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Syiar Hukum Vol 13, No 2 (2011): Syiar Hukum
Publisher : LPPM Unisba

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The mental block of behavioral approach when implemented rational choice theory in economic law studies is actually reflection of its unrealistic core assumption: that people subject to law act rationally. That assumption or postulate is deductively elaborated into crudely conception of economic and psychological, and it is nothing else but necessarily to hold their paradigms that reasoned out the human frame of reference in an incentive-disincentive mechanism or the stimuli-respond design. No doubt the results of research that insisted arbitrary concepts and ignored inductive method would be artificial and partial nature, and essential dehumanization, or that research based on economy or psychology concept alone is not sufficient to accout for legal behaviour processes. Hence, legal economic scholars should established analysis the mind and act linkage through thick description, for example, by followed anthropology discipline has commited to holistic explanation, look at the people’s entity as it is in realities.
Hukum Responsif Vol 10, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33603/responsif.v10i2.5059


Kasus penagihan hutang terhadap debitur oleh kreditur dengan memakai penagih hutang (debt collector) dalam menagih hutang dengan cara paksaan. Meskipun demikian, kasus perampasan yang dilakukan debt collector di jalan masih marak terjadi khususnya di Kota Cirebon.Sehingga perlu diketahui sejauhmana pertanggungjawaban debt collector yang melakukan tindak pidana dengan merampas paksa kendaraan yang mengalami kredit bermasalah. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana pertanggungjawaban pidana Debt Collector yang melakukan perampasan atas kendaraan sebagaimana menjadi obyek perjanjian Leasing dalam kredit bermasalah dan Bagaimanakah status kendaraan milik konsumen yang menjadi objek perampasan yang dilakukan oleh Debt collector. Metode Penelitian dengan pendekatan Yuridis Normatif, yaitu pendekatan yang berusaha menelusuri mengenai tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh Debt Collector dalam hal melakukan perampasan kendaraan bermotor milik konsumen dalam kredit bermasalah serta pertanggungjawaban pidananya dari sudut pandang normatif dan mengkajinya berdasarkan ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Penelitian menghasilkan bahwa debt collector yang melakukan penarikan paksa dengan kekerasan wajib mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya secara pidana yang mana pertanggungjawabannya diatur di dalam KUHP. Kasus ini sudah melanggar ketentuan di dalam Pasal 365 ayat (1) Jo Pasal 365 ayat (2) ke-2 Jo Pasal 53 KUHP dan Pasal 55 KUHP Ayat 1 angka 1 dan 2. Sedangkan proses penarikannya menurut Peraturan Kapolri Nomor 8 Tahun 2011, satu-satunya pihak yang berhak menarik kendaraan kredit bermasalah adalah kepolisian. Pasal 8 Peraturan Kepala Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia menyebutkan syarat-syarat administrasi yang harus dilampirkan olehperusahaan pembiayaan konsumen untuk antara lain salinan akta jaminan fidusia, salinan sertifikat fidusia, surat peringatan kepada debitur untuk memenuhi kewajibannya, identitas pelaksana eksekusi, dan surat tugas pelaksanaan eksekusi. Surat peringatan kepada debitur yang dibuktikan dengan tanda terima. debt collector yang melakukan penarikan paksa dengan jalan ancaman dan kekerasan kepada konsumen harus dipertanggungjawabkan secara pidana. Seharusnya pihak debt collector lebih memperhatikan tindakannya apabila menjalankan tugasnya, jangan melakukan penarikan secara paksa dengan jalan kekerasan yang bersifat merugikan pihak konsumen.
Jurnal Dinamika Hukum Vol 12, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jdh.2012.12.3.83


This study describes the process of enculturation anti-corruption where its dynamic has change to a legitimation of should punish the defendant. With ethnographic case study approach, the study focused on how judges interpret the criminal acts of corruption and how to respond to legitimate to punish the defendant in the context of decision-making. The results showed that the judges react in two ways of reasonings, first, they interpret it as an intervention or intimidation that threatens self-identity. Second, open records his experience of corruption and political relations, or not as transparent as other cases. Technically, the conceptual relationship between the two reasoning is a psycho-cultural cognition as a perfect reflection on their work, structured from the examination to the decision. In other word, the defendant not guilty verdict symbolizes maintaining self-identy and a rejection of legitimation of the defendant should be penalised.                                                                             Key words:    legitimation of defendant should be penalised, meaning of corruption cases, psycho-cultural cognition. 
Jurnal Dinamika Hukum Vol 15, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jdh.2015.15.1.364


