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Interpretation of the Geological Romance of Kendari Bay Using Landsat 5 TM Makkawaru, Andi; Sideng, Uca; Sufrianto, Sufrianto
LaGeografia Vol 20, No 1 (2021): October

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1234.396 KB) | DOI: 10.35580/lageografia.v20i1.24033


Kendari Bay is part of Kendari City. Kendari Bay is a city landmark in addition to its economic and environmental functions.. The condition of Kendari Bay is experiencing a fairly high sedimentation problem, so that it begins to cause problems with land availability and space utilization patterns in the Kendari Bay area. The endogenous process of dynamic earth activities is a part that needs to be considered in managing that problems. This study aims the geological conditions of Kendari Bay by using remote sensing as a form of studying the geological conditions of Kendari Bay. Using Landsat 5 TM imagery in 1990, it was used to see the natural geological conditions of Kendari Bay, using the false color composite method and interpretation of photo images visually and validated through field observations. Landsat image processing and interpretation using Quantum GIS, resulted in Kendari bay can be divided into several physiography, namely coastal zone, estuary zone, fluvial zone, plain zone, hill zone, and mountain zone (Head land). The physiography can be seen from the geological characteristics such as the lithology which is composed of alluvial deposits to limestone. The results of interpretation of composite color images and validation of direct observation data in the field show a qualitative suitability.
Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah Vol 6, No 1 (2021): Jurnal Perencanaan Wilayah
Publisher : Universitas Halu Oleo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.921 KB) | DOI: 10.33772/jpw.v6i1.16268


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sebaran Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) dan Luasan RTH dengan menggunakan Aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG), Aplikasi Tiga Dimensi dan Aplikasi Office.Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisa spasial dengan cara Overlay (tumpang tindih) menggunakan Citra Spot 6&7 tahun 2018 yang selanjutnya di analisis menggunakan aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) di padukan dengan aplikasi tiga dimensi (3D), Peta hasil overlay citra Spot 6&7, data ruang terbuka hijau dan DEM disatukan dalam aplikasi Tiga Dimensi sehingga tampilan peta digital berbentuk gambar peta 3D,Animasi 3D dan Simulasi Banjir.Tingkat Kesiapan Teknologi (TKT) dalam penelitian ini adalah pembuata peta Ruang Rerbuka Hijau (RTH) dengan menggunakan aplikasi pemetaan yang bisa menghasilakan peta sebaran RTH, Peta 3d sebaran RTH dan Simulasi Banjir pada DAS WangguHasil dari penelitian ini adalah Peta Sebaran Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) dan luasan RTH Kota Kendari, dari hasil analisis diperoleh luasan sebesar  8.29,31 Ha, atau 31,02 % dari luas wilayah Kota Kendari 26.737 Ha, hal ini sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 26 Tahun 2007 tentang Penataan Ruang dimana ditetapkan paling sedikit 30 %Kata Kunci: Peta 3D, Ruang Terbuka Hijau
Model Perencanaan Partisipatif Masyarakat Desa Alebo Kecamatan Konda Kabupaten Konawe Selatan Joko Tri Brata; Asri Djauhar; Sufrianto; St. Jawiah; Ni Komang Esi Yuningsih
Arus Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 2 No 1: April (2022)
Publisher : Arden Jaya Publisher

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Partisipasi adalah turut berperan serta dalam suatu kegiatan. Partisipasi  selain  telah  menjadi  kata  kunci  dalam  pembangunan,  juga menjadi  salah  satu  karakteristik  dari  penyelenggaraan  pemerintah  yang  baik.  Tujuan umum penelitian adalah mendeskripsikan bentuk partisipasi masyarakat dalam proses perencanaan dan pengelolaan pembangunan. Tujuan Khusus penelitian adalah mendeskripsikan partisipasi masyarakat dari aspek ; (1) masalah dan kebutuhan (2) peluang yang sama dalam perencanaan; (3) sinergitas perencanaa dan (4)  Legalitas perencanaan. Metode Penelitian adalah dengan desain penelitian kualitatif menggunakan partisipan secara acak kepada mereka yang memneuhi kriteria sudah bermukim diatas 40 tahun, enggunakan metode observasi dan wawancara, sementara itu teknik analisa data dengan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa masalah dan kebutuhan dilakukan melalui kegiatan penyelidikan, menggali dan mengumpulkan masalah dan kebutuhan-kebutuhan bersifat lokal yang berkembang dimasyarakat. Berkaitan  masyarakat mempunyai peluang yang sama dalam perencanaan, dibutuhkan kerja keras Kepala Desa Alebo agar dapat menumbuhkan kepercayaan masyarakat serta meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam proses perencanaan pembangunan Berkaitan dengan Sinergitas perencanaan, belum dilakukan optimal, karena keterlibatan masyarakat belum terwakili. Berkaitan dengan indikator keempat yakni Legalitas perecanaan, sudah sesuai dengan regulasi yang ada dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, karena sudah mengacu  pada  semua peraturan yang berlaku. Melihat dampak penting dan positif dari perencanaan partisipatif, maka untuk menyempurnakan perencanaan partisipatif, maka faktor keterlibatan masyarakat dapat ditingkatan dengan upaya ; (1) Pendidikan melalui pelatihan, (2) meningkatkan Partisipasi aktif dalam pengumpulan informasi dan (3) meningkatkan Partisipasi aktif dalam memberikan alternatif rencana dan usulan kepada pemerintah.
Kajian Infrastruktur Transportasi Darat Dalam Pengembangan Wilayah Kecamatan Tongauna Kabupaten Konawe Eko Efendi Juantoro; La Ode Muhamad Magribi; Irwan Lakawa; Sufrianto Sufrianto
Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (898.808 KB) | DOI: 10.54297/sciej.v1i2.143


