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Penilaian Risiko Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Dengan Menggunakan Metode Hirarc Dan Safety Policy Eko Wahyu Abryandoko
Rekayasa Sipil Vol 12, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (523.852 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.rekayasasipil/2018.012.01.7


Occupational Safety and Health is an important part of the company, especially in construction work, because the main factor for a company to achieve the desired goal is employee productivity, supported by a sense of security and comfort.. This study has developed this procedure based on observations with reference to the OHSAS 18001: 2007 standard certification of HIRARC method of applying SMK3 based on HIRARC preparation on job implementation. After the risk analysis is done based on HIRADC and Risk of Risk then there should be risk control. Efforts made to control by considering the hierarchy of elimination, substitution, technical control, administrative and equipment supply K3 namely by adjusting the completion time of the TJBTB Main Office Construction project
Strategi Mitigasi Resiko Supply Chain Dengan Metode House of Risk Eko Wahyu Abryandoko; Mushthofa Mushthofa
Rekayasa Sipil Vol 14, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.rekayasasipil.2020.014.01.4


CV. Asri Tehnika is a company engaged in the construction, one of the projects that is now in the work by CV. Asri Tehnika is a project building construction of SDN Tlogoagung in Bojonegoro district. This research aims to identify various risks that occur in CV. Asri Tehnika at the time of construction of the building of SDN Tlogoagung District Kedungadem District Bojonegoro, along with the cause. The method used in this research is House of Risk, this method consists of two phases, namely the first phase to identify risk and risk agent, while the second phase is risk management. This research is expected to assist in the problem of supply chain activities within the company.
Exact Papers in Compilation (EPiC) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Februari 2020
Publisher : Unit Publikasi dan Jurnal Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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This study aims to determine the description of marketing information systems that are applied to the traditional home snacks of Pak Dicky and analyze the problems of the current system to be developed in the form of marketing information system design to promote traditional snacks that are being forgotten. This research was carried out in the marketing section of Pak dicky's traditional home industry snacks located in the district of cotton - Bojonegoro. This type of research is a qualitative research with action research approach. Data sources used are primary data and secondary data obtained using data collection methods in the form of observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that the marketing information system in the traditional home snacks of Pak Dicky still uses a conventional model that still has various weaknesses and lacks efficiency. These weaknesses include the promotion of social media that is less effective and efficient in providing information to prospect customers. Recommendations from existing customers are not supported by complete information sources that can be given when needed. limited marketing reach. Digital models and existing networks have not yet been utilized. The design of the implementation of marketing information systems for digital-based promotions can be implemented by Pak Dicky's traditional hawker industry as an effort to overcome the ongoing marketing problems in providing information about traditional hawker products offered.
Exact Papers in Compilation (EPiC) Vol 2 No 1 (2020): Februari 2020
Publisher : Unit Publikasi dan Jurnal Universitas KH. A. Wahab Hasbullah

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Pak Dicky's traditional snacks home industry is a UKM engaged in selling traditional culinary snacks which is also well-known by the name of market snacks. In increasing marketing and sales of products to consumers, it is necessary to implement a surefire business strategy to increase new market share. The problem experienced by Pak Dicky's traditional snacks home industry is the limited resources and time in serving every customer / consumer needs. Marketing information system design uses information systems modeling context diagrams, data flowchart diagrams, entity relationship diagran, and e-commerce website design applications by designing fast and appropriate information systems to customers, providing convenience for potential customers, and providing site-based applications web e-commerce that is easy to use by customers based on the design of marketing information systems capable of managing such as making reservations online, providing discounts and promos via the website and searching for product data using the results of application-based marketing information systems e-commerce website is able to provide options / options buying and selling transactions to consumers so that data management is more effective and the presentation of information is fast and flexible. This marketing information system was created using Visual Studio Code as a code editor and database using phpMyAdmin and MySQLi.
Jurnal Pengembangan Rekayasa dan Teknologi Vol 16, No 1 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Universitas Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26623/jprt.v16i1.1793


