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Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 5, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan

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Pada masa remaja, banyak terjadi perubahan biologis, psikologis maupun sosial. Tetapi umumnya proses pematangan fisik terjadi lebih cepat dari proses pematangan kejiwaan (psikososial). Manusia selalu dilihat sebagai satu kesatuan utuh dari unsur badan, jiwa, sosial, tidak hanya dititikberatkan pada penyakit tetapi pada peningkatan kualitas hidup, terdiri dari kesejahteraan dari badan, jiwa dan produktivitas secara sosial ekonomi. Beberapa jenis gangguan jiwa yang banyak terjadi pada masa remaja berbagai stresor yang ada, dapat timbul berbagai kondisi  negatif seperti cemas, depresi, bahkan memicu munculnya gangguan psikotik. Kesehatan jiwa remaja merupakan hal  penting dalam menentukan kualitas bangsa. Remaja yang tumbuh dalam lingkungan kondusif dan mendukung merupakan sumber daya manusia yang dapat menjadi aset bangsa tidak ternilai. AbstractIn adolescence, there have been changes of biological, psychological and social. But generally, the physical maturation process occurs more rapidly than the process of psychological maturation. Humans always seen as a unified whole of elements of the body, soul, social, not only emphasis on disease but on improving the quality of life, consisting of well-being of body, soul and productivity of social economy. Some types of mental disorders which are prevalent in adolescence namely a variety of stressors that can arise various negative conditions such as anxiety, depression, and even trigger the emergence of psychotic disorders. Adolescent mental health is important in determining the quality of the nation. Teens who grow up in a supportive environment conducive and human resources that can be an invaluable national asset.Keywords: Mental health; Adolescent; Physical maturation
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 7, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan

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Gizi buruk masih merupakan isu sentral. Ada berbagai faktor yang menyebabkan masalah  ini menjadi   sangat kompleks. Tujuan dari penelitian untuk menentukan  faktor  yang  berhubungan  dengan  status  gizi  pada  anak-anak  kelas 4, 5, dan 6 di Sekolah Dasar 02 Ngesrep Banyumanik, Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan belah  lintang. Populasi  sebanyak 64  siswa. Teknik sampling  purposif  digunakan  untuk  memperoleh  sampel  62  orang.  Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi, sedangkan data status gizi (W/A) dilakukan dengan pengukuran antropometri. Analisis data dilakukan univariat dan bivariat  (menggunakan uji  chi  square). Faktor yang berhubungan dengan  status gizi adalah  tingkat pengetahuan  ibu (p=0,0001), pendidikan  ibu  (p=0,0001), pendapatan keluarga  (p=0,0001), penyakit menular  (p=0,001),  tingkat  konsumsi  energi  (p=0,0001),  tingkat  konsumsi protein (p=0,0001). Faktor-faktor yang tidak berhubungan dengan status gizi adalah jumlah anggota keluarga (p=0,074).   Abstract   Malnutrition has been still a central  issue. Some  factors cause become complex. This  study analiyzed  the determinants of nutritional  status at 4th, 5th, and 6th grade  students of    Elementary  School  02 Ngesrep,  Banyumanik,  Semarang.  It was a cross-sectional study. Purposive sampling was applied and taken on 62 students of the 64 population students. Data was colected by interviewing, observing, and documentation. Nutritional status was measured by anthropometry method (BB/U). Chi Square Test was used to analyze the data. Mother’s knowledge level (p=0,0001), mother’s education level (p=0,0001), family income (p=0,0001), communicable diseases (p=0,001), energy consumption level (p=0,0001), and protein consumption  level  (p=0,0001)  had  significant  association  to  nutritional  status. There was no association between  the number  of  family and nutritional  status (p=0,074). Keywords:Nutritional status; Elementary school student
The Community Diagnosis of Filariasis Endemic Villages in Pekalongan City Indarjo, Sofwan; Siwiendrayanti, Arum; Pawenang, Eram Tunggul
Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 12, No 1 (2016): JURNAL KESEHATAN MASYARAKAT (KEMAS) JULY 2016
Publisher : Jurusan Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v12i1.4130