This research describes repressive legal habitus Unwima community by focusing on the issue of why they create a legal cognition such manner and how to empower them in the public domain when facing a lawsuit in court and examination process in higher education office. The results of the research with ethnographic methods and interpretative analysis, First, that repressive legal habitus is a part of the neo-feudalistic thinking in education management. Second, the empowerment of repressive legal habitus in the public domain potentially generate a legal behavior of impulsive that tends to a manipulative, coercive, veiled, and other immorality practices.Keywords: ethnography, legal habitus, repressive law, neo-feudalistic
Masalah-Masalah Hukum Vol 43, No 3 (2014): Masalah-Masalah Hukum
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (110.624 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mmh.43.3.2014.445-452


This paper discusses the coherence between the concepts and methods of the legal culture study according to the ideational approach of anthropological perspective, and operational examples presented through techniques to formulate the problem in qualitative research. By using the emergent design, research problems in the proposal is still tentative and / or open it will be enhanced inductively in the field, through the process of intensification of theoretical sensitivity of the phenomenon. Change research problems and themes as well as the diversity of research methods is as a consequence of the strategy to explore the phenomenon being studied. Techniques so as one of the main ways to obtain the coherence of concepts and methods as well as a definitive study design were further narrated in the research report.
Pereduksian Rasionalitas dan Fungsi Rasionalitas Emotif dalam Teori Pilihan Rasional pada Kajian Ekonomi Hukum Teddy Asmara
Syiar Hukum Volume 13, No 2 (2011) : Syiar Hukum : Jurnal Ilmu Hukum
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Islam Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29313/sh.v13i2.656


The mental block of behavioral approach when implemented rational choice theory in economic law studies is actually reflection of its unrealistic core assumption: that people subject to law act rationally. That assumption or postulate is deductively elaborated into crudely conception of economic and psychological, and it is nothing else but necessarily to hold their paradigms that reasoned out the human frame of reference in an incentive-disincentive mechanism or the stimuli-respond design. No doubt the results of research that insisted arbitrary concepts and ignored inductive method would be artificial and partial nature, and essential dehumanization, or that research based on economy or psychology concept alone is not sufficient to accout for legal behaviour processes. Hence, legal economic scholars should established analysis the mind and act linkage through thick description, for example, by followed anthropology discipline has commited to holistic explanation, look at the people’s entity as it is in realities.
Yustisia Jurnal Hukum Vol 3, No 1: JANUARI-APRIL
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/yustisia.v3i1.10108


AbstractThis research reveals the character of psycho-economic actors involved in handling petty corruption case or insignificant value of loss, therefore the study focuses on  the core issue of what their goals the and motives reconstruct it be the case? For that purpose, the field research carried out by using a socio-legal approach and qualitative methods in a constructivist-interpretive paradigm. The results showed although the psycho-economic character of pragmatic but they have a different orientation, the complainant refers to the satisfaction of the emtotion and the material, the prosecutor referred to the fulfillment of bureaucratic reputation, and the judge refers to the needs of self reputation. In other words, a person’s legal behavior based on the possibility of obtaining self needs according to his calculations on the experiences, the presence of community norms, and the actual situation at hand.Keywords: psyhco-economic, pragmatic character, personal needs, petty corruption caseAbstrakPenelitian ini mengungkap karakter psiko-ekonomi aktor yang terlibat dalam menangani kasus korupsi kecil atau nilai kerugiannya tidak signifikan, oleh karena itu penelitian berfokus kepada masalah inti yakni apa tujuan dan motif mereka merekontruksinya menjadi kasus? Untuk tujuan itu, maka penelitian lapangan dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan sosio-legal dan metode kualitatif menurut paradigma konstruktivis-interpretif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kendati psiko-ekonomik mereka mempunyai karakter pragmatis tetapi orientasinya berbeda, yaitu pelapor mengacu kepada pemuasan emosi dan materi, jaksa penuntut umum mengacu kepada pemenuhan reputasi birokrasi, dan hakim mengacu kepada kebutuhan reputasi diri. Dengan kata lain, perilaku hukum seseorang itu berdasarkan pada kemungkinan memperoleh kebutuhan diri menurut perhitungannya atas pengalaman, keberadaan norma komunitas, dan situasi aktual yang dihadapi.Kata kunci: psiko-ekonomik, karakter pragmatis, kebutuhan diri, kasus korupsi kecil
Pragmatic and Progressive Legal Practice: Ethnographic Case Study of Jatigede Reservoir Teddy Asmara
Jurnal Dinamika Hukum Vol 22, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jdh.2022.22.1.3079


