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Jurnal Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia (JMIKI) Vol 2, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Asosiasi Perguruan Tinggi Rekam Medis dan Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia- APTIRMIKI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33560/.v2i1.36


ABSTRACTBackgrounds: External cause code is a secondary code is used to encode diagnose the cause of the occurrenceof an injury outside. The code can influence health care cost and morbidity information. Most hospitals arestill not applying external cause code in the process of classification and coding of disease, including theBanjarmasin Siaga Special Surgery Hospital.Objectives: This research aim is to find external cause coding for injury case on medical record inpatient oforthopedic specialist surgery in RSKB Banjarmasin Siaga in 2013.Methods: This research used descriptive method with case study approach. The samples are 92 inpatientorthopedic specialist surgery with injury cases medical records from January to April 2013. Data collectiontechniques that had been used were observation and interviews. The research instruments are check list,interview guides, and observation guideline. This research was analyzed using univariate analysis.Results: There has been no Operational Standard Procedures of external cause coding but OperationalStandard Procedures coding and disease indexing already exist, but not yet appropriate with the implementation.Completeness of external cause diagnosis writing is 82% and 18% did not completely written. External causesinjury to the orthopedic specialist surgery cause by land transportation accidents is 43%, other transportationaccidents is 23%, fell is 20%, and other external causes is 14%. The influence factors of external cause codingare the absence of procedures for external cause coding, the lack on media used, unsuitable human resourcesthat needed, unreadable, incomplete, and unsuitable diagnosis with the rules, and the absence diagnosiscoding audit.Kata kunci: External Cause Coding, Injury, Medical Record Inpatient, Orthopedic
Penerapan Inisiasi Menyusu Dini Dengan Pertumbuhan Dan Kesehatan Bayi Usia 2 Bulan Lepong, Maria; Amrihati, Endang Titi; Hosizah, Hosizah
Jurnal Nutrire Diaita (Ilmu Gizi) Vol 3, No 2 (2011): NUTRIRE DIAITA
Publisher : Lembaga Penerbitan Unversitas Esa Unggul