The percentages of referrals for the first level health facilities visits are coming from Filariasis cases have increased to 11,699 until 2008. In Pekalongan City, there are 117 infected people in 2011. This study aims at investigating social determinants of filariasis endemic communities in several villages. Surveys using a cross-sectional study design, Population studies that tested positive for finger blood survey (FBS) in 2011-2013. Samples were collected by convenience sampling method sequentially through questionnaires and observation. There were 402 people participating in this study. The result shows that the presence of bushes, puddle, Sewerage are in unfavorable conditions and people do not use mosquito net during sleep and hang clothes. The best prevention practice in Padukuhan Kraton Village is by regularly use mosquito repellent and do not go out at night, Padukuhan Kraton endemic filariasis with mf-rate of 3.7%. Filariasis Elimination Program Year 2011-2015 is carried out properly and in accordance with the regulations of filariasis filariasis Mass Drug Administration (MDA) program. FBS is implemented before MDA (Mass Drug Administration) and handling of cases of chronic filariasis. Respondents have a good knowledge of prevention of transmission of filariasis. Hoewever, the practice of taking the MDA medication is still less. Suggestions for the community are to improve environmental sanitation, improvement of MDA medication and the prevention of transmission of filariasis.
Edukasi Pencegahan Filariasis dengan Buku Saku Mandiri di Wilayah Endemis Filariasis Kabupaten Demak Siwiendrayanti, Arum; Pawenang, Eram Tunggul; Indarjo, Sofwan; Windraswara, Rudatin
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 23, No 2 (2019): December
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M), Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan praktek masyarakat dalam pencegahan filariasis. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan edukasi dengan menggunakan media buku saku MANDIRI yang berisi informasi tertulis dilengkapi foto dan ilustrasi yang memuat langkah-langkah pencegahan filariasis. Buku saku ini telah memiliki ISBN dan diterbitkan oleh UNNES Press dan dari hasil penelitian terdahulu telah berhasil berperan dalam menurunkan angka Mf rate Kelurahan Bandengan Kota Pekalongan dari Mf rate 2,0% menjadi 0,0%. Buku ini diserahkan pada kelompok warga dan saling dipinjamkan decara bergilir sehingga dapat dibaca oleh seluruh warga. Diskusi antar warga dapat terjadi pada kesempatan saling meminjamkan buku tersebut. Kegiatan pengabdian dilaksanakan tanggal 5 Mei 2018 di Desa Sidogemah dan tanggal 12 Mei 2018 di Desa Bedono. Monitoring perguliran buku saku dilaksanakan tanggal 7 Juli di Desa Sidogemah dan tanggal 14 Juli di Desa Bedono. Perguliran buku di Desa Sidogemah 75% baik dan di Desa Bedono 80% baik. Keseluruhan dari masing-masing 20 orang peserta Desa Sidogemah dan Desa Bedono mengalami peningkatan skor pengetahuan. Peningkatan pengetahuan rata-rata Desa Sidogemah meningkat dari rata-rata pre test sebesar 6,25 menjadi rata-rata post test sebesar 11,25. Peningkatan pengetahuan rata-rata Desa Bedono meningkat dari rata-rata pre test sebesar 5,75 dan rata-rata post test sebesar 12,25.
Upaya Pelatihan Pos Pembinaan Terpadu Penyakit Tidak Menular (posbindu ptm) pada Kader Posyandu Di Desa Kalikayen, Kec. Ungaran Timur, Kab. Semarang Indarjo, Sofwan; Hermawati, Bertakalswa; Nugraha, Efa
Jurnal Abdimas Vol 23, No 2 (2019): December
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M), Universitas Negeri Semarang

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Berdasarkan hasil Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) tahun 2007, memperlihatkan bahwa penyebab kematian terbesar di Indonesia untuk penduduk umur 5 tahun ke atas adalahstroke baik di perdesaan maupun di perkotaan. Selanjutnya hasil Riskesdas tersebut juga menunjukkan bahwa, berdasarkan diagnosa tenaga kesehatan, data prevalensi nasional untuk: penyakit sendi sebesar 30,3%, Hipertensi (untuk penduduk umur 18 tahun lebih) adalah 31,7%, Stroke 0,83%, Asma 4,0%, Kanker 0,4%, Jantung sebesar 7,2% dan Diabetes 1,1% (pemeriksaan dengan biomedis sebesar 5,7%). Prevalensi nasional cedera adalah 7,5% (berdasarkan pengakuan responden, untuk berbagai penyebab cedera, 25,9% merupakan cedera karena lalu lintas darat). Data untuk faktor risiko PTM adalah Obesitas Umum sebesar 10,3%, Obesitas Sentral 18,8%, Toleransi Gula Terganggu (TGT) 10,2%, Kurang makan buah dan sayur 93,6%, Minum beralkohol 4,6%, Kurang aktifitas fisik 48,2%, dan Merokok 23,7% serta prevalensi kurang aktifitas fisik untuk penduduk umur 10 tahun ke atas sebesar 48,2%. Posbindu PTM dilaksanakan setiap hari kami smulai pukul 09.00 – 11.00 di balai  desa kalikayen , Posbindu PTM dilaksanakan dengan 5 (lima) kegiatan, namun dalam situasi-kondisi tertentu dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan kesepakatan bersama. Salah satu upaya untuk mengendalikan PTM adalah pemberdayaan dan peningkatan peran serta masyarakat melalui kegiatan posbindu PTM dengan kadernya. Upaya pengendalian PTM dibangun berdasarkan komitmen bersama dari seluruh elemen masyarakat yang peduli terhadap ancaman PTM melalui Posbindu PTM. Pengembangan Posbindu PTM merupakan bagian integral dari sistem pelayanan kesehatan, diselenggarakan berdasarkan permasalahan
KEMAS: Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat Vol 5, No 1 (2009)
Publisher : Department of Public Health, Faculty of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15294/kemas.v5i1.1860


