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JUTI: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Vol 7, No 3, Januari 2009
Publisher : Department of Informatics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (172.925 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j24068535.v7i3.a76


The purpose of this paper is to provide the results of Arima modeling and outlier detection in the rainfall data in Surabaya. This paper explained about the steps in the formation of rainfall models, especially Box-Jenkins procedure for Arima modeling and outlier detection. Early stages of modeling stasioneritas Arima is the identification of data, both in mean and variance. Stasioneritas evaluation data in the variance can be done with Box-Cox transformation. Meanwhile, in the mean stasioneritas can be done with the plot data and forms of ACF. Identification of ACF and PACF of the stationary data is used to determine the order of allegations Arima model. The next stage is to estimate the parameters and diagnostic checks to see the suitability model. Process diagnostics check conducted to evaluate whether the residual model is eligible berdistribusi white noise and normal. Ljung-Box Test is a test that can be used to validate the white noise condition, while the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test is an evaluation test for normal distribution. Residual normality test results showed that the residual model of Arima not white noise, and indicates the existence of outlier in the data. Thus, the next step taken is outlier detection to eliminate outlier effects and increase the accuracy of predictions of the model Arima. Arima modeling implementation and outlier detection is done by using MINITAB package and MATLAB. The research shows that the modeling Arima and outlier detection can reduce the prediction error as measured by the criteria Mean Square Error (MSE). Quantitatively, the decline in the value of MSE by incorporating outlier detection is 23.7%, with an average decline 6.5%.
JUTI: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Informasi Vol 8, No 1, Januari 2010
Publisher : Department of Informatics, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (320.071 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j24068535.v8i1.a69


This paper studied both types of collisions. In this paper, we show that advocated solutions for coping with hidden node collisions are unsuitable for sensor networks. We model both types of collisions and derive closed-form formula giving the probability of hidden and visible node collisions. To reduce these collisions, we propose two solutions. The first one based on tuning the carrier sense threshold saves a substantial amount of collisions by reducing the number of hidden nodes. The second one based on adjusting the contention window size is complementary to the first one. It reduces the probability of overlapping transmissions, which reduces both collisions due to hidden and visible nodes. We validate and evaluate the performance of these solutions through simulations.
Underwater Acoustic Channel Characterization of Shallow Water Environment Santoso, Tri Budi; Widjiati, Endang; Wirawan, Wirawan; Hendrantoro, Gamantyo
EMITTER International Journal of Engineering Technology Vol 6, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya (PENS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24003/emitter.v6i1.243


Understanding of channel propagation characteristics is a key to the optimal design of underwater acoustic communication. Generally, modelling of underwater acoustic channel is performed based on measurement result in certain site at certain times. Different sites might have different characteristics, each of which can generally be described by a model obtained by averaging measurement results at multiple points in the same environment. This paper describes a characterization of the underwater acoustic channel of tropical shallow water in a Mangrove estuary, which has sediment up to 60 cm at the bottom. Such a channel model is beneficial for the design of communication system in an autonomous underwater vehicle, for instance. The measurement result of delay spread parameter from three different points with the distance of 14 ~ 52 m, has various values. The root mean square (RMS) of delay spread ranges between 0.0621 ~ 0.264 ms, and the maximum delay spread varies with the value of 0.187 ~ 1.0 ms. The pdf fitting shows that Rayleigh distribution describes the fading variation more accurately than Nakagami and Ricean.
Shadowing Correlation Model for Indoor Multi-hop Radio Link in Office Environment Fadhli, Mohammad; Handayani, Puji; Hendrantoro, Gamantyo; Mukti, Prasetiyono Hari
JAVA Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Vol 14, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : JAVA Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

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Propagation environment greatly affect the performance of wireless network. The excistence of obstacles between transmitter and receiver antennas provide shadowing effect to the transmitted signal. In multi-hop radio link, any link pairs experience shadowing effect that can be correlated if the links have a similar propagation environment. Various studies have shown that correlated shadowing has significant impacts on wireless network’s performance. This paper discusses  shadowing correlation of measured two-hop radio link. We propose models that can be used to predict shadowing correlation coefficient of link pairs using  deterministic and stochastic formulas. We give an example of the effect of correlated shadowing on the performance of multi-hop radio link in term of its outage probability.
Spatial Correlation of Radio Waves for Multi-Antenna Applications in Indoor Multipath Environments Hendrantoro, Gamantyo; Handayani, Puji; Mauludiyanto, Achmad
Jurnal Teknik Elektro Vol 7, No 1 (2007): MARET 2007
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (424.989 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/jte.7.1.36-42


