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Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia Vol 5, No 1 (2016): April 2016
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan IPA Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v5i1.5791


One way to improve students’ chemistry literacy which is demanded in the modernization of modern technology-based chemistry learning is by studying ionic liquids. Low level of scientific literacy of students in Indonesia as revealed in the PISA in 2012 was the main reason of the research. Ionic liquids-based technology are necessary to be applied as a context for learning chemistry because: (1) the attention of the scientific an technology community in the use of ionic liquids as a new generation of green solvent, electrolyte material and fluidic engineering in recent years becomes larger, in line with the strong demands of the industry for the provision of new materials that are reliable, safe, and friendly for various purposes; (2) scientific explanations related to the context of the ionic liquid contains a lot of facts, concepts, principles, laws, models and theories can be used to reinforce the learning content as a media to develop thinking skill (process/competence) as demanded by PISA; (3) The modern technology-based ionic liquid can also be used as a discourse to strengthen scientific attitude. The process of synthesis of ionic liquid involves fairly simple organic reagents, so it deserves to be included in the chemistry subject in school.
International Journal of Education Vol 9, No 2 (2017): February 2017
Publisher : UPI Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/ije.v9i2.5466


This research aims to determine the effectiveness of project-based learning method using mind maps in science learning for the topic of waste management and its solution to improve students’ environmental attitudes. It adopted a quasi-experimental method with the pretest-posttest control group design. The subjects of the research consisted of the seventh grade students of two classes in one of the private junior high schools in Bandung Regency. The instrument used for data collection was a pretest and posttest on environmental attitudes for students, a questionnaire, and observations of environmental attitudes of the students from peer assessment, teacher’s observations in the school, and parents’ observations at home. The data were analyzed by considering the gain value with its normalization and counting the size effect. The results of the data analysis indicated that gain g = 0.61 for the experimental class and g = 0.41 for the control class, and effect size d = 0.37. These values mean that there were improvements in the students’ environmental attitudes in the school and at home after the application of project-based learning with mind maps. It is concluded that PjBL (Project-Based Learning) method using mind maps for the theme of waste and its management works effectively since it has a small effect on improving students’ environmental attitudes.
Pemahaman Siswa Kelas XI SMA Unggulan Kota Padang Terhadap Konsep Reaksi Pengendapan pada Pembelajaran Materi Kelarutan dan Hasilkali Kelarutan Sari, Monica Prima; Hernani, Hernani; Mulyani, Sri
JURNAL EKSAKTA PENDIDIKAN (JEP) Vol 3 No 1 (2019): JEP : Jurnal Eksakta Pendidikan
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.279 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jep/vol3-iss1/290


This paper describes 11th grade students? understanding of the concept of precipitation reaction at the end of the learning process of solubility and solubility product. Precipitation reaction is an important reaction in industry, pharmacy, and daily life. In the learning process, students are asked to predict the formation of precipitation based on their understanding of solubility and solubility product concepts. Thirty eleventh grade students in one of the best senior high schools in Padang were chosen as the subject of this study. Classroom learning process was observed and recorded. Data of students? understanding were collected through a set of essay problems which was validated through expert judgment, and then integrated in students? end-of-chapter test. Through qualitative analysis, this study revealed some mistakes and misconceptions that students have regarding the application of precipitation reaction concept, and possible sources of them. Recommendations for improving the quality of learning this concept in the future are provided at the end of the paper
Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA Vol 22, No 2 (2017): JPMIPA: Volume 22, Issue 2, 2017
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18269/jpmipa.v22i2.8638


Misconception is one of the obstacles that may reduce learning effectiveness. In this study, we develop two-tier multiple choice diagnostic test instrument that can be used to identify students’  misconceptions on chemical bonding. Two-tier test with 25 test items was proven to be valid and reliable. This diagnostic test was able to detect students’ misconceptions including misconceptions about element stability, ionic bonding, covalent bonding, covalent coordinate bonding, metallic bonding, as well as characteristics and physical property of each bonding. The identified misconceptions could serve as a reference for teachers in remediating students’ misconception.
Exploring View of Nature of Science and Technology Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers Venessa, Devita Marlina; Hernani, Hernani; Halimatul, Heli Siti
Journal of Science Learning Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Journal of Science Learning
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17509/jsl.v3i1.17757