Pada masa remaja, banyak terjadi perubahan biologis, psikologis maupun sosial. Tetapi umumnya proses pematangan fisik terjadi lebih cepat dari proses pematangan kejiwaan (psikososial). Manusia selalu dilihat sebagai satu kesatuan utuh dari unsur badan, jiwa, sosial, tidak hanya dititikberatkan pada penyakit tetapi pada peningkatan kualitas hidup, terdiri dari kesejahteraan dari badan, jiwa dan produktivitas secara sosial ekonomi. Beberapa jenis gangguan jiwa yang banyak terjadi pada masa remaja berbagai stresor yang ada, dapat timbul berbagai kondisi  negatif seperti cemas, depresi, bahkan memicu munculnya gangguan psikotik. Kesehatan jiwa remaja merupakan hal  penting dalam menentukan kualitas bangsa. Remaja yang tumbuh dalam lingkungan kondusif dan mendukung merupakan sumber daya manusia yang dapat menjadi aset bangsa tidak ternilai. AbstractIn adolescence, there have been changes of biological, psychological and social. But generally, the physical maturation process occurs more rapidly than the process of psychological maturation. Humans always seen as a unified whole of elements of the body, soul, social, not only emphasis on disease but on improving the quality of life, consisting of well-being of body, soul and productivity of social economy. Some types of mental disorders which are prevalent in adolescence namely a variety of stressors that can arise various negative conditions such as anxiety, depression, and even trigger the emergence of psychotic disorders. Adolescent mental health is important in determining the quality of the nation. Teens who grow up in a supportive environment conducive and human resources that can be an invaluable national asset.Keywords: Mental health; Adolescent; Physical maturation
Unnes Journal of Public Health Vol 4 No 1 (2015): Unnes Journal Of Public Health
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang in cooperation with Association of Indonesian Public Health Experts (Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (342.616 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v4i1.4704


Pulmonary TB cases are increasingly found every year. The objective this study was find out the correlation between individual characteristic toward the finding pulmonary TB cases in ex Pati Residency during 2013.It was analytical survey research using case control approach. 15 persons in each case and control group were taken as sample using simple random sampling technique. The data was analyzed using chi square test with degree of significance (α)=0,05.The research result showed that the risk factor correlate with the finding of pulmonary TB cases were education background (p value=0,027, OR=8,00), knowledge (p value=0,023, OR=9,75), and training (p value=0,023, OR=9,75). Variables which uncorrelated were age (p value=0,264), gender (p value=0,449), duration of employment (p value=0,245), and officers’ behavior (p value=0,053). Advice for health department in ex Pati Residency for the officers’ who was educated in high school in order to proceed to the level of D3/S1. For other researchers study more theother factors associated with individual characteristics against pulmonary TB case finding.
Unnes Journal of Public Health Vol 2 No 3 (2013): Unnes Journal of Public Health
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang in cooperation with Association of Indonesian Public Health Experts (Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.702 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v2i3.5966


Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease that the number of sufferers is increasing every year. Issues that were examined in this study is an effort to increase Larva-Free Numbers DHF through Larva Monitoring interpreter mobilization. The purpose of this study was to determine the difference between the ABJ DBD before and after mobilization jumantik in RW I Danyang Village Sub District Of Purwodadi Grobogan. This research was a pre-experimental research design using the design of one group pretest-posttest design. This research used cluster random sampling. Total sample was 231 households. Based on the Wilcoxon test showed that there were significant differences between the ABJ DBD before and after mobilization jumantik with p value (0.000) < α (0.05). The conclusion of this research was mobilizing jumantik can increase your ABJ DBD in RW I Danyang Village Sub District Of Purwodadi Grobogan Advice to the public immediately mosquito nest eradication and actively participated incounseling. To expect the government to make policies that involve the community in the prevention and eradication of dengue through a more effective methods..
HUBUNGAN ANTARA PENGETAHUAN, SIKAP, DAN KETERSEDIAAN FASILITAS DI SEKOLAH DALAM PENERAPAN PHBS MEMBUANG SAMPAH PADA TEMPATNYA (Studi di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Banjarsari 02 Kecamatan Gabus Kabupaten Pati ) Raharjo, Ahmat Sigit; Indarjo S.KM., M.Kes, Sofwan
Unnes Journal of Public Health Vol 3 No 1 (2014): Unnes Journal of Public Health
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang in cooperation with Association of Indonesian Public Health Experts (Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (308.531 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v3i1.5969


The problems are examined in this research derived from the preliminary observations which showed that the application of PHBS in Public Elementary School Banjarsari 02 sub-district Gabus district Pati do not meet the requirements as stipulated in the national policy promoting the health to support efforts to improve the healthy behavior based on minister of health No. 2269 / MENKES / PER / XI / 2011 “guidelines for guidance about clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS)”. The aim of this research is to find out the relationship between knowledge, attitude, and the availability of facilities in school by the application of PHBS disposing of garbage on exactly.A kind of this research explanatory research with the approach of cross-sectional. Population in this research is of public elementary school students Banjarsari 02 sub-district Gabus district Pati 2012. Samples were 46 students. An instrument used namely a questionnaire. Analysis of data done in univariat and bivariat ( fisher ).The results of this research is relationship between knowledge ( p = 0,037), attitude (p = 0,007), the availability of facilities in school ( p = 0,002 ) by the application of PHBS disposing of garbage in place. The advice given to public elementary school Banjarsari 02 sub-district Gabus district Pati, should be given counseling about PHBS. Provides a facility that are amenable to the students to want to apply PHBS disposing of garbage in place. For health department, the county of Pati program should monitor PHBS particularly in the order school.
Unnes Journal of Public Health Vol 4 No 4 (2015): Unnes Journal Of Public Health
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Semarang in cooperation with Association of Indonesian Public Health Experts (Ikatan Ahli Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (IAKMI))

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (251.22 KB) | DOI: 10.15294/ujph.v4i4.9694


Vasektomi merupakan metode kontrasepsi dengan jumlah akseptor terkecil secara umum. Vasektomi dapat mengurangi kecemasan akan terjadinya kehamilan, namun  diikuti dengan kecemasan lain yang dapat muncul yaitu kecemasan terhadap potensi seksual dan kecemasan akan kemampuan fungsi sebagai pria akan terganggu pasca kontrasepsi mantap. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengambilan informan purposive sampling. Informan utama berjumlah 4 orang dan informan triangulasi berjumlah 4 orang. Teknik pengambilan data menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam, dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini adalah : Pertama, Kecemasan terhadap potensi seks yang dialami oleh akseptor Vasektomi di Kecamatan Gunung Pati masih berada dalam fase adaptif. Kedua, Kecemasan terhadap menurunnya potensi seksual tidak berdampak signifikan pada kehidupan seksual akseptor vasektomi karena hal tersebut tidak terbukti terjadi secara langsung pada akseptor vasektomi. Bagi masyarakat disarankan agar lebih aktif untuk menggali informasi-informasi dengan mengikuti penyuluhan-penyuluhan, menambah sumber bacaan agar tidak mudah terpengaruh oleh mitos-mitos yang salah. Vasectomy is a method of contraception with the lowest number of acceptors. Vasectomy can reduce the anxiety of pregnancy but followed with other anxiety which can appear such as anxiety against sexual potency and anxiety against decreasing function as men after secure contraceptive. This type of research was applied qualitative study method with receipt of the informants used purposive sampling method. The informants in this research consist of 4 vasectomy acceptors, 4 vasectomy acceptors wife as informants triangulation. The information collection technique used an in-depth interviews, and study documentation. The result of this research were: the first, anxiety about the potential sex experienced by vasectomy acceptors gunungpati district still in adaptive phase. Second, anxiety against the decline in sexual potency sexual life had no significant impact on vasectomy acceptors because it was not proved happened directly at vasectomy acceptors. It was recommended for people to be more active to search information by following the counseling, increase source of reading to be unaffected by wrong myth.