This study reveals the legal method in the process of land compensation in the Jatigede reservoir, and focuses on: the existence and application of pragmatic law by rural farming communities; and the government's use of progressive law. By using a combination of case study and micro-ethnographic methods, the answers are obtained, first, the pragmatic legal character is relatively in line with speculative cognition and defensive principles; its adaptive application is to resist the law silently, and the aggressive one is to violate the law openly. Second, the government understands the manipulation of compensation as a reflection of the accumulated injustice and economic difficulties of the citizens, therefore the government makes regulations that prioritize the restoration of people's welfare rather than fulfilling the requirements of legal logic.Keywords: people's welfare; speculative cognition; compensation manipulation; defensive principle; ethnographic-case study
The Reflection of Highest Value of Islam in the Protection of Debtors in Execution of Separatist Creditors Teddy Asmara
Jurnal Akta Vol 9, No 2 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Program Magister (S2) Kenotariatan, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/akta.v9i2.21053


The execution by separatist creditors without going through court proceedings as regulated in Article 55 and Article 56 of Act No. 37 of 2004 is contrary to the justice of Pancasila. The method used was a non-doctrinal method. Based on the data obtained, it can be seen that the execution of bankruptcy as regulated in Article 55 and Article 56 of Act No. 37 of 2004 prioritizes the interests of separatist creditors, this is further complicated by the existence of a legal culture which shows that the execution of bankruptcy with collateral rights without having to go through bailing in court, the meaning of debtor insolvency should be an examination in court or through bailing related to the debtor's ability to pay off his debts, not solely based on the analysis and views of separatist creditors alone. This is clearly implicitly based on Article 28D of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and automatically contradicts the values of Pancasila social justice. This means that in the legal policy of bankruptcy execution, it must be able to create a balance of protection of rights between creditors and debtors, in accordance with the view of respect for human values or human rights awards in the form of equality before the law so as to be able to realize social justice execution of bankruptcy that is able to protect the interests of separatist creditors while protecting debtors.
The Meaning of the Integrity Zone in the Prosecutor's Office: A Study of Legal Hermeneutics Setia Untung Arimuladi; Yos Johan Utama; Teddy Asmara
Yuridika Vol. 37 No. 1 (2022): Volume 37 No 1 January 2022
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (332.184 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/ydk.v37i1.33031


Integrity Zone is proposed to improve the quality of public services, and as an effort to realize clean and good government, even it is still hard to fully realize in specific law enforcement agencies, such as the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Indonesia. For that purpose, the implementation of the related law should be accompanied by an understanding that humans are the prominent entities in realizing the norms contained in the integrity zone. The potential for abuse of duties and authority by individual prosecutors that can at least be categorized as illegal acts should be appropriately addressed. A qualitative approach with the hermeneutic method was employed in this study to explore and examine the legal meanings behind the phenomena in the integrity zone through correct interpretation. It is concluded that there is a limitation in regulating the integrity zone within the attorney's office and not referring to the correct interpretation of the correlated law. The legal hermeneutic perspective in building an integrity zone at the Prosecutor's Office must be built based on a culture of zero tolerance for any illegal act, which refers to planting and strengthening the roots of human conscience within the Prosecutor's Office.