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MENATA PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI INDONESIA (Sebuah Upaya Menuju Pendidikan yang Memberdayakan) Ibrahim, Sulaiman
Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika Vol 8, No 1 (2011): Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palu

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Abstract:  In the era of reformation, the Islamic education faces two problems: the demand of Indonesian community on the quality of Islamic education and the education irrelevance to  community development. In addition, the ability of Indonesian nation in managing Islamic education is still not adequate so that Islamic educaion has no clear vision and missions.  In line with the national education problems facing the globalization era, the very open world era. In this regard,  the Indonesia nation must establish  an adequate ability in the framework of cooperation and competition with other nations. Through cooperation and competition, the Indoesnia nastion will be able to enhance the quality of Indonesia people.Kata Kunci: pendidikan Islam, pendidikan yang memberdayakan, Total Quality Management (TQM)
Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika Vol 7, No 1 (2010): Studi Keislaman
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Palu

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This article deals with The Holy Qur’an, a book of translation and of a quranic exegeses written by  Abdullah Yusuf Ali. This book becomes popular since it not only uses international language (English), but also possesses its own characteristics which make it different from other books of  exegeses.  The Holy Qur’an is so dominant in its sufistical commentary that it employes esetoric hermeneutics over the symbols existing in the Qur’an. In addition, this book employs lexical, grammatical, contextual, and social-cultural meanings that convey message that the translator depends on the standard language of the Qur’an. Abdullah Yusuf Ali obey does not the literal meanings of the verses, but he puts stongger emphases on its spiritual meanings.Kata Kunci: The Holy Qur’an, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, kitab tafsir   
Al-Ulum Vol 11, No 2 (2011): Al-Ulum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo

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Kitab ‘Tafsîr al-Qurân al-Karîm’ merupakan hasil studi selama setidaknya lima puluh tahun, yakni sejak penulisnya berusia 20 hingga 73 tahun. Penafsiran ini adalah di antara karya terbaik Mahmud Yunus yang memiliki orientasi untuk menjelaskan dan mengklarifikasi intruksi yang terdapat dalam al Qur’an untuk dipratekkan oleh umat Islam khususnya dan umat manusia pada umumnya, sebagai pedoman universal. Penafsiran dari juz al-Qur’an ini dianggap paling lengkap pada mazanya. Kelengkapan itu disebabkan dua hal: pertama, terjemahan dilakukan tidak lagi menjadi bagian terpisah dari ayat-ayat atau surah-surah sebagai nuansa penafsiran al Qur’an pada generasi pertama. Dan kedua, pernyataa dan informasi dalam bentuk catatan kaki sebagai pelengkap untuk memberikan pemahaman tentang makna aya-ayat tertentu. ------------------------The ‘Tafsîr al-Qurân al-Karîm’ is the result of investigation for at least fifty-three years, ie since the author was 20 years old to 73 years. This interpretation is among of masterpiece work of Mahmud Yunus who has orientation to explain and clarify the instructions contained in the Koran for practiced by Muslims in particular and mankind in general, as a universal guide. The exegesis of 30 juz of the Koran is a work of translation is the most comprehensive one in his time. The comprhensionsiveness is due to two things: first translation is done no longer a separate part of the verses or surah-specific chapters, as shades of interpretation in the first generation; and second is the statement-information in the form of footnotes as a complement to provide pemaharnan on the meaning of certain verses
Al-Ulum Vol 13, No 2 (2013): Al-Ulum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Sultan Amai Gorontalo

