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Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Health) Vol 6, No 1 (2012): Jurnal Kes Mas FKM UAD Januari 2012
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Background: Gender-based violence in Indonesia is that many cases occur. Since 1998,violence in dating the Rifka Annisa Womens Crisis Center is a case of the second largest afterthe violence against wives. Emotional violence in dating can lead to psychological effects, andone of the psychological effect is the occurrence of anxiety. Anxiety itself can causepsychological effects. The aimof the research to determine the relationship between violence onanxiety in dating young women in Purworejo District.Methods: Cross Sectional study design to girls at SMK SMAN 3 and 6 of Dating Violence (KDP)in Purworejo District 120.Results: The Violence of the most experienced young women is sexual violence because ofbeing kissed forcefully by 34.71%. Physical violence from being hit by 30.83%. Violenceeconomy because without the willingness to buy credit for as much as 25.83% and 17.50%experienced emotional abuse because they feel insulted about the treatment the couple whomake it a laughing stock. Age has an effect on anxiety, where anxiety is more risky in womenwho experience sexual violence against a background of 14-16 years of middle age.Conclusion: There was a significant association between dating violence and anxiety in youngwomen in Purworejo District (p=0,0014 RP= 3,1 dan 95% CI=1,5-6,3).Keywords: Dating Violence, Anxiety, Adolescent
EMPATHY Jurnal Fakultas Psikologi Vol 3, No 1 (2015): Volume 3 no 1, Juli 2015
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui regulasi emosi penderita HIV/AIDS dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi regulasi emosi pada penderita HIV/AIDS. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan observasi kepada subjek penderita HIV/AIDS. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari dua orang penderita HIV/AIDS dengan dua orang significant person. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan regulasi emosi dilakukan oleh kedua subjek untuk mengatur respon emosi dari permasalahan yang muncul setelah kedua subjek terinfeksi HIV/AIDS. Subjek pertama yang merupakan seorang wanita yang telah menikah, menggunakan strategi regulasi emosi antecendent-focussed strategy (cognitive reapraissal). Melalui proses regulasi emosi yang terdiri dari situation selection, situation modification, attention deployment, cognitive change, dan modulation respon. Faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan regulasi emosi subjek pertama yakni harapan akan masa depan anak, keterbukaan (self disclosure) dan dukungan sosial (sosial support). Subjek kedua yang merupakan pria yang belum menikah, meregulasi emosi dengan menggunakan strategi regulasi emosi respon focused strategy (expression suppression) melalui proses regulasi emosi situation selection. Penggunaan strategi regulasi emosi ini dipengaruhi faktor ketidakmampuan membuka diri dan dukungan sosial (sosial support). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kedua subjek meregulasi emosi dengan pemilihan strategi regulasi emosi yang berbeda. Faktor yang paling mempengaruhi penggunaan regulasi emosi penderita HIV/AIDS adalah dukungan sosial (sosial Support).Kata Kunci : Pengidap HIV/AIDS, regulasi emosi
KEBAHAGIAAN PADA BURUH GENDONG Angriyani, Tri Yuni; Hayati, Elli Nur
EMPATHY Jurnal Fakultas Psikologi Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Volume 2 no 2, Desember 2014
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran kebahagiaan dan faktor yang mempengaruhi kebahagiaan pada buruh gendong di pasar tradisional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara dan observasi. Metode analisis data pada penelitian ini dengan menggunakan analisis tema. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan criterion sampling yaitu sampel yang kriterianya sudah ditentukan sebelumnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa subyek I merasa cukup bahagia. pada aspek kognitif dan aspek afektif, ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya perasaan puas pada berbagai domain kehidupannya seperti adanya penerimaan dari pihak keluarga terhadap kondisi pekerjaan subyek, perasaan puas terhadap keadaan keluarga dan pekerjaan, hubungan yang baik dengan sesama buruh gendong dan pandangan positif mengenai kehidupan masa depan serta dapat memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari untuk keluarga. Hal ini membuat subyek merasa senang dan bersyukur dengan keadaannya, namun dengan kondisi pekerjaannya subyek I mengalami masalah kesehatan yang mengganggu kebahagiaan subyek dikarenakan sering mengalami pegal-pegal pada bagian tubuhnya yang terkadang mengganggu aktifitas pekerjaan subyek bahkan pernah membuat subyek tidak bekerja sehingga membuat subyek merasa sedih dan menyalahkan diri sendiri. Sedangkan pada subyek II juga menunjukkan bahwa subyek II cukup bahagia. Pada aspek kognitif dan afektif juga menunjukkan bahwa subyek II merasa puas dan lebih merasakan afek positif di berbagai domain kehidupannya. Kepuasan terlihat dari adanya dukungan dan tidak adanya pemaksaan terhadap subyek untuk bekerja dari keluarga, interaksi dengan sesama buruh gendong yang baik dan penilaian yang positif serta pemanfaatan waktu luang yang positif yang dilakukan subyek membuat subyek lebih banyak merasakan afek positif seperti senang. Hal yang mengganggu kebahagiaan pada subyek II adalah kondisi kesehatan yang mengakibatkan subyek tidak maksimal dalam bekerja karena mengalami batuk-batuk ketika bekerja terlalu berat. Sedangkan faktor yang mempengaruhi kebahagiaan kedua subyek buruh gendong bersifat eksternal yakni uang yang didapat dari bekerja sebagai buruh gendong yang dimanfaatkan untuk membahagiakan keluarga. Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kedua subyek merasa cukup bahagia, dilihat dari pemenuhan aspek kognitif dan afektif dalam domain kehidupannya seperti keluarga, diri sendiri, pekerjaan, uang, kesehatan dan waktu luang.Kata Kunci : kebahagiaan, buruh gendong
Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 6, No 1 (2012): Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.35 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/kesmas.v6i1.1067


