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Dinamika Dinamika Volume VI, Nomor 2, September 2014
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

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The purposes of this study were: 1) know the influence from the guided quantum model toward sosial studies achievement, 2) know the influence of the participation toward the sosial studies achievement, 3) the interaction using the guided quantum model, direct learning model and student’s participation toward the sosial studies achievement. This type of research is experimental research. The sampling that used in this research is the cluster random sampling technique. The population were the fourth grade students of SDN 2 Sokaraja Tengah that consist of two class, there’s IV A class as the experiment class and the IV B class as the control class. The sampling in the IV A class using the guided quantum model and the IV B class using direct learning model. The sampling is used a test and questionnaire. The data analysis is used two lane variance analysis. The result showed that, 1) the guided quantum model has an influence to student’s sosial studies achievement that proved with Fcolumn = 4,698> Ftable = 4,02significance column 0,048<0.05, 2) there’s an participation influence to the students achievement that proved Flane = 4,828> Ftable = 4,02  significance line 0,030< 0,05, 3) there’s no interaction between guided quantum model, direct learning and students participation toward sosial studies achievement that proved Finteraction = 0,828< Ftable = 4,02  interaction significance0,166> 0,05. 193 193 196 Keyword        : Academic Achievement, Guided Quantum Model, Participation
Dinamika Dinamika Volume VII, Nomor 1, Maret 2015
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

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ABSTRACT            The research aimed to enhance students’ achievement in the sixth theme of the beauty of my country and the first sub theme about the variety of animal and plants through scientific approach of problem based learning model. The subjects were the students of class VIB SD Negeri 2 Gombong Kebumen regency that consisted of 30 students, 19 female and 11 male ones. It was classroom action research that conducted in two cycles. There were three meeting for each cycle. Then each cycle consisted of planning, doing action, observing, and reflecting. The data was collected by using test and non test. The test was in the form of questions that used to measure the students’ achievement on the cognitive aspect. It was conducted in the end of every meeting in each cycle. The non test was in the form of observation and documentation. The result of the research showed that the learning process using scientific approach of problem based learning model is able to improve students’ achievement. In cycle I, in the cognitive skill, the mean score was 72,44 with the passing grade of 67,77%. In cycle II, the mean score was improved to 80with the passing grade of85,53%. The students’ achievement on the affective skill was 74,4% in cycle I and improved to 84,54% in cycle II. Then the students’ achievement on the phsycomotoric skill was 74% in cycle I and improved to 83,11%. Based on the result, it can be summed up that the thematic learning using scientific approach through problem based learning is able to improve the students’ achievement in class IVB SD Negeri 2 Gombong. Key words: Students’ Achievement, Animal and Plants, Scientific Approach,                    Problem Based Learning 
Proceeding Seminar LPPM UMP 2015: Buku II Bidang Ilmu Pendidikan dan Sosial Humaniora, Proceeding Seminar Nasional LPPM 2015, 2
Publisher : Proceeding Seminar LPPM UMP

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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk; 1) meningkatkan rasa tanggung jawab mahasiswa melalui pembelajaran model teknik klarifikasi nilai tema Bahaya Fitnah pada mata kuliah Pembelajaran PKn,  2) meningkatkan minat belajar mahasiswa melalui pembelajaran model teknik klarifikasi nilai tema Bahaya Fitnah pada mata kuliah Pembelajaran PKn. Penelitian dilakukan di Kelas IVB Program Studi PGSD FKIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto semester IV tahun akademik 2014/2015. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa kelas IVB peserta kuliah Pembelajaran PKn sebanyak 45 mahasiswa. Jenis Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan pembelajaran Teknik Klarifikasi Nilai tema Bahaya Fitnah dapat meningkatkan tanggung jawab dan minat belajar mahasiswa. Hal tersebut dapat dibuktikan dengan meningkatkan tanggung jawab belajar mahasiswa, pada siklus I peningkatan persentase nilai rata-rata minat belajar mahasiswa pada siklus I sebesar 3,8%,siklus II sebesar 4,4% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Selain tanggung jawab mahasiswa juga dapat meningkatnya minat mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran seperti pada skor peningkatan persentase nilai rata-rata minat mahasiswa pada siklus I sebesar 63,19%, siklus II sebesar 88,15% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Kata Kunci : Tanggung Jawab, Minat, Teknik Klarifikasi Nilai Tema Bahaya Fitnah dan PembelajaranPKn
Proceeding Seminar LPPM UMP 2015: Buku II Bidang Ilmu Pendidikan dan Sosial Humaniora, Proceeding Seminar Nasional LPPM 2015, 2
Publisher : Proceeding Seminar LPPM UMP

