Ilmiah Volume 12 Nomor 1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Teknik Elektro Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1099.825 KB) | DOI: 10.30630/eji.12.1.153


Clean water management is managed by a Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM), which is centered on each local government. The distribution of water to consumers cannot be done evenly because of the water distribution system and manual monitoring. Overcoming these problems, the Water Distribution Equity System to Consumers can be used to monitor and control water distribution. This system regulates the debit and time zone for water distribution to consumers. Water discharge is detected by the water flow sensor, and the valve is connected to the servo and time zone using RTC DS1307. The water pump is controlled to maintain the volume of water in the reservoir. The water level in the reservoir is detected using the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor. Water distribution is monitored on PCs (Personal Computers) and smartphones using Delphi programming and Thingspeak. The reading of water discharge is generated during peak use times for each faucet is 1.9: 1.8: 1.8 while at the time of normal use the ratio of the initial distribution to each faucet is 2.5: 2.3, 1: 1, and 2.5: 2.3.
Pembuatan Alat Inspeksi Visual Jalur PCB Menggunakan Pengolahan Citra Untuk Kegiatan Praktikum Pengawatan Dan Teknologi PCB Rangga Ade Julianto; Efrizon Efrizon; Hendrick Hendrick; Laxsmy Devy; Suryadi Suryadi; Yul Antonisfia
Elektron : Jurnal Ilmiah Volume 14 Nomor 2 Tahun 2022
Publisher : Teknik Elektro Politeknik Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30630/eji.14.2.295


PCBs are very influential on the manufacture of electronic devices, for example when there is even a small number of PCB paths that are cut off or damaged, the electronic device cannot be operated properly. Therefore, in this study, the author tried to create and analyze a defect checking tool on PCBs to replace human vision to make it easier and can save costs. This tool is equipped with the help of a Logitech c920 Webcam and a Raspberry Pi 3b+ microprocessor which is used to store and run programs that have been created on Python programming software, so this tool can be used portablely. With these two technologies, Image Processing can be used to detect objects with the OpenCv library and Google Colab. PCB defect detection tool with the help of Image Processing uses yolo convolutional neural network method to help determine path damage on the PCB. You Only Look Once (YOLO) algorithm with five detection classifications, namely short, open circuit, missing hole, mouse bite, and spur. From the results of the study, the results were obtained that the YOLO algorithm was able to detect these five classifications with a value of mAP@0.5 short 90.67%, open circuit 97.86%, Mouse Bite 94.43%, Missing Hole 96.09%, and spur 97.56%.