Taufiq Hidayah
Mahasiswa S2 Program Studi Pengelolaan Lingkungan Universitas Sriwijaya

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Studi Kasus Konsumsi Suplemen pada Member Fitness Center di Kota Yogyakarta Hidayah, Taufiq; -, Sugiarto
Media Ilmu Keolahragaan Indonesia Vol 3, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The purpose of this study to find out how the members of supplements on the fitness center in the city of Yogyakarta. Type a descriptive qualitative research study, the technique of the test through a questionnaire survey. Total sample of 30 people with accidental sampling technique. The results showed that: 1) the characteristics of the majority of member fitness aged 20-29 years (73.7%), is still active as a student (56.7%), and by 6.7% as a housewife. 2) respondents have a grasp on the definition of supplements (86.6%), which is derived from advertising, print media, electronic media (63.3%) in the form of amino, high milk protein and creatine (66.6%). 3) the majority of respondents use tablets (70%), obtained from the purchase (96.7%), consumed 1-3 times / day (always) of (83.3%) to increase the muscle mass of (59.9%). 4) the majority of respondents (73.3%) increased his stamina and health after taking the supplement. Conclusions: 1) should be someone over the age of 30 years and mother housewife improve motion activity, 2) the principles of exercise should be increased in line with the benefits of supplements for stamina and health.
Pemanfaatan Media Massa oleh PT. Bina Mahasiswa Indonesia sebagai Stategi Pemasaran Liga Mahasiswa (LIMA) S.B.U, Mahardono; Hidayah, Taufiq; -, Sugiarto
Media Ilmu Keolahragaan Indonesia Vol 3, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

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The goal of this research is to describe the process of mass media usage done by LIMA in the strategy used to Liga Mahasiswa market. The method used in this research is interview and observation, and the technical documentation is case study. The result in this research shows that the mass media usage formulated by LIMA as a marketing strategy to spread out a sport event is very effective and innovative as so many explorations can be made. In the usage of media, LIMA take advantage of print media, electronic or online. One of the local media in place of activities take place for example the local media in Jakarta such as: JakTv, TraxFm, Golf Diggest and other media that contains the Mahaka Media Group and local media than in Jakarta. LIMA take advantage of the mass media which make a MOU (Memorandum Of Understanding) as one way to cooperate Furthermore, mass media is willing to cooperate with LIMA. Based on the results of such research, it can be concluded that in addition to holding the event, five hold social events with the help of the mass media in order to be published. Currently, events arranged by LIMA are developing.
The Journal of Educational Development Vol 4 No 2 (2016): November 2016
Publisher : The Journal of Educational Development

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The content of local wisdom in 2013 Curriculum is expected to develop appreciation to multicultural typicality by introducing traditional games and sport rooted from the culture of Indonesian ethic groups. A martial art is expression by which people defend themselves and has deep philosophical teaching to be mastered by individuals who want to learn self-defense. Because the martial art has developed into an achievement sport, the philosophical values are fading and are replaced by the pursuance of winning or losing. This study is meant (1) to introduce Langga as the local content integrated into self-defense activities within the PESH teaching and learning, (2) to develop appreciation to multicultural typicality by introducing Langga martial art rooted from Gorontalo culture. This is a qualitative study and the data were collected by using observation, documents and intertviews, and analyzed by using an interactive flow model. Langga martial art is not only designed to develop skills and knowledge, but also intended to provide the students with understanding about physical movement in sport, to generate the historical motivation to inherit the culture and historical values of the ancestors as national cultural wealth coming from Gorontalo, and to encourage students to understand and conserve the local culture.
The Journal of Educational Development Vol 5 No 1 (2017): February 2017
Publisher : The Journal of Educational Development

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/jed.v5i1.12990


The Scientific approach is among the ways to achieve the goals of the 2013 Curriculum (K13). The short period of time for the teacher training and others are assumed to be the cause of the gradual implementation of K13. In line with this, the Government intends to reorganize the way in which the K13 is implemented. The Government has assigned several schools to be analyzed as the target schools to improve. This study intends to contribute to it by analyzing the pattern of scientific `approach implemented by the teachers in teaching their students so that the teachers’ performance in conducting teaching-learning processes can be managed in accordance with the K13. This research aimed to determine the level of perceived gaps on the way the teachers implemented the scientific approach in physical education, sports, and health (PJOK) learning at the target schools of the K13 in the province of North Sumatra. The data were analyzed in order to obtain an overview and improvement solutions in managing scientific approach to PJOK learning that foster a positive impact on the aspects of growth and the students’ development in line with the expectation of the K13. The research method applied in this study refers to the discrepancy approach developed by Malcolm Provus. This approach was meant to find out gaps in the program. The research was carried out by inventorying standard references in implementing the pattern of the scientific approach. The results of inventorying become the standard criteria of data collection and analysis in this study. The analysis revealed that the PJOK teachers have not completely implemented the scientific approach. The implementation patterns were neither consistent nor appropriate.  The teachers understanding about the demand of the scientific approach pattern management of the K13 was inadequate.
Pemanfaatan Media Massa oleh PT. Bina Mahasiswa Indonesia sebagai Stategi Pemasaran Liga Mahasiswa (LIMA) S.B.U, Mahardono; Hidayah, Taufiq; -, Sugiarto
Media Ilmu Keolahragaan Indonesia Vol 3, No 2 (2013): December 2013
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/miki.v3i2.4382


