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Journal : Konselor

Rasch stacking analysis: differences in student resilience in terms of gender Ifdil, Ifdil; Fadli, Rima Pratiwi; Syahputra, Yuda; Erwinda, Lira; Zola, Nilma; Afdal, Afdal
Konselor Vol 7, No 3 (2018): KONSELOR
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (545.857 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/0201873101379-0-00


West Sumatra as one of the zones in Sumatra that has high natural disasters. Improving self-resilience from natural disasters are needed, so it is necessary to describe the condition of student resilience after the disaster so far. This study aims to describe the differences in resilience between male and female students in high school in West Sumatra. The sample from this study was 802 students (406 men and 396 women) spread in secondary schools in West Sumatra. The analysis technique used is independent sample t-test combined with stacked rash models. The results of the analysis show that there are differences in resilience between male female students in high school in West. The female students higher than that of male, which is seen from the female to higher  than male in answering the TIRI instrument.
Pengembangan dan Validasi Counselor Knowledge & Competences Post Disaster Inventory (CKCPDI) untuk Mengukur Kompetensi Konselor Pasca Bencana Ifdil, Ifdil; Ghani, Faizah Abd
Konselor Vol 3, No 4 (2014): KONSELOR
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (514.669 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/02014348894-0-00


There search objective was to develop and validation of the inventory; Counselor Knowledge & Competences Post Disaster Inventory (CKCPDI). The sample used 44 kauselor in Indonesia. Validation constructs, person and reliability using RASCH Model analysis. The results from the item analysis showed that 56 items were tested usefully. The reliability coefficient Cronbach (KR-20) of CKCPDI was. 84. It concluded that the validity of CKCPDI was satisfying interm soft the measure of the Counselor Knowledge & Competences Post Disaster, and the construct of CKCPDI can be helpful and applicable for a counselor and ready used for the other research.
Resilience Post-Disaster of Students SMA Negeri in Padang Ifdil, Ifdil; Ardi, Zadrian; Yendi, Frischa Meivilona
Konselor Vol 1, No 1 (2012): KONSELOR
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/0201211115-0-00


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan tingkat resiliensi siswa, dan perbedaan tingkat resiliensi siswa SMA Negeri Pasca bencana di Kota Padang berdasarkan jenis kelamin, dan lokasi sekolah. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan secara Cluster Random Sampling sampling yang dibagi menjadi 3 (tiga) kelompok yaitu sekolah di wilayah bagian Pusat Kota, Tengah Kota dan Pinggiran Kota Padang. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh tingkat resiliensi siswa SMA Negeri pasca bencana di Kota Padang pada kategori sangat rendah 7,74%, rendah 34,19%, sedang 32,25%, tinggi 20% dan sangat tinggi 5,80%. Kemudian tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara resiliensi siswa SMA Negeri pasca bencana di Kota Padang berdasarkan jenis kelamin, lokasi sekolah. Temuan penilitian ini selanjutnya dijadikan dasar penting  perlunya layanan bimbingan dan konseling yang terfokus pada resiliensi siswa pasca bencana di Kota Padang.
Konsep Burnoutpada Mahasiswa Bimbingan dan Konseling Khairani, Yunita; Ifdil, Ifdil
Konselor Vol 4, No 4 (2015): KONSELOR
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (102.089 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/02015446474-0-00


Kondisi burnout rentan dialami oleh mahasiswa terutama mahasiswa jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling (BK). Mahasiswa BK dituntut untuk memenuhi standar kompetensi yang telah ditetapkan. Namun pada kenyataannya standarisasi tersebut mengakibatkan mahasiswa mengalami burnout yang berdampak pada proses perkuliahan yang tidak maksimal, misalnya membuat tugas asal-asalan, prokrastinasi dan mencontek tugas teman. Timbulnya burnout ini karena mereka bekerja keras, merasa tidak berdaya, tidak ada harapan, merasa terjebak, kesedihan yang mendalam dan secara terus-menerus membentuk lingkaran dan menghasilkan perasaan lelah dan tidak nyaman.
Konsep Kecemasan (Anxiety) pada Lanjut Usia (Lansia) Annisa, Dona Fitri; Ifdil, Ifdil
Konselor Vol 5, No 2 (2016): KONSELOR
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (114.186 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/02016526480-0-00


