Iswanto Iswanto
Institut Agama Kristen Negeri (IAKN) Kupang

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Walasuji : Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya Vol 11, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36869/wjsb.v11i1.70


Reportoar tradisi lisan di Indonesia merupakan sarana indentitas masyrakat dan budaya. Tulisan ini berdasarkan hasil penelitian tradisi lisan pada masyarakat Boti di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini ialah bagaimana tradisi lisan natoni dalam Tuturan Ritual Sium Ana pada Masyarakat Boti di Nusa Tenggara Timur? Penelitian ini akan difokuskan pada kekhasan tuturan natoni sebagai salah satu bentuk sastra lisan masyarakat Dawan. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode deskriptif kualitatis dengan paradigma fenemenologi. Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh memperlihatkan bahwa tuturan ritual natoni merupakan tuturan ritual resiprokal atau berbalas-balasan. Juru bicara dikenal dengan atutas dan dibalas oleh selompok masyarakat yang dikenal dengan istilah atutas. Tuturan ritual sium ana mengunakan makna figuratif lokatif yang berasosiasi dengan kepercayaan terhadap leluhur dan makna figuratif entitas kebendaan yang berasosiasi dengan gender.
Handep: Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya Volume 4, No. 2, June 2021
Publisher : Balai Pelestarian Nilai Budaya Kalimantan Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33652/handep.v4i2.144


Local wisdom defined as the ability of a community to adapt to, organize, and manage the environment and culture that affects their lives. The research conducted in the Boti community of East Nusa Tenggara Province aims to describe and understand ume kbubu as a form of local wisdom of the Boti community in maintaining food security and protecting them from disasters. The method used in this study was a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. The characteristics of this research data are classified as sensitive research data; therefore, it takes a long time to obtain. Observation and interviews were data collection techniques used in this research. The result indicated that the structure of ume kbubu shows the local wisdom of the Boti community in adapting to the environment and influencing the scattered settlement structures. In addition, the function and symbolization of ume kbubu are closely related to the local wisdom of the community in storing and managing staple food (corn), which is the strength of the Boti community in facing the food crisis. The settlement structure of the Boti community, supported by strict customary rules, becomes a barrier in social interaction that can protect the community from disasters, such as infectious diseases. The local wisdom of the Boti community is likely to be an input for the government to study various cultural aspects to deal with disasters.
Moko Symbolization As Socio-Religious Harmony of Alor Society in East Nusa Tenggara Iswanto Iswanto; Yudhi Kawanggung
Analisa: Journal of Social Science and Religion Vol 6, No 02 (2021): Analisa Journal of Social Science and Religion
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Agama Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18784/analisa.v6i02.1297


The understanding of moko is related to the identity of the Alor people. Historically, moko was brought from Vietnam and became a heirloom which was passed down from generation to generation. In practice, moko can be used as a dowry of marriage, clan identity, musical instruments, and several other uses. This study provides novelty on the moko symbolization as a socio-religious harmony of Alor society. The problem to be resolved in this research is “how does the moko symbolize socio-religious harmony in the people of Alor, East Nusa Tenggara?” The theoretical concept used in this article is Geertz’s ‘religious as the cultural system” which is paired with Epicurus' opinion about the three levels of harmony. This study used the phenomenological method of Edmund Husserl.  The results of this study are moko symbolization as a rhythmic leader of musical instruments related with social messages in the ownership it and the function of moko as a dowry of marriage. In addition, the results of the study also show that the symbolization of moko becomes a part of the harmony embodiment in the life of the Alor people. This symbolization process occurs at the level of ideas and manifests in behavior. The novelty in this research is the characteristics of the Alor community as a heterogeneous society place the symbols of a set of conventions. Moko as part of the convention symbol embodies social harmonization. This part becomes an interesting character because moko is not an original object from the Alor community, but it has been adopted as a cultural symbol. Social harmonization occurs at the level of ideas which are adhered to customary law. This really depends on the values held in society.  
Local Marriage System of Boti Community Depicted Through its Speech Ritual Iswanto Iswanto; Ketut Riana; I Wayan Simpen; Simon Sabon Ola
e-Journal of Linguistics Vol 13 No 2 (2019): e-jl-July
Publisher : Doctoral Studies Program of Linguistics of Udayana University Postgraduate Program

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1042.651 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/e-jl.2019.v13.i02.p02