The goal of this research is to describe the process of mass media usage done by LIMA in the strategy used to Liga Mahasiswa market. The method used in this research is interview and observation, and the technical documentation is case study. The result in this research shows that the mass media usage formulated by LIMA as a marketing strategy to spread out a sport event is very effective and innovative as so many explorations can be made. In the usage of media, LIMA take advantage of print media, electronic or online. One of the local media in place of activities take place for example the local media in Jakarta such as: JakTv, TraxFm, Golf Diggest and other media that contains the Mahaka Media Group and local media than in Jakarta. LIMA take advantage of the mass media which make a MOU (Memorandum Of Understanding) as one way to cooperate Furthermore, mass media is willing to cooperate with LIMA. Based on the results of such research, it can be concluded that in addition to holding the event, five hold social events with the help of the mass media in order to be published. Currently, events arranged by LIMA are developing.
Studi Kasus Konsumsi Suplemen pada Member Fitness Center di Kota Yogyakarta Hidayah, Taufiq; -, Sugiarto
Media Ilmu Keolahragaan Indonesia Vol 3, No 1 (2013): July 2013
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/miki.v3i1.2658


The purpose of this study to find out how the members of supplements on the fitness center in the city of Yogyakarta. Type a descriptive qualitative research study, the technique of the test through a questionnaire survey. Total sample of 30 people with accidental sampling technique. The results showed that: 1) the characteristics of the majority of member fitness aged 20-29 years (73.7%), is still active as a student (56.7%), and by 6.7% as a housewife. 2) respondents have a grasp on the definition of supplements (86.6%), which is derived from advertising, print media, electronic media (63.3%) in the form of amino, high milk protein and creatine (66.6%). 3) the majority of respondents use tablets (70%), obtained from the purchase (96.7%), consumed 1-3 times / day (always) of (83.3%) to increase the muscle mass of (59.9%). 4) the majority of respondents (73.3%) increased his stamina and health after taking the supplement. Conclusions: 1) should be someone over the age of 30 years and mother housewife improve motion activity, 2) the principles of exercise should be increased in line with the benefits of supplements for stamina and health.
Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi (Penjaskesrek) Vol 4, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : STKIP Melawi

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Abstract: Research objectives 1) analyze the profile of sports in theMelawi Regency area, 2) analyze the condition of human resources at thefeatured sport in Melawi Regency, 3) analyze the condition of thefacilities and infrastructure owned for the featured sports in the MelawiDistrict, 4) analyzing the performance of the branch management incoaching the featured sports branch in Melawi Regency, 5) analyzinggovernment policy in setting expenditure budget funds (APBD) inimproving sports performance in Melawi District.The Data was collectedthrough interview, observation and documentation methods.Researchresult. 1) Sport coaching in Melawi Regency is still under low category;where there are only 5 sports have good performance. 2) The HumanResources of the featured sports branch in Melawi Regency are still ingood category. It is shown that the potency of athletes of the featuredsport has fulfilled the requirements, 3) Sports facilities and infrastructureof the featured sports in Melawi Regency are still in low category, wherethey are not suit the standards, 4) The management performance incoaching the team of superior sports Melawi Regency is still not good. 5)Government policy on sports in Melawi district is still in low category.The funding assistance from the Government is very minimal.Keywords: Coaching, Sports Achievement, Superior SportAbstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) menganalisis profil olahragayang ada di daerah Kabupaten Melawi, 2) menganalisis kondisi sumberdaya manusia olahraga yang di miliki pada cabang olahraga prestasiunggulan di Kabupaten Melawi, 3) menganalisis kondisi sarana danprasarana yang dimiliki pada cabang olahraga prestasi unggulan diKabupaten Melawi, 4) menganalisis kinerja manajemen pengurus cabangterhadap pembinaan prestasi pada cabang olahraga unggulan diKabupaten Melawi, 5) menganalisis kebijakan pemerintah dalammenetapkan dana anggaran pendapatan belanja (APBD) dalammeningkatkan prestasi olahraga di Kabupaten Melawi. Teknikpengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, observasi, dandokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1) Pembinaan olahraga diKabupaten Melawi masih dikategorikan kurang. Hal ini dikarenakanhanya 5 cabang olahraga yang berprestasi, 2) Sumber daya manusia olahraga pada cabang olahraga unggulan di Kabupaten Melawi masihdikategori baik karena potensi atlet yang dimiliki cabang olahragaunggulan sudah memenuhi syarat, 3) Sarana dan prasarana olahragapada cabang olahraga unggulan di Kabupaten Melawi masihdikategorikan kurang karena tidak sesuai dengan keadaan dan standar, 4)Kinerja manajemen pengurus cabang terhadap pembinaan prestasi padacabang olahraga unggulan di Kabupaten Melawi masih kurang baikkarena kinerja dari cabang olahraga unggulan sebagian masih belum baik.5) Kebijakan pemerintah terhadap olahraga di Kabupaten Melawi masihdalam ketegori kurang karena bantuan dana dari pemerintah sangatminim.Kata Kunci : Pembinaan, Olahraga Prestasi, Unggulan
Journal of Physical Education and Sports Vol 5 No 2 (2016): Desember 2016
Publisher : Journal of Physical Education and Sports