This paper presents the results of a concerted effort in characterizing the spatial correlation of radio waves detected by a multi-element antenna system in indoor environments. The number of arriving paths and their directions are first studied through a series of measurements. The results are then used in a simulation to obtain spatial correlation indoors. It is found that generally an antenna array positioned near the center of the room will experience more rapidly decreasing correlation with spacing, which is a desired trait. In addition, a linear array oriented perpendicular to the length of the room in general shows better characteristics in terms of faster slope of correlation compared to the one in parallel with the length of the room. The average correlation indoors is also found to be similar to the correlation function arising from the two-dimensional circularly distributed random scatterers proposed by Clarke. For practical implementation of antenna arrays in small terminals for indoor wireless applications, it is suggested that the inter-element spacing be made 0.3? in the least.
Maritime Asymmetric Warfare in Archipelagic States; The Indonesian Phenomena Dwicahyono, Taufik; Octavian, Amarulla; Bura, Romie Oktavianus; Hendrantoro, Gamantyo; Widodo, Pujo
Journal of Strategic and Global Studies
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Defending sovereignty within an island nation is relatively more complex than doing so for a continental state. The number of scattered islands makes straits and seas more penetrable, vulnerable points and targets of asymmetric threats at sea. The aim of this research is to illustrate threats at sea and provide solutions in guarding and monitoring Indonesian coastal borders, which currently require more ships and radar technology as well as other sensing equipment due to longer beaches. The results reveal that firstly, potential asymmetrical threats at sea include former WWII mines, underwater fibre cables, and nuclear submarines belonging to foreign countries such as America, Russia and China. Secondly, problems related to welfare include theft of natural resources like coral reefs and fish, and drug smuggling activities, all which add to the burden and duties of various parties. Thirdly, asymmetrical Narcoterrorism is very prominent in Colombia where drugs from Cannabis plants are sold to buy weapons. This is also happening in the Philippines and in Aceh, Indonesia. Narcotic activities are also increasingly worrying – particularly their effects on younger generations. Lastly, coordination by affiliated parties that help guard the sea is highly expected. Adequate maritime border patrol management must be carried out so that together, different marine security institutions can maintain the sovereignty of the state. Therefore, the following are recommended: a) regional diplomatic cooperation within ASEAN, b) ensuring of military capability, power, and readiness for placement, and c) the utilization of unmanned technology to aid in securing the archipelagic state.
Maritime Asymmetric Warfare in Archipelagic States; The Indonesian Phenomena Dwicahyono, Taufik; Octavian, Amarulla; Bura, Romie Oktavianus; Hendrantoro, Gamantyo; Widodo, Pujo
Journal of Strategic and Global Studies
Publisher : UI Scholars Hub

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Defending sovereignty within an island nation is relatively more complex than doing so for a continental state. The number of scattered islands makes straits and seas more penetrable, vulnerable points and targets of asymmetric threats at sea. The aim of this research is to illustrate threats at sea and provide solutions in guarding and monitoring Indonesian coastal borders, which currently require more ships and radar technology as well as other sensing equipment due to longer beaches. The results reveal that firstly, potential asymmetrical threats at sea include former WWII mines, underwater fibre cables, and nuclear submarines belonging to foreign countries such as America, Russia and China. Secondly, problems related to welfare include theft of natural resources like coral reefs and fish, and drug smuggling activities, all which add to the burden and duties of various parties. Thirdly, asymmetrical Narcoterrorism is very prominent in Colombia where drugs from Cannabis plants are sold to buy weapons. This is also happening in the Philippines and in Aceh, Indonesia. Narcotic activities are also increasingly worrying – particularly their effects on younger generations. Lastly, coordination by affiliated parties that help guard the sea is highly expected. Adequate maritime border patrol management must be carried out so that together, different marine security institutions can maintain the sovereignty of the state. Therefore, the following are recommended: a) regional diplomatic cooperation within ASEAN, b) ensuring of military capability, power, and readiness for placement, and c) the utilization of unmanned technology to aid in securing the archipelagic state.
An Adaptive Modulation in Millimeter-Wave Communication System for Tropical Region Suwadi Suwadi; Gamantyo Hendrantoro; Wirawan Wirawan
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 8, No 3: December 2010
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v8i3.634


