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Pendidikan Biologi Vol 2, No 2 (2013): Jurnal Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi Genap 2013-2014
Publisher : STKIP PGRI Sumbar

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ABSTRACTBamboo distributed in various places in West Sumatera, including at Anai Valley Nature Reserve  Tanah Datar District. Anai Valley Nature Reserve has a high biodiversity that estimated diversity at Anai Valley is quite high. Descriptions using the bamboo flower organs was difficult because most rare bamboo flowering and some have not flowering. It is necessary to look for other alternatives as descriptions of materials, namely by using the anatomical structure of vegetative organs such as culm. To determine the type of bamboo that is at Anai Valley Nature Reserve has conducted investigated on morphological and anatomical characters some of bamboo species, using descriptive and quantitative methods were conducted in March-July 2013. Specimens of bamboo identified in Herbarium Andalas University (ANDA) Padang. Making preparations carried out in the Laboratory of Structural Plant Development, Department of Biology, Andalas University, Padang. Results of present study, six species of bamboo in Anai Valley Nature Reserve are: Bambusa balcooa (Roxb.) Voigt, Schizostachyum brachycladum Kurz, Bambusa glaucophylla Widjaja, Schizostachyum silicatum Widjaja, Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. Ex Wendl, Schizostachyum mampouw. Anatomical culm structure of B.balcooa, B.glaucophylla. and B.vulgaris, tends to have a dominant fiber outer sheath compared with Schizostachyum genus. Genus Bambusa consists of 6-9 rows that have a separate fiber sheath of vascular bundle centripetally, while the genus Schizostachyum obtained 3-4 rows. Longest fiber in Bambusa vulgaris get on that 2830±32 mm and the shortest on Bambusa glaucophylla is 1855±20 mm . While the width of the fiber diameter on Scyzostachyum silicatum at 28±4 mm and narrowest on Bambusa vulgaris is 19±4 mm. Comparison perenkim cell diameter of the rod toward the edge of the shows that growth stems from the edges toward the inside
TREUBIA Vol 41 (2014): Vol. 41, December 2014
Publisher : Research Center for Biology

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14203/treubia.v41i0.361


The Indonesian archipelago is an ideal setting for the study of speciation and biogeography. This archipelago is divided into three island groups based on zoogeography: Sundaland, Wallaceaand the Australian region. In this paper we used frogs in genus Fejervarya (Bolkay) to study biogeography and examine patterns of gene flow across proposed zoogeographic boundaries. Severalmolecular studies on Fejervarya species from Indonesia have been carried out, but comparative studies among members of the genus Fejervarya have yet to be performed. In order to elucidate genetic divergence and geographic distribution of these frogs, we conducted a molecular analysis of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene using 179 frogs from five Fejervarya species. In total we collected from 32 localities in Sumatra, Kalimantan (Indonesian part of Borneo), Java, Bali, Sulawesi and Lesser Sunda Islands in Indonesia. Molecular phylogenetic analysis recovered 35 haplotypes and showed that frogs in the genus Fejervarya were divided into two well-supported clades. The first group were of three species, F. limnocharis, F. iskandari and F. cf. verruculosa and the other group clade consisted of Fejervarya cancrivora and Fejervarya sp. (Sulawesi-type). The average sequence divergence among these four species ranged from 1.09 to 16.03% (mean = 11.29±2.83%). The present results clearly show that there are five Fejervarya species in the Indonesian archipelago. Fejervarya limnocharis and F. cancrivora are widely distributed and sympatric in Sumatra, Borneo and Java. Fejervarya iskandari is not endemic to Java and also occurs in the Lesser Sundas. Fejervarya cf. verruculosa and Fejervarya sp. (Sulawesi-type) are endemic to Lesser Sunda and Sulawesi Island, respectively. Key words: Fejervarya, genetic divergence, geographic distribution, 16S rRNA gene
Karakteristik anatomi dan energi kayu dari tiga tumbuhan invasif [Anatomical and energi characteristics of wood from three invasive species] Rahmadani, Silmi Yusri; Alponsin, Alponsin; Maideliza, Tesri; Jannatan, Robby
Jurnal Riset Industri Hasil Hutan Vol 13, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Kementerian Perindustrian