Marriage system in the indigenous trust describes the relationship of supernatural effect on family kinship in the community. Such the relevance is the primary identifier and the identity of the diversity of the Indonesian nation. It is inevitable that a cultureas a pillar of diversity is a buffer for entering the era of multicultural and globalization. Values of Humanist ??is the power of social relation among individuals in the community groups. This paper describes the characteristic of marriage in society of Boti in East Nusa Tenggara who hold the original trust Halaika.The results shows behaviors that indicate homage to supernatural of Uis Pah (Ruler of the Earth), Uis Oe (Ruler of Water) and Uis Neno (Ruler of Heaven) in a series of marriages that is rich of value and meaning.
Harmoni Vol. 19 No. 1 (2020): Januari-Juni 2020
Publisher : Research and Development Center for Guidance for Religious Societies and Religious Services, the Research and Development and Education and Training Agency of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia (MORA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32488/harmoni.v19i1.361


The reality of culture is actualised in sistemic sign relation, forming perception, representing contexts, and at the highest level it functions as a portrayal of the society’s ideology (Soames, 2010). As a phenomenon, Lego-lego defines the ideology among the people of Alor. The population live in the Island of Alor and Pantar, with Kalabahi as its capital city. There are 42 indigenous languages in the area of 2864 Km² with 66.4% of the population are Protestants, 30.27% are Muslims, 3.2% are Catholics, 0.02% are Hindus, and 0.01% are Buddhists. The primary data used was the text of Lego-lego and the secondary data was the interview trascript. The theory of Dichotomy Semiotic of Ferdinand de Saussure (1993) was used. A descriptive qualitative method was used with a phenomenology approach (Gallagher, 2008). The result shows a) the sign system of inter-religious and culture in Lego-lego is divided into textual and intertextual signify where signify covers place and time as well as Alorese perception; b) diagram of cultural events in Lego-lego consists of group ideology, attitude, cultural events and contexts. It also shows that religion context is placed in the group attitude. To summarize, the interreligious and culture concept in Lego-lego are defined by using sign system and diagram of cultural events. Religion concept in Alor has become part of group attitude which is based on culture and perceived through Lego-lego discourse. Novelty in this research is the Alorese culture reflected in Lego-lego has become an extremely strong fundamental with inter-religious as one of its elements.
KAJIAN LINGUISTIK KEBUDAYAAN DALAM TUTURAN RITUAL SÈF ALUMAMA MASYARAKAT BOTI DI NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR [Anthropolinguistic Study of Sèf Alumama Ritual Speech in Boti Community East Nusa Tenggara] I Iswanto
Publisher : Kantor Bahasa Provinsi Maluku

