Muhammad Aminul Akbar
Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

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Media Pembelajaran Calistung Hewan Berteknologi Augmented Reality untuk Menarik Minat Belajar Anak Tri Afirianto; Wibisono Sukmo Wardhono; Billawal Nadipa Pelealu; Muhammad Aminul Akbar
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 8 No 2: April 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25126/jtiik.2021824510


Salah satu perkembangan anak yang perlu diperhatikan adalah perkembangan kognitif. Contoh perkembangan kognitif pada anak usia dini seperti menyebutkan jumlah benda mulai dari satu hingga sepuluh dan merepresentasikan benda dalam bentuk gambar atau tulisan. Kemampuan tersebut dapat diperoleh melalui kegiatan membaca, menulis, dan berhitung (calistung). Calistung bukanlah suatu kemampuan wajib yang dimiliki oleh anak usia dini, namun kemampuan tersebut tetap perlu disampaikan sesuai dengan metode pembelajaran di PAUD/TK, yaitu dengan cara bermain dan belajar. Untuk mempermudah pemahaman anak tentang calistung diperlukan objek yang sering dijumpai oleh anak, sebagai contoh hewan yang sering dijumpai di kebun binatang. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini dikembangkan media pembelajaran calistung dengan objek hewan. Untuk mengetahui tingkat ketertarikan anak dalam mempelajari calistung, media pembelajaran dikembangkan dengan menggunakan teknologi Augmented Reality (AR). Metode pengembangan yang digunakan adalah iterative rapid prototyping. Berdasarkan pengujian media dengan menggunakan fun testing menghasilkan nilai total rata-rata sebesar 85,6% yang berarti media pembelajaran ini mampu meningkatkan ketertarikan anak dalam mempelajari calistung. Abstract One of the child's development that needs attention is cognitive development. Examples of cognitive development in early childhood such as mentioning the number of objects ranging from one to ten and representing objects in the form of images or writing. This ability can be obtained through reading, writing and arithmetic (calistung: Indonesian abbreviation) activities. Calistung is not a mandatory ability possessed by early childhood, but the ability still needs to be delivered in accordance with the learning methods in pre-primary school, that is playing and learning. To facilitate children's understanding of calistung, objects that are often encountered by children are needed, for example animals that are often found in zoos. Therefore, this research developed calistung learning media with animal objects. To find out the level of interest of children in learning calistung, learning media was developed using Augmented Reality (AR) technology. The development method used is iterative rapid prototyping. Based on media testing using fun testing produces an average total value of 85.6%, which means this learning media is able to increase children's interest in learning calistung.
Penerapan Algoritma Hybrid Pathfinding A* dan Boids untuk Game Pesawat Tempur Firdaus Rahmat Prasetyo; Eriq M. Adams Jonemaro; Muhammad Aminul Akbar
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 1 No 12 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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The A* and Boids hybrid pathfinding algorithms can be used as a way of tracking the flying paths of aircraft games. In hybrid pathfinding, A* algorithm is used as the shortest path finding and avoid static obstacles while the Boids algorithm is used as a flyweeker in groups and avoids dynamic obstacles .Grid used for path search using A* algorithm is driven according to A* agent position that it does not increase number of nodes because in aircraft game the map size is so large. Pathfinding using A* algorithm will only be call when grid touch static obstacle, so pathfinding doesn't take a long time. This is proven when the agent uses an A* algorithm, the average of execution time increase by 4.24% and the average of FPS decreases by 11.59% compared with not using the A * algorithm. While the use of Boids algorithm is continuously on the aircraft so that the aircraft does not collide with each other. This algorithm is chosen because it has a time complexity that is not too high. This is also proven when there is dynamic obstacles in map, the average of execution time increase is only 6.21%.The average FPS on all maps is 75.91 which is above of the FPS limit that can trick the eye by 20. The average execution time of all maps is 102.79 ms. The average path length of all maps is 445.56. The average number of actors destroyed from all maps is 107.