This study aims to explore the views of pre-service chemistry teachers on the nature of science and technology. Pre-service chemistry teachers’ view of nature of science and technology (VNOST) is very important to help their students later in understanding the concepts of science. This research is the initial stage in didactical design research involving 48 pre-service chemistry teachers from Sriwijaya University. The descriptive method is used to explain the results of the analysis of pre-service chemistry teachers’ VNOST. Student views were assessed using the VNOST questionnaire, consisting of 8 questions and guided by the discourse of ionic liquid technology. Data collection uses a survey containing the views of pre-service chemistry teachers on VNOST and where each statement grouped according to three categories, namely "Realistic" (R), "Has Merit" (HM), and Naïve (N). The results showed that in general, students have the view of Has Merit (HM), or the belief that they chose is not entirely correct even though there are parts of statements that are still by the general view of science. The results of this student VNOST exploration are the basis for developing learning designs that are oriented to the realist answers of each question so that learning designs are produced based on aspects of the Nature of Science and Technology.
FORMULA SABUN TRANSPARAN ANTIJAMUR DENGAN BAHAN AKTIF EKSTRAK LENGKUAS (Alpinia galanga L.Swartz.) Hernani, Hernani; Bunasor, Tatit K.; Fitriati, Fitriati
Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat Vol 21, No 2 (2010): BULETIN PENELITIAN TANAMAN REMPAH DAN OBAT
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Perkebunan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21082/bullittro.v21n2.2010.%p


Lengkuas mengandung senyawa aktif, antara lain eugenol, galangin, kaempferol, kuersetin, dan asetoksikhavikol asetat (ACA). Komponen ACA dilaporkan mem-punyai efek sebagai anti jamur. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui penambahan ekstrak lengkuas pada sabun transparan terhadap kualitas, daya anti jamur, dan tingkat kesukaan panelis. Tahap kegiatan mencakup analisis kualitas bahan baku, pembuatan ekstrak, formulasi sabun trans-paran, analisis kualitas sabun, uji daya antijamur, dan uji organoleptik sabun transparan. Hasil analisis kualitas bahan baku menunjukkan bahwa semua kriteria mutu masih memenuhi persyaratan Materia Medika Indonesia (MMI). Pening-katan konsentrasi ekstrak lengkuas pada sabun transparan secara signifikan mem-berikan pengaruh terhadap asam lemak total, fraksi yang tidak tersabunkan, bahan yang tidak larut dalam alkohol, dan pH. Hasil uji antijamur menunjukkan bahwa sabun transparan yang mengandung eks-trak lengkuas 1% dapat menghambat pertumbuhan jamur Tricophyton menta-grophytes dan Microsporum canis. Daya hambat sabun transparan terhadap M. canis lebih baik dibandingkan dengan T. mentagrophytes. Hasil uji organoleptik menunjukkan bahwa kenaikan konsentrasi ekstrak lengkuas menurunkan tingkat kesukaan panelis terhadap warna, tekstur, dan kekerasan. 
Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA Vol 6, No 2 (2005): JPMIPA: Volume 6, Issue 2, 2005
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18269/jpmipa.v6i2.34995


