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OCEAN CURRENTS ENERGY FOR ELECTRICITY GENERATION AND ITS POTENTIAL IN EAST JAVA WATER, INDONESIA Nurin Hidayati; Muhammad Mahmudi; Dhira Kurniawan Saputra; Muhammad Musa; Hery Setiawan Purnawali
Journal of Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Technology Vol 3, No 2 (2016)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1337.993 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.jeest.2017.003.02.6


Electrical energy is one of the vital needs of the coastal communities, especially in coastal areas that are not affordable electricity network. To meet these needs energy diversification efforts are undertaken, such as the utilization of the energy potential of ocean currents. The aim of this study was to determine the seabed morphology and properties of hydro-oceanography as a reference the exact location in the utilization of the energy of ocean currents. Location of research in the territorial waters of East Java. Research methods such as measurement of currents, tidal observation, observation of meteorological parameters and conditions of the seabed morphology and the coastal area of research. The study was conducted to estimate the potential energy of ocean currents are spatially and temporally by utilizing a hydrodynamic model simulation results and the results of current data measurement in the field, and convert them into power unit. Which will ultimately produced maps of potential energy from ocean currents of East Java waters territory. In comparison, there are several advantages of ocean current energy utilization compared to other energy generation, such as the production of electricity generated by ocean currents each year tend to be stable and more environmentally friendly because without using fuel. Potential sites for power plants in East Java waters of the ocean currents are respectively Madura Strait Region, Southern Water of East Java, and Bali Strait water.Keywords: Ocean Currents, Energy, East Java
Biofilm Application as Biomonitoring Agent in Heavy Metals Pb2+ and Cr6+ in Ngimboh Coastal, Ujungpangkah, Gresik Agung Riswandi; Muhammad Mahmudi; Andi Kurniawan; Lutfi Nimatus Salamah
Journal of Wetlands Environmental Management Vol 7, No 2 (2019): July - December
Publisher : Center for Journal Management and Publication

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (589.001 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jwem.v7i2.208


Biomonitoring is the use of organisms to monitor and assess/detect the condition of an environment. Ngimboh Coast is a coastal line in Ujungpangkah Subdistrict, East Java (Indonesia) which functions as a vessel berth, TPI, and shipyard industry which has the potential to dispose of waste containing Pb2+ and Cr6+ which affect the physical condition of chemicals and organisms in these waters. This study aims to determine the Biofilm can be a biomonitoring agent in heavy metals Pb2+ and Cr6+ and to know the physical chemical conditions in the Ngimboh coast, Ujungpangkah District, Gresik. This study uses a survey method. Biofilm, sediment and water sampling was carried out at 3 sampling points, namely the first sampling point area close to the disposal of shipyard industrial waste, the second sampling point was an empty land area, and sampling point three was the estuary area. The parameters were measured such as physical properties (temperature, current speed, water depth), chemical properties (pH, DO, salinity), metal content of Pb2+ and Cr6+ on biofilms, sediments and water.
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 22, No 1 (2018): June 2018
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/abdimas.v22i1.12034


Permasalahan budidaya ikan kerapu (Epinephlus sp.) di desa Labuahan adalah serangan hama dan penyakit, produksi tambak menurun terkait dengan sediaan pakan tergantung pada musim ikan rucah dan kulitas pakannya. Kegiatan IbM ini ingin memperbaiki teknik budidaya semi-intensif yang digunakan dan sediaan dan kualitas pakannya. Metode menggunakan pendekatan partisipatif. model pendekatan ditekankan pada Experience Lerning Cycle (ELC) dimana petani tambak belajar dari siklus pengalamannya sendiri. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa teknologi budidaya yang diterapkan semi-intensif hal ini terlihat dari ukuran petak tambak relative kecil (2000 m2 – 5000 m2), padat tebar 1 ekor/m2, adanya kincir dan pakan. Selanjutnya saluran pemasukan dan pembuangan air masih menjadi satu, tidak ada pengelolaan kualitas air dan pakan yang diberikan berupa ikan rucah yang tergantung pada musim ikan. Hasil evaluasi perlu perbaikan teknik budidaya semi-intensif yang digunakan khususnya terkait: pengadaan saluran pemasukan air, pengelolaan kualitas air sebelum, saat pemeliharaan dan sesudah pemeliharaan dan perlu pengadaan pakan secara mandiri.