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Kebijakan Otonomi Daerah Dan Dampaknya Terhadap Kinerja Industri Gula Di Kabupaten Pasuruan Fahriyah Fahriyah; Hermanto Siregar; Rina Oktaviani
Agricultural Socio-Economics Journal Vol 10, No 1 (2010)
Publisher : Socio-Economics/Agribusiness Department

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Pada awalnya kebijakan otonomi daerah di Indonesia didasarkan pada UU No 22/1999 dan UU No 25/1999  yang kemudian diamandemen dengan UU No 32/2004 dan UU No 33/2004. Pelaksanaan otonomi daerah akan berdampak baik pada struktur organisasi pemerintah daerah juga pada kewenangan terhadap keuangan/pembelanjaan daerah. Tujuan dari penulisan makalah ini adalah: (1) mengevaluasi perubahan kelembagaan pemerintah daerah dan (2) menganalisis dampak dari peningkatan kewenangan keuangan daerah terhadap kinerja industri gula. Metode analisis  menggunakan model input-output. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa rendahnya kemampuan aparat pemerintah daerah menyebabkan kebijakan otonomi daerah belum sepenuhnya dapat dilaksanakan. Penerapan otonomi daerah akan berdampak positif terhadap kinerja industri gula jika pemerintah daerah  memberikan dukungan yang besar terhadap aktivitas perdagangan daerah. Kata kunci: Otonomi Daerah, Industri Gula, Kewenangan
Agricore: Jurnal Agribisnis dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Unpad Vol 2, No 1 (2017): Agricore: Jurnal Agribisnis dan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian
Publisher : Departemen Sosial Ekonomi Faperta Unpad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24198/agricore.v2i1.15049


ABSTRAKKeberhasilan implementasi pertanian berkelanjutan tidak hanya terkait pada keamanan ketersediaanpangan secara nasional, tetapi juga terkait dengan peran penting sektor pertanian dalamperekonomian nasional. Unit-unit kegiatan usahatani yang berorientasi pada keberlanjutan usahaakan menjadi penggerak bagi perekonomian. Usaha pembesaran lobster merupakan salah satu unitkegiatan sektor perikanan yang memiliki kontribusi bagi perekonomian. Keberhasilan usahapembesaran lobster yang berkelanjutan dipengaruhi oleh keterlibatan beberapa pihak termasukpetani. Petani merupakan subjek yang terlibat langsung dalam pelaksanaan konsep pembangunanpertanian berkelanjutan dilapangan. Persepsi petani terhadap keberlanjutan usaha bisa menjadi tolokukur keberhasilan pertanian berkelanjutan di tingkat usahatani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmenganalisis tingkat keberlanjutan menggunakan indeks komposit dari data skala likert persepsipetani terhadap keberlanjutan usaha pembesaran lobster. Data skala likert yang merupakan skalaordinal ditransformasikan ke dalam skala interval menggunakan pendekatan Method of SuccesiveInterval (MSI). Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui survey kepada 106 petani lobster di PulauLombok Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa nilai indeks persepsi keberlanjutan untuk dimensi ekonomi, sosial danlingkungan masing-masing masuk pada katagori keberlanjutan “sedang” dengan nilai rata-rataadalah 0.58; 0.56 dan 0.54. Indeks gabungan yang merupakan interaksi antara ketiga dimensimemiliki rata-rata 0.56 juga masuk pada katagori “sedang”.Kata kunci : pertanian berkelanjutan, indeks keberlanjutan, persepsi petani, budidaya lobsterABSTRACTThe successful of sustainable farming implementation is not only related to the security of foodsupply, but also to the contribution to national economy. Sustainability oriented farming will becomea motor for the economy. One of contributing unit is lobster farming. The success of sustainablelobster farming is affected by the involvement of multiple parties, including the farmers. Farmers arethe subject who directly involved in implementing the concept of sustainable agriculturaldevelopment. The farmers’s perception of sustainability is a benchmark of successful sustainableagriculture at the farm level. This study aimed to analyze sustainability level by using the compositeindex of the likert scale data on the perception of farmers towards farming sustainability. Likertordinal scale data is transformed into interval scale using Method of Successive Interval (MSI).Data collected through a survey to 106 farmers in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara provinceusing a structured questionnaire. The results suggest that the value of the index of sustainabilityperception for the economic, social and environment each fall into”moderate” category with theaverage value is 0.58, 0.56 and 0.54 respectively. The Composite index, interaction between aspects,have an average of 0.56 is also fall into the “moderate” category.Keywords: sustainable agriculture, sustainability index, farmers perception, lobster farming
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan Vol 6, No 2 (2011): DESEMBER (2011)
Publisher : Balai Besar Riset Sosial Eonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (849.728 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/jsekp.v6i2.5770