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26499/ttbng.v9i1.229


Anthropolinguistics studies examines linguistic phenomena based on a linguistic scientific perspective and not cultural studies. The phenomenon of language is the phenomenon  used e in various events. This study examines Sef Alumama’ ritual speech in the Boti community. The data in this study are recorded, transcribed, translated, and coded with the principle of managing corpus data. Specific theories and methods are used to answer the question of how is the study of anthropolinguistics applying  in the ritual speech 'Sef Alumama' at the Boti community in East Nusa Tenggara ? The main theory in this research is anthropolinguistics theory with cognitive semiotic theory as a specific theory. The results showed that a lexicon has linguistic attributes  connected textually and intertextually. This lexicon or lingual form can be visualized in a cognitive map based on linguistic principles. Furthermore, Dawan's morphosyntaxis shows specific characteristics in the use of pronouns. In-depth studies conclude that the pronoun is used as a semantic interpretation and harmonization of oral literary sounds.Linguistik kebudayaan menjadi ranah pengkajian bahasa yang menelaah fenomena kebahasaan berdasarkan sudut pandang keilmuan linguistik dan bukan kajian budaya. Fenomena kebahasaan adalah fenomena penggunaan bahasa dalam berbagai perisiwa. Penelitian ini mengkaji tuturan ritual sef alu mama pada masyrakat Boti. Data dalam penelitian ini ialah tuturan ritual yang direkam, ditranskrip, ditranslasi, dan dikodekan dengan prinsip pengelolahan data korpus. Teori dan metode yang spesifik digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan bagaimana kajian linguistik kebudayaan dalam tuturan ritual ‘sef alu mama’ pada masyarkat Boti di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Teori payung dalam penelitian ini ialah teori linguistik kebudayaan dengan teori semiotik kognitif sebagai teori spesifik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebuah leksikon memiliki atribut kebahasaan yang dapat bergayut secara tekstual bahkan intertekstual. Leksikon atau bentuk lingual ini dapat divisualisasikan dalam peta kognitif berdasarkan prinsip kebahasaan. Lebih lanjut, morfosintaksis bahasa Dawan menunjukkan ciri spesifik dalam penggunaan pronomina. Kajian mendalam menyimpukan bahwa pronomina tersebut digunakan sebagai pemaknaan secara semantis dan harmonisasi bunyi sastra lisan.     
Tambur : Journal of Music Creation, Study and Performance Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Kupang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penelitian ini mengkaji waditra Jungga pada masyarakat Kambera, kabupaten Sumba Timur, Nusa Tenggara, Timur. Etnomusikologi menjadi dasar teoritis dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Jungga merupakan alat musik tradisional asal Sumba Timur yang dimainkan dengan cara dipetik. Jungga di Sumba ada beberapa macam yaitu jungga dua dawai, empat dawai dan enam dawai. Pada jungga enam senar berpola double string ‘setiap dawai rangkap’. Alat musik jungga Sumba Timur pertama kali masuk di daerah Kecamatan Kambera. Jungga merupakan alat musik yang melekat pada budaya Sumba yaitu marapu, sehingga jungga dikultuskan baik dari pembuatannya hingga cara, waktu dan tempat memainkannya. Representasi budaya masyarakat Sumba juga tergambar dalam syair lagu yang diiringi dengan jungga. Salah satu contoh lagu kerja panen Anda Mara ‘jalan yang benar’ menggambarkan budaya asli merapu dalam lagu dan iringan waditra jungga. Komunitas adat pada suku bangsa Sumba yang terdapat di Pulau Sumba yang dikenal dengan kepercayaan Marapu ini tersebar diseluruh wilayah Pulau Sumba.
Perspektif Inklusif Pendidikan Agama Kristen terhadap Teks Kerja Pada Masyarakat Dawan di Nusa Tengara Timur Iswanto Iswanto; Ferdinant Alexander
Sabda: Jurnal Teologi Kristen Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Mei
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (595.811 KB) | DOI: 10.55097/sabda.v1i1.1


An inclusive perspective is conceptualized as the adaptation or internalization of the paradigm of a particular register into the intended concept. Christian education as a pedagogical concept is in a broad register, such as family, church and society. This study uses working text data on the Dawan community in an inclusive perspective on Christian education. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The results of the study explained that the working text of the Dawan community focused on the concept of monit naleko 'living well' as the main reference of the concept of 'work'. The inclusive perspective of Christian religious education is not necessarily adaptive to the reference. This non-adaptive emerges social interpretations and forms new concepts that are seen in attitudes and behavior. The novelty of research seen in the formulation of inclusive perspectives does not always refer to the adaptive renewal as previous research. Conceptual interactions can produce new concepts in social cognition. Strong internalization based on biblical interpretation must continue to be sought in the process of adaptive, inclusive perspective on Christian religious education. Key Words: inclusive perspective, Christian religious education, working texts.
Toleransi Berdasarkan Cerita Rakyat Tallu To Sala’ Dadi di Toraja Marsi Bombongan Rantesalu; Iswanto Iswanto
BIA': Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Kontekstual Vol 1, No 1 (2018): Juni
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34307/b.v1i1.16