Lanjut usia merupakan tahap akhir perkembangan pada daur kehidupan manusia yang merupakan suatu proses alami yang tidak dapat dihindari oleh setiap individu. Perubahan-perubahan fisologis maupun psikososial, akan berpotensi pada masalah kesehatan baik fisik maupun psikologis. Salah satu masalah psikologis yang sering terjadi pada lanjut usia pada kondisi kehidupan sosial adalah kecemasan. Kecemasan diartikan suatu kondisi emosi yang menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan ditandai dengan perasan khawatir, kegelisahan dan ketakutan sehingga dapat mengganggu kehidupan. Naskah ini mencoba untuk kemaparkan konsep kecemasan dan aspek yang terkait dengan kecemasan yang dialami lansia secara umum dan panti jompo secara khusus.
Hambatan Siswa dalam Mematuhi Peraturan Sekolah Pertiwi, Desi Yuscha; Ibrahim, Yulidar; Ifdil, Ifdil
Konselor Vol 3, No 1 (2014): KONSELOR
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (113.789 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/02014312997-0-00


Conducive conditions of school make support students to develop their potential. In order to create conducive environment, it is required rules and regulations to organize student’s behavior. Base of phenomena, there are plenty of students whose break the rules. This research objective is to describe barriers that students in order to abide school’s rules in study, dress, and time. This research use descriptive method with purposive random sampling technique amount of 50 students. Instrument use questioner student’s barrier in complying school’s rules and regulations with r 0.966. Results of this research reveal that student’s barriers in complying school’s rules and regulations for study, dress, and time are 63.4%, 59.3%, and 56.9% respectively. It is suggested for counselors to guide their students to complying school’s rules and regulations and develop student’s awareness in the importance of school’s rules and regulations.
Model based group approach (MBGA); an alternative approach for improving the quality of student learning in Universities Taufik, Taufik; Afdal, Afdal; Fadli, Rima Pratiwi; Ifdil, Ifdil
Konselor Vol 9, No 2 (2020): KONSELOR
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (594.126 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/0202091109992-0-00


This research is driven by the phenomenon of the poor quality of learning activities of new students in universities. This study tries to investigate the strength through the work of Model-Based Group Approach to enhance the quality of student learning activities. This research is a quasi-experimental research involved 206 students of Universitas Negeri Padang. The instrument used is IAKB (Activation Instrument Learning Activity) and analysis of research data using T-Test. The result from this research shows that there is an improvement of learning activity quality before and after application of the model that is 13.68 to 57.10. This shows a gain of 43.42%. Based on the results of research that has been done can be concluded that the development of this model is useful to improve the quality of student learning activities.
The exam anxiety among vocational school students in professional placement based on gender differences Handayuni, Tyesa Sri; Ifdil, Ifdil; Putri, Yola Eka
Konselor Vol 9, No 1 (2020): KONSELOR
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (428.629 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/0202091110336-0-00


This study aims to analyze exam anxiety among vocational school students in professional placement based on gender. This is a quantitative research that uses descriptive and comparative methods and a sample of 115 individuals selected through proportional random sampling technique. Data is obtained using an instrument of exam anxiety and were analyzed descriptively by determining mean, standard deviation, and percentage. To determine the difference in anxiety among vocational school students, the t-test technique with analyzed Independent Samples Test was used. The results showed that exam anxiety was generally in the low and high categories in male and female students, respectively. Also, there was a significant difference between students in the professional placement of male and female students.
Relationship between online game addiction and sleep quality in students Febiola Silvia; Ifdil Ifdil; Berru Amalianita; Sigit Muryono
Konselor Vol 11, No 4 (2022): KONSELOR
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1045.673 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/02022114119673-0-00


