Furqon Syarief Hidayatulloh
Department Of Management, IPB University

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Jurnal Analisis Vol 13, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Analisis (Jurnal Studi Keislaman)

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ABSTRACTThis research aims to describe preventive strategies and solutions to the spread of cults or misleading religious sects in common universities (non-religion based universities). Bogor Agricultural university (IPB) as one of the non-religion, was selected as the location of the research. Case study technique was used since the research was qualitative in nature. The data were collected using interviews, document analysis, and participatory observation. The results of the research showed that the preventive strategies over the spread of cults or misleading religious sects in IPB were generally performed through : (1) formal academic activities in lectures and tutorials of Islamic religion subject; (2) stadium general; (3) weekly religious studies within campus mosques; (4) religious development within IPB dormitories for first year students; (5) Tarbawi Forum at Al-Hurriyyah (MTA); (6) religious seminars.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan menggambarkan strategi pencegahan dan penanggulangan penyebaran aliran dan paham yang sesat dan menyesatkan di perguruan tinggi umum (PTU-non Keagamaan). Lokasi yang dipilih adalah Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB). Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik studi kasus karena termasuk penelitian kualitatif. Data diperoleh dengan wawancara, analisis dokumentasi, dan pengamatan partisipatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi pencegahan penyebaran aliran sesat di IPB secara umum meliputi: 1) secara formal melalui kuliah dan response Pendidikan Agama Islam, 2) kegiatan stadium general keislaman, 3) Pengajian rutin pekanan yang diselenggarakan oleh DKM Al-Hurriyyah, 4) Pembinaan keagamaan di asrama, 5) Ma’had Tarbawi Al-Hurriyyah (MTA), dan 6) Seminar keagamaan.Kata Kunci : Strategi, pencegahan, aliran sesat, PTU
Analisis : Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 13, No 2 (2013): Analisis : Jurnal Studi Keislaman
Publisher : IAIN Raden Intan Lampung

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This research aims to describe preventive strategies and solutions to the spread of cults  or misleading  religious sects  in common universities  (non-religion based universities). Bogor Agricultural university  (IPB) as one of the non-religion,  was selected  as the location of the research. Case study technique was used since the research was qualitative  in nature. The data were collected using interviews,   document  analysis,  and  participatory  observation. The results of the research showed that the preventive strategies over the spread of cults or misleading religious sects in IPB were generally performed through  : (1) formal academic activities  in lectures and tutorials of Islamic religion subject; (2) stadium general;  (3)  weekly  religious  studies  within  campus  mosques; (4)  religious development  within IPB dormitories  for first year students; (5) Tarbawi Forum at Al-Hurriyyah (MTA); (6) religious seminars.
Analisis: Jurnal Studi Keislaman Vol 13, No 2 (2013): Analisis : Jurnal Studi Keislaman
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (224.084 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ajsk.v13i2.707


This research aims to describe preventive strategies and solutions to the spread of cults  or misleading  religious sects  in common universities  (non-religion based universities). Bogor Agricultural university  (IPB) as one of the non-religion,  was selected  as the location of the research. Case study technique was used since the research was qualitative  in nature. The data were collected using interviews,   document  analysis,  and  participatory  observation. The results of the research showed that the preventive strategies over the spread of cults or misleading religious sects in IPB were generally performed through  : (1) formal academic activities  in lectures and tutorials of Islamic religion subject; (2) stadium general;  (3)  weekly  religious  studies  within  campus  mosques; (4)  religious development  within IPB dormitories  for first year students; (5) Tarbawi Forum at Al-Hurriyyah (MTA); (6) religious seminars.
MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DI PERGURUAN TINGGI UMUM (Studi Kasus di Institut Pertanian Bogor) Furqon Syarief Hidayatulloh
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 28, No 2 (2013): MEDIA PENDIDIKAN JURNAL PENDIDIKAN ISLAM
Publisher : The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training associated with PSPII