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24111/jrihh.v13i1.6469


The presence of invasive species is often seen as environmental and economic problem. On the other hand, the potential of these species which have fast growing and regeneration ability can be used for various purposes such as alternative bioenergy utilization. This study is aimed to observe the wood anatomical and energy characteristics of invasive species such as Melastoma malabathricum, L., Calliandra callothyrsus, Meissn and Acacia mangium, Willd. It is potentially utilized as source of alternative energy. This study used purposive sampling method, and used wood samples with the thickness of about ≥5 cm. This research was analyzed descriptively for anatomy characteristic whereas the diameter and frequency of vessel, heigh and width of parenchyma then calorific value, ash and moisture content analyzed using Kruskall Wallis and Mann Whitney. Anatomical characteristic of wood from two species were diffuse porous vessel, solitary and multiple vessel, frequency of vessel were rare to many and diameter of vessel were small to rather small and paratracheal axial parenchyma. Rays were uniseriate or biseriate with 1-3 seriate, height of ray category was extremely short and width rays were narrow to extremely narrow. All rays were homorocelular with upright or procumbent cells. The calorific value of these species started from 3,887.59 to 4,132.99 kal/g. Ash content start from 1.27–1.73% meanwhile the moisture content were 11.6–12.6%. Base on energy properties, Calliandra callothyrsus, Meissn. fulfilled the standard of bio pellet production base on SNI 8021 and EN- 14961-2.
Studi Perkembangan Aerenkim Akar Padi Sawah dan Padi Ladang pada Tahap Persemaian dengan Perlakuan Perendaman Fitri Handayani; Tesri Maideliza; - Mansyurdin
Jurnal Biologi Universitas Andalas Vol 2, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jbioua.2.2.%p.2013


The study of root aerenchyma development of wetland paddy cv."anak daro" and upland paddy cv. "merah" at nursery stageby flooding treatment was conducted from January to April 2013 in green house and Laboratory of Plant Development and Structure, Biology Departement, Andalas University, Padang. The objective of this study was to observe the aerechyma development in the root cortex and its zone along root. The root of paddy as materials were prepared by the paraffin method. The result showed that aerenchyma was developed from cortical cells of proximal root either in wetland or upland paddy in two days after seedling. At 8 days after seedling, wetland paddy with flooding treatment formed 27-29 aerenchymatous cavities compared to 27-28 cavities of their control. Upland paddy with flooding treatment formed 28-30 aerenchymatous cavities and did not form any cavity on their control.. The aerenchyma of both paddies developed completely between outer and inner cortex in 14 days after seedling. The aerenchymatous zone was developed completely from proximal up to distal root at 21 days after seedling.Keywords: wetland paddy, upland paddy, flooding, aerenchyma development, root
Struktur Anatomi Kayu Beberapa Jenis Buah-Buahan Yulia Sandri; Tesri Maideliza; - Syamsuardi
Jurnal Biologi Universitas Andalas Vol 2, No 3 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jbioua.2.3.%p.2013


The aim of this study was to describe the anatomical structure and quality of wood from fruit plants. This study was conducted from December 2012 to February 2013. The woods of five fruits species in Padang namely Artocarpus integra (cempedak), Baccaurea motleyana (rambai), Mangifera caesia (binjai), Mangifera foetida (ambacang), and Mangifera odorata (kuweni) were analyzed. The character of vessels, parenchyma, and rays were analyzed by using permanent slide, and fibre dimension by maceration method. The results showed that all of woods in this study have the same type of porous namely difuse and soliter type. The smallest porous was detected at wood of B. motleyana among those species. The parenchyma and rays characters of A. integra and B. motleyana have apotracheal and uniseriate types while M. caesia, M. foetida, and M. odorata have paratracheal and multiseriate types. Wood of B. motleyana has the longest fibre, differed from woods of M. caesia and M. odorata with short fibres. Based on industrial woods that A. integra and B. motleyana were classified in II-III of strength, differed from woods of M. caesia, M. foetida and M. odorata were classified in III-IV of strength.Keywords : anatomical structure, permanent slide, fruits wood, wood quality.
Pengaruh Pemberian Arang Aktif dan Air Kelapa Terhadap Viabilitas Hasil Enkapsulasi Tunas Tetrastigma Rafflesiae Miq. Dina Hayati Putri; - Suwirmen; Tesri Maideliza
Jurnal Biologi Universitas Andalas Vol 3, No 3 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jbioua.3.3.%p.2014


An experimental study to figure out the effect of activated charcoal and coconut water to shoot encapsulation of Tetrastigma rafflesiae Miq. has been carried out from October 2013 to February 2014 at Plant Physiology Laboratory, Biology Department, Faculty of Sciences, Andalas University. The experiment used Completely Randomized Design with four treatments and six replications. Treatments consisted of 1g/L activated charcoal, 300 mL/L coconut water and combination between 1g/L activated charcoal and 300 mL/L coconut water. The result showed that addition of activated charcoal and coconut water decreased viability of T. rafflesiae encapsulation. The result indicated that the use of MS (Murashige Skoog) medium with 4% sodium alginate and 50 mM CaCl2.2H2O formed synthetic seeds with high germination percentage (83%).Keywords : Tetrastigma rafflesiae, encapsulation, activated charcoal, coconut water
Analisis Morfologi Granula Pati dan Kristal Pada Beberapa Jenis Talas Ema Susiana; Tesri Maideliza; - Mansyurdin
Jurnal Biologi Universitas Andalas Vol 2, No 4 (2013)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jbioua.2.4.%p.2013


