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Follicular Development Dynamics and Plasma Progesterone Profile during the Estrous Cycle of Dairy Cows Putro, PP; Wasito, R; Wuryastuty, H; Indarjulianto, S
ANIMAL PRODUCTION Vol 10, No 2 (2008): May
Publisher : Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Faculty of Animal Science, Purwokerto-Indonesia

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A total of five local Friesian cows, 4 to 5 years, healthy, reproductively sound, were used in the study to understand the development dynamics of dominant follicles and plasma progesterone profile during estrous cycle.   Transrectal ultrasonographic examination using real time, B-mode, with 7.5 MHz transducer was performed daily for one full cycle to follow the development of dominant follicle and corpus luteum dynamics.   Blood plasma was collected daily to determine progesterone levels using EIA technique.   Follicular development dynamics and plasma progesterone levels were analyzed statistically using analyses of variance, while correlation between plasma progesterone levels and corpus luteum size were tested using correlation analyses.   The length of estrous cycle in local Friesian cow was 21.00 + 1.00 days.   Follicular dynamics during estrous cycle indicated only had two waves of dominant follicular development.   The first wave of dominant follicle was firstly identified on day 3, reached maximum diameter (11.17 + 0.90 mm) on day 11 and identifiable until day 15.   The second dominant follicle appeared on day 11, reached maximum size on day 21 (13.17 + 0.69 mm) and underwent ovulation on the next day.   The increased diameter of dominant follicle from days 17 to 21 was linear with growth rate of 1.20 + 0.18 mm/day.   Ovulatory dominant follicle had larger size than non-ovulatory ones (P<0.05).   Corpus luteum was ultrasonically detectable from days 5 to 19 of the estrous cycle.   The maximum size of corpus luteum (11.83 + 0.75 mm) attained on day 11, and then regressed substantially till day 19.  Plasma progesterone level started to rise during the luteal phase, reached the peak level on day 12 (4.64 + 0.23 ng/ml) and then decreased steadily till the lowest level (0.42 + 0.05 ng/ml) at the time of estrus.  The plasma progesterone profile and the corpus luteum development were concomitant each other during estrous cycle of the cow.  It can be concluded that the follicular dynamics during estrous cycle in local Friesian cows only had two waves of dominant follicular development, while plasma progesterone levels manifested corpus luteum function throughout the estrous cycle. (Animal Production 10(2): 73-77 (2008) Key Words:  Follicle, corpus luteum, progesterone, estrous cycle, cow
AKTIVITAS LARVISIDAL EKSTRAK ETHANOL RUMPUT KEBAR (Biophytum petersianum Klotzsch) TERHADAP Aedes aegypti Sambodo, Priyo; Prastowo, Joko; Indarjulianto, Soedarmanto
Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Veterinary Science) Vol 7 No 1 (2012): JURNAL ILMU PETERNAKAN
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (106.053 KB) | DOI: 10.30862/jipvet.v7i1.37


The aim of this research is to find out the larvicidal effect of rumput Kebar ethanol extract againts A. aegypti larvae. Seven hundred and twenty larvae of third instars were divided into 3 series and consist of 4 concentrations, (0 ppm, 2000 ppm, 2500 ppm and 3000 ppm) with 3 replications. Each group using 20 larvae of third instars were placed in 200 ml of treatment solutions. The effect of the treatments were monitored by counting the number of dead larvae after 24 h, 48 h and 72 h of exposure. Data was analyzed by ANOVA and Probit analysis was used to find out Lethal Concentration50 and LC90. The results showed that the average mortality is highest on the concentration of 3000 ppm after 72 h of exposure were 27 (36,15%). LC50 and LC90 values of 4770.626 ppm and 8264.651 ppm after 24 h of exposure.
Infeksi Aeromonas salmonicida dari Berbagai Wilayah di Indonesia Pada Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio) Priyatna, Riza; Indarjulianto, Soedarmanto; Kurniasih , Kurniasih
Biota : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati Vol 16, No 2 (2011): June 2011
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