 The dominant propagation factor affecting the outage and the spectral efficiency of millimeter-wave communication systems operating at frequencies 30 GHz is rain attenuation. An adaptive modulation is proposed to improve the outage and spectral efficiency performance of the system. This paper presents an analytical procedure for the evaluation of the outage and spectral efficiency of the system in Indonesia with heavy rain rate. By comparing analytic and simulation a validation was conducted. The results show that adaptive modulation can significantly improve the outage and the spectral efficiency performance of the system, for links with long distance.
Combined Scalable Video Coding Method for Wireless Transmission Kalvein Rantelobo; Wirawan Wirawan; Gamantyo Hendrantoro; Achmad Affandi
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 9, No 2: August 2011
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v9i2.700


Mobile video streaming is one of multimedia services that has developed very rapidly. Recently, bandwidth utilization for wireless transmission is the main problem in the field of multimedia communications. In this research, we offer a combination of scalable methods as the most attractive solution to this problem. Scalable method for wireless communication should adapt to input video sequence. Standard ITU (International Telecommunication Union) - Joint Scalable Video Model (JSVM) is employed to produce combined scalable video coding (CSVC) method that match the required quality of video streaming services for wireless transmission. The investigation in this paper shows that combined scalable technique outperforms the non-scalable one, in using bit rate capacity at certain layer.
Virtual View Image over Wireless Visual Sensor Network Nyoman Putra Sastra; Wirawan Wirawan; Gamantyo Hendrantoro
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 9, No 3: December 2011
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v9i3.740


In general, visual sensors are applied to build virtual view images. When number of visual sensors increases then quantity and quality of  the information improves. However, the view images generation is a challenging task in Wireless Visual Sensor Network environment due to energy restriction, computation complexity, and bandwidth limitation. Hence this paper presents a new method of virtual view images generation from selected cameras on Wireless Visual Sensor Network. The aim of the paper is to meet  bandwidth and energy limitations without reducing information quality. The experiment results showed that this method could minimize number of transmitted imageries with sufficient information..
Co-Authors A. Sjamsjiar Rachman Achmad Affandi Achmad Mauludiyanto Achmad Mauludyanto Agriniwaty Paulus Ahmad Maulidiyanto Ahmad Muhiddin Ainun Jariyah Aji Hidayat Muryono Alan Sujadi Amarulla Octavian Amin Suharjono Andi Nurul Utami Husain Arif Fathoni Aris Pradana Aryo Darma Adhitya Bura, Romie O. Destya Arisetyanti Devy Kuswidiastuti Dewa Made Wiharta Dika Oktavian Prasetya Dwicahyono, Taufik Dyah Ayu Kusumaningtyas Harsono Endang Widjiati Endang Widjiati Endroyono, E Eni Dwi Wardihani Fadhli, Mohammad Fannush Shofi Akbar Farandi Febrianto Pratama Fitri Adi Iskandarianto Fitri Amillia Fredy Indra Oktaviansyah Gatra Erga Yudhanto Gilang Almaghribi Sarkara Putra Harinto Mukti Legowo I Made Oka Widyantara Ikhwanti Indahsari Iwan Hendrianto Krisnatianto Tanjung Mauridhi Hery P Mohammad Ariza Fardhiyansyah Muhammad Dwi Rifqi Muhammad Fachry Nova Muhammad Hasan Mahmudy Muhammad Rendy Anggara Muhammad Rizal Habibi Muhammad Yahya Batubara Niko Permana R.W. Ninik D. Yundariani Nisa Rachmadina Novalia Pertiwi Nur Ikhwan Nyoman Putra Sastra Octiana Widyarena Prasetiyono H Mukti Prasetiyono Hari Mukti Prima Kristalina Puji Handayani Pujo Widodo, Pujo Purwoko Adhi Rahayu, Sri Rantelobo, Kalvein Rheyuniarto Sahlendar Asthan Riyan Eka Pratama Rochmawati Ada Wiyah Rufiyanto, Arief Safirina Febryanti Sardjono Trihatmo Septiawan, Reza Setijadi, Eko Sri Rahayu Suwadi Suwadi Theresia Dwi Lestari Londong Titiek Suryani Tri Budi Santoso Tri Budi Santoso Walid Maulana Hadiansyah Wibowo, Reyhan Adinathan Widyanto Dwiputra Pradipta Wikantyoso, A Krisna Wirawan Wirawan Wirawan Wirawan Wirawan Wirawan Wirawan Wirawan Wirawan Wirawan Wirawan Wirawan Wirawan Wirawan Wirawan Wirawan Wirawan Wirawan Wirawan Wirawan Wismanu Susetyo Wismanu Susetyo Yahya Syukri Amrullah Yuyu Wahyu