Background: Gender-based violence in Indonesia is that many cases occur. Since 1998,violence in dating the Rifka Annisa Womens Crisis Center is a case of the second largest afterthe violence against wives. Emotional violence in dating can lead to psychological effects, andone of the psychological effect is the occurrence of anxiety. Anxiety itself can causepsychological effects. The aimof the research to determine the relationship between violence onanxiety in dating young women in Purworejo District.Methods: Cross Sectional study design to girls at SMK SMAN 3 and 6 of Dating Violence (KDP)in Purworejo District 120.Results: The Violence of the most experienced young women is sexual violence because ofbeing kissed forcefully by 34.71%. Physical violence from being hit by 30.83%. Violenceeconomy because without the willingness to buy credit for as much as 25.83% and 17.50%experienced emotional abuse because they feel insulted about the treatment the couple whomake it a laughing stock. Age has an effect on anxiety, where anxiety is more risky in womenwho experience sexual violence against a background of 14-16 years of middle age.Conclusion: There was a significant association between dating violence and anxiety in youngwomen in Purworejo District (p=0,0014 RP= 3,1 dan 95% CI=1,5-6,3).Keywords: Dating Violence, Anxiety, Adolescent
Mom, Why Don’t You Just Look for a New Good Daddy? Women’s Lived Experience in an Abusive Marriage Hayati, Elli Nur
Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology Vol 1, No 1: April 2012
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.699 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/jehcp.v1i1.3794


Abstract This study aimed to understand women’s experiences of domestic violence and their decision to terminate the abusive marriage in Yogyakarta. Criterion sampling of three woman survivor of domestic violence was performed. These consented to be interviewed and a semi structure interview guide was used. The women shared their life experiences since the dating time up to the time after divorce. A phenomenological approach was employed to analyze the data, to explore, share, and validate their feelings and insights on their life experiences. From this study numerous factors that facilitated as well as hindered the women to terminate their abusive relationships, and the dynamics of the transition process were identified. The women’s experiences reflect the complexity of domestic violence. The women’s transformation from victims, meaning women living under the authorities, into survivors, meaning woman with self-autonomy, is demonstrated through their stories. The complexity of domestic violence among Indonesia women is only a little known. By comprehending the complexity of domestic violence, a more visible and practical programs to address the national commitment to improve the Indonesian women’s situation can be developed. Keywords: domestic violence, phenomenological approach, women survivor of domestic violence, Indonesia. 
Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup pada Wanita yang Mengalami Bencana Tanah Longsor Aftrinanto, Zuhdan; Hayati, Elli Nur Nur; Urbayatun, Siti
Jurnal Studia Insania Vol 6, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuluddin and Humanities