Pengembangan Permainan Edukasi Berbasis Kinect bagi Penderita Asperger Syndrome untuk Menangani Empathy Disorder Dessy Amri Raykhamna; Tri Afirianto; Muhammad Aminul Akbar
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Januari 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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In Indonesia, the handling of empathy disorder in asperger syndrome sufferers was not welcomed by parents due to cost and transportation factors. In addition, treatment of empathy disorder in asperger syndrome sufferers is given the same treatment with other Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) classification. This research aims to develop Kinect-based educational game that can help a person with asperger syndrome in understanding feelings of the others, so that empathy toward each other can grow. At the end of 2013 until 2014, Kinect considered feasible for dealing with therapy and rehabilitation in people with neurological disease and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). In this research, Kinect applied in educational game that relies on the movement of the right hand. This research was tested on 5 asperger syndrome sufferers with empathy disorder. The results of this research achieved after asperger syndrome sufferers using Kinect-based educational game, that resulted increased score on each level and emotion, as well as descreased total Toronto Empathy Questionnaire (TEQ) of 12.8% from average of total TEQ before asperger syndrome sufferers using Kinect-based educational game.
Implementasi Adaptive AI Pada Game Turn-Based RPG Dengan Menggunakan Metode Hierarchial Dynamic Scripting Intishar Fadi Abdillah; Eriq Muh. Adams Jonemaro; Muhammad Aminul Akbar
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 2 (2018): Februari 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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There are many methods used by game developers in applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Non Playable Character (NPC) which aims to inhibit gamers in achieving their goals or mission. Scripting method is one of the most used method of game developers in designing AI in NPC because of its simple, flexible (easy to modify), and powerful process. Scripting method is a way to design behavior NPC through a combination of rules that are modeled with if-then sentences. The combination of these rules is explicitly written on source code or other external files (commonly referred to as hard coded) which is not possible to change the NPC behavior when the game has been released. This causes the NPC is often easily exploited by gamers who have understood the pattern of the NPC behavior. To overcome these problems, we need a method capable of producing an adaptive NPC behavior while still providing the nature of Scripting method that is simple, flexible, and powerful. Therefore, Hierarchial Dynamic Scripting method tries to answer the problem in this research. Hierarchial Dynamic Scripting method is an advanced development of the Dynamic Scripting method by adding Hierarchial Task Network architecture in it. The main principle of the Dynamic Scripting method is to assign specific weights to the set of rules and combine them into a dynamic script. Adaptive test results conducted in the game with the genre of Turn-Based Role Playing Game based on three parameters of the test of effectiveness, efficiency, and variation shows that the NPC using Hierarchial Dynamic Scripting method has a high effectiveness with the average fitness value of 0.73 and High efficiency by achieving an average turn-point value of 6 against all scenario tactics in this study. In addition, testing the value of break even point yields the best value of 0.5 to get a good level of NPC adaptability.
Penerapan Adaptive AI pada Game Turn Based RPG Dengan Menggunakan Metode Monte Carlo Tree Search Yuka Bimatara Putra; Eriq M. Adams Jonemaro; Muhammad Aminul Akbar
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 7 (2018): Juli 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Many methods can be used by game developers to be implemented into Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enemy agents or commonly called Non Playable Character (NPC) which aims to make players become more challenged in completing the game they play. One of the usual algorithms is Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). The MCTS algorithm has been successfully constructed for turn-based gaming board games, the GO game. In the experiment, AI agents using MCTS scored higher than previous studies, so when tested, AIs using the MCTS algorithm can beat international GO champions. Given the success of the MCTS implementation, this study will discuss the application of MCTS to enemy agents in turn-based RPG games. The test is performed to validate the decision making of the selected agent and the effect of the MCTS process loop on the skill to be selected. For validation of decision making, testing will be done by looking at the effectiveness level and for testing the effect of MCTS process loop on effectiveness is done by simulation with several scenarios using different MCTS loops. The level of effectiveness is tested by looking at the win ratio of the agent team.
Evaluasi User Experience pada Game Left 4 Dead 2 Menggunakan Cognitive Walkthrough Muchtar Prawira Sholikhin; Eriq Muh. Adams Jonemaro; Muhammad Aminul Akbar
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 7 (2018): Juli 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Each product has a user experience aspect which is a science to make the users convenient of using the product. It is aimed to optimize the interaction between the users and the product. In order to concretely find out the User Experience, it requires mathematic calculation. Cognitive Walkthrough is one of analytic evaluation method. This method will evaluate each step in a product, to find out the main problem which make the users inconvenient. This method is cheap, fast and efficient so that it is suitable to be applied to new users. Game Left 4 Dead 2 which was awarded as IGN's Best Multiplayer Game in 2009, is suitable to be an object of evaluation by using Cognitive Walkthrough method. The result shows that the average of error is 7 times for each respondent, with type of User Error (U) and Hidden error (H).
