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Fotoreduksi Logam Krom (VI) Menggunakan Fotokatalis Lapis Tipis TiO2-Mn Mesopori dengan Bantuan Lampu Tungsten Kapti Riyani; Tien Setyaningtyas; Agus Soleh
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia "Kejuangan" 2016: Prosiding SNTKK 2016
Publisher : Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Kejuangan

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Hexavalent chromium is a heavy metal that is toxic and give bad impact to human living. Maximum consentration of hexavalent chromium of solution that can be accepted is 0,05 ppm. This research was conducted to reduce hexavalent chromium by photoreduction method using mesophorous TiO2-Mn thin film photocatalyst with a tungsten lamp. Tha aim of this research is to obtain optimum ratio of TiO2-Mn (100:0; 99:1; 98:2; 97:3; and 96:4) to reduce hexavalent chromium. A thin film was synthesized by photodeposition method with calcination temperature 4000C for 6 hours. TiO2-Mn was crushed and made into coloidal phase with PEG 1000, then coated on a glass plat (9X4 cm). Thin film was tested to reduce hexavalent chromium with tungsten lamp and its concentration was measured by UV-Visible Spectrophotometer at wave length of 541 nm. The result showed that 99:1 is an optimum ratio of TiO2-Mn and it reduce hexavalent chromium up to 52,3 %. The decrease of hexavalent chromium concentration caused by the photoreduction process in mesophorous TiO2-Mn
POTENSI EKSTRAK METANOL DAUN MANGGA BACANG (Mangifera foetida L.) SEBAGAI ANTIBAKTERI TERHADAP Enterobacter aerogenes DAN IDENTIFIKASI GOLONGAN SENYAWA AKTIFNYA Ely Setiawan; Tien Setyaningtyas; Dwi Kartika; Dian Riana Ningsih
Jurnal Kimia Riset Vol. 2 No. 2 (2017): Desember
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (600.709 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jkr.v2i2.5753


AbstrakEnterobacter aerogenes merupakan bakteri penyebab berbagai macam infeksi. Salah satu pengobatan berbagai penyakit infeksi yaitu dengan pemberian antibiotik. Penggunaan  antibiotik  sintetik  secara  terus  menerus  dapat menyebabkan resistensi, sehingga untuk mengatasinya diperlukan pencarian bahan obat alami seperti ekstrak tanaman yang berpotensi sebagai antibakteri, salah satunya yaitu ekstrak daun mangga bacang (Mangifera foetida L.). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi ekstrak daun mangga bacang sebagai antibakteri terhadap E. aerogenes, penentuan konsentrasi   hambat tumbuh minimum (KHTM) dan mengidentifikasi golongan senyawa aktif dari  ekstrak daun mangga bacang. Ekstrak daun mangga bacang diperoleh dengan cara maserasi menggunakan metanol. Ekstrak yang diperoleh diuji aktivitas antibakteri dengan menggunakan metode difusi sumur. Konsentrasi  yang digunakan 1000 ppm, kontrol positif tetrasiklin 1000 ppm dan kontrol negatif aquades. Penentuan konsentrasi hambat tumbuh minimum menggunakan konsentrasi 1000 ppm, 500 ppm, 250 ppm, 125 ppm, 65 ppm, 30 ppm, 15 ppm, 10 ppm, 5 ppm. Ekstraksi daun mangga bacang menunjukan rendemen sebesar 10,61% (b/b) dan diameter zona hambat aktivitas antibakteri konsentrasi 1000 ppm sebesar 5,46 mm. KHTM ekstrak  metanol daun mangga bacang   terhadap E. aerogenes yaitu pada konsentrasi 5 ppm dengan diameter zona hambat sebesar 1,78 mm. Berdasarkan hasil uji fitokimia ekstrak metanol daun mangga bacang menunjukkan adanya senyawa golongan alkaloid, flavonoid, stereoid, polifenol, tanin, dan saponin.AbstractEnterobacter aerogenes is causes various bacterium infections. One of the treatment of various infectious diseases is by antibiotics treatment. The long-term use of synthetic   antibiotics causes antibiotic resistance, so that research exploration of new antibiotic is needed, such as plant extracts potentially as an antibacterial, one of them is leaves extract of mango bacang (Mangifera foetida L.). This study aimed to examine the potential of leaves mango bacang extract as an antibacterial againts E. aerogenes, the determination of minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) and active compounds of leaves mango bacang extract. Leaves mango bacang extract obtained methanol maceration. The extract obtained was tested antibacterial activity by using the diffusion wells method. Concentration used was 1000 ppm, tetracycline of 1000 ppm as positif control and aquades as negative control. The determination of MIC was used various concentrations of 1000 ppm, 500 ppm, 250 ppm, 125 ppm, 65 ppm, 30 ppm, 15 ppm, 10 ppm, and 5 ppm. The extraction mango bacang leaves with yielded 10.61 % (b/b) and diameter of zone of the antibacterial activity extract of 1000 ppm was 5.46 mm. The MIC of the methanol extract against E. aerogenes was 5 ppm with the zone diameter of 1.78 mm. Phytochemistry analysis of mango bacang leaves extract using methanol result the alkaloid, flavonoid, stereoid, catakin, tannin, and saponin.