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (600.55 KB) | DOI: 10.18592/jsi.v6i1.2006


Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (SEFT) is engineering the merger of the energy system of the body and spirituality therapy using the method of tapping on certain points on the body. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique in improving the quality of life in women who experienced landslide disaster in Purworejo. This study uses a quasi-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest design research model. The subjects of this study were six women in Purworejo with criteria aged 20 to 40 years, experienced landslide disaster, and having a low quality of life based on WHOQOL-BREF scale categorization. The experimental group was treated using the Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique therapy. Quantitative data analysis techniques using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test analysis. Qualitative data analysis is obtained from the observation, interview, worksheet, and evaluation sheet. The results showed that there was a significant increase in quality of life, both in each domain and overall between before and after being treated by SEFT. Based on that results, it can be concluded that the SEFT (Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique) can improve the quality of life of women who experienced a landslide disaster in Purworejo. 
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) untuk Menurunkan PTSD pada Korban Inses Rizki, Dwi Sari; Bashori, Khoirudin; Hayati, Elli Nur
HUMANITAS Vol 14, No 1: February 2017
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (61.313 KB) | DOI: 10.26555/humanitas.v14i1.5032


Kekerasan seksual terhadap anak perempuan dapat memicu terjadinya PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) yang menyebabkan individu menjadi tidak berdaya seumur hidupnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)dalam menurunkan PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) yang diderita oleh seorang remaja putri korban inses yang didampingi oleh YLPA (Yayasan Lembaga Perlindungan Anak) DIY (Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta). Subjek dalam penelitian ini yang mengalami PTSD adalah remaja puteri berusia 17 tahun dengan gejala PTSD sebagaimana diukur dengan IES-R (Impact of event scale-Revised). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan desain eksperimen kasusu tunggal (single case experimental design) dengan desain A-B-A-B dan follow up. Wawancara dan observasi kualitatif juga dilakukan untuk melihat pengalaman subjektif subjek selama menjalani terapi EMDR. Perlakuan terapi EMDR dilaksanakan dalam tujuh sesi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan menurunnya skor PTSD dari prates (skor 35), pascates (skor 4), dan follow up (skor 3). Hasil wawancara dan observasi juga menunjukkan bahwa subjek telah dapat mengelola emosi negatifnya, dan dapat mengontrol dirinya sendiri ketika melihat objek yang menstimulasi traumanya, serta telah dapat menemukan keyakinan baru yang positif. Berdasarkan termuan tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa EMDR dapat menurunkan skor PTSD yang diderita oleh remaja putri korban inses di YLPA DIY.
Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 6, No 1 (2012): Kes Mas: Jurnal Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.35 KB) | DOI: 10.12928/kesmas.v6i1.1067


Background: Gender-based violence in Indonesia is that many cases occur. Since 1998,violence in dating the Rifka Annisa Women's Crisis Center is a case of the second largest afterthe violence against wives. Emotional violence in dating can lead to psychological effects, andone of the psychological effect is the occurrence of anxiety. Anxiety itself can causepsychological effects. The aimof the research to determine the relationship between violence onanxiety in dating young women in Purworejo District.Methods: Cross Sectional study design to girls at SMK SMAN 3 and 6 of Dating Violence (KDP)in Purworejo District 120.Results: The Violence of the most experienced young women is sexual violence because ofbeing kissed forcefully by 34.71%. Physical violence from being hit by 30.83%. Violenceeconomy because without the willingness to buy credit for as much as 25.83% and 17.50%experienced emotional abuse because they feel insulted about the treatment the couple whomake it a laughing stock. Age has an effect on anxiety, where anxiety is more risky in womenwho experience sexual violence against a background of 14-16 years of middle age.Conclusion: There was a significant association between dating violence and anxiety in youngwomen in Purworejo District (p=0,0014 RP= 3,1 dan 95% CI=1,5-6,3).Keywords: Dating Violence, Anxiety, Adolescent
Jurnal Kesehatan - STIKes Prima Nusantara Vol 11 (2020): JURNAL KESEHATAN-SPECIAL ISSUE KEBIDANAN
Publisher : STIKes Prima Nusantara Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.859 KB) | DOI: 10.35730/jk.v11i0.406