The study of comparative characters of starch grain and crystal morphologically had been done among five species of taro from January until April 2013 in Plant Structure and Development Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Andalas University. The corm of taro species were analyzed the character of shape and size by using fresh preparate. The result showed that X. sagittifolium and X. violaceum have circular starch grain, while C. esculenta cv. 1, C. esculenta cv. 2, C. esculenta cv. 3 have ellip starch grain. The shape of calcium oxalate crystals found is a bundle of raphide, individual raphide and druse. The all species of taro have individual raphide. C. esculenta cv. 1 and C. esculenta cv. 3 have raphides and druse crystal. Keywords : taro, starch, crystals, Xanthosoma, Colocasia
Karakterisasi Struktur Anatomi Kayu Pada Beberapa Genus Dalam Famili Sapindaceae Di Sumatera Barat Mega Eka Putri; Tesri Maideliza; Nurainas Nurainas
Jurnal Biologi Universitas Andalas Vol 4, No 3 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jbioua.4.3.%p.2015


Anatomical structure characterization of some wood genus of Sapindaceae in West Sumatra was conducted from May to October 2015 with survey and direct observation method. Cluster analysis conducted using PAST program to determine relationship among genus investigate on present study. The woods of nine genus namely Filicium, Nephelium, Pometia, Guioa, Xerospermum, Sapindus, Harpullia, Lepisanthes and Mischocarpus were analyzed. All of i.e, character vessels, parenchyma, rays and fibre morphology were analyzed by using permanent slide based on Sass (1958) procedured. The results showed all of woods have same type of porous namely diffuse porous. Type of vessel distribution namely soliter in Xerospermum and multiple in Filicium, Nephelium, Pometia, Guioa, Sapindus, Harpullia, Lepisanthes and Mischocarpus. Xylem parenchym type namely apotracheal in Pometia and Lepisanthes and paratracheal in Filicium, Nephelium, Guioa, Xerospermum, Sapindus, Harpullia and Mischocarpus. Rays type namely uniseriate type in Nephelium, Pometia, Sapindus, Harpullia and Lepisanthes and multiseriate type in Filicium, Guioa, Xerospermum and Mischocarpus. Rays composition namely heterocellular in Filicium, Sapindus, Harpullia and Nephelium and homocellular in Mischocarpus, Lepisanthes, Pometia, Xerospermum and Guioa. Fiber size is long chategory in Nephelium genus, medium in Filicium, Xerospermum, Harpullia and Lepisanthes, and short chategory in Pometia, Sapindus, Guioa, and Mischocarpus. Cluster analysis showed up among genus present of two cluster namely uniseriate rays cluster and multiseriate rays cluster. Both the cluster genus member showed clustering tightly except Nephelium genus weakly clustering in the multiseriate cluster do to have different fiber size chategory from the other genus. The character of woods using at present study useful as additional character of morphologically data to determine of genus taxa.Keywords : anatomical structure, family Sapindaceae,  permanent slide, relationship
Antibacterial potency of fresh extract leaves of jamaican cherry (Muntingia calabura L.) in Inhibiting the growth of Shigella dysenteriae. Ikel Fitri Yanis; Feskaharny Alamsjah; Anthoni Agustien; Tesri Maideliza
Jurnal Biologi Universitas Andalas Vol 8, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jbioua.8.1.14-19.2020


Research on the antibacterial potency of fresh extract from leaves of Jamaican cherry (Muntingia calabura L.) in inhibiting the growth of Shigella dysenteriae had been conducted in the Microbiology Laboratory, Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Andalas University. The study aimed to determine the potential of fresh extract from  Jamaican cherry leaves in inhibiting the growth of S. dysenteriae and to determine its Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) against S. dysenteriae. The results showed that the fresh extract of Jamaican cherry leaves was potent as an antimicrobial agent against pathogenic bacteria S. dysenteriae. It was shown through 12 - 14 mm diameter of inhibition zone which was classified as strong inhibition. The MIC was measured at 3.125% while MBC was undetermined. According to these findings, it can be concluded that the fresh extract from Jamaican cherry leaves was potent to inhibit the growth of S.dysentriae at 3.125% concentration, yet unable to kill it.
Ultrastruktur Morfologi Polen Arundina graminifolia (D.Don) Hochr. (Orchidaceae) Dina Marvianti; Tesri Maideliza; Syamsuardi Syamsuardi
Jurnal Biologi Universitas Andalas Vol 6, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jbioua.6.1.51-54.2018


Pollen morphology of three variants of Arundina graminifolia in West Sumatra was examined. The pollen types, shapes, apertures and ornamentations were examined using scanning electron microscope. There was variation of pollen shape between three variant of Arundina graminifolia. There was different of pollen shape white variant to pink and purple variant. The pollen shape of white variant were oblate sferoidal. The prolate shapes were detected at pink and purpe variant. Three variants Arundina graminifolia have the same ornamentation exine that is the reticulum and there kolpus of the same type, namely tri-kolpate and tetra-kolpate