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Aeromonas salmonicida merupakan bakteri penyebab furunculosis pada ikan yang mengakibatkan kerugian ekonomi di dalam budidaya ikan air tawar. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui gambaran darah ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio) yang diinfeksi oleh A. salmonicida, juga dilakukan pemeriksaan histopatologi. Sebanyak empat isolat atipikal A. salmonicida telah diisolasi dari ikan di empat daerah di Indonesia yaitu Pontianak, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Jambi dan satu isolat atipikal A. salmonicida subjenis smithia dari ATCC sebagai kontrol. Sebanyak 45 ekor ikan mas berukuran 1215 cm dibagi menjadi lima kelompok. Kelompok 14 diinfeksi dengan A. salmonicida 0,1ml x 10 4 sel/ml secara intraperitoneal dari empat isolat berbeda. Kelompok ikan 5/kontrol tidak dilakukan infeksi bakteri. Isolat A. salmonicida yang berasal dari Pontianak menunjukkan jumlah leukosit total dan kadar hemoglobin meningkat jelas pada hari ke-7 sesudah infeksi, disertai peningkatan jumlah rata-rata heterofil, limfosit dan monosit pada hari ke-7 sesudah infeksi. Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan darah menunjukkan bahwa isolat A. salmonicida dari Pontianak merupakan isolat patogen yang menyebabkan reaksi akut jika dibandingkan dengan isolat dari daerah lain. Isolat A. salmonicida dari Yogyakarta menyebabkan perubahan patologi paling ringan. Isolat dari Jambi dan Pontianak menyebabkan lesi kulit hingga lapisan otot, epicarditis mulai hari ke-3 sesudah infeksi.
Diare Disebabkan Infeksi Escherichia coli pada Anjing Dewandaru, Risang Aji; Indarjulianto, Soedarmanto; Yanuartono, Yanuartono; Nururrozi, Alfarisa; Purnamaningsih, Hary; Hayati, Rusmi
Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Veterinary Science) Vol 9 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Veter
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

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Diarrhea is a symptom of a disease that often occurs in dogs, but the diagnosis and therapy usually only based on clinical symptoms. The purpose of this case report is to examine, diagnose and treat a dog with diarrhea. The material of this report is a 4 moths old of female mixbreed dog. The dog examinated including physical, faecal and profile blood examination. Examination of faecal samples includes gastrointestinal parasitic and bacteria identifications. The results of the anamnese and physical examination was found that the dog did not has appetite, vomited, weak, bloody diarrhea and body temperature 40.1℃. The results of faecal examinationcould be isolated Escherichia coli which was sensitive to ampicillin, and blood examination showed neutrophilia and lymphocytopenia. The dog was diagnosed suffered diahrrea caused by E. coli and was treated intra-muscularly for 5 days with 5 mg/kg body weight of ampicillin, twice a day, and 1 time 1 ml vitamin K and 0.37 ml vitamin B-complex. The results of the therapy showed a development of healing gradually and the dog was declared cured on the 7th day of treatment.
Myiasis pada Ruminansia: Diagnosis, Manajemen Terapi dan Pencegahan Kaswardjono, Yanuartono; Indarjulianto, Soedarmanto; Nururrozi, Alfarisa; Purnamaningsih, Hary
Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Veterinary Science) Vol 9 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Veter
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

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Myiasis is defined as a condition in which maggots are from certain fly species that utilize living, dead, or necrotic tissue from the host as a feed source for their growth and development and attack all types of vertebrate animals that are warm-blooded including humans. myiasis is often found in domestic animals in tropical regions throughout the world, especially in developing countries such as Indonesia and is generally associated with low levels of welfare of farmers. The diagnosis of myiasis is based on a clinical examination of wound bleeding, fever, a characteristic odor, the discovery of exudates and maggots in the wound. Myiasis treatment is generally local followed by manual removal of larvae and necrotic tissue debris. Systemic treatment usually uses broad-spectrum antibiotics especially when secondary infections occur. Disease prevention can be done by providing information to farmers to pay attention to and carry out livestock sanitation, pens, the surrounding environment and control flies using various methods. Keywords: clinical examination, disease prevention, maggot, myiasis
Frekuensi Nafas dan Pulsus Ular Sanca Batik (Malayopython reticulatus) Lokalitas Jawa Raharjo, Slamet; Hartati, Sri; Indarjulianto, Soedarmanto; Widayanti, Rini
Jurnal Sain Veteriner Vol 36, No 2 (2018): Desember
Publisher : Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Gadjah Mada bekerjasama dengan PB PDHI