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jpi.v28i2.543


This study aims at describing the implementation of management/management of Islamic Education (PAI) in Public Higher Education (PTU-Non-Religious). The research site chosen is the Bogor Institute of Agriculture (IPB). This study is a case study because it includes qualitative research. The data were collected through in-depth interviews, analysis and documentation of participatory observation. The results showed that the implementation of the PAI in IPB management generally includes: 1) procurement program of new teaching staff (determination of requirements, recruitment and selection, and appointment and assignment), 2) Management division of teaching schedule (Coordinator invites lecturers, lecturers are asked to select the days, hours and class in accordance with readiness, and selecting l teaching assisstant), 3) PAI Learning Management (Lecture, Assistance, and Studium General), and 4) follow-up program.
Jurnal Sosioteknologi Vol. 12 No. 30 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/sostek.itbj.12.30.6


Setiap muslim wajib mencari dan mengembangkan ilmu. Ilmu yang dikembangkan pada prinsipnya adalah ilmu yang bermafaat bagi kehidupan manusia yang meliputi ilmu tanziliyah dan ilmu kauniyah. Kedua ilmu tersebut bersumber dari Allah swt. Dilihat dari fungsinya ilmu tanziliyah sebagai pedoman hidup (manhaj al-hayah), sedangkan ilmu kauniyah berfungsi sebagai sarana kehidupan (wasail al-hayah). Manusia yang beriman dan senantiasa mengembangkan serta mengamalkan kedua ilmu tersebut berpotensi besar untuk mendapatkan derajat yang tinggi di sisi Allah swt (QS. 58:11), selama ilmu itu diorientasikan sesuai dengan tuntunan ajaran Islam. Kata Kunci: ilmu, islam, studi Every Muslim is oblidged to seek for and expand his or her knowledge. Basically, the knowledge expanded is knowledge that is useful for the humankind, which includes the studies in tanziliyah and kauniyah. Both tanziliyah and kauniyah are sourced from Allah SWT. As viewed from the function, tanziliyah is used as the guidance of life (manhaj al-hayah), while kauniyah is used as a means of life (wasail al-hayah). People who are faithful and develop and implement both studies are most likely to be raised to a higher level by Allah SWT (QS. 58:11) as long as the development and implementation are oriented according to the Islamic values and teachings. Keywords: knowledge, islam, study
Career Development of Islamic Religious Education Lecturers at State Universities Furqon Syarief Hidayatulloh
Jurnal al-Thullab Vol 7, No 1 (2022): Atthulab: Islamic Religion Teaching and Learning Journal
Publisher : Laboratory of Islamic Religious Education Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/ath.v7i1.16848


The development of Islamic Religious Education/ PAI lecturers at state universities (non-religious public institutions of higher education). Depends on how the university locates the PAI institution. The purpose of this study is to find out the model for developing Islamic Religious Education lecturers at state universities. This research was conducted using a case study approach at the Bogor Agricultural Institute, which turned out to be the only university that implemented the homebase departmental model. The data collection process was carried out through in-depth interviews, document analysis, and participatory observation. From the results of the research, it is known that with this model PAI lecturers are involved in the Tri Dharma College educational activities in a planned and consistent manner like other general lecturers. In addition, in the field of education and teaching, PAI lecturers in teaching PAI courses are also involved in teaching majors-based science courses. PAI courses are also involved in student academic guidance, academic assistance and scientific writing, and examinations on various student examinations in majors. In the field of research and community service, PAI lecturers are involved in departmental-based research and are involved in the religious development of the academic community and the general public through the application of department-based science and technology. Pengembangan pendidikan agama Islam/dosen PAI di perguruan tinggi negeri (lembaga publik pendidikan tinggi non-agama). Tergantung pada bagaimana universitas menempatkan lembaga PAI. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui model pengembangan dosen Pendidikan Agama Islam di perguruan tinggi negeri. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus di Institut Pertanian Bogor, yang ternyata menjadi satu-satunya universitas yang menerapkan model departemen homebase. Proses pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam, analisis dokumen, dan pengamatan partisipatif. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut, diketahui bahwa dengan model ini dosen PAI terlibat dalam kegiatan pendidikan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi secara terencana dan konsisten seperti dosen umum lainnya. Selain itu, di bidang pendidikan dan pengajaran, dosen PAI dalam mengajar mata kuliah PAI juga terlibat dalam pengajaran mata kuliah sains berbasis jurusan. Dosen PAI juga terlibat dalam bimbingan akademik mahasiswa, bantuan akademik dan penulisan ilmiah, dan ujian pada berbagai ujian mahasiswa di jurusan. Di bidang penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat, dosen PAI terlibat dalam penelitian berbasis departemen dan terlibat dalam pengembangan keagamaan civitas akademika dan masyarakat umum melalui penerapan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi berbasis departemen.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Karang Asem Timur dalam Optimalisasi Budi Daya Ikan dan Produk Olahannya Laily Dwi Arsyianti; Furqon Syarief Hidayatulloh; Fajar Maulana
Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 8 No. 2 (2022): Agrokreatif Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/agrokreatif.8.2.158-164