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47007/nut.v3i2.1237


AbstractEarly Initiation of Breastfeeding (IMD) is a government program to increase the quality and quantity of breast feeding for infants. Breast milk is the main food for infants, it also reduce the risk of infectious diseases that can adversely affect to the growth of infants. The objective of this study was to understanding the effect of IMD on the growth and health for infants aged 2 months. This study is retrospective study with total sample was 41 and get data from KMS with the complete data of birth weight and routinely monitored every month until the age of 2 months. The infants do not have abnormality or specific disease since birth. The Indicators of this study is IMD with breastfeeding within 1 hour after birth. The growth of infants, measured by an increase in body weight (BW ) and body length ( PB ) from birth until the age of 2 months. The health data, measured by the frequency of occurrence of illness from birth until the age of 2 months. Analysis of the data using T-test Independent and regression test. The results shows the number of infants who with IMD is 31.96 %. The average of weight and length infants who with IMD greater than infants with non-IMD. The increase average of weight and length for infant with IMD respectively are ± 179.89 g ( t = 2.197 , p = 0.034 ) and ± 2.138 cm ( t = 2.197 , p = 0.034 ). The incidence of illness in infants with IMD less than infants with non-IMD, which is about -7.034 ( t = 1.953 , p = 0.048 ) scor event of sickness. IMD in this study led to the growth and health of infants to be better than non-IMD. Keywords: IMD, Growth and Health, Infants 2 months  AbstrakInisiasi Menyusu Dini (IMD) merupakan program pemerintah untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas pemberian ASI kepada bayi.  ASI merupakan makanan utama bagi bayi, ASI juga dapat mengurangi risiko penyakit infeksi yang dapat berdampak negatif terhadap pertumbuhan bayi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mempelajari pengaruh IMD terhadap pertumbuhan dan kesehatan bayi berusia 2 bulan. Penelitian bersifat retrospektif dengan sampel berjumlah 41 dan memiliki data KMS  dan  berat  badan  lengkap dari kelahiran dan dipantau  rutin  setiap  bulannya hingga berusia 2 bulan. Bayi tidak mempunyai kelaianan atau penyakit khusus sejak lahir. Indikator penelitian ini ialah IMD yaitu pemberian ASI dalam waktu 1 jam setelah lahir. Pertumbuhan bayi, diukur berdasarkan peningkatan  berat badan (BB) dan panjang badan (PB) sejak lahir sampai usia 2 bulan. Kesehatan, diukur berdasarkan frekuensi kejadian sakit dari lahir sampai usia 2 bulan. Analisa data yang digunakan adalah uji T dan uji regresi., Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui jumlah bayi yang IMD sebesar 31,96%. Rata-rata BB dan PB bayi IMD lebih besar dibandingkan bayi non-IMD. Bayi IMD rata-rata peningkatan BB ±179,89g (t=2,197; p=0,034) dan rata-rata peningkatan PB ±2,138cm (t=2,197; p=0,034). Kejadian sakit pada bayi IMD lebih sedikit dibandingkan bayi non-IMD, yaitu sebanyak -7,034 (t=1,953; p=0,048) scor kejadian sakit. IMD dalam studi ini menyebabkan pertumbuhan dan kesehatan bayi menjadi lebih baik dibandingkan non-IMD Kata Kunci: IMD, Pertumbuhan dan Kesehatan, Bayi usia 2 bulan
Hubungan Status Kepegawaian Dan Masa Kerja Staf Unit Kerja Rekam Medis Dengan Produktivitas Kerja Di Blud RSU Dr. H. Moch Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin Rusman Efendi; Hosizah Hosizah; Lisda Novilia; STIKES Husada Borneo; Alumni STIKES Husada Borneo
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 5 No 3 (2015): Juli
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Introduction: Every organization wants to have high motivated labors and optimal productivity, punctuality and objectified implementation, all in harmony, so that the labor productivity can be acquired maximally. Thus, the objective of this research is to find out the correlation between labor’s working status and working period with their productivity in Dr. H. Moch. Ansari Saleh State Hospital Banjarmasin.Method: Type of research used in this research is correlation research with cross-sectionaldesign. The research is done to 18 correspondents in medical record unit; the instrumentations are observation and questioner.Result: Based on the research on working status, there are 38,8% state labors and 61,1 non - state labors. While the research for working period acquires data that < 1 year working period is 16,6%, 1-5 years working period is 33,3% and > 5 years working period is 50%. As for the labor productivity, there are 77,77% in high productivity, 11,11% in average productivity and 11,11% in low productivity.Based on the statistic calculation with several variables using exact fisher test shows the correlation between working status and labor productivity is P= 0,137 > alpha=0,05. It means there is no significant correlation between those two variables. In addition, the exact fisher test calculation between working period and labor productivity is P=0,471 > alpha=0,05. It means there is no significant correlation between those variables.
Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia Vol. 11 No. 3: SEPTEMBER 2015
Publisher : Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (623.162 KB) | DOI: 10.30597/mkmi.v11i3.539


Hasil Survei Demografi Kesehatan Indonesia tahun 2012 AKI 359 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup naik dibandingkan tahun 2002 sebesar 307 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Angka tersebut berbanding terbalik dengan pencapaian cakupan pelayanan pada periode yang sama, yaitu angka pencapaian cakupan periksa kehamilan (92%-98%); persalinan oleh tenaga kesehatan (66%-83%); persalinan di fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan (40%-63%). Saat ini pencatatan hasil pemeriksaan antenatal masih sangat lemah, sehingga data tidak dapat dianalisa untuk peningkatan kualitas pelayanan antenatal. Penelitian bertujuan merancang prototype Sistem Informasi Pelayanan Antenatal Terpadu (SIPAT). Perancangan SIPAT dengan metode System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Wawancara mendalam dan Focus Group Discussions (FGD) dilakukan untuk memperoleh data yang diperlukan. Prototipe SIPAT berbasis web dirancang dengan menggunakan PHP 5 dan Javascript, Firebird database, and Apache web server. Prototype SIPAT berbasis web dirancang bagi bidan dalam melakukan pencatatan ANC terpadu secara elektronik yang meliputi registrasi pasien; anamnesis dan pemeriksaan fisik; laboratium; penatalaksanaan kebidanan termasuk KIE; diagnosis dan saran tindak lanjut. Output berupa informasi kesehatan individual skor risiko kehamilan metode Poedji Rochjati dan grafik pertumbuhan BB bumil berdasarkan IMT sebelum hamil. Informasi kesehatan aggregat berupa Kohort Ibu dan laporan PWS ANC. Kesimpulan penelitian SIPAT menghasilkan informasi kesehatan bumil individual dan agregat yang diperlukan bidan dalam manajemen ANC terpadu.
Jurnal Ilmiah Bidan (JIB) Vol 4 No 3 (2019)
Publisher : Ikatan Bidan Indonesia (IBI)