Tolerance is described as a concept of cultural phenomena that are integrated through religious life. Conflict as an internal problem while the challenges of the times (globalization) are goals that must be answered through a spirit of tolerance. The concept that will be analyzed is based on folklore tallu to sala 'dadi in Toraja. This study intends to examine the structure of the tallu to sala 'dadi story, and the tolerance value contained in the story. The theory used in this study is the semiotic social theory. While the method used is a qualitative method of content analysis and hermeneutic methods. As a result, data was obtained that the story was of a novel type, which revealed the struggles of human life in living everyday life. The values of tolerance contained include the value of acceptability and understanding that are paired with togetherness and complementarity. Based on these findings, it can be defined that tolerance is the attitude of accepting and understanding shortcomings and differences through togetherness and complementarity. AbstrakToleransi dideskripsikan sebagai konsep fenomena budaya yang terintegriasi melalui kehidupan beragama. Konflik sebagai masalah internal sedangkan tantangan jaman (globalisasi) merupakan tujuan yang harus dijawab melalui semangat toleransi. Konsep itulah yang akan dianalisa berdasarkan cerita rakyat tallu to sala’ dadi di Toraja. Penelitian ini bermaksud mengkaji struktur ceritera tallu to sala’ dadi, dan nilai toleransi yang terkandung dalam ceritera tersebut. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah teori semiotik sosial. Sedangkan metode yang digunakan ialah metode kualitatif analisis kontent serta metode hermeneutik. Hasilnya, diperoleh data bahwa cerita tersebut berjenis novel, yang mengungkapkan pergumulan hidup manusia dalam menjalani hidup sehari-hari. Adapun nilai-nilai toleransi yang terkandung meliputi nilai keberterimaan dan kesepahaman yang dipadankan dengan kebersamaan  dan saling melengkapi. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut dapat di definisikan bahwa toleransi adalah sikap menerima dan memahami kekurangan dan perbedaan melalui kebersamaan  dan sikap saling melengkapi.
Kajian Toleransi Dalam Teks Cerita Rakyat Masyarakat Rote di Nusa Tenggara Timur Iswanto Iswanto; Marsi Bombongan Rantesalu
BIA': Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Kontekstual Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34307/b.v3i2.126


Abstract: Tolerance as a value is manifested in the life behavior of a group of people. The aim of this study is to analyze and describe tolerance studies based on the folklore of the people of Rote in East Nusa Tenggara. As research conducted by Rantesalu and Iswanto (2018), defines tolerance values based on the stories of the people of the Toraja community, namely the value of acceptability and understanding combined with togetherness and complementary. Another empirical paradigm was obtained from Hofner (2018) which explains the tolerance is influenced by social and political contexts. This research is focused on the specificity of the perception of tolerance that is formed from values based on folklore data. The method used is descriptive qualitative method and enriched with Ricour hermeneutic method in text analysis. The data obtained in the form of a folklore titled Landu, which tells the history of the formation of the Landu community on the island of Rote. The Landu Kingdom is one of the 19 kingdoms on Rote Island in the 14th century. Based on the data obtained the results of research on tolerance values contained in CRMR Landu are (1) This acceptability and understanding as a base the basis of tolerance is explained by the verb diadik loke // hule 'beri // kasih' and (2) the value of brotherhood based on the form of diadik dalek // teik 'rasa // inner', inak // touk 'father // mother '.Keywords: Tolerance, Text, Value Abstrak: Toleransi sebagai sebuah nilai diwujudkan dalam perilaku kehidupan suatu kelompok masyarakat. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah meganalisa dan mendeskripsikan kajian toleransi berdasarkan cerita rakyat masyarakat Rote di Nusa Tenggara Timur. Sebagaimana penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Rantesalu dan Iswanto (2018), mendefinisikan nilai toleransi berdasarkan ceritera rakyat masyarakat Toraja yang di dalamnya terdapat internalisasi nilai keberterimaan dan kesepahaman (acceptability and understanding). Selanjutnya, nilai-nilai tersebut disejajarkan dengan kebersamaan (togetherness) dan saling melengkapi (complementary). Paradigma empiris lainnya diperoleh dari Hofner (2018) yang menjelaskan toleransi yang ditimbulkan dari konteks politik di Indonesia. Penelitian ini lebih difukuskan pada kekhasan persepsi toleransi yang terbentuk dari nilai berdasarkan data cerita rakyat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif yang diperkaya dengan metode hermeneutik Ricour dalam analisa teks. Data yang diperoleh berupa cerita rakyat berjudul Landu, yang menceritakan sejarah terbentuknya masyarakat Landu di pulau Rote. Kerajaan Landu adalah salah satu kerajaan dari 19 kerajaan di Pulau Rote pada abad ke-14. Berdasarkan data diperoleh hasil penelitian nilai toleransi yang terdapat dalam CRMR Landu adalah (1) Nilai keberterimaan dan kesepahaman (acceptability and understanding) ini sebagai alas dasar toleransi dijelaskan berdasarkan verba diadik loke//hule ‘beri//kasih’ dan (2) nilai persaudaraan (brotherhood) yang berdasarkan pada bentuk diadik dalek//teik ‘rasa//batin’, inak//touk ‘ayah//ibu’. Kata Kunci: Toleransi, Teks, Landu