This study aims to analyze and evaluate the relationship between online game addiction and sleep quality in students at senior high school 1 Lubuk Sikaping.. The method used in this study is a quantitative method with descriptive and correlational research types. The sample in this study amounted to 30 students of class XII at senior high school  1 Lubuk Sikaping. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques and Pearson product moment correlation analysis with the help of the JASP version 16.3 program. The results of the study revealed that online game addiction of students at senior high school 1 Lubuk Sikaping is generally in the high category, and sleep quality in students at senior high school 1 Lubuk Sikaping is generally in the low category, and there is a significant relationship between online game addiction and sleep quality at students at senior high school 1 Lubuk Sikaping
A multi-cultural study on perceived social support and resilience towards academic stress among international students during covid-19 Sania Aziz; Winarini Wilman D. Mansoer; Ifdil Ifdil
Konselor Vol 11, No 3 (2022): KONSELOR
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (398.987 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/02022112120477-0-00


The current study aimed to see the correlation of perceived social support in enhancing resilience in international students towards academic stress and COVID-19 stress. Extend to which the coronavirus COVID-19  pandemic is affecting worldwide. This study explores social support and resilience towards academic stress and COVID-19 stress in international students—the sample of 83 International Asian and African students, respectively taken from different Countries and universities. The results revealed a significant effect of perceived social support and resilience towards COVID-19 stress. However, further results showed there was a non-significant relationship between perceived social support, resilience towards academic stress.
Co-Authors Taufik Taufik Abu Anwar Abu Anwar Abu Bakar, Abu Yazid Abu Yazid Abu Bakar Abu Yazid Abu Bakar Adolf Bastian Afdal Afdal Afdal Afdal, Afdal Afdal, A Afrizal Sano Afuan Yuza Putra Agus Aan Jiwa Permana Ahman Ahman alfiah alfiah Alfiah Alfiah Alfina Sari Alizamar Alizamar Amalianita, Berru amanda unzilla denich Amandha Unziila Denich Amandha Unzilla Denich Ananda Maha Putri Anisa Ainumia Masrida Anisa Dwi Astuti Annisa Aulya Arbi Arbi Arbi, Arbi Ardi, Z Arfinda, Muhammad Ari Khusuma Dewi Arwan Arwan Arwan Arwan Asmar Yulastri Asmidir Ilyas Asrizal Asrizal Ayu Permata Sari Azizah, Yashirly Bariyyah, K Barseli, M Bolo Rangka, Itsar Bt Abd Ghani, Faizah Chairunnisa Nur Salsabila Chibueze Tobias Orji Churnia, E Citra Putri Intani Cynthia Shamini Dawson Daharnis Daharnis Dahlan, D Darmawati Darmawati Darmawati Darmawati Delima Delima Dessy Rahmi Utami Destina Kasriyati Dewi, Eva Dominikus David Biondi Situmorang Dona Fitri Annisa, Dona Fitri Dony Darma Sagita Edi Purwanta Edi Setiawan Elfi Churnia