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Latar belakang: Tahun 2015-2019 ditargetkan kepemilikan akta kelahiran anak-anak di Indonesia sebanyak 85% (RPJMN), namun sampai tahun 2016 prosentase pencapaian hanya menyentuh angka 62%. Persyaratan untuk membuat akta kelahiran yaitu Surat Keterangan Kelahiran (SKK) yang dikeluarkan oleh dokter/bidan dan saat ini pembuatannya masih dilakukan secara manual (paper based). Sejalan dengan pengembangan e-iANC yang dikhususkan untuk digitalisasi pencatatan dan pelaporan Antenatal Care (ANC) maka diperlukan adanya pengembangan SKK. Tujuan: Membuat surat keterangan kelahiran secara digital dalam rangka optimalisasi Electronic Integrated Antenatal Care (e-iANC). Metode: Mengunakan metode waterfall dengan tahapan: 1. Perencanaan Sistem, 2. Analisis Sistem, 3. Desain Sistem, 4. Penerapan Sistem. Informan dalam penelitian yaitu founder dan developer e-iANC serta bidan sebagai user e-iANC. Hasil: Kebutuhan data dalam SKK meliputi: nomor KTP, nama, alamat, pekerjaan ibu dan ayah, nama dan jenis kelamin bayi, jam dan tanggal lahir, jenis kelahiran, berat dan panjang bayi, serta nama bidan. Fitur SKK berfungsi untuk menghasilkan SKK digital. Beberapa elemen data dalam SKK digital diakses dari database e-iANC yaitu nomor KTP ibu, alamat dan nama ibu dan ayah. Elemen data lainnya perlu di-entry yaitu: nomor KTP ayah, jam dan tanggal lahir bayi, jenis kelamin, berat dan panjang bayi, serta jenis kelahiran. Kesimpulan: Fitur SKK pada e-iANC diperlukan bidan untuk membuat SKK digital yang dapat mengakselerasi kepemilikan akta kelahiran anak-anak di Indonesia. Kata kunci: Bidan Praktek Mandiri, Surat Keterangan Kelahiran, e-iANC
Fraud in healthcare facilities: A Narrative Review Mauren Michaela, Sarah; Nurmalasari, Mieke; Hosizah, Hosizah
Public Health of Indonesia Vol. 7 No. 4 (2021): October - December
Publisher : YCAB Publisher & IAKMI SULTRA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36685/phi.v7i4.465


Every country needs to develop Universal Health Coverage (UHC) to promote optimal levels of public health. But in realizing UHC, there must be some problems, one of which is fraud. Based on the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) data, potential fraud is detected from 175,774 claims of Advanced Referral Health Facilities (FKRTL) or worth Rp. 440 billion until June 2015. This review article describes the incidence of fraud in health care facilities. Out of a total of 12,736 cases of fraud, readmission occupies the most cases of fraud, which is 4,827 cases or 37.9%.
Hubungan Status Kepegawaian Dan Masa Kerja Staf Unit Kerja Rekam Medis Dengan Produktivitas Kerja Di Blud RSU Dr. H. Moch Ansari Saleh Banjarmasin Rusman Efendi; Hosizah Hosizah; Lisda Novilia; STIKES Husada Borneo; Alumni STIKES Husada Borneo
Jurnal Kesehatan Indonesia Vol 5 No 3 (2015): Juli
Publisher : HB PRESS

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Introduction: Every organization wants to have high motivated labors and optimal productivity, punctuality and objectified implementation, all in harmony, so that the labor productivity can be acquired maximally. Thus, the objective of this research is to find out the correlation between labor’s working status and working period with their productivity in Dr. H. Moch. Ansari Saleh State Hospital Banjarmasin.Method: Type of research used in this research is correlation research with cross-sectionaldesign. The research is done to 18 correspondents in medical record unit; the instrumentations are observation and questioner.Result: Based on the research on working status, there are 38,8% state labors and 61,1 non - state labors. While the research for working period acquires data that < 1 year working period is 16,6%, 1-5 years working period is 33,3% and > 5 years working period is 50%. As for the labor productivity, there are 77,77% in high productivity, 11,11% in average productivity and 11,11% in low productivity.Based on the statistic calculation with several variables using exact fisher test shows the correlation between working status and labor productivity is P= 0,137 > alpha=0,05. It means there is no significant correlation between those two variables. In addition, the exact fisher test calculation between working period and labor productivity is P=0,471 > alpha=0,05. It means there is no significant correlation between those variables.