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Tujuan penelitian ini: Faktor anthropometri meliputi tinggi badan, berat badan, panjang tungkai, faktor biomotor yang meliputi kekuatan otot perut, fleksibilitas togok dan Faktor biomotor kecepatan, kekuatan power otot tungkai, koordinasi mata dan kaki, kelincahan, daya tahan berpengaruh dominan terhadap keterampilan bermain sepak takraw. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu kuantitatif, data dianalisis program statistik komputerisasi Amos dan SPSS 22. Populasi dalam penelitian ini atlet pelatda PON sepak takraw putra Jawa Tengah. Instrumen penelitian:(1)lembar tes anthropometri dan biomotor (2)lembar tes (servis, sepak sila, sepak kura, heading, memaha, umpan, smesh). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan faktor anthropometri tinggi badan tidak berpengaruh dengan probabilitas 0,572, berat badan berpengaruh dengan probabilitas 0,035, panjang tungkai berpengaruh dengan probabilitas 0,009, kekuatan otot perut tidak berpengaruh dengan probabilitas 0,728, power otot tungkai dengan probabilitas 0,003. Faktor biomotor kecepatan berpengaruh dengan probabilitas 0,044, koordinasi mata dan kaki berpengaruh dengan probabilitas 0,021, kelincahan berpengaruh dengan probabilitas 0,004, fleksibilitas togok tidak berpengaruh dengan probabilitas 0,760, daya tahan berpengaruh dengan probabilitas 0,029. Simpulan penelitian ini faktor anthropometri yang berpengaruh terhadap keterampilan bermain sepak takraw: berat badan, panjang tungkai, power otot tungkai, sedangkan faktor biomotor yang berpengaruh terhadap keterampilan bermain sepak takraw: kecepatan, koordinasi mata dan kaki, kelincahan, daya tahan.         
Pengaruh Latihan Plyometric dan Panjang Tungkai terhadap Peningkatan Power Lompatan dan Smash Kedeng Sepak Takraw Sardiman, Sardiman; Hidayah, Taufiq; Soekardi, Soekardi
Journal of Physical Education and Sports Vol 6 No 3 (2017): December 2017
Publisher : Study Program Education and Sports, Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (414.341 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jpes.v6i3.15098


