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Pengabdian Masyarakat Melalui Taman Bacaan Model Kampung Literasi Di Desa Rindu Hati, Bengkulu Tengah Arono, Arono; Diani, Irma; Yunita, Wisma; Aulia, Ruri; Syahriman, Syahriman
Empowerment : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol 5, No 02 (2022): Empowerment
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/empowerment.v5i02.4964


The low literacy culture of the Indonesian people currently affects the low interest in reading and writing in the community. This service activity aims to describe and reveal the data of the illiterate community and their tendency to read and write, train the public in reading and writing to the community so that they can grow their interest in reading and writing, compiling literacy into an anthology of folklore and poetry both in print and through the media. online, as well as describing responses to reflections on activities that have been carried out to provide input and action on the literacy village activity model that has been carried out. The method of service is the descriptive qualitative Tabari Unib with the APTE Model (Needs Analysis, Training, Action, and Evaluation). Community service through the Taman Bacan Rindu Hati (Tabari) Unib tends to have good interest in reading and writing but is still lacking in availability and activities. that happened. Likewise with the illiteracy of only 0.5% who are still illiterate and even then in the elderly community. For this reason, in growing interest in reading and writing, the APTE model (Needs Analysis, Training, Action, and Evaluation) is carried out so as to foster interest in reading and writing in the Rindu Hati community. The outputs of this training are that the literary works called the Antologi Sastra Rindu Hati (Asri) Unib in the form of folklore, poetry, and the origins of the names of places or villages as many as 94 works with ISBN, Tabari Unib at Rumah Gadang and Tabari Unib online. Based on this service activity, this activity is very well carried out so that it has an impact on increasing the reading and writing culture of the Rindu Hati community with the Tabari Unib.
English Review: Journal of English Education Vol 6, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/erjee.v6i2.1258


Need analysis is required to take place before developing a model for learning so that results meet the needs of the students who will use the model. This descriptive study aims at finding out the needs in learning English grammar from students’ perspectives at the EESP of the University of Bengkulu. The data was taken through a questionnaire with 65 questions given to 44 students who took Structure I Course in the 2016-2017 academic year and analyzed quantitatively. The results of this study reveal that the students need a clear goals of learning English grammar, learning approaches that uses the story-based, the deductive, and the inductive approach, a friendly and meaningful learning atmosphere, a learning model that incorporates the uses of stories and current technology for the teaching and learning process and has a complete support system especially the learning materials, and has an attitude, a final assignment and an individual learning process result assessments.Keywords: Needs analysis, model, grammar learning
English teachers’ knowledge on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Wisma Yunita; Syahrial Syahrial; Gita Mutiara Hati
English Review: Journal of English Education Vol 9, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : University of Kuningan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25134/erjee.v9i1.3800


The Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) has been embodied in the 2013 curriculum by the government of Indonesia, in which aims every individual in Indonesia has good skills at critical thinking, creative thinking, collaboration, and communication to face life in the 21st century. Therefore, the English teachers in Indonesia should have good knowledge of HOTS to teach their students. This study aims to investigate the knowledge of the Junior High School (JHS) and Senior High School English (SHS) English teachers on HOTS in Bengkulu province. Data obtained by providing a questionnaire containing questions with four answer choices (strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree) in the form of Google form to 69 JHS English teachers and 74 SHS English teachers in Bengkulu province. The data were analyzed using simple statistics by calculating the average value of all answers from all question items and categorized them into Very Good (3.26-4.0), Good (2.6-3.25), Less Good (1.76-2.5), and Very Poor (1-1.75). The results of this study revealed that the level of knowledge of English teachers in Bengkulu Province on HOTS is in a good category (3.24) for JHS teachers and very good (3.31) for SHS teachers. These findings give contributions related to the knowledge of JHS and SHS English teachers in Bengkulu Province about HOTS.
Premise: Journal of English Education and Applied Linguistics Vol 11, No 1 (2022): Premise Journal: e-ISSN 2442-482x, p-ISSN 2089-3345
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/pj.v11i1.4548


