Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui minat belajar mahasiswa FIP UNG dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh. Desain penelitian menggunakan pendekatan studi cross sectional merupakan bagian dari penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif untuk menghitung persentase minat belajar mahasiswa dari 5 jurusan yang berbeda di FIP UNG. Subyek penelitian sebanyak 271 mahasiswa FIP UNG diperoleh dari 13% dari 2.110 mahasiswa FIP UNG semester genap 2020/2021 jurusan BK, PAUD, MP, PLS dan PGSD. Menggunakan skala likert berjumlah 24 nomor pernyataan yang telah valid dengan skor reliabilitas 0.89. Menggunakan analisis data deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan minat belajar mahasiswa FIP UNG dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh memperoleh rata-rata 69.88% (Sedang). Pada indikator perasaan senang memperoleh capaian skor 74,3%, keterlibatan memperoleh 71,2%, ketertarikan memperoleh 77%, perhatian memperoleh 71,6%. Disarankan untuk penelitian selanjutnya agar dapat menindaklanjuti dengan memberikan treatment atau perlakuan sebagai solusi untuk meningkatkan atau mempertahankan minat belajar mahasiswa tidak hanya dilingkungan FIP UNG tetapi juga di berbagai fakultas dan universitas lainnya, berupa metode dan strategi belajar yang matching¸menyenangkan dan mudah dipahami dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh pada masa pandemik covid-19 sehingga mahasiswa aktif dalam pembelajaran._________________________________________________________________ This study aims to determine the learning interest of FIP UNG students in distance learning. This sudy design uses cross sectional study approach that is part of quantitative descriptive research to account the percentage of learning interest students from 5 different departments in FIP UNG. Subjects of study are 271 sudents in FIP UNG students taken from 13% of 2,110 students of the FIP UNG semester 2020/2021 from the Departments of BK, PAUD, MP, PLS and PGSD. This study used an instrument with a likert scale, totaling 24 statement numbers that was valid and with reliability score is 0.89. used descriptive data analysis. The results showed that the learning interest of the students in Faculty of Education, State University of Gorontalo in distance learning showed that an average of 69.88%, this shows that the learning interest of FIP UNG students in distance learning is in the moderate category. The happy feeling indicator got a score of 74.3%, the involvement indicator got a score of 71.2%, the interest indicator got a score of 77%, the attention indicator got a score of 71.6%. It is recommended for further research that it can be obtained by providing treatment as a solution to increase or maintain student interest in learning not only in FIP UNG but also ini other faculty and university environment and in various other architectures and universities, as like some methods and strategies learning that are matching, fun and easy to understand in distance learning during the covid-19 pandemic so that students are active in learning.