Pengembangan Game Edukasi Penyeberangan Jalan (Pelan) Menggunakan Kinect Sebagai Pengendali Permainan (Studi Kasus Di TK RAM NU 10 Banin-Banat Gresik) Indi Rachmah Winona; Muhammad Aminul Akbar; Tri Afirianto
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 9 (2018): September 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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People often crossing the road that isn't in the right place, they do any ways to get to their destination immediately, both riders and pedestrians haven't any awareness of safety in traffic. This can be triggering an accident and also can cause the death. Especially for parents who neglect to keep their children and let them play as they like without parents' control, so unconsciously the danger can threaten the children safety. In this research was done the development of educational game for crossing the roads in different and exciting ways through the application of game technology by using natural interaction called NUI i.e. Kinect technology, where it became an advantage for early childhood that playing the game with a natural movement without needed to touch or use a game controller. Fun testing results in this study was obtained from the questionnaires which was filled out by the testers and calculated through the calculation of Likert-scale index interpretation was obtained the result that the overall game presented was 76%, the game's display was 100%, the fun element in the game was 84%, and the difficulty level of the game was 72%.
Implementasi Multi-Agent Path Finding Menggunakan Algoritma Conflict-Based Search Pada Game Bergenre Adventure-Puzzle Fathony Teguh Irawan; Eriq Muh. Adams Jonemaro; Muhammad Aminul Akbar
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 10 (2018): Oktober 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Artificial intelligence usage in video games is not new thing anymore. In general, most of video games now take advantage of artificial intelligence on entities in their video games. The problem that occurs is the impact of the implementation of artificial intelligence on the performance of video game. Multi-agent pathfinding is there to try to find path for the agents registered. Multi-agent pathfinding has some constraint that doesn't let more than one agent occupying same place at the same time. In this study, researcher propose to use conflict-based search algorithm to solve multi-agent pathfinding constraint. The design of multi-agent pathfinding is by designing conflict-based search for high-level search and A* search for low-level search. Implementation of multi-agent pathfinding is based on the design that has been defined, implemented on Unity3D game engine using C# programming language. Testing process is conducted after the implementation is completed and found the result is there is no condition where more than one agent occupy same place at the same time. Resource usage of conflict-based search also shown to be at stable rate. FPS that obtained from multi-agent pathfinding is still considered as playable. However, cycle time that generated while running conflict-based search continuous to growth as the number of agents increases. With this implementation is expected to help game developer to implement multi-agent pathfinding in their video game.
Penerapan Algoritme Basic Theta* Pada Game Hexaconquest Ilman Naafian Firmansyah; Eriq Muhmmad Adams Jonemaro; Muhammad Aminul Akbar
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 10 (2018): Oktober 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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Nearly every Turn-based Strategy Games today have a singleplayer feature in their Game modes. If there is only one human player, then every other player must be controlled by computer. This is where AI(Artificial Intelligence) used. AI used so the Game can be played by a human player as if they play against another human. Human player can then use this feature to train their playing skill while playing against computer player before they play against another human player. Commonly used algorithm to search for most optimal way AI can use to reach their destination is A* algorithm. But A* is not always the best solution for pathfinding. In this study we try to implement Basic Theta* algorithm on a Turn-based Strategy Game called Hexaconquest. Basic Theta* algorithm performance will then be compared to Hexaconquest's original pathfinding algorithm, A*. Both algorithm frame per second, running time, and node total cost performance will be compared. From result of this study, we can conclude that Basic Theta* algorithm can give solution with shortest route, but A* can give lighter and faster solution.
Penerapan Algoritme Logika Fuzzy Untuk Dynamic Difficulty Scaling Pada Game Labirin Ilham Akbar Ahmadi; Eriq Muhammad Adams Jonemaro; Muhammad Aminul Akbar
Jurnal Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi dan Ilmu Komputer Vol 2 No 10 (2018): Oktober 2018
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (FILKOM), Universitas Brawijaya

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A majority of new players in a game tend to pick levels at random. This causes an imbalance in the game, which makes the game too easy or too hard. To find out their abilities and levels, input is required from players as a parameter used in the process of determining the difficulty level of a game. In order to address this issue, in this research an implementation of the fuzzy method was utilized for Dynamic Difficulty Scaling to provide a level balance in a labyrinth game. The utilized testing methods were testing of behavior validation and gameplay performance. Behavior validation testing was conducted by requesting 5 volunteers to test the game to see the next level labyrinth output and to analyze the level balance that occurred. The analysis results show that the fuzzy method succeeded in equalizing the soft skills possessed by the players with the level being played. Meanwhile, performance testing was conducted by calculating the number of frames per second (FPS) that are outputted during gameplay. The results show that the best performance was obtained for a map of 5x5 size at 107.22 FPS, while the worst performance was for a labyrinth of 50x50 size at 87.65 FPS. From the results of this performance testing, it can be concluded that the game can be reasonably played, considering that the lower limit for the FPS of a game that can be reasonably played is 30 FPS.