Elfi Churnia Elfira, Yeni Emria Fitri Emria Fitri Emria Fitri Erlamsyah Erlamsyah Erwinda, L Erwinda, Lira Eva Dewi Fadli, R P Faizah Abd Ghani Faizah Abd Ghani Fatahyah Yahya Fauzi Marjan Febiola Silvia Fitria, L Fitriyah Fitriyah Frischa Meivilona Yendi Ganefri . Gecky Defkan Dirgantara Ghani, Faizah Abd Ghani, Faizah Abd Gian Sugiana Sugara Gusmawati Gusmawati Gusti Rahayu Halil Khusairi Handayuni, Tyesa Sri Hariko, Rezki Hastiani -, Hastiani Hendra Hidayat Hengki Yandri Herlina Herlina Herlina Herlina Herman Nirwana I Kadek Suranata I Ketut Gading Indah Permata Sari Indah Permata Sari Istiqomah Istiqomah istiqomah istiqomah Istiqomah Istiqomah Istiqomah Istiqomah Istiqomah Istiqomah Itsar Bolo Rangka Jeki Haryanto Julia Eva Putri Kadek Ari Dwiarwati Kadek Suranata Kadek Suranta Khairani, Yunita Khairul Bariyyah Khairunisa Khairunisa Kristinus Sembiring Ledya Oktavia Liza Lela Lela Linda Fitria Linda Fitria Linda Fitria Lisa Putriani Lucy Febria Ningsih M. Fahli Zatrahadi M. Fahli Zatrahadi M. Rido Mulia Putra Mardianto Mardianto Marjohan . Marjohan Marjohan Maysitoh Maysitoh Maysitoh Maysitoh Mharchelya Mharchelya Miftahuddin Miftahuddin Miftahuddin Miftahuddin Miftahuddin Miftahuddin Miftahul Fikri Mudhar, Mudhar Mudjiran Mudjiran Mufadhal Barseli Muhammad Arfinda Muhammad Resqi Muryono, Sigit Nandang Rusmana Neviyarni Neviyarni Neviyarni Neviyarni Nikmarijal Nikmarijal Nikmarijal Nikmarijal Nikmarijal Nikmarijal Nikmarijal Nikmarijal Nikmarijal, N Niko Reski Nilma Zola Ningsih, Lucy Febria Nofi Yendri Sudiar Noor Hidayah Nur Azizi Amrizon Nur Fatihah Abdullah Bandar Nur Fatihat Mat Yusoff Nurfitri Nurfitri Nurul Islami Yetti Padli Padli Pakhrur Razi Perengki Susanto Pertiwi, Desi Yuscha Prof. Dr. I Ketut Dharsana,M.Pd . Putri Fakhrina Sari Putri Yulianti Putri, Yola Eka Rahmad Rahmad Rahmi Dwi Febriani Rahmi Wahyuli Rakhmat, Cece Randi, Peni Okto Rasyidah Abdullah Refnadi Refnadi Refnadi, R Ria Febriani Ridho Rismi Rima Pratiwi Fadli Riska Ahmad Riska Ahmad Riska Ahmad Rizka Apriani Rober Sandra Rosli Suyot Ruslan Abdul Gani Ryan Thanoesya Samsiah Jayos Sania Aziz Sari Puspita Sari, A Sheelvia Agusti Shopyan Jepri Kurniawan Sigit Muryono Siti Maryam Situmorang, Dominikus David Biondi Solihatun, S Sri Wahyuni Subramaniam, Tamil Selvan Suhaili, Neviyarni Suhaimi Suhaimi Suhaimi Suhaimi Suhartiwi Suhartiwi Suhartiwi Suhartiwi Suranata, K Syahniar Syahniar Syahputra, Yuda Syarifah Syarifah Syarifuddin Syarifuddin Syarifuddin Syarifuddin Taufik Taufik Taufik Taufik Taufik Taufik Thamrin Thamrin Tjung Hauw Sin Tjung Haw Sin Tyesa Sri Handayuni Utami, Dessy Rahmi Viqri Novielza Putri Wardi, Rahmanina Wenny Audina Kartikasari Widia Wati Widia Wati, Widia Winarini Wilman D. Mansoer Yashirly Azizah Yetti, Nurul Islami Yohandri Yola Eka Putri Yola Eka Putri Yola Eka Putri Yola Eka Putri Yola Eka Putri Yola Eka Putri Yola Eka Putri Yola Eka Putri Yola Eka Putri Yuca, Verlanda Yuda Syahputra Yulidar Ibrahim Yulidar Ibrahim Yusri Yusri Z. Mawardi Efendi Zadrian Ardi Zola, N Zufriani, Z