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat dan prestasi belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Media Pembelajaran PKn SD menggunkan Teknik Brainstorming dengan menggunakan media tiga dimensi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri dari 2 siklus. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa kelas A Semester IV Prodi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar UMP yang berjumlah 45 mahasiswa. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar angket untuk minat belajar mahasiswa, analisis datanya secara deskriptif kualitatif. Indikator dalam penelitian ini apabila terjadinya peningkatan minat dan prestasi belajar mahasiswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Teknik Brainstorming dengan menggunakan media tigadimensi dapat meningkatkan minat dan prestasi belajar mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Media Pembelajaran PKn SD. Hal tersebut dapat dibuktikan dengan meningkatnya minat mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran, seperti pada skor peningkatan persentase nilai rata-rata minat mahasiswa pada siklus I sebesar65,36%, siklus II sebesar 77,44% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Selain minat mahasiswa juga dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar mahasiswa, pada siklus I peningkatan persentase nilai rata-rata prestasi mahasiswa pada siklus I sebesar71,43%, siklus II sebesar 91,43%.Kata Kunci :Minat,Prestasi, Media Pembelajaran PKn dan Teknik Brainstorming Media Tiga Dimensi
Development of Civic Education Campus-Based at Muhammadiyah Universities in Central Java, Indonesia Taniredja, Tukiran; Harmianto, Sri; Priyanto, Eko
EDUCARE Vol 2, No 2 (2010)
Publisher : EDUCARE

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ABSTRACT: The aims of main research are: (1) implementing the learning of civic education in democratic colleges; (2) the implementation of civic education campus-based embryo; and (3) implementing embryo of colleges as the laboratory of democracy. Research populations are all civic education lecturers and students of Muhammadiyah universities in Central Java who lecture and study civic education. Research methods are: interview, scale of attitude/opinion, questionnaire, and documentary study. Data of research are described with data reduction technique, data display, and conclusion. Conclusions are: (1) to create democratic civic education learning, student discussions should be stepped up to develop students’ civic values; and (2) to create embryo of civic education campus-based and embryo of college as the laboratory democracy. It needs: (a) efforts to create democratic college both in its intra-curriculum and extra curriculum; (b) implementing student-oriented lectures; (c) students are involved to participate in any political state activities; (d) making of student study groups; (e) implementing the freedom of having a notion, gender equality, and responsibility; (f) increasing number of students’ discussion about reality of social life, and its problem solving; (g) increasing number of students’ academic groups, and training them to obey in any rules; (h) in implementing the three college-dedications, lecturers have to involve their students; (i) college has to give students more chances to develop their potential; and (j) students should be introduced with democratic values earlier.  KEY WORDS: civic education, campus based education, Muhammadiyah universities, laboratory of democracy, and democratic civic education.   About the Authors: Prof. Dr. Haji Tukiran Taniredja is Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UMP (Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto), Jalan Raya Dukuhwaluh PO Box 202, Purwokerto 53182, Central Java, Indonesia; and Sri Harmianto and Eko Priyanto are also Lecturers at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UMP (Muhammadiyah University of Purwokerto). They can be reached at: and to cite this article? Taniredja, Tukiran, Sri Harmianto & Eko Priyanto. (2010). “Development of Civic Education Campus-Based at Muhammadiyah Universities in Central Java, Indonesia” in EDUCARE: International Journal for Educational Studies, Vol.2(2) February, pp.153-170. . Bandung, Indonesia: Minda Masagi Press owned by ASPENSI in Bandung, West Java; and FKIP UMP in Purwokerto, Central Java, ISSN 1979-7877.Chronicle of the article: Accepted (December 27, 2009); Revised (January 15, 2010); and Published (February 17, 2010).
Peningkatan Kerjasama Melalui Model Pembelajaran Take and Give Dibantu Media Kokami di Kelas V Sekolah Dasar Dyah Kusuma Nastiti; Sri Harmianto; Dedy Irawan
Jurnal JPSD (Jurnal Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar) Vol 6, No 2: Agustus 2019
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26555/jpsd.v6i2.13444


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan sikap kerjasama peserta didik melalui model pembelajaran Take and Give dibantu media pembelajaran KOKAMI. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri dari 2 siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi. Desian penelitian ini menggunakan desian PTK Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas V SD Negeri 2 Penambongan yang berjumlah 27 siswa. Terdiri dari 12 peserta didik perempuan dan 15 peserta didik laki-laki. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknis non tes berupa lembar observasi untuk penilaian sikap kerjasama, aktivitas peserta didik, angket sikap kerjasama, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan terdiri dari analisis data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan sikap kerjasama peserta didik. Hal ini dibuktikan dari penialaian sikap kerjasama peserta didik yang mengalami peningkatan dari 78,6% (kategori baik) pada siklus I dan meningkat menjadi 87,96% (kategori sangat baik) pada siklus II. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran Take and Give dibantu media pembelajaran KOKAMI dapat meningkatkan sikap kerjasama peserta didik kelas V Sekolah Dasar.
Value Clarification Technique sebagai Strategi Penyadaran Diri Mahasiswa untuk Tidak Menggosip dan Bijak dalam Gunakan Jejaring Sosial Sri Harmianto
Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar Vol 1, No 1 (2014): Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Menuju Generasi Emas tanggal 31 Mei 2014
Publisher : Prodi PGSD FKIP Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/pendas.1.1.182-188


