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Journal : Cendekia

Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan dan Kemasyarakatan Cendekia Vol 11 No. 1 Tahun 2013
Publisher : STAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/cendekia.v11i1.397


Abstract: PMRI  is a realistic mathematics education which employs real life problems that are considered appropriate to the students’ minds. PMRI is developed with reference to constructivist philosophy. PMRI is in line with the new paradigm of education in Indonesia, which is to improve the quality of mathematics education that is solely dominated by the issue on how to improve students’ understanding of mathematicsand develop reasoning skill. In this regard, the real world is mainly used as a starting point for the development of ideas and concepts of Mathematics. The role of teacher is only as a guide and facilitator for students in the process of reconstructing their ideas and concepts of Mathematics. Additionally, through the learning activities assisted by the teacher, it is expected that students can find the characteristics, definitions, theorems, or rules themselves. Students are encouraged to understand mathematics through real-world contexts frequently faced or the things that can be possibly imagined by them. Mathematics learning cannot be separated from its nature when someoneattempts to search a problem, solve the problem and organize the subject matter. Hence, Mathematics learning should be directed to the use of situations and opportunities thatallow students to reinvent mathematics by their own efforts.
Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan Dan Kemasyarakatan CENDEKIA VOL 11 NO. 1 TAHUN 2013
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/cendekia.v11i1.733


 PMRI  is a realistic mathematics education which employs real life problems that are considered appropriate to the students minds. PMRI is developed with reference to constructivist philosophy. PMRI is in line with the new paradigm of education in Indonesia, which is to improve the quality of mathematics education that is solely dominated by the issue on how to improve students understanding of mathematics and develop reasoning skill. In this regard, the real world is mainly used as a starting point for the development of ideas and concepts of Mathematics. The role of teacher is only as a guide and facilitator for students in the process of reconstructing their ideas and concepts of Mathematics. Additionally, through the learning activities assisted by the teacher, it is expected that students can find the characteristics, definitions, theorems, or rules themselves. Students are encouraged to understand mathematics through real-world contexts frequently faced or the things that can be possibly imagined by them. Mathematics learning cannot be separated from its nature when someone attempts to search a problem, solve the problem and organize the subject matter. Hence, Mathematics learning should be directed to the use of situations and opportunities that allow students to reinvent mathematics by their own efforts. PMRI هي الرياضيات التربوية الواقعية التي اتخذت المسائل اليومية المناسبة بأفكار الطلاب. وتنمي PMRI على أساس الفلسفة البنائية، وهي مناسبة بطريقة التفكير الجديد في عالم التربية الإندونيسي، وهذا لتحسين الرياضيات التربوية التى سادت فيها قضية كيفية ترقية فهم الطلاب نحو الرياضيات وتنمية قوة تفكيرهم. في  PMRIأصبح العالم الواقعي منطلقا لتنمية الأفكار والمفاهيم عن الرياضيات. وأصبح دور المعلم كالمرشد والوسيلة في عملية إعادة بناء الأفكار والمفاهيم عن الرياضيات. وبعد ذلك، فإن من أنشطة الطلاب تحت رعاية المدرس يرجى أن يعثر الطلاب بأنفسهم على الصفة، والتعريف، وتيوريما أو الأنظمة. بPMRI دعي الطلاب إلى فهم الرياضيات عن سياق العالم الواقعي الذي واجهه الطلاب أو الأشياء التي تخيلها الطلاب. ولا ينفصل تعليم الرياضيات عن صفة الرياضيات في شخص في البحث عن المسألة وحلّها و تنسيق المواد الدراسية . لذا فإن الرياضيات التربوية لا بد أن يوجه إلى استخدام أنواع المواقف واللحظات حتى يعثر الطلاب ثانية على الرياضيات بمحاولة أنفسهم. 
Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan Dan Kemasyarakatan CENDEKIA VOL 13 NO 1 TAHUN 2015
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/cendekia.v13i1.242


