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Chimayatus Solichah
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Yogyakarta

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The Callosobruchus Spp. Controlled Using Soursop Seed Extracts by Several Organic Solvent on Mungbean Storaged Seeds Chimayatus Solichah; Ami Suryawati
Jurnal Agrivet Vol 23, No 2 (2017): AGRIVET

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/agrivet.v23i2.4737


The aims of the experiment was to get extract of sour-sop plant part and the kind of organic solvents for decreasing Callosobruchus spp development on mungbean storaged seed. The experiment was conducted at Plant Protection Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta from March to August 2013. It consisted of two factors: the part of sour-sop plant powder (leaves, and seeds) and the kind of organic solvents (Petroleum-eter; Dietil-eter and methanol) and one control: no extract application. It was arranged in Randomized Complete Design with four replications. Data collected was subjected to an analysis of variance followed by DMRT at 5% significance level. The results showed that: 1) The seeds and leaves extract that being solved in organic solvent could supress Callosobruchus spp development better than the control (no extract). 2) The soursop seeds in methanol solvent could supress Callosobruchus development, weight loss of mungbean seed and seed conductivity.Keywords: sour-sop powder, Callosobruchus spp., organic solvent
THE EFFECT OF MYCORRIZA TO THE INCREASE OF PLANT HEIGHT AND STEM DIAMETER OF SENGON FROM VARIOUS SEED SOURCES Eva Vanodya Mutiarahma; Chimayatus Solichah; Tutut Wirawati; Liliana Baskorowati; Nur Hidayati; Siti Husna Norrohmah
Jurnal Agrivet Vol 26, No 1 (2020): AGRIVET

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/agrivet.v26i1.4307


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of sengon breed stock and mycorrhiza in increasing plant height and stem diameter. This research was conducted from April 2019 to September 2019 at the Center for Research and Development of Biotechnology and Forest Plant Development in Yogyakarta. Two-factor complete randomized design with 3 replications were used in this study. First factor is seed source, namely I1 = 1-1-63-1, I2 = 1-8-77-4, I3 = Malang (Bulk), and I4 = Solomon (Bulk) and second factor is the dose of mycorrhiza, namely M0 = without mycorrhiza, M 1 = mycorrhiza 5 g/plant, M2 = mycorrhiza 10 g/plant, M3 = mycorrhiza 15 g/plant. Plant height and stem diameter were collected for data. Variance analysis (ANOVA) were used at α level 5% and continued with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at α level 5%. The results of the study showed interactions on combinations that were in line with mycorrhiza doses on plants height and stem diameter of 8 week after planting. Parent 1- 8-77-4 gives the best results on plants height. Seed source 1-8-77-4, 1-1-63-1, and Solomon (Bulk) gives the best stem diameter results. Mycorrhizae can increase plant growth in terms of plant height and diameter.Keyword: mycorrhizae, gall rust disease, Sengon.
PATHOGENICITY TEST OF VARIOUS CONCENTRATIONS OF Beauveria bassiana CULTURED ON RICE BRAN AND CORN MEDIA AGAINST COFFEE FRUITS BORER (Hyphotenemus hampei) Chimayatus Solichah; Anindita Widyaningtyas; Rukmowati Brotodjojo
Jurnal Agrivet Vol 25, No 2 (2019): AGRIVET

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31315/agrivet.v25i2.4301


Coffee is a commodity with high value for export. Coffee bean borer (Hypothenemus hampei) is the main pest causing the decline in coffee production. Farmers still rely on chemical insecticides to control this pest. To reduce the negative impact of insecticides, entomopathogen Beauveria bassiana is applied. The research aimed to investigating the level of pathogenicity of B. bassiana in controlling H. hampei, and investigating the concentration with the highest level of pathogenicity of B. Bassiana against H. hampei. Laboratory research was arranged in one factor Completely Random Design (CRD). This research used 8 (eight) treatments namely KO: Aquades, Kk: Lamda Sihalothrin 25 EC (Chemical Insecticide), B1: 10 g / L B. bassiana cultivated in rice bran media, B2: 20 g / L B. bassiana cultivated in rice bran media, B3: 30 g / L B. bassiana cultivated in rice bran media, B4: 10 g / L B. bassiana grown on corn media, B5: 20 gL B. bassiana grown on corn and B6: 30 g / L B. bassiana grown on corn media. Each treatment used coffee beans infested with 20 H. hampei and repeated 4 (four) times. The result of the research showed that B. bassiana was able to kill H. hampei. The concentration that was able to cause the fastest mortality with a high level of pathogenicity based on the pathogenicity test of B. bassiana on H. hampei (percentage of mortality, total mortality time, and feeding capacity) was 30 g/L of B. bassiana cultivated in rice bran media.Key words: Beauveria bassiana, Hypothenemus hampei, chemical insecticide, coffee bean