The development of rural areas from the agricultural base sector in the field of food through land transportation infrastructure is the main focus of this research. The location of the object of research was Tongauna District, Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. which is the background for site selection because the majority of the people in Tongauna are farmers and the Tongauna sub-district is the district with the largest production of lowland rice commodity in Southeast Sulawesi province which can be an agricultural base sector. Land transportation has become a very important media that supports the mobility, connectivity and accessibility of agriculture so as to increase the productivity of leading sectors of agriculture that have an impact on the development of the area of Tongauna District.
Studi Kelayakan Pembangunan Hotel Sutan Raja Di Kota Kendari Syamsuddin Syamsuddin; Sunaryo Sunaryo; La Ode Musa Rachmat; Sufrianto Sufrianto
Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Vol 1 No 2 (2020): Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1108.329 KB) | DOI: 10.54297/sciej.v1i2.147


Hotels are one of the accommodation business entities that use part or all of their parts as lodging services, food and beverage service providers, and various other services for the general public which are managed by commercial means. Sutan Raja Hotel is one type of star hotel that will be built in Kendari city and it is hoped that this hotel can help improve the welfare of the people of Kendari City. Building a star hotel in a developing city like Kendari is not an easy matter, because in the construction of a hotel, it must also pay attention to the feasibility of building the hotel, both from the market, financial and technical aspects. The purpose of this research was to analyze the feasibility of developing Sutan Raja Hotel in Kendari City based on market, technical, and financial aspects. And to find out information and input to the owner whether the construction of Sutan Raja Hotel in Kendari City is feasible to be implemented in terms of market, technical, and financial aspects. The results of the technical aspects show that the construction of Sutan Raja Hotel in Kendari City is feasible, because it has a strategic location to carry out a business investment project for a hotel, with the distance around relatively close to the tourist attractions and other entertainment places. From the market aspect to get hotel rooms rented at star hotels in Kendari City, it is found that the number of hotel rooms to be rented at Sutan Raja Hotel Kendari City is 12,370 units per year and will increase by 200-300 units annually for 25 years of operation . The feasibility assessment of the project proposal was carried out an analysis, namely NPV was generated Rp. 320,941,000,000.00 (positive NPV) as desired, BCR obtained 2.55 greater than 1, IRR obtained 26.512% greater than the 12% commercial interest rate
Pengaruh Kerusakan Jalan Terhadap Nilai Ekonomi Penanganan Konstruksi Jalan Suhardin Mangidi; Sunaryo Sunaryo; Sulaiman Sulaiman; Sufrianto Sufrianto
Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1207.402 KB) | DOI: 10.54297/sciej.v2i1.164


This study aims to analyze the value of the Pavement Condition Index (PCI), analyze the amount of the budget needed to deal with road damage, and analyze the value of the influence between the value of the PCI and the budget for road repair on the Gunung Jaya - Poli- Polia road section. The results of this study indicate that the pavement condition index (PCI) of Gunung Jaya - Poli-Polia Road is 52.5 in the medium category. The total budget required to deal with the damage to the Gunung Jaya - Polia-Polia road is Rp. 12,085,500,000.00. PCI value affects the budget plan of 21.5%.
Analisis Produktivitas Tukang Batu Bata Pada Proyek Pembangunan Asrama Puteri Mandala Wangi 2 di Kota Kendari Al Mustahyun; Sunaryo Sunaryo; La Ode Musa Rahmat; Sufrianto Sufrianto
Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (846.126 KB) | DOI: 10.54297/sciej.v2i1.166