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) perbedaan pengaruh antara latihan plyometric terhadap peningkatan power lompatan; (2) perbedaan pengaruh anatara latihan plyometric terhadap peningkatan kemampuan melakukan smash kedeng; (3) perbedaan pengaruh antara mahasiswa yang memiliki panjang tungkai terhadap peningkatan kemampuan power lompatan; (4) perbedaan pengaruh antara mahasiswa yang memiliki panjang tungkai terhadap peningkatan kemampuan melakukan smash kedeng; (5) ada interaksi antara latihan plyometric dan panjang tungkai terhadap peningkatan kemampuan power lompatan; (6) ada interaksi antara latihan plyometric dan panjang tungkai terhadap peningkatan kemampuan melakukan smash kedeng. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen faktorial 2x2, pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Uji Manava dengan program SPSS 20 dan taraf signifikan 0.5 %. Hasil penelitian (1) Ada perbedaan pengaruh antara latihan plyometric terhadap peningkatan power lompatan dengan nilai signifikan 0,00; (2) ada perbedaan pengaruh anatara latihan plyometric terhadap peningkatan kemampuan melakukan smash kedeng dengan nilai signifikan 0,02; (3) Ada perbedaan pengaruh antara mahasiswa yang memiliki panjang tungkai terhadap peningkatan kemampuan power lompatan dengan nilai signifikan 0,00; (4) ada perbedaan pengaruh antara mahasiswa yang memiliki panjang tungkai terhadap peningkatan kemampuan melakukan smash kedeng dengan nilai signifikan 0,00; (5) ada interaksi antara latihan plyometric dan panjang tungkai terhadap peningkatan kemampuan power lompatan dengan nilai signifikan 0,040; (6) tidak ada interaksi antara latihan plyometric dan panjang tungkai terhadap peningkatan kemampuan melakukan smash kedeng. dengan nilai signifikan 0,488.The purpose of this research to know: (1) the difference of influence between plyometric toward the increase of jumping power; (2) the difference of influence between plyometric toward the increasing to do kedeng smash ability; (3) the difference of influence between students’ long legs toward the increase jumping power ability; (4) the difference of influence between students’ long legs toward the increasing to do kedeng smash ability; (5) there are any interaction between plyometric practice and long legs toward the increasing jumping power ability; (6) there are any interaction between plyometric practice and long legs toward increasing to do kedeng smash ability.This research using experiment factor 2x2 methods, the sample was taken by using purposive sampling; there are 24 players from 35 population of player that has criteria: Man 17 – 20 years old. The data analysis technique by using Uji Manava with SPSS 20 Program and significant standard 5%. The result of this research: (1) there are any difference of influence between plyometric toward the increase of jumping power with significant value 0,00; (2) there are any difference of influence between plyometric toward the increasing to do kedeng smash ability with significant value 0,02; (3) there are any difference of influence between students’ long legs toward the increase jumping power ability with significant value 0,00; (4) there are any difference of influence between students’ long legs toward the increasing to do kedeng smash ability with significant value 0,00; (5) there are any interaction between plyometric practice and long legs toward the increasing jumping power ability with significant value 0,40; (6) there are not any interaction between plyometric practice and long legs toward increasing to do kedeng smash ability with significant value 0,488.
Pengaruh Latihan Plyometrics dan Kekuatan Tangan terhadap Hasil Kecepatan Panjat Tebing di SMK Negeri 1 Nusawungu Kabupaten Cilacap Irawan, Rudi Prida; Soegiyanto, Soegiyanto; Hidayah, Taufiq
Journal of Physical Education and Sports Vol 6 No 1 (2017): April 2017
Publisher : Study Program Education and Sports, Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.057 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/jpes.v6i1.17327


Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan rancangan faktorial 2x2. Teknik pengambilan sample menggunakan purposive sampling, menggunakan 24 siswa dari 30 siswa. Teknik analisis data menggunakan Anava dua jalur dengan taraf signifikasi 5% dengan prasyarat uji homogenitas, uji normalitas, dan pengujian hipotesis. Hasil dari penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu: (1) Terdapat perbedaan pengaruh antara metode latihan front cone hops dengan depth jump terhadap hasil kecepatan panjat tebing, karena Fhitung > Ftabel atau 43.155 > 4.351. (2) Terdapat perbedaan pengaruh antara kekuatan tangan tinggi dan kekuatan tangan rendah terhadap hasil kecepatan panjat tebing, karena Fhitung > Ftabel atau 5.426 > 4.351. (3) Terdapat interaksi antara metode latihan plyometrics dengan kekuatan tangan terhadap hasil kecepatan panjat tebing, karena Fhitung > Ftabel atau 19.343 > 4.351. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) Ada pengaruh antara metode latihan front cone hops dengan depth jump terhadap hasil kecepatan panjat tebing, (2) Ada pengaruh kekuatan tangan tinggi dengan kekuatan tangan rendah terhadap hasil kecepatan panjat tebing, (3) Ada interaksi antara metode latihan plyometrics dengan kekuatan tangan terhadap hasil kecepatan panjat.This study was an experimental study with a 2x2 factorial design. Mechanical sampling using purposive sampling, using 24 students from 30 students. Data were analyzed using Anova two paths with significance level of 5%, in terms of homogeneity, normality test, and hypothesis testing. The results of the research were obtained: (1) There is a difference between the effects of exercise method front cone hops with depth jump to the results of speed climbing, since Fvalue > Ftable or 43 155 > 4,351. (2) There is a difference between the strength of the influence of high hand and low hand strength against the results of the speed climbing, since Fvalue > Ftable or 5,426> 4,351. (3) There is an interaction between plyometrics training methods to force the hand of the results of the speed climbing, since Fvalue > Ftable or 19 343 > 4,351. Based on the results of this study concluded that: (1) There is the influence of training method front cone hops with depth jump to the results of speed climbing, (2) There is the influence of hand strength high strength low hand against the results of the speed climbing, (3) There is an interaction between training methods plyometrics with strength of hand the results of the speed climbing.