Perkembangan teknologi informasi pada bidang industri pada saat ini telah berkembang sangat cepat. Salah satu fungsi dari penerapannya adalah untuk membantu proses kerja agar berjalan lebih efektif dan efisien. Setiap perusahaan tidak terkecuali Pada UKM bubur bayi organik Bebicare , harus mampu berusaha menekan atau mereduksi waktu dan tenaga dalam beberapa proses kerja terutama melalui optimasi monitoring aliran keuangan dalam proses produksi dan penjualan. Sistem Informasi Manajemen merupakan sebuah aplikasi berbasis web sebagai sistem pendukung Manajemen UKM yang dibangun untuk memudahkan pengguna dalam memantau basis data dari keuangan,data inventaris,data produksi,data pengeluaran harian dan data karyawan secara terpusat. Aplikasi ini dibangun dari bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan metode pengembangan berbasis website termodifikasi. Proses tahapan pengembangan ini terbagi menjadi 3 tahapan, yaitu: analisa kebutuhan sistem, implementasi, dan pengujian.dengan tujuan 
Teknika Vol 15, No 2 (2020): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (318.915 KB) | DOI: 10.26623/teknika.v15i2.2670


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat kematangan dari penerapan Manajemen supply chain pada pekerjaan konstruksi dan merumuskan tindakan apa yang harus dilakukan untuk menindak lanjuti temuan yanga ada pada pekerjaan konstruksi tersebut. Metode yang digunakan didalam penelitian ini adalah deskripsi kulitatif dan kuantitatif dengan pendekatan menggunakan alat analisa yang digunakan adalah Supply Chain Maturity Assessment Test (SCMAT). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tingkat kematangan manajemen supply chain pada proyek-proyek yang dikerjakan oleh CV.Satria secara keseluruhan sudah baik dengan rata-rata telah memiliki skor kematangan di atas tiga, hanya ada 5 best practices yang masih di bawah nilai standar dan tindak lanjut dari temuan 5 best practices yang akan dijalankan dalam aspek Manajemen Supply Chain yaitu melakukan pengembangan dalam penggunaan teknologi bar code, sensor dan RFID mengacu pada hasil penilaian dari 5 best practices, serta pengembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk mengintegrasikan informasi dan komunikasi di antara para organisasi dalam supply chain.
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Operation Management Vol 5, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31602/jieom.v5i1.6867


CV. Anugerah Jaya Mandiri merupakan perusahaan makanan bayi yang sudah mempunyai hak paten merek Bebicare Bubur Bayi Organik. CV. Anugerah Jaya Mandiri dengan Produk andalan Bebicare Bubur Bayi Organik sudah memiliki banyak outlet yang tersebar di wilayah kabupaten Tuban dan Bojonegoro. Pendistribusian produk perusahaan menggunakan 1 jenis pengiriman, yaitu menggunakan sepeda motor yang di muat dalam gerobak. Pada sistem distribusi perusahaan mengirimkan sejumlah Produk ke lokasi 17 outlet. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk menentukan jalur distribusi produk Bebicare yang optimal dengan dan untuk mengetahui perbandingan biaya distribusi yang digunakan oleh CV. Anugerah Jaya Mandiri menggunakan metode Saving matrix. Dengan hasil penelitian Rute distribusi awal terdiri atas 13 rute tanpa penggabungan dengan total jarak 317,2 KM, menjadi 111,35 KM setelah dilakukan penggabungan. Biaya yang dikeluarkan setiap harinya untuk bahan bakar adalah Rp 48.351,6 per hari menjadi Rp 17.036,55 saja per hari dengan perhitungan berdasarkan metode saving matrix efisiensi meningkat sebesar 64,89%.Kata Kunci:  Distribution, Saving matrix, Bebicare
Bimbingan Teknis Pembuatan Alat Pengering Padi Pada Pengurus Posyantek Kabupaten Bojonegoro Eko Wahyu Abryandoko; Faisal Ashari
SNHRP Vol. 4 (2022): Seminar Nasional Hasil Riset dan Pengabdian (SNHRP) Ke 4 Tahun 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas PGRI Adi Buana

