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Predicted Purchasing Decisions from Lifestyle, Product Quality and Price Through Purchase Motivation Herawati, Herawati; Prajanti, Sucihatiningsih Dian Wisika; Kardoyo, Kardoyo
Journal of Economic Education Vol 8 No 1 (2019): June 2019
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jeec.v8i1.29636


Nowadays, Batik has become a fashion trend and lifestyle of the people. Certainly, It gives an impact on the growing need for so many emerging batik businesses in Indonesia. Lifestyle, product quality, price, and purchase motivation are factors that predicted influence and participate in determining consumers before making a purchasing decision. This study aimed to analyze and describe the influence of lifestyle, product quality, and price, either directly or indirectly, on purchasing decisions through purchase in the buying motivation at Trusmi Batik Cirebon Showroom. The research used the quantitative method with path analysis were processed using SPSS. The populations of this reaserch were all consumers who buy at Trusmi Batik Cirebon Showroom. The samples were 110 respondents, with accidental sampling method. The results showed (1) the influence of lifestyle on purchasing decisions directly and indirectly through the purchase of a greater motivation indirect influence. (2) The impact of product quality on purchase decisions directly and indirectly through the purchase of a greater motivation indirect influence. (3) The effect of price on purchase decisions directly and indirectly through the purchase of a greater motivation indirect influence. (4) Motivation to purchase gave a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions in Trusmi Batik Cirebon Showroom. (5) Product quality is the most dominant variable in influencing purchasing decisions and purchase motivation is proven to be a good mediation between lifestyle variables, product quality and price of purchasing decisions.
Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 12 No 2 (2011)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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Experiment is the core of physics subject. Most of physics phenomena taught in school, are not based on observation. They are taught verbally and in few cases they are correlated with phenomena found in daily life. The presence of virtual laboratory could solve the problems as well as provide alternative solution for lack of equipments of physics laboratory in most schools. This research explained the perception of students about utilization of virtual laboratory in physics to learn the topic of linear motion. The research carried out on student class X in SMAN 87 Jakarta Selatan in 2009/2010. Data is collected from quesioner and then analyzed descriptively. The result indicates that using virtual laboratory, students better understand the concept of linear motion and give them experience of more save and more compartable practicum.
Jurnal Pendidikan Vol 14 No 1 (2013)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Terbuka

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The aims of this study are to analyze the patterns of student interaction in online tutorial and to reveal the students perception of the pattern during the tutorial online. The research method used survey method. The study was conducted at physics education department, FKIP-UT on statistical physics course in registration period 2012.2. The number of respondents is 12 respondents. The questionnaire uses a Likert scale. To analyze data used Pearson bivariate analysis and Cronbach alpha. The results showed that 1) the high pattern of students interaction in tutorial is student interaction with matter and student interaction with tutors; 2) online discussion can be able to provide feedback from other students and can also give students a change to argue. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola interaksi mahasiswa dalam tutorial online (Tuton) dan mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa terhadap pelaksanaan tutorial online. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode survey. Penelitian dilakukan di program studi pendidikan fisika FKIP-UT pada matakuliah fisika statistik masa registrasi 2012.2. Responden sebanyak 12 responden. Instrumen menggunakan skala Likert. Validitas dan reliabilitas butir instrumen dilakukan uji pearson bivariat dan analisis alfa cronbach. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa: 1) pola interaksi mahasiswa yang sering terjadi adalah pola interaksi mahasiswa dengan materi dan pola interaksi mahasiswa dengan tutor 2) diskusi online dapat menyediakan umpan balik dari mahasiswa lainnya dan memberikan kesempatan mahasiswa untuk berpendapat.  
Lentera: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan Vol 11 No 2 (2018): Lentera
Publisher : LPPM STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung

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Reading comprehension is a bridge to understand scientific books that is why the students of Indonesia should to understand and comprehend. The study aims to know whether story grammar strategy improve the students’ reading comprehension or not. The focus of this study was the tenth grades students of SMA Negeri Bangun Jaya, X1 as experiment group and X3 as control group. The sample was chosen by the cluster sampling technique. This study was non-equivalent control group design. The data was analyzed by using pretest and posttest data. The result showed there was significant difference in reading comprehension achievement between the students who were taught by using story grammar strategy and those who were taught by using conventional strategy. The students who are taught by using story grammar strategy could improve their reading comprehension achievement significantly. Most of the students in the experimental group could share the information of the next to their classmates.
Lentera: Jurnal Ilmiah Kependidikan Vol 2 (2017): Lentera
Publisher : LPPM STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung

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Theory of emotional intelligence has been proven to contribute to the teaching and learning process, and increase students’ achievement. This research was aimed at investigating if there was any correlation among emotional intelligence, reading motivation on reading comprehension achievement of eleventh grade students of SMAN 2 Kota Lubuklinggau. Two hundred and ninety four students participated in this research. Emotional intelligence questionnaire, reading motivation questionnaire and students’ reading comprehension test were used as the instruments. Analyses by Pearson Product-Moment Correlation revealed that there was correlation between emotional intelligence and reading comprehension achievement with r-obtained (.155) and p (.008). At the same time, there was also correlation between reading motivation and reading comprehension achievement with robtained (.165) and p (.005). Furthermore, regression analyses showed that emotional intelligence and reading motivation could predict reading comprehension by explaining 4.6% of the changes in reading comprehension achievement respectively.
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION SCIENCE Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Oktober 2018
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

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Program kepala sekolah yang efektif merupakan salah satu faktor penentu peningkatan mutu lulusan dan keberhasilan pendidikan di sekolah.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui program, strategi, kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu lulusan.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah: kepala sekolah, wakil kepala sekolah, komite sekolah, waka pengajaran, ketua MGMP dan dewan guru. Hasil penelitan diperoleh: (1) program peningkatan mutu lulusan pendidikan dengan meningkatkan mutu proses mengajar guru, mengadakan pelatihan-pelatihan, kompetensi kepemimpinan kepala sekolah, menerapkan manajemen terbuka, melakukan kerja sama dengan internal dan eksternal dengan baik, mendelegasikan tugas kepada bawahan dengan penuh tanggung jawab.  Kata kunci: Program Kepala Sekolah dan Mutu Lulusan
Pemilihan Moda Terhadap Rencana Penerapan Kebijakan Pembatasan Kendaraan Pribadi Roda Empat Herawati, Herawati; Mutharuddin, Mutharuddin
Warta Penelitian Perhubungan Vol 24, No 2 (2012): Warta Penelitian Perhubungan
Publisher : Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (114.346 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/warlit.v24i2.1007


Various solutions have been implemented by the DK! Government of to solve the problems of urban transport. However, these efforts have not been reduce private vehicle users as a cause of congestion. It is necessary to study on the selection mode of policy implementation plans prirnte Pelzicle restrictions. Mode choice method used in this study is Multinominal logic. The analysis will examine if the four transfer modes applicable policy. Those policies are congestion costs, increased taxes, increased parking fees, and fuel prices increase. From the results obtained that the implementation of four policies relating to the additional costs traveling to private vehicle users will have an impact on the shift to other modes of the motor (35.63%), railways (20:44%), and the busway (20.50%). Congestion charging at 20% will have an impact on the movement of the motor car users (27.57%), train (10.21 %), and the busway (12.35%); increase in vehicle tax rate of 20% will have an impact on the movement of the user to motor cars (26.10%), train (16.84%), and the busway (15.73%), an increase of 40% is the motor (29.52%), train (18.23%), busway (17.9%); increase in parking fees by 20% will have an impact on the movement of the motor car users (25.74%), rail (4.03%), and the busway (4.70%); increase in fuel prices 30% will have an impact on the movement of the motor car users (31.26%), rail (6.75%), and the busway (5.13%).
Evaluasi Kinerja Angkutan Umum Di Kota Singaraja Triatna, Ni Nyoman; Herawati, Herawati
Warta Penelitian Perhubungan Vol 24, No 1 (2012): Warta Penelitian Perhubungan
Publisher : Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2672.171 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/warlit.v24i1.982


ABSTRACTTirerc is a serious problem 011 Public transportation in Singaraja city dealing with tire increasingnumber of 111otora;cle lzas declined people interest to use public transport. People feel more comfortable using 111otorcycles for tlzeir daily activities.As the conequense urban public transport seruices in Singaraja lzas not reached local road. Since the rates charged are quite e:xpensive as well. TJ1iere fore people pr~fer to use public private titan transport vehicles. this condition may bring public transportation in Si11garaja get worst. Two methods are carried out to calculate the quality of public transport services first accordance witlz the standards of the Directorate General of Land Transportation Ministry of Transportation and second, utilize tlze nzetlwd of Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Based on the results due to the standards of tire Directorate General of Land Transportation Ministry of Transportation the city transportation in Singaraja still have good performance. While the result analysis of Importance Pe1formance Analysis (IPA) showed that 15 factor indicators, three factors indecated has a good perfomiance vehicle that is hygiene, driver peiformance and the route, seven factors indicated not important perfonnance and less priority by the transport users such as the walking time to the destination, no need moving vehicle, easily get in and get out the vehicle, additional facilities (music, etc.) and travel cost. The factors are needed to be handling quite serious because it has a less peiformance and very important by respondents such as courteous service, seat comfort, tire physical conditio11 of public transport, vehicle speed and safety in vehicles.Key Words: public transport, services, Singaraja
Peningkatan Keselamatan BRT-Lite Transmusi (Safety Improvemeni' Of BRT-Lite Transmusi) Herawati, Herawati; Mutharuddin, Mutharuddin
Warta Penelitian Perhubungan Vol 24, No 5 (2012): Warta Penelitian Perhubungan
Publisher : Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1641.623 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/warlit.v24i5.1023