Abstract: This study describes the relationship between mother’s education level and students’ logic-mathematical intelligence at the RA NU 074 Ronowijayan Ponorogo. This study was conducted with a quantitative approach through the study of documentation and questionnaires. The data is processed by the formula percentages and standard deviations and analyzed by correlation of contingency coefficients. The results showed that (1) The level of maternal education were high for as many as 10 people or 50%, the categories are as many as 7 people or 35% and the low category as many as 3 people or 15%; (2) Logical-mathematical intelligence which include high category with a score of> 62.103 as many as three people, the medium category with a score of 44.697 to 62.103 as many as 13 people and low category with a score of <44.697 of 4 people and (3) There is a positive and significant relationship between mother’s education level and logic-mathematical intelligence RA NU’s 074 students Ronowijayan Ponorogo at a significance level of 5% with Φ0> table or 0.6000606> 0.444 then H0 is rejected and Ha accepted.لافطلأا ةضور بلاطل ىضايرلا ىقطنلما ءاكذلاب تاهملأا ىدل يوبترلا ىوتسلما ينب ةقلاعلا ةساردلا هذه تنّ يب ةسارد قيرط نع يّ مكلا لخدلماب ةساردلا هذه تيرجأ .وغورونوف نايايجوونور 074 ءاملعلا ةضهن " تاملسلما " نع لّ لتحو فيارنحلاا رايعلماو ةيوئلما ةبسنلا ةغيص قيرط نع تانايبلا لماعتو .تانايبتسلااو ةبوتكلما قئاثولا تاهملأا ىدل يوبترلا ىوتسلما )1( : ىلع ثحبلا جئاتن تّ لد. Korelasi Koefisien Kontingensi  قيرط ( ةلفاسلا ةقبطلا فيو ،) 35 وأ تاهمأ 7 ( ةطسوتلما ةقبطلا فيو ، ) 50% وأ تاهمأ 10 ( ةيلاعلا ةقبطلا في نمو ،بلاط 3<62،103 ةجيتنلاب ةيلاعلا ةقبطلا نم ىضايرلا ىقطنلما ءاكذلاو )2( . ) 15% وأ تاهمأ 3 يوبترلا ىوتسلما ينب ىنعم وذ ةقلاعلا دجوت )3( . بلاط 4 ددعلا  > 44،697 ةجيتنلاب ةطسوتلما ةقبطلا 074 ءاملعلا ةضهن « تاملسلما « لافطلأا ةضور في بلاطلا ىدل يضايرلا يقطنلما ءاكذلا ينبو تاهملأا ىدل .   ىنعم يذ ىوتسلما في وغورونوف نايايجوونور.لاوبقم ( Ha ) يرايتخلاا ضرفلاو ادودرم ( H0) يغلالا ضرفلا ناك اذهب
Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan Dan Kemasyarakatan CENDEKIA VOL. 9. NO. 2 TAHUN 2011
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/cendekia.v9i2.872


The use of any methods and media in the learning process has both advantages and disadvantages. Similarly, the teaching of math assisted by computer might be beneficial or give less impact to the students’ learning progress. No matter how great the technology used, but if the existing human resources are not yet ready to use it, then the results obtained must not be satisfying. For this reason, it is recommended that teachers should always enhance their capabilities, especially in the field of technology and information, so as to be able to help students actively involve in productive learning process and gain the learning objectives. In line with this case, the math teachers in elementary school are expected to be more creative and innovative in delivering the materials, so students do not experience boredom and able to understand all the material presented well. Some benefits gained from the computer as a learning tool are such as: (1) facilitating the students and teachers in the in learning process, (2) providing the students with some programs, i.e. producing graphics, images and provide a variety of information, (3) helping teachers in the classroom since it is very flexible and can be adjusted according to the curriculum, and (4) assessing each student with immediate results. كان التدريس بأيّ مدخل وأيةّ طريقة لهما مزايا وعيوب. وهكذا التدريس بجهاز الحاسوب، إذا كان المورد البشريّ غير مستعدّ لاستخدام أحسن أنواع التكنولوجيا فهو لا ينفع كثيرا. ولهذا، على جميع المدرّسين أن يرقّوا قدراتهم في مجال تكنولوجية الأخبار ليقدروا على إشراف تلاميذه بوجه اكمل ولا سيما مدرسوا علم الرياضيات في المدارس الابتدائية ليكونوا مجدّدين ومبدعين في تقديم المواد لازالة سآمة الطلاب في الدراسة حتى يفهموا الدرس جيدا. وثمة منافع في استخدام الحاسوب كوسيلة للتدريس (1) يساعد الحاسوب المدرس والدارسين كثيرا (2) له قدرات كثيرة ممتازة في الحساب وتكوين الصور و تقديم المعلومات المتنوعة  (3) يمكن استعماله بسهولة على حسب مستخدميه (4) قدرته على تقويم كل طالب بسرعة .
Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan Dan Kemasyarakatan CENDEKIA VOL 10 NO 2 TAHUN 2012
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/cendekia.v10i2.417


Abstract: Mathematics is a science related to the abstract views/concepts arranged hierarchically with the use of deductive reasoning. This is contrary to the nature of young learners’ learning development in which they are still at the stage of concrete thinking. In accord to these, it seems quite hard for elementary students to learn mathematics that considered as abstract in nature as they have concrete way of thinking. Hence, Piaget endeavored to bridge the two conflicting phenomena by providing the four stages of learning mathematics, such as the stage of concrete, semi-concrete, semi-abstract and abstract. By using these four stages, it is expected that all educators can facilitate the students in learning mathematics optimally, in so doing, the abstract concept of mathematics can be easily understood by learners at SD / MI whose way of thinking is still concrete.