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Reticulated python (Malayopython reticulatus) java locality is highly demand as pet animal. Respiratory and pulse rate were important physiological data needed for diagnostic references. The aim of this research was to study the repiratory and pulse rate on Java M. reticulatus. Thirthy healthy adult Java M. reticulatus were used in this study. The respiratory rate recorded by counting inspiratory and expiratory movement of the thorax for one minute and pulse rate recorded by heart palpation for one minute, measured at 6-8 AM and at 4-6 PM for five consecutive days. Temperature and humidity were record as secondary data. The data were analyzed using independent t-Test. The respiratory rate in this study recorded in the morning ranged 5-48 breaths/minute averaging 20 breaths/minute and in the evening ranged 7-49 breaths/minute averaging 24 breaths/minute. The pulse rate in the morning ranged 21-68 beats per minute (bpm) averaging 45.5 bpm and in the evening ranged 40-82 bpm averaging 56 bpm. Totally, M. reticulatus having the respiratory rate 5-49 breaths/minute and pulse rate 21-82 bpm. The morning temperature ranged 25-27oC and the evening 26-27.5oC. The range of morning and evening air humidity is 66-75% and 65-70% respectively. The results showed that the comparison of respiratory rate (R) and pulse rate (P) were in normal range namely 1:2.25 in the morning and 1:2.33 in the evening. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) between morning and evening respiratory rate and no significant effect (P>0.05) of temperature and humidity on respiratory and pulse rate. It could be concluded that healthy adult Java M. reticulatus has a respiratory rate 5-49 breaths/minute dan pulse rate 21-82 bpm.
Laporan Kasus: Penanganan Enteritis pada Kambing Peranakan Ettawa Akibat Nematodiasis dan Koksidiosis Fangidae, Petra Yudha; Nururrozi, Alfarisa; Yanuartono, Yanuartono; Indarjulianto, Soedarmanto
Indonesia Medicus Veterinus Vol 8 (2) 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University

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Nematodiasis dan koksidiosis merupakan penyakit pada kambing yang dapat menimbulkan kerugian ekonomi yang besar bagi peternak. Seekor kambing Peranakan Ettawa (PE) betina berumur 1 tahun dan berat badan 35 kg, dianamnesis mengalami diare, lemas, dan nafsu makan menurun. Hasil pemeriksaan fisik didapatkan rambut yang kasar, konjungtiva dan gingiva hiperemis, limfaglandula mandibularis dekster bengkak, pada hidung terdapat leleran mukopurulen, peristaltik usus meningkat, dan konsistensi feses yang lembek. Hasil pemeriksaan sampel feses ditemukan adanya ookista Eimeria spp., larva nematoda jenis strongyle dan telur cacing strongyle. Pemeriksaan hematologi didapatkan polisitemia, anemia mikrositik-hipokromik, leukositosis dengan disertai neutrofilia dan eosinofilia. Berdasarkan anamnesis, gejala klinis, pemeriksaan fisik dan laboratorium maka kambing didiagnosis mengalami enteritis akibat nematodiasis dan koksidiosis dengan prognosis fausta. Pengobatan yang diberikan adalah Albendazole 8,5 mg/kg BB (PO), Oxytetracycline 17 mg/kg BB (IM), Diphenhydramine HCL 1 mg/kg BB (IM), dan injeksi multivitamin 3 mL (IM). Tujuh hari setelah pengobatan telah ada perbaikan klinis berupa keadaan kambing yang sudah aktif, tidak diare, feses yang mulai padat, jumlah larva nematoda dalam feses sudah berkurang.
Laporan Kasus: Cystic Endometrial Hiperplasia-Pyometra Kompleks pada Kucing Persia Nurrurozi, Alfarisa; Yanuartono, Yanuartono; Indarjulianto, Soedarmanto
Indonesia Medicus Veterinus Vol 8 (5) 2019
Publisher : Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University

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Seekor kucing persia betina berumur satu tahun diperiksa dengan keluhan perut membesar selama beberapa minggu. Pemeriksaan hematologi pertama kucing mengalami leukositosis (29.150 sel/µL) dan neutrofilia. Pemeriksaan hematologi kedua terjadi peningkatan leukosit yang lebih tinggi (38.750 sel/µL), eutrofilia disertai monositosis, eosinofilia, hiperproteinemia dan hiperfibrinogenemia. Sonogram hasil pemeriksaan ultrasonografi terlihat adanya penebalan pada dinding uterus bersifat hyperechoic dengan lumen berisi cairan hypoechoic. Pemeriksaan radiografi terlihat perbesaran uterus dengan gambaran radiopaque pada semua bagian uterus. Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan gejala klinis dan laboratoris kucing didiagnosis mengalami cystic endometrial hyperplasia-pyometra kompleks dengan prognosis dubius. Penanganan yang dilakukan adalah ovariohisterektomi. Pemeriksaan makroskopis pascaoperasi terhadap uterus nampak perbesaran uterus terisi cairan keruh, kental dan berbau. Mukosa endometrium mengalami hiperplasia dan memiliki penampilan haemorrhagic dengan sejumlah kecil sista endometrium. Pengobatan pascaoperasi dilakukan dengan amoksisilin dosis 10 mg/kg BB dan deksametason dosis 0,125 mg/kg diminumkan dua kali sehari selama empat hari, dan multivitamin sebanyak 0,6 mL diberikan satu kali sehari. Kucing mengalami perbaikan secara klinis empat hari setelah operasi dan dinyatakan sembuh pada hari ke-6 setelah operasi.
PENGARUH PEMBERIAN MANUR BROILER DENGAN FERMENTASI Lactobacillus casei TERHADAP KONVERSI PAKAN AYAM KAMPUNG Nururrozi, Alfarisa; Indarjulianto, Soedarmanto; Ramandani, Dhasia; Yanuartono, Yanuartono
Jurnal Bioteknologi & Biosains Indonesia (JBBI) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2018): December 2018
Publisher : Balai Bioteknologi, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (995.536 KB) | DOI: 10.29122/jbbi.v5i2.2774