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Pos Pelayanan Teknologi Tepat Guna (Posyantek) di Kabupaten Bojonegoro bertugas memberikan pelayanan teknis, informasi, promosi, dan orientasi TTG kepada masyarakak di wilayah atau desa yang sudah terbentuk organisasi tersebut. Posyantek di tuntuk untuk selalu inovatif dalam penangan masalah di wilayah mereka. Kendala yang sering terjadi adalah petani merasa kesulitan dalam pengeringan tanamannya missal padi, jagung, Oleh karena itu, alat pengering padi ini hadir sebagai alternatif metode pengeringan yang sederhana dan mempunyai efisiensi yang tinggi sehingga mampu di tiru dan terapkan kepada kalayak umum petani. Metode pelaksanaan yan digunakan terdiri dari tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan, tahap evaluasi program dan pelaporan. Hasil dari PKM ini secara umum dalam pelaksanaan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) yang berlokasi di aula kantor PMD Bojonegoro ini berjalan dengan baik dan Program yang direncanakan juga dapat terealisasi dengan optimal. Program yang telah dilaksanakan meliputi 4 tahap yaitu tahap identifikasi kebutuhan teknologi pertanian dan pembuatan alat penunjang atau teknologi pertanian untuk di buat contoh kepada posyantek di kabupaten Bojonegoro , tahap pembuatan materi dan Bimtek alat pengering padi, tahap dan tahap evaluasi hasil dari penerapan teknolgi pengering padi.
Magnetic Lamp Product Design Development Using QFD Method Ahmad Wiji Barokah; Eko Wahyu Abryandoko; Faisal Ashari
JOSSE: Journal of Social Science and Economics Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): JOSSE: Journal of Social Science and Economics
Publisher : JOSSE: Journal of Social Science and Economics

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (605.042 KB)


Lights are always evolving, both in terms of form, features, and function. Magnetic lights are one of the most important objects in the room and are developing. Along with these developments, often the products of magnetic lamps are of less quality. So that the main function of the magnetic lamp is neglected, and it creates weaknesses, both in terms of dimensions and features compared to the previous magnetic lamp design. This gives rise to new ideas for the design of magnetic lighting products that are better in terms of function and added value that can be provided by these products to meet the needs of users or consumers. The success of a product can be measured by how much the existence of the product can be accepted by consumers, and will directly increase profits for the company or producer and vice versa. This study focuses on how to develop and design magnetic lighting product designs according to the wishes of the Customer (students) using the QFD method and identify the attributes of the magnetic lighting products that are prioritized by the Customer (students) using the QFD method with the aim of knowing how to develop and design product designs. Magnetic lamps according to the wishes of the Customer (students) using the QFD method and identifying the attributes of the magnetic lamp products that are prioritized by the Customer (students) using the QFD method. The results of this study are variations in shape a, ideal size, strong material, durable, attractive color, price Rp. 200,000, ease of use, energy saving lamp, attractive shape, color of led lamp can be changed (change color) and identification of process development In the manufacture of magnetic lamps, there are several attributes that are a priority by customers (students) for product development, namely materials that are strong and energy efficient. This development has a fairly high priority, after the two attributes, the development of attractive shapes, and durable materials. Become the biggest development priority. The development of attributes that have a high priority will significantly encourage the fulfillment of customers (students), while developments with low priorities will not have much influence on meeting the needs of customers (students).
Perawatan Horizontal Pluner Pump di PERTAMINA HULU ENERGI JAMBI MERANG Sudirnanto Sudirnanto; Eko Wahyu Abryandoko
Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Sistem Industri Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Sistem Industri (JTMSI) - MARET
Publisher : Universitas Bojonegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.045 KB)


Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Jambi Merang is a company that produces natural gas and condensate. The natural gas produced is sold to PLN in Jambi, South Sumatra and West Java as fuel for PLN and industry. Meanwhile, the condensate is exported to Singapore as industrial fuel. Because the pump is a vital equipment or component in a natural gas production process and to learn about reciprocating pumps and how to maintain them so that the pump can work optimally and be ready for use at any time. The purpose of this research is to understand about Preventive Maintenance (Preventive maintenance) on the Horizontal Plunger Pump and study the problems that often occur in the Horizontal Plunger Pump and how to solve them. The data collection methods used were direct researcher participation in the research object, field observations and interviews with the department responsible for managing the horizontal plunger pump at PERTAMINA HULU ENERGY JAMBI MERANG. From the results of the research conducted, it was found that the preventive maintenance work on the Horizontal Plunger Pump LP Flare KOD which was carried out at PHE Jambi Merang included weekly service, 3 month service, and 6 month service. In addition, problems that often occur with the Horizontal Plunger Pump at PHE Jambi Merang include the suction strainer often experiencing an increase in differential pressure, the rapid filling of the high level in the exhaust fluid storage tank from oil, seepage or leakage in the lubrication tank on the level indicator bar, noise on the V-Belt, excessive vibration or vibration, lube oil pressure to the stuffing box is often insufficient.