Co-Authors Abdurrahman Prawira Purmiaji Abi Firmandhani Adam Hendra Brata Ade Suluh Novriananda Aditasha Fadhila Ramdani Aditya Luthfi Alvari Ramadhan Aditya Rachmadi Agi Putra Kharisma Agung Dwi Budiarto Ahmad Afif Supianto Ahmad Fadli Naharu Akbar Ramadhan Aldo Rizky Saputra Allen Nazario Istalaksana Anderson Manurung Andhi Indra Lestya Wicaksono Andri Alfian Arief Alamsyah Aryo Pinandito Aryo Seto Dwisaputra Billawal Nadipa Pelealu Bondan Sapta Prakoso Bramantyo Raka Adi Nugroho Bugi Pradana Nugroho Cahyono Hadi Kurniawan Carlista Naba Christian Doxa Hamasiah Chrysler Imanuel Chyntia Savrila Putri David Hosea Sipahutar Davin Benaya Dessy Amri Raykhamna Dheanisa Putri Rahayu Ditya Enandini Palupi Djoko Pramono Dwi Rama Malawat Edy Santoso Eriq M. Adams Jonemaro Eriq Muh. Adams Jonemaro Eriq Muhammad Adams Jonemaro Eriq Muhmmad Adams Jonemaro Fathony Teguh Irawan Fathurrahman Annafabi Fikri Ihsan Ahmad Firadi Surya Pramana Firdaus Rahmat Prasetyo Fitraldy Soefana Fitrantika Diashafira Hanifah Muslimah Az-Zahra Hariz Farisi Hendro Dwi Prasetyo Herlambang Yudha Prasetya Herman Tolle Hilmi Ilyas Rizaldi I Made Wira Satya Dharma I Made Yudi Anantha Kusuma Ian Setyo Aji Ilham Akbar Ahmadi Ilmam Achmadiarsyi Ilman Naafian Firmansyah Indi Rachmah Winona Intishar Fadi Abdillah Iqbal Firmansyah Iqbal Putra Santosa Ismiarta Aknuranda Issa Arwani Isthofi Aslim Sofyan Jermias Kristian Komang Candra Brata Lailatussaadah Lailatussaadah Lutfi Fanani Luthfi Fawwaz Putranto M. Qodarul Amar PW Mayovio Ahmad Mahendrata Mochamad Halim Mohamad Ilham Ridho Mohammad Alauddin Mohammad Chaliffilardhy Syaifuddin Muadz Askarul Muslim Muchtar Prawira Sholikhin Muhamad Arifin Ramadhan Muhammad Arif Nabil Lesmana Muhammad Aufa Athallah Muhammad Azmi Muhammad Azzam Al-Ghifari Habiburrahman Muhammad Reza Pahlevi Muhammad Satrio Bayu Pamungkas Muhtadin Ziqi Maulana Mujahid Bariz Hilmi Musavi Ardabilly Taufik Nashrul Azhar Mas'udi Niken Hendrakusma Nur Muhammad Rashid Panji Yodantara Pramudya Vizkal Arfianto Rahadian Fernandika Ramadhan Rizki Arga Putra Ratih Kartika Dewi Retno Indah Rokhmawati Reza Saputra Richard Hans Octavian Robertus Dwi Ari Utomo Ryan Aristo Sandhi Wistara Shandya Fajar Widyono Shena Star Sarwodi Steven Willy Sanjaya Syarief Noor Permadi Togan Jagat Raya Tri Afirianto Viqi Hanada Wibisono Sukmo Wardhono Widhy Hayuhardhika Nugraha Putra Winny Ardhian Septiko Yolanda Saputri Yoshua Aditya Kurnia Yosua Yosua Yudha Hadi Pratama Yuka Bimatara Putra Yuki Pradana Yusi Tyroni Mursityo Zulfikar Fahmi Falakh