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Tulisan ini mempertegas bahwa kepemimpinan laki-laki dalam keluarga tidak bersifat mutlak. Ia diikat dengan persyaratan-persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi. Kepemimpinan itu pun lebih bernuansa fungsional, bukan struktural. Kepemimpinan laki-laki tidak sampai memutlakkan seorang isteri tunduk sepenuhnya. Isteri tetap masih mempunyai hak untuk bermusyawarah dan melakukan tawar-menawar keinginan dengan suami berdasarkan argumen yang rasional-kondisional. Peran domestikasi perempuan adalah suatu kondisi dimana perempuan melaksanakan tugas-tugas domestik sekaligus peran publik. Tugas-tugas ini harus diposisikan sebagai alternatif yang dapat dipilih berdasarkan kesepakatan antara suami dan isteri, sehingga ketika kondisi menghendaki, keduanya dapat bertukar tugas berdasarkan prinsip kerjasama.This paper emphasizes that male headship in the family is not absolute. He was tied with the requirements that must be met. Leadership that was more nuanced functional, not structural. Male leadership not to comply fully absolutize wife. Wife still has the right to deliberation and bargaining with the desire of the husband based on rational argument-conditional. Domestication role of women is a condition in which women perform domestic duties as well as public role. These tasks should be positioned as an alternative that can be selected by agreement between the husband and wife, so that when the conditions require, they can exchange assignments based on the principle of cooperation.Tulisan ini mempertegas bahwa kepemimpinan laki-laki dalam keluarga tidak bersifat mutlak. Ia diikat dengan persyaratan-persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi. Kepemimpinan itu pun lebih bernuansa fungsional, bukan struktural. Kepemimpinan laki-laki tidak sampai memutlakkan seorang isteri tunduk sepenuhnya. Isteri tetap masih mempunyai hak untuk bermusyawarah dan melakukan tawar-menawar keinginan dengan suami berdasarkan argumen yang rasional-kondisional. Peran domestikasi perempuan adalah suatu kondisi dimana perempuan melaksanakan tugas-tugas domestik sekaligus peran publik. Tugas-tugas ini harus diposisikan sebagai alternatif yang dapat dipilih berdasarkan kesepakatan antara suami dan isteri, sehingga ketika kondisi menghendaki, keduanya dapat bertukar tugas berdasarkan prinsip kerjasama.------------------------This paper emphasizes that male headship in the family is not absolute. He was tied with the requirements that must be met. Leadership that was more nuanced functional, not structural. Male leadership not to comply fully absolutize wife. Wife still has the right to deliberation and bargaining with the desire of the husband based on rational argument-conditional. Domestication role of women is a condition in which women perform domestic duties as well as public role. These tasks should be positioned as an alternative that can be selected by agreement between the husband and wife, so that when the conditions require, they can exchange assignments based on the principle of cooperation.
Irfani Vol 10, No 1 (2014): Juni 2014
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri

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Kerangka acuan pemikiran dalam penataan dan pengembangan sistem pendidikan Islam, harus mampu mengakomodasikan berbagai pandangan secara selektif sehingga terdapat keterpaduan dalam konsep, yaitu : Pertama, pendidikan harus membangun prinsip kesetaraan antara sektor pendidikan dengan sektor-sektor lain. Kedua, pendidikan merupakan wahana pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan mengutamakan penciptaan dan pemeliharaan sumber yang berpengaruh, seperti keluarga, sekolah, media massa, dan dunia usaha. Ketiga, prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat dengan segenap institusi sosial yang ada di dalamnya, terutama institusi yang dilekatkan dengan fungsi mendidik generasi penerus bangsa. Keempat, prinsip kemandirian dalam pendidikan dan prinsip pemerataan menurut warga negara secara individual maupun kolektif untuk memiliki kemampuan bersaing dan sekaligus kemampuan bekerja sama. Kelima, dalam kondisi masyarakat pluralistik diperlukan prinsip toleransi dan konsensus. Keenam, prinsip perencanaan pendidikan. Ketujuh, prinsip rekonstruksionis, bahwa kondisi masyarakat selalu menghendaki perubahan mendasar. Kedelapan, prinsip pendidikan berorientasi pada peserta didik. Kesembilan, prinsip pendidikan multicultural, Kesepuluh, pendidikan dengan prinsip global, artinya pendidikan harus berperan dan harus menyiapkan peserta didik dalam konstelasi masyarakat global.
Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika Vol 11, No 1 (2014): STUDI ALQURAN
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Palu

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Hermeneutics is a new phenomenon in the study of the Koran. There are still the pros and the cons among the flow and the groups in Islamic societies in accordabce with thw use of this method of interpretation. The pros group tends to claim that the existence of hermeneutic interpretation of feminism in the study of the Koran is a necessity. This is based on the statement that al-Qur’ān ṣāliḥ li kulli zamān wa makān. In the mean time, the couns group tends to state that hermeneutics is not proper to employ study or  to interpret the verses of the Koran. The reason is that the method is not part of a system of Islamic scholarship, but rather  a method of biblical interpretation. This paper presents a discourse on the re-orientation of the interpretation of the Koran that involves existential through the interpretating actions  relevant to the socio-cultural character of  the community.Kata Kunci: hermeneutik, teks, Alquran, interpretasi, sosio-kultural
MENATA PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DI INDONESIA (Sebuah Upaya Menuju Pendidikan yang Memberdayakan) Ibrahim, Sulaiman
Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika Vol 8 No 1 (2011)
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (114.774 KB) | DOI: 10.24239/jsi.v8i1.87.81-100