In early 2020, Karang Asem Timur Village received a grant from the Ministry of Marine Affairs in the form of a catfish farming system in buckets (budikdamber). This program is conducted by several business groups that are widely spread in the community. Many of the catfish farmers in Karang Asem Timur Village complain about the high cost of commercial feed which is commonly used, made the profits earned very insignificant and even tend to lose, thus need supervision. The IPB Serving Lecturer Program attempts to empower the people of Karang Asem Timur Village in optimizing fish farming activities and their processed products. This program as an extension of the Thematic Field Apprenticeship Lecture (KKN-T) program, partners with the catfish business group in Karang Asem Timur Village look for other feeding alternatives that are cheaper and have good nutritional content for catfish. In addition, the program also cooperates with youth organizations and family welfare empowerment to open business opportunities for processed catfish products and catfish cultured products. It is hoped that the progress and independence of the village economy can be achieved. The society eagerly participate and propose for the program to be continued gradually and sustainably in the near future.
Sedekah Bumi Dusun Cisampih Cilacap Furqon Syarief Hidayatulloh
el Harakah: Jurnal Budaya Islam Vol 15, No 1 (2013): EL HARAKAH
Publisher : UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (288.939 KB) | DOI: 10.18860/el.v15i1.2669


This study analyzes Islamic perspective in the ritual Sedekah Bumi (earth’s alms) at Dusun Cisampih, Kutabima village in Cimanggu district, at Cilacap Central Java. The method used is descriptive qualitative to describe the facts on the culture of this ritual. The finding shows that Sedekah Bumi is an ethnic ritual to show the people’s high regard to the earth as a place to live in. People depend on earth as it is a place where they do farming, get food and water, and do other activities. For this reason, they feel that there should be any ceremony that shows their gratitude to the earth. Besides that, such ritual also reflects thankfulness for people’s welfare and fortune and it is also believed to bring abundant crops. In Islamic perspective, this ritual accords to some Islamic principles, although some ideas are also contradicted. Penelitian ini mengkaji perspektif Islam terhadap pelaksanaan sedekah bumi di Dusun Cisampih Desa Kutabima Kecamatan Cimanggu, Cilacap, Jawa Tengah. Metode yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif kualitatif untuk menggambarkan fakta-fakta tentang budaya perayaan sedekah bumi. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa sedekah bumi menjadi perayaan adat sebagai wujud rasa syukur masyarakat Dusun Cisampih kepada Pencipta bumi karena mereka tinggal di bumi dengan anugerah-Nya. Mereka sangat bergantung kepada bumi untuk bercocok tanam, mendapatkan makanan dan minuman, serta melakukan aktifitas lainnya. Karena itu mereka merasa perlu melakukan sedekah bumi sebagai bentuk rasa terima kasih mereka kepada bumi. Selain itu, sedekah bumi juga sebagai bentuk rasa syukur atas keselamatan dan rezeki yang diterima masyarakat dan diyakini dapat mendatangkan keselamatan bagi sawah dan ladang mereka agar hasilnya melimpah. Dalam perspektif Islam, pelaksanaan upacara sedekah bumi ini ada yang bertentangan.