Pembelajaran VCT Value Clarification Technique (Teknik Mengklarifikasi Nilai) memiliki keunggulan untuk mengungkap nilai diri yang telah dimiliki mahasiswa dan dapat untuk menanamkan karakter jujur, bersahabat/komunikatif dan tanggungjawab serta nilai-nilai yang sesuai dengan tatanan norma agama. Pembelajaran VCT ini dilaksanakan dengan memberikan cerita kasus selanjutnya mahasiswa diminta mengisi matrik yang berisikan butir-butir pernyataan yang kontroversial terkait kebiasaan mahasiswa menggosip dari mulut ke mulut maupun melalui jejaring sosial. Dengan menggunakan higher question digali dan diklarifikasi jawaban mahasiswa tersebut, sekaligus ditanamkan karakter dan nilai yang baku.
The Leadership Style of Muhammadiyah Elementary School Headmasters Aji Heru Muslim; Sri Harmianto
Dinamika Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar Vol 12, No 1 (2020): Dinamika Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Dasar
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30595/dinamika.v12i1.6595


This research aims to describe the headmaster’s leadership style at SD/MI (Primary School) Muhammadiyah in Banyumas Regency. This is a descriptive qualitative research. Subjects in this research are headmasters and teachers at SD/MI Muhammadiyah in Banyumas Regency, namely MI Muhammadiyah Wangon, SD Muhammadiyah Cipete, and MI Muhammadiyah Pasirmuncang. Data collection technique used in this research is interview. Data validity is checked using technique of source triangulation. The findings show that the leadership style implemented by headmasters at SD/MI Muhammadiyah in Banyumas Regency is a democratic leadership style. This is shown in the way the headmasters carry out their leadership function. For example, as a leader, the headmaster gives information, evaluation, motivation, and innovation for school development, runs situational and non-authoritarian leadership, behaves wisely, and gives directions, examples, as well as rewards. The headmaster always prioritizes a sense of unity and togetherness with the school community. The headmaster uses a strategy of getting close to the community. In dealing with problems, the headmaster solves them calmly and gracefully and discusses them in deliberations in accordance with the development of the problem, and after the decision the problem can be resolved properly. Moreover, the school principal is open to accepting opinions, criticisms and suggestions from staffs.
Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Materi Cerita Wayang Melalui Strategi Active Knowledge Sharing Menggunakan Media Wayang Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Nur Setiowati; Okto Wijayanti; Sri Harmianto
Media Penelitian Pendidikan : Jurnal Penelitian dalam Bidang Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 13, No 2 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (173.105 KB) | DOI: 10.26877/mpp.v13i2.5100


The background of this research was the low achievement of the students, which revealed the number of the students who did not pass the standard of Javanese Language score was 100%. The objective of this research was to enhance the students’ achievement in puppet story material, Bima Bungkus and Nggoleki Gung Susuhe Angin through active knowledge sharing strategy using puppet media. The subjects of this research were the fourth grade students of SD Negeri Kalikidang with the number of the students were 32, which were 15 students of them were male while 17 students of them were female. This research was a classroom action research that involved two cycles. Each cycle included two meetings. The implementation of each cycle involved planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The data collection tools used were observation sheet of teacher activity, observation sheet of students’ activity and student evaluation sheet. The students’ improvement could be seen in each cycle. The indicator of students’ learning achievement was the enhancement of learning achievement at least 75% from the number of students who passed the minimum criteria of mastery learning (KKM) of Javanese Language, which was 70. The students’ achievement in the first cycle was 70.31% whereas the second cycle was 82.45%. From the findings, it can be concluded that the learning strategy of active knowledge sharing using puppet media was able to make students became more active in the teaching process. Therefore, it enhanced the students’ achievement in puppet story material, Bima Bungkus and Nggoleki Gung Susuhe Angin at the fourth grade students of SD Negeri Kalikidang, Sokaraja Sub-distric, Banyumas District.
Peningkatan Prestasi Belajar Bahasa Jawa Materi Tembang Gambuh Menggunakan Strategi Demonstrasi Berbantu Media Berbasis Audio-Visual di Kelas IV SDN 2 Somawangi Imelda Anom Mulatingtyas; Okto Wijayanti; Sri Harmianto
Media Penelitian Pendidikan : Jurnal Penelitian dalam Bidang Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Vol 13, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (345.597 KB) | DOI: 10.26877/mpp.v13i1.5092


This study was focused on improving Javanese Language learning achievement of gambuh song material using demonstration strategy audio-visual media based at the fourth grade of SD N 2 Somawangi, which were 21 students that consisted of 10 male students and 11 female students. This study was a Classroom Action Research or PTK conducted in 2 cycles and in each cycle consists of 2 meetings. Each cycle includes planning, action, observation, and reflection. Student achievement data was obtained from the evaluation sheet distributed at each meeting. The improving results can be seen in each cycle. The indicator of the success of this study was an increase in learning outcomes of at least >80% included in the good criteria from the number of students who passed the minimum criteria of mastery learning (KKM) in Javanese Language subjects, it was 65. Learning completeness in the first cycle was 73%. Learning completeness in cycle II was 92% so that from cycle I to cycle II it increased 19%. The conclusion in this study was that Javanese language learning using demonstration strategy audio-visual media based was able to improve student learning achievement in Gambuh song material.