Kuantitas produksi udang tambak Indonesia meningkat signifikan dalam dua dekade terakhir, dari 97,2 ribu ton tahun 1989 menjadi 352 ribu ton tahun 2010, dengan puncaknya 409 ribu ton pada tahun 2008. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja produktivitas tambak udang dan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi TFP menggunakan pendekatan angka Indeks Tornqvist Theil. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan udang tambak Indonesia periode 1989-2008 lebih karena pertumbuhan input/faktor produksi bukan karena pertumbuhan TFP. TFP berfluktuasi disebabkan belum berhasil diatasinya permasalahan penyakit. Hasil konfirmasi pada tingkat lapang menggunakan data primer dari 163 petak tambak menunjukkan bahwa serangan penyakit berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap TFP. Intensifikasi, benur bersertifkat, dan lamanya pendidikan berkorelasi positif, akan tetapi kondisi riil Indonesia berbeda yaitu mayoritas tambak dikelola secara non intensif. Studi ini juga menunjukkan bahwa luas pengusahaan dan sistem kerjasama antara pembudidaya dengan lembaga pemasaran lainnya berpengaruh negatif terhadap TFP. Terkait dengan hal itu, pemerintah perlu memprioritaskan meningkatkan produktivitas dengan mengatasi serangan penyakit melalui penambahan anggaran riset bidang penyakit, penyediaan benur bermutu, peningkatan sumber daya manusia (SDM). Selain itu, diperlukan regulasi dalam hal pengaturan pola tanam dengan penggantian species yang dapat memutus rantai penyakit. Disamping itu, direkomendasikan agar mengurangi padat penebaran. Tittle: Productivity Performance and Factors Influencing to the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) of Indonesia Shrimp Cultured.Production of Indonesian shrimp cultured has experienced a remendeous growth during the last two decades with its peak performance at 409 metric tons in the year of 2008. The objective of this research was to analyze productivity performance of Indonesian shrimp cultured using the Tornqvist Theil Index and its determinants. Results showed that source of growth was mainly due to input gowth. TFP fluctuations were mainly because of disease outbreaks. Using field data comprises a total of 163 ponds confirm that disease outbreaks plays an important role in lowering TFP. Intensification, fry certification, and education halved a positive correlation with TFP. However, the Indonesian shrimp farmers in majority cultured the shrimps using traditional system. On the other hand, cooperation between farmers and other marketing institution and total pond area show a negative effects on achieving higher TFP. Therefore, the government could improve farmed shrimp productivity through increasing research budget on diseases, improving seed quality and human resources. The government should also put a priority regulation on changing cropping system accompanied by changing shrimp species cultured so that carrier agents of diseases can be broken. Apart from these, lowering stocking density was also suggested.
ANALISIS ALIRAN INVESTASI DAN PERDAGANGAN PARIWISATA INDONESIA Faurani I Santi Singagerda; Rina Oktaviani; Dedi Budiman Hakim; Reni Kustiari
Bina Ekonomi Vol. 17 No. 2 (2013)
Publisher : Center for Economic Studies Universitas Katolik Parahyangan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (611.385 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/be.v17i2.812.%p