Productivity is one of the fundamental factors that influences the ability of performance in the construction industry. Increased productivity will reduce work time, and will reduce costs, especially labor costs so that the minimum labor cost is obtained (labor costs) to get competitive prices both for auction and implementation. The purpose of this study is to analyze the labor productivity time in completing 1 m2 of masonry bricks and to analyze the productivity value of brick masons in completing work activities in the construction project of the Mandala Wangi 2 female dormitory. The results showed that the time required to complete 1 m2 of brick laying work was 41.13 minutes on average. The productivity of the artisans working on the 1st floor is an average of 1.45 m2/hr. Meanwhile, the productivity of craftsmen working on the 2nd floor is an average of 1.47 m2/hr.
Kajian Transportasi Laut pada Era New Normal Di Kabupaten Bombana Iman Ruhimat; Irwan Lakawa; Sufrianto Sufrianto
Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1076.061 KB) | DOI: 10.54297/sciej.v2i2.192


This study aims to investigate sea transportation in the new normal era in Bombana Regency, especially at Kasipute Port. This study includes the number of ships operated, the number of passengers departed and arrived at Kasipute Port, and analyzing the service performance of the Kasipute Port before and during the new normal era. The research method was carried out by collecting secondary data as data recapitulation of ships operated and the volume of passengers departed and arrived at the Kasipute Port at the Office of the Bombana Regency Harbormaster then primary data was get by interviewed passengers (respondents) and filling out questionnaires. It carried service quality analysis using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The results showed that during the new normal era, the number of ships operated experienced the highest decline reaching 58% in May 2020. Meanwhile, the largest percentage decrease of passengers during the new normal era was 85% for departed passengers and 77% for passengers arrived at Kasipute port in May 2020. The decline in the number of ships and passengers that occurred during the new normal era was partly due to the PSBB imposed by the Bombana Regency Government since April 2020, so it limited the movement of people using the marine transportation mode. Based on the results of the service quality analysis, the priority factors in improving service performance before the new normal era at Kasipute Port are the comfort of the ship (E1), cleanliness of the ship (C2), and the time of departure of the ship (D1), while the priority factors in improving service performance during the new normal era is the provision of masks by the port (E3), ship cleanliness (C2), ship departure time (D1) and ship comfort (E1).
Sistem Informasi Geografis Kerusakan Jalan Berbasis Web Adhar Adhar; Irwan Lakawa; Sufrianto Sufrianto
Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1163.506 KB) | DOI: 10.54297/sciej.v2i2.196


According to the North Buton Regency Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency in the Central Statistics Agency (2020), in the North Buton Regency area there are still many roads that are slightly damaged or heavily damaged, the road damage is a very complex problem. The losses and impacts suffered are enormous for the road users, while mapping and research, especially on road conditions, are still lacking attention. Recognizing the need for information on road damage that can display the condition of provincial roads in North Buton Regency, the information system that will be displayed in the form of a digital map based on Geographical Information System (GIS) is more effective in providing visualization of road damage data, road conditions and reports of road damage, especially on provincial roads in North Buton Regency. The research objectives are: (1) To analyze the level of damage to provincial roads in North Buton Regency. (2) Knowing the WEB-based Geographical Information System Damage to Provincial Roads in North Buton Regency. The results of the analysis and discussion carried out resulted in the level of damage to the Provincial Roads in North Buton Regency using the PCI (method Pavement Condition Index)along 12 km which is divided per 300 meters into 40 segments. With the average value of 65 in the condition(Good)and then with a geographic information system (GIS) based WEB, data showed damage to the weathering of the surface as much as 31%, the hole as much as 39%, Cracks extends as much as 4%, Weathering granules off as much as 13% , Block crack by 2%, Bleeding as much as 9% and Amblast by 2%.
Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Contract Change Order pada Pekerjaan Rehabilitasi Jalan Mataiwoi-Abuki Rajanun Rajanun; Irwan Lakawa; Sitti Hawa; Haryono Haryono; Sufrianto Sufrianto
Sultra Civil Engineering Journal Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Sultra Civil Engineering Journal (SCiEJ)
Publisher : Universitas Sulawesi Tenggara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (842.488 KB) | DOI: 10.54297/sciej.v3i1.240


The research was conducted using descriptive statistical methods, namely by analyzing data and questionnaires to determine the mean and then calculating the value of the Relative Interest Index (IKR). This analytical method will be very useful for identifying the rank of respondents and giving priority to study variables. The results showed that the factors causing CCO were the effect of cost (0.362) with a t count of 0.869. The dominant factors causing Contract Change Order (CCO) that affect cost and time are the contractor factor, then the influence of cost, natural conditions, planning & design, time, and the lowest one is the owner's influence.