Students' feedback preferences are essential in the research proposal writing process. This research aims to reveal the students' preferences toward the supervisor has written feedback and the types of written feedback provided by the supervisors in the students' research proposal in terms of the error correction feedback and the comment feedback. This research employed a mixed-method design. There were 39 samples chosen purposively to gain the quantitative data and 16 documents chosen from five random students to gain the qualitative data. Based on the data analysis, the type of error correction feedback and comment feedback preferred by the students respectively are the direct error correction feedback with the score of 155 (38,46%) and the directive comment feedback with 293 (22,37%). Besides, the type of error correction feedback and comment feedback provided by the supervisors respectively are the direct error correction feedback with 79 (51,97%) scores and the referential comment feedback with the scores of 206 (63,00%). This study implies that various feedback should address the students' preferences and learning styles since the outputs are their academic writing achievement. 
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jpkm.v27i2.20490


Kemampuan menulis khususnya menulis artikel ilmiah berbasis penelitian menjadi bagian yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dari profesi keguruan. Menulis artikel untuk jurnal ilmiah merupakan salah satu persyaratan untuk kenaikan pangkat bagi guru terutama Golongan IVb ke atas, sesuai Keputusan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor 84 Tahun 1993. Namun faktanya banyak guru yang belum melakukan publikasi ilmiah atau belum mampu menulis artikel ilmiah berbasis penelitian, khususnya untuk guru Bahasa Inggris di Bengkulu Tengah. Dari hasil angket yang diberikan kepada responden, diperoleh data bahwa para guru belum memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup dan luas tentang penulisan artikel ilmiah berbasis penelitian untuk jurnal nasional dan internasional. Selain itu mereka juga belum memahami dengan baik proses submit artikel ke Open Journal System (OJS), sehingga dibutuhkan pelatihan yang bisa membantu mereka agar bisa melakukan publikasi. Model pelatihan induktif partisipatif dengan pendekatan pembelajaran melalui aplikasi google classroom, whatsApp dan Zoom Cloud Meeting menjadi pilihan terbaik karena dapat menjangkau kelompok target yang masif dan luas.  The ability to write, especially writing research-based scientific articles, is an inseparable part of the teaching profession. Writing articles for scientific journals is one of the requirements for teachers promotion , especially Category IVb and above, according to the Decree of the State Minister for State Apparatus Empowerment Number 84 of 1993. However, the fact is that many teachers have not made scientific publications or have not been able to write research-based scientific articles, especially for English teachers in Bengkulu. From the results of the questionnaire given to the respondents, it was found that the teachers did not have sufficient and extensive knowledge about writing research-based scientific articles for national and international journals. In addition, they also do not understand well the process of submitting articles to the Open Journal System (OJS), so they need training that can help them to publish. The participatory inductive training model with a learning approach through the google classroom application, WhatsApp and Zoom Cloud Meeting is the best choice because it can reach a massive and broad target group.
Edu-Ling: Journal of English Education and Linguistics Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): July
Publisher : English Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32663/edu-ling.v4i2.1982


Google Classroom is an essential online platform promoting teaching and learning process during Covid-19 pandemic. The research aims to investigate the English as Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ reasons, problems and analyse their solutions to overcome the problems of using Google Classroom in English teaching and learning process. This research employed a qualitative method. Five EFL teachers were selected as the participant of study. They were selected based on the purposive sampling technique and taken from Senior High Schools in Bengkulu Province. The findings demonstrate that the problems of using Google Classroom are the teachers should prepare the material lesson well and they were expected to be more creative and innovative in making learning media. However, the lack of internet quota and connection made the students got difficulty to receive the learning material or submit assignments. They were also got difficulty to ask directly to the teacher if they did not understand the lesson. In turn, to overcome the problems in teaching and learning English process by using Google Classroom, the teachers participated in training related to the use of Google Classroom for teaching and learning English. In preparing learning media, the teachers provided the material in many forms such as video, voice notes, PDF, or text reading. Furthermore, the teachers invited the students to ask directly by chatting personally or calling by video conference. They also made a lesson video or gave a link of an explanational material video and invited the students to give them feedback on the lesson.
Fresh Graduate Students’ Difficulties in Writing Research Articles Cindi Fitri; Wisma Yunita; Zahrida Zahrida
Edu-Ling: Journal of English Education and Linguistics Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): December
Publisher : English Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32663/edu-ling.v5i1.2235