Tourism is one of the most significant contributors to the construction sector in Indonesia, with the contribution around 13.9 percent of the total GDP in 2012. In connection with the government's efforts in improving the contribution of tourism in an effort to boost economic growth while improving the welfare of society, then the increase in tourism investment as focus in the development program, the goal for the activities can provide added value as well as lead to increased production that will be produced. If it is known that the average investment for the tourism sector is Rp. 2.73 billion during the period 2006-2012. This figure also shows that the contribution of tourism investment to total investment amounted to only 6 percent (Kemenpraf, 2012), in other words, an investment in the tourism sector has not been able to provide optimal contribution to the national economy development. Based on the fact that some of the problems arising from the government's efforts to boost trade and investment in the tourism sector continues to be done. The determinant factors of the amount of investment and trade from the Indonesian tourism and other countries to be considered and used as the basis of decision-making reference. Similarly, the amount of trade and investment flows to and from outside the State, are also worthy of consideration. To answer the problems, we use the gravity model as methodology and construvt the model of investment and trade of flows which consists of 5 models: the model of the flow of Indonesian tourism investment, exports of goods and services models Indonesian tourism, imports of goods and services model of tourism in Indonesia, Indonesian tourism demand flow model, and the model Indonesian tourism supply. Based on the results of the analysis using the five models were obtained magnitude of investment inflows to Indonesia influenced by the population of the country of origin of tourists and mileage of the country of origin of foreign tourists to Indonesia, where the influence of explanatory variables endogenous variables as a whole is at 0:42 at a significance level of 95 percent. The magnitude of the flow of goods and services exports of Indonesian tourism is affected by the distance variable, price of Indonesian tourism in the country of origin of tourists, exchange rate against foreign currencies origin of tourists, population, tourism and exports of the previous year are variables that significantly affect the confidence level of 95 percent, the magnitude of the effect was 92.7 percent and this shows considerable influence.In the model the flow of goods and services for Indonesian tourism, we use a variable distance, Indonesian GDP, the exchange rate, the price of Indonesian tourism in the countries of origin of tourists and imports of goods and services in the Indonesian tourism previously an influential variable significantly (at 90 percent confidence level), and in general of the statistical results obtained by the relationship between the value of imports of goods and services to the Indonesian tourism is the independent variable by 96 percent. In the model flow of Indonesian tourism demand, the estimation results indicate that the tourism demand variable by independent variables Indonesian GDP, GDP of the country of origin of tourists, tourism for Indonesia, Tourism for the competing countries of ASEAN countries, and tourism consumption by foreign tourists in Indonesia as significant variables in the real level of 0:05 with the magnitude of the effect is at 93.2 percent. Statistically, the result also define there is relationship between magnitude supply of Indonesian tourism deals with variable-GDP Indonesia, Indonesian tourism price, exchange rate, domestic consumption, and consumption in other countries as variables significant (at significance level 0.05) effect on variable deals with the influence of Indonesian tourism amounted to 95.6 percent and the remaining 4.4 percent are influenced by other factors outside of the study such as inflation, interest rates, and investment tourism.
Jurnal Jalan-Jembatan Vol 28 No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Direktorat Bina Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan

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ABSTRAKPrasarana jalan dan jembatan berperan dalam penggunaan ekonomi bangsa, namun dampak terhadap  perekonomian belum diteliti secara cermat. Tulisan ini bermaksud menganalisis dampak ekonomi investasi jalan dan jembatan dengan model Inter-regional Social Accounting Matrix Jawa Sumatera 2007.Hasil analilsis menunjukan: (1) Investasi jalan dan jembatan di Sumatera dan Jawa-Bali paling dinikmati oleh sektor perdagangan, restoran dan hotel,dan sektor industri makanan, minuman dan tembakau namun kurang berpihak pada sektor pertanian; (2) Keterkaitan atau ketergantungan sektor-sektor produksi tehadap konstruksi jalan dan jembatan di Sumatera cukup besar; (3) Dampak limpahan sektor jalan dan jembatan dari Sumatera ke Jawa-Bali berkisar 5 kali lebih besar daripada limoahan dari Jawa-Bali ke Sumatera menyebabkan kesenjangan oendapatan Sumatera dengan Jawa-Bali semakin melebar; (4) Rumah tangga pengusaha golongan rendah di desa memperoleh pendapatan tertinggi dari investasi jalandi Sumatera sementara untuk investasi jalan di Jawa-Bali rumah tangga pengusaha golongan rendah di kota memperoleh pendapatan yang terbesar; (5) Kontribusi jalan dan jembatan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi Jawwa-Bali dan Sumatera terhadap tahun 2007 naik 0.17 persen tahun 2008, naik 0.20 persen 2009 dan naik 0.28 persen tahun 2010.Kata Kunci : Interegional Social Accounting Matrix, dampak limpahan, ketertarikan belakang dan kedepan, analisis penggandaan, pertumbuhan ekonomi