Background: Teenagers are those aged 10-19 years who are future leaders and are a human resource who does not receive enough attention. One-fifth of the world's population is a teenager who mostly lives in developing countries. Society considers adolescents to be healthier, but adolescents are more vulnerable and at higher risk of contracting diseases that cause death. In 2015 1.3 million people died in the world during adolescence which could have been prevented. This occurs in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), which make up two-thirds of Africa's 45 per cent. About 16 million adolescent girls aged 15-19 years and around 2.5 million girls under 16 give birth each year in developing countries. There are about 3 million young women who have unsafe abortions every year aged 15-19 years. Globally, about 2 million adolescents are infected with the human immune virus (HIV), and more than 41 per cent of adolescents become infected with new HIV each year.Purpose: to assess barriers for adolescents to access reproductive health services in developing countries.Method: Appraisal studies program using Critical Appraisal Skills Program (CASP) data sources obtained from PubMed with 2009 – 2019.Results: inadequate space, no privacy, limited service hours, poor service attitude, lack of information, a distance of clinics, high transportation costs, clinics aimed at married couples. Lack of human resources, parental support, peer influence, religion and weak community traditions for adolescent health interventions also trigger adolescents not to access reproductive health clinics.Conclusion: The obstacles for adolescents in accessing reproductive health services are the level of infrastructure, the individual level, the level of human resources and the community level
Psychological Well-Being of Young Lady from a Broken Home Family in Tana Toraja Nurnaningsih Nurnaningsih; Yuzarion Yuzarion; Purwadi Purwadi; Elli Nur Hayati
Psikostudia : Jurnal Psikologi Vol 11, No 1 (2022): Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Psikologi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Mulawarman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30872/psikostudia.v11i1.7247


Teenagers who experience a broken home feel the psychological burden due to the divorce of their parents. There are many cases of broken homes and causes of various problems. Problems can be overcome by fostering psychological well-being. This study aims to reveal the description of psychological well-being and the factors that influence the psychological well-being of adolescent girls from broken homes in Tana Toraja. This study uses a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The sampling technique is snowball/chain sampling. The sample is 5 people. The characteristics of the sample are young ladies at 12-23 years, domiciled in Tana Toraja and have been in a broken home for the last 10 years. In-depth interviews and observation methods are data collection methods in this study. The phenomenon obtained is that adolescents experience disappointment with parental figures, need for affection, and open attitude to trusted/closest people, resilience, optimism, and personal growth. Factors that affect the level of psychological well-being are the existence of good social support, age and high motivation to continue to develop their potential. Adolescents from broken homes are associated with negative stigma, but they are able to present themselves positively and better. The results of this study can be implicated in adolescents to become more independent individuals, think rationally, have good relationships with others, be able to develop themselves well, have hope and feel spiritual calm. Remaja yang mengalami broken home merasakan beban psikologis akibat perceraian kedua orang tua. Kasus broken home sangat banyak dan menimbulkan berbagai problematika. Problematika dapat diatasi dengan menumbuhkan kesejahteraan psikologis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan gambaran psychological well-being dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi psychological well-being remaja perempuan dari keluarga broken home di Tana Toraja. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Teknik pengambilan sampelnya adalah snowball/chain sampling. Sampelnya sebanyak 5 orang. Karakteristik sampelnya adalah perempuan, usia 12-23 tahun, berdomisili di Tana Toraja dan berada dalam kondisi broken home selama 10 tahun terakhir. Metode indepth interview dan observasi menjadi metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini. Fenomena yang didapatkan adalah remaja mengalami kekecewaan terhadap figur orang tua, kebutuhan kasih sayang, sikap terbuka kepada orang-orang terpercaya/terdekat, resiliensi, optimis, dan pertumbuhan pribadi. Faktor yang mempengaruhi tingkat psychological well-being adalah adanya dukungan sosial yang baik, faktor usia dan motivasi yang tinggi untuk terus mengembangkan potensinya. Remaja broken home dikaitkan dengan stigma negatif namun kenyataannya ia mampu menampilkan diri yang positif dan lebih baik. Hasil penelitian ini dapat diimplikasikan pada remaja untuk menjadi pribadi yang lebih mandiri, berpikir secara rasional, memiliki hubungan baik dengan orang lain, mampu mengembangkan dirinya dengan baik, memiliki harapan dan merasakan ketenangan spiritual.