Telah dilakukan penelitian degradasi sifat toksik logam berat krom oleh bakteri melalui rekasi enzimatik yang mengubah krom(VI) toksik menjadi krom(III) yang kurang toksik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memvariasikan pengaruh beberapa parameter terhadap reaksi enzimatik ini yaitu; jumlah bakteri, tingkat keasaman dan konsentrasi krom(VI).Untuk menentukan konsentrasi krom(VI) yang tereduksi menjadi krom(III) digunakan teknik spektrofotometri UV-Vis. Jumlah krom(VI) yang tereduksi menjadi krom(III) ditentukan dengan menghitung selisih antara jumlah krom(VI) sebelum dan sesudah proses transformasi.Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas transformasi krom(VI) menjadi krom(III) dipengaruhi oleh parameter-parameter di atas. Transformasi krom(VI) menjadi krom(III)  sangat dipengaruhi oleh pH larutan. Kondisi keasaman optimum untuk terjadinya transformasi krom(VI) menjadi krom(III) adalah pada pH = 7.  Proses transformasi ini  meningkat secara linear sebagai fungsi konsentrasi awal, dengan konsentrasi maksimum 30 ppm. Transformasi ini juga berlangsung efektif pada jumlah bakteri satu ose. Tingkat transformasi pada kondisi optimum mencapai 88,4%.
MENINGKATKAN RELEVANSI PEMBELAJARAN KIMIA MELALUI PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS KEARIFAN DAN KEUNGGULAN LOKAL (Suatu Studi Etnopedagogi melalui Indigenous Materials Chemistry) Hernani, Hernani; Mudzakir, Ahmad; H., Heli Siti
Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA Vol 17, No 1 (2012): JPMIPA: Volume 17, Issue 1, 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18269/jpmipa.v17i1.36057


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model pembelajaran, bahan ajar, dan alat ukur penilaian literasi sains pada pembelajaran kimia berbasis kearifan dan keunggulan lokal. Kearifan dan keunggulan lokal yang dimaksud adalah yang berkaitan dengan kimia material pribumi (indigenous materials chemistry). Untuk menghasilkan model pembelajaran, bahan ajar, dan alat ukur penilaian literasi sains, tahapan pertama yang dilakukan adalah menganalisis potensi kearifan dan keunggulan lokal yang terkait erat dengan konsep-konsep ilmu kimia dalam standar isi mata pelajaran kimia SMA melalui studi pustaka dan studi lapangan. Hasil analisis tersebut adalah untuk daerah Kabupaten Majalengka dan Bandung Barat potensi daerah berupa bahan baku keramik dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan kimia unsur, untuk daerah Garut potensi daerah berupa batik dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan materi polimer dan lipid, untuk daerah Indramayu potensi daerah berupa pengeboran minyak dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan materi ikatan kimia dalam konteks grafena, untuk daerah Cirebon potensi daerah berupa budaya ruwatan keris dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan materi reaksi elektrokimia dan korosi. Produk dari penelitian ini berupa: (1) model pembelajaran yang digambarkan dalam peta konsekuensi, (2) bahan ajar yang mewujudkan tahap pembelajaran STL, yaitu tahap kontak, tahap kuriositi, tahap elaborasi, tahap pengambilan keputusan, tahap nexus dan tahap penilaian, dan (3) alat ukur penilaian meliputi aspek konteks, konten, proses sains, dan sikap sains.ABSTRACTThis study aims to produce the models of teaching, teaching materials, and assessment for science literacy measurement tools on local wisdom and excellent-based chemistry teaching. Local wisdom and excellence mentioned is related to indigenous materials chemistry. The first stage of this study is to analyze the potential of local wisdom and excellence are related to chemistry concepts in the high school chemistry content standard through library research and field studies. The results of this analysis are (1) ceramic materials which are the potential of West Bandung and Majalengka areas can be used to explain the chemicalelements, (2) raw materials of batik which are potential of Garut area can be used to explain the polymer and lipid material, (3) Graphene that use raw materials from oil drilling which are potential of Indramayu area can be used to explain the chemical bonding material, and (4) “keris” cultural maintenance which are potential of Cirebon area can be used to explain the electrochemical reactions and corrosion materials. The product of this research include: (1) models of teaching are described in the consequences map, (2) teaching materials that embody the learning phase of the STL, the contact phase, curriosity phase, elaboration phase, the decision-making phase, nexus phase and assessment phase, and (3) assessment measuring tools include aspects of the context, content, process science, and science attitudes.
Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA Vol 15, No 2 (2010): JPMIPA: Volume 15, Issue 2, 2010
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18269/jpmipa.v15i2.35999