Writing research article is one of requirement for a student’s university to be fulfilled before graduate. However, writing research article is not easy for the student. This research aimed to find out the difficulties in writing research article, the cause of the difficulties in writing research article and the way to overcome the difficulties in writing research article. The respondents of this research were 4 fresh graduate students who graduated in 2020 and the data ware obtained through interview. This research used descriptive qualitative method by using the procedures from Miles and Huberman (1994). The result of this study shows that the difficulties in writing research article were in finding references and struggle in using correct grammar, the worry about feedback from the readers was the cause of the difficulties and the fresh graduate had their own solution to overcome the difficulties in writing research article. In conclusion, the fresh graduate of the English Education Study Program of Bengkulu University faced various difficulties in writing research article and had cause of the difficulties in writing research article, but they had solution to deal with such difficulties.
Students’ Difficulties in Writing Descriptive Text at the Seventh Grade of SMP Sint Carolus Bengkulu Nelly Kristiana; Wisma Yunita; Syahrial Syahrial
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 7, No 1 (2021): JULY
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v7i1.4249


The objective of this research was to investigate the students’ difficulties in writing descriptive text, the most dominant difficulty faced by the students, and the students’ strategies to overcome these difficulties. This study was conducted at the Seventh Grade of SMP Sint Carolus Bengkulu. This is a descriptive quantitative study. The instruments used in this research were questionnaire and interview. Based on the results, it was found that students experienced difficulties in the three aspects of the study, namely linguistic, psychological, and cognitive difficulties. In each of these aspects, organization is the highest one followed by behaviour, feedback, grammatical items, and vocabulary. In organizations, difficulties in developing ideas are the most difficult. Anxiety is the highest difficulty in behaviour, while the lack of practice is the most difficulty in the feedback. The difficulty in using connectors is the highest point in the grammatical items, and the lack of vocabulary is the most difficulty in the vocabulary. Based on the questionnaire and interview results, organization was the most difficult aspect in writing descriptive text. To overcome the difficulties, the students choose to master vocabulary and learning from other sources such as books or the internet while the others like to read from dictionary. Finally, it is also suggested for other researchers to carry out similar research in a broader scope, as well as a description, especially about the mechanic that get negative results.
Students’ Perception on Learning Language at the Graduate Program of English Education Amids the COVID 19 Pandemic Wisma Yunita; Ira Maisarah
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 6, No 2 (2020): DECEMBER
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v6i2.3718


This research aims to determine students' perceptions on the implementation of the learning process during the Covid 19 pandemic at the graduate program of English Education of the University of Bengkulu. This research is a descriptive research involving students in academic year of 2019/2020 from two classes consisting of 34 students. The data was taken using a questionnaire in the form of Google form consisting of 40 questions with 5 answer options: strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree and semi-structured written interview given through the Google Classroom application. The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results of this research indicate that students have a positive perception of the implementation of the learning process during the Covid19 pandemic the the graduate program of English Education of university of Bengkulu with the averageobtained  score of 1211.25 which is in the good category. Moreover, the data obtained from the written interview showed that most students gave positive responses to online learning conducted at the graduate program of English education of the University of Bengkulu. These findings are expected to be taken into consideration to improve and prepare for the better future online and offline learning process at the University of Bengkulu, especially at the Graduate Program of English Education of the University of Bengkulu.
Student' Perception and Problems in Learning English Using Google Classroom During the Covid-19 Pandemic Nova Diana; Wisma Yunita; Alamsyah Harahap
Linguists : Journal Of Linguistics and Language Teaching Vol 7, No 1 (2021): JULY
Publisher : Islamic State Institute of Bengkulu (IAIN) Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/ling.v7i1.4274


The Covid-19 pandemic has occurred across the world. This causes all segments of human life to be disturbed including the education sector. The teaching and learning process tends to run ineffectively and should be done online. Online learning offers a learning process that can be done not only in the classroom but anywhere and anytime. One of the applications that can be used is Google classroom. This study aims to determine students' perceptions and problems in learning English using Google Classroom during the Covid-19 Pandemic at SMAN 6 Kota Bengkulu. This research was a mixed-method research involving 443 students in the academic year of 2020/2021. The data were collected using a questionnaire in the form of a Google form consisting of 50 questions with 4 answer choices, namely strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree, and semi-structured interviews. The data obtained were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results of this research indicate that the students have a positive perception in learning English using Google classrooms during the Covid-19 pandemic at SMAN 6 Kota Bengkulu with the average score obtained was 1160 and was in the positive category. Moreover, the data obtained from the interview showed that most of the students experienced problems in learning English skills using Google classroom caused by lack of vocabulary. In addition, the problems in using the Google classroom application were in the opening and uploading files or videos. These findings are expected that the teachers should change their teaching habits by offering students innovative opportunities to improve their self-confidence, to control their learning, and to practice their language skills. The students should be more creative to solve the problems during learning English by using Google classroom even in the online process or not.