Implementation of the BRT-Lite TransMusi has aims to improve services such as more safe, comfortable and high capacity. However, its development are still encountered various problems related to safety for users and the environment. Using analysis of accident data oredered probit modeling, and hierarchy analysis process, the study was to determine the characteristics of crashes which involving Transmusi Indonesia, the safety factor influance, as well as knowing the factors that affect the BRT safety. Based on data and analysis, BRT-Lite Transmusi has more than 80% accidents occurred at bus stops and bus lanes in mix traffic. In line with users, AHP result as experts argue that the safety of BRT-Lite is strongly influenced by the safety facilities on the bus and infrastructure (non-bus). Safety facilities at bus such as seat belt. Moreover, the safety of infrastructure facilities (non-bus) includes safety facilities at shelter,marking, land use and improving driver knowledge.Keywords: Transmusi, Facility, Safety, BRT-Lite Penerapan BRT-lite Transmusi di Kota Palembang dalam memberikan pelayanan yang semakin nyaman, kapasitas angkut semakin besar. Namun seiring dalam perkembangannya masih ditemui berbagai masalah terkait dengan keselamatan baik bagi pengguna maupun lingkungan sekitar. Untuk itu, dengan menggunakan analisis data kecelakaan, Analisis Hirarki Proses (AHP) dan permodelan oredered probit, kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik kecelakaan yang melibatkan Transmusi, mengetahui kebutuhan fasilitas keselamatan, sehingga dapat dirumuskan upaya prioritas untuk meningkatkan keselamatan yang ada Transmusi,. Berdasarkan data dan analisis, sebagian besar (lebih dari 80 %)  kecelakaan terjadi di halte dan lajur bus. Senada dengan pengguna jasa, berdasarkan analisis AHP dengan para pakar transportasi sebagai responden bahwa tingkat keselamatan operasi BRT-Lite sangat dipengaruhi oleh kelengkapan fasilitas keselamatan dari sarana (bus yang dilengkapi dengan sabuk pengaman dan halte dengan fasiltas keselamatan) dan prasarana (rambu, marka kondisi geometrid an zebra Upaya dari segi non fisik berupa penyediaan fasilitas penyeberangan dan perungkatan kualitas pengemudi. Kata Kunci: Transmusi, Fasilitas, Keselamatan, BRT-Lite
Sebaran Pergerakan Pengguna Kendaraan Pribadi Bekasi Barat-DKI Jakarta Herawati, Herawati; Suliyatni, Rini
Warta Penelitian Perhubungan Vol 24, No 3 (2012): Warta Penelitian Perhubungan
Publisher : Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perhubungan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1819.495 KB) | DOI: 10.25104/warlit.v24i3.1009


The high traffic in OKI Jakarta is not only influenced by mavements in but also commuters from sub-urban areas like Bekasi District. For that we need to know the characteristics and distribution of the movement from North Bekasi to Jakarta. The purpose of this study was to determine the distribution of travelling from Bekasi to Jakarta. The research methods used are the establishment of Inter-Zone Travel Time Matrix, trip generation modeling (multiple regression analysis), Travel Distribution Modeling. In addition, the quantity method is used to identify travel time, total travel costs and advanced modes are used when using public transport. Based on the results obtained by the analysis of trip generation models Y = -1.44 of public transport + 2:14 of private vehicles. Trip distribution of Bekasi's population towards OKI Jakarta are Central Jakarta (261 trips/day), East Jakarta (180 trips/ day), South Jakarta (125 trip/day), West Jakarta (74 trips/day), and East Jakarta (87 trips/day). The different of travel time between private vehicles and public transport is average 30 minutes. Private vehicle users must expend more vehicle surcharge of Rp. 11 553 which compared with public transport.