This study aims to determine how influence of modified problem-based learning by Integrated Theory and Practical Analytical Chemistry (MPBL-ITPAC) to critical thinking and scientific communication skills. This research is part of a research and educational development, R D, which uses a quasi experimental method. The program was arranged and implemented on using 45 students of an experimental class, compared with 41 students as a controlled class. The research instrument used was multiple choice test with 5 options to assess critical thinking skills, and written essay test to assess scientific communication skills, in addition to observation sheet was used as supporting instrument to evaluate the development of oral communication skills. The results shows that: (1) In general, the achievement of critical thinking is 52.2% for experimental class, while controlled class is 32.7%, both values differ significantly, (2) In all sub critical thinking skills which includes identifying the criteria answers correct, identify the reasons stated, identifying relevany irrelevancy, using the existing procedure, consider the alternative, giving reasons, making hypotheses, the selection criteria to create solutions, and propose an alternative that allows the achievement of experimental class was significantly higher than control class, (3) the achievement of communication skills is 52.9% for experimental class and 29.2% for controlled class, both values differ significantly, (4) In sub-skills of communication in the form logical argue, put forward the hypothesis, put forward the necessary data types, considerations to take conclusions, and describes the schema tool, experimental class achievement significantly higher than the control class, and (5) development of oral communication skills of students increased at every stage in its path.
Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA Vol 13, No 1 (2009): JPMIPA: Volume 13, Issue 1, 2009
Publisher : Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18269/jpmipa.v13i1.35785


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh pemetaan teknis pendekatan kontekstual untuk setiap kompetensi dasar yang dituntut dalam pembelajaran sains kimia SMP, model pembelajaran sains-kimia SMP berbasis kontekstual dengan perspektif sosial serta perangkat pembelajarannya, informasi kekuatan dan kelemahan dari uji coba skala terbatas, dan mengetahui pendapat siswa terhadap model pembelajaran sains-kimia yang dikembangkan. Desain penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian dan pengembangan pendidikan (Educational Research and Development), yang menggambarkan suatu proses yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan dan memvalidasi produk-produk pendidikan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Jurusan Pendidikan Kimia FPMIPA UPI dan salah satu SMP di kota Bandung, dengan tahapan (1) analisis kurikulum sains-kimia SMP 2006 dan studi pustaka tentang pendekatan STL (Science Technology Literacy); (2) pengembangan model pembelajaran dan perangkatnya, penyusunan skenario pembelajaran dan pembuatan instrumen penelitian; serta (3) uji coba model pada skala terbatas dan pengumpulan data. Terdapat empat jenis data yang dikumpulkan setelah langkah uji coba penelitian ini, yaitu: perkembangan kemampuan siswa terkait konten pembelajaran, konteks dan aplikasi sains, proses sains, serta sikap/nilai. Perkembangan kemampuan tersebut diukur dengan perhitungan gain ternormalisasi berdasarkan data pretes dan postes, yang selanjutnya diterjemahkan sesuai kategori perolehan skor menurut Hake dalam Savinainen Scott (2002). Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa (1) berdasarkan analisis kurikulum, proses pembelajaran sains-kimia SMP menuntut adanya pendekatan kontekstual yang terintegrasi di dalam penanaman konsep/konten serta melalui tahapan metode ilmiah, hal ini sejalan dengan tuntutan literasi sains yang mengindikasikan perlunya berbagai kompetensi dikembangkan di dalam pembelajaran; (2) Untuk menunjang pendekatan kontekstual dan tuntutan literasi sains maka model pembelajaran dan perangkatnya dikembangkan berdasarkan keterhubungan konsep dasar, bahan pelajaran, dan konteks terkait dengan skenario pembelajaran yang meliputi tahap kontak, kuriositi, elaborasi, nexus, dan evaluasi; (3) secara umum, kemampuan siswa pada keseluruhan aspek literasi sains mengalami peningkatan yang termasuk kategori sedang dan tingkat perkembangan kemampuan literasi sains yang terjadi pada kelompok tinggi, sedang dan rendah umumnya berbeda secara signifikan; dan (4) umumnya siswa memberi tanggapan yang positif terhadap model pembelajaran yang dikembangkan.