Abstract:  In the era of reformation, the Islamic education faces two problems: the demand of Indonesian community on the quality of Islamic education and the education irrelevance to  community development. In addition, the ability of Indonesian nation in managing Islamic education is still not adequate so that Islamic educaion has no clear vision and missions.  In line with the national education problems facing the globalization era, the very open world era. In this regard,  the Indonesia nation must establish  an adequate ability in the framework of cooperation and competition with other nations. Through cooperation and competition, the Indoesnia nastion will be able to enhance the quality of Indonesia people.Kata Kunci: pendidikan Islam, pendidikan yang memberdayakan, Total Quality Management (TQM)
Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika Vol 7 No 1 (2010): Studi Keislaman
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (295.487 KB) | DOI: 10.24239/jsi.v7i1.105.1-24


This article deals with The Holy Qur’an, a book of translation and of a quranic exegeses written by  Abdullah Yusuf Ali. This book becomes popular since it not only uses international language (English), but also possesses its own characteristics which make it different from other books of  exegeses.  The Holy Qur’an is so dominant in its sufistical commentary that it employes esetoric hermeneutics over the symbols existing in the Qur’an. In addition, this book employs lexical, grammatical, contextual, and social-cultural meanings that convey message that the translator depends on the standard language of the Qur’an. Abdullah Yusuf Ali obey does not the literal meanings of the verses, but he puts stongger emphases on its spiritual meanings.Kata Kunci: The Holy Qur’an, Abdullah Yusuf Ali, kitab tafsir   
Hunafa: Jurnal Studia Islamika Vol 11 No 1 (2014): STUDI ALQURAN
Publisher : State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN) Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24239/jsi.v11i1.338.23-41


Hermeneutics is a new phenomenon in the study of the Koran. There are still the pros and the cons among the flow and the groups in Islamic societies in accordabce with thw use of this method of interpretation. The pros group tends to claim that the existence of hermeneutic interpretation of feminism in the study of the Koran is a necessity. This is based on the statement that al-Qur’ān ṣāliḥ li kulli zamān wa makān. In the mean time, the couns group tends to state that hermeneutics is not proper to employ study or  to interpret the verses of the Koran. The reason is that the method is not part of a system of Islamic scholarship, but rather  a method of biblical interpretation. This paper presents a discourse on the re-orientation of the interpretation of the Koran that involves existential through the interpretating actions  relevant to the socio-cultural character of  the community.Kata Kunci: hermeneutik, teks, Alquran, interpretasi, sosio-kultural
Jurnal Bimas Islam Vol 8 No 4 (2015): Jurnal Bimas Islam
Publisher : Direktorat Jenderal Bimbingan Masyarakat Islam

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Abstract Advocated to infaq, to every Muslim to use their property in a way that is good and true. Including by channeling such assets to improve the lives of private and public, to narrow the distance of separation between the rich and the poor. According to the Koran, the property has a social function. When collecting treasures must be halal and good principle, and considering the interests of society. Because the property we have is actually coming from Allah. In which people were given a mandate to use and take care of the property for the benefit of personal, family and community in the frame of devotion to Alah SWT.     Abstraksi Pensyariatan infak, mengarahkan setiap muslim agar menggunakan harta mereka dengan cara yang baik dan benar. Di antaranya dengan menyalurkan harta tersebut untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan hidup pribadi dan masyarakat, mempersempit jarak pemisahan antara si kaya dan si miskin. Menurut al-Qur?an, harta milik itu mempunyai fungsi sosial. Ketika mengumpulkan harta haruslah prinsip halal daan baik, serta memperhatikan kepentingan masyarakat. karena harta yang dimiliki itu sebenarnya hanya pinjaman dari Allah swt. di mana manusia diberi amanat untuk menggunakannya dan mengurus harta itu untuk kepentingan pribadi, keluarga dan masyarakat dalam bingkai pengabdian kepada Allah swt. Keywords: Koran, donation/infaq, concept