The Effect of Broiler Manure with Lactobacillus casei Fermentation on the Kampung Chicken Feed Convertion Ratio ABSTRACTHusbandry of kampung chicken is constrained by high feed prices and poor productivity. This study aims to utilize alternative feed materials derived from broiler manure to obtain a cheaper feed with good quality. Manure contains high nutrients. Manure was fermented using Lactobacillus casei to improve feed conversion. Two hundred chickens were divided into 4 groups (n = 50). Groups P1, P2, and P3 were given 4%, 8%, and 12% fermentation of L. casei, respectively. Group P0 was given a regular feed without L. casei. Each treatment group consisted of four replicates and were maintained for 60 days. The research design used was Completely Randomized Design subjected to analysis of variant (ANOVA) followed by Duncan test. The feed conversion values of groups P0, P1, P2, and P3 were 4.46; 4.38; 4.21; and 4.54, respectively. The results showed that the feed conversion was not significant in all groups. It was concluded that L. casei fermenter could not improve the feed conversion ratio (FCR).Keywords: FCR, fermentation, kampung chicken, Lactobacillus casei, manure ABSTRAKBudidaya ayam kampung terkendala tingginya harga pakan dan rendahnya produktivitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan memanfaatkan pakan alternatif bersumber manur (limbah kotoran) ayam broiler untuk memperoleh pakan murah dengan kualitas baik. Manur broiler masih mengandung nutrisi yang tinggi. Manur difermentasi menggunakan Lactobacillus casei untuk memperbaiki konversi pakan. Dua ratus ekor ayam dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok (n=50 ekor). Kelompok P1, P2, dan P3 masing-masing diberi ransum yang ditambah fermentasi L. casei sebanyak 4%, 8%, dan 12%. Kelompok P0 diberikan pakan biasa tanpa penambahan L. casei. Setiap kelompok perlakuan terdiri dari empat ulangan dipelihara selama 60 hari. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan analisis ragam yang dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Konversi pakan dari kelompok P0, P1, P2, dan P3 berturut-turut 4,46; 4,38; 4,21; dan 4,54.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konversi pakan tidak berbeda nyata pada semua kelompok perlakuan. Dari hasil penelitian disimpulkan penggunaan fermenter L.casei pada pakan belum mampu memperbaiki konversi pakan.Kata Kunci: ayam kampung, FCR, fermentasi, Lactobacillus casei, manur
Keracunan Parasetamol Pada Kucing Dan Anjing: Gejala Klinis dan Terapi Yanuartono, Yanuartono; Nururrozi, Alfarisa; Indarjulianto, Soedarmanto; Raharjo, Slamet; Purnamaningsih, Hary; Haribowo, Nurman
Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Veterinary Science) Vol 10 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan dan Veteriner Tropis (Journal of Tropical Animal and Vete
Publisher : Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Papua

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (396.191 KB) | DOI: 10.46549/jipvet.v10i1.86


Acetaminophen, commonly known as paracetamol, is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug commonly used in human medicine for its antipyretic and analgesic action. As paracetamol became readily available in many over-the-counter and no-prescription products, reports of paracetamol poisoning in dogs and cats became more common. The toxicity of paracetamol is more pronounced in cats when compared to dogs. Clinical signs of paracetamol toxicity include depression, weakness, tachypnea, dyspnea, vomiting, hypothermia, facial or paw edema, hepatic necrosis, and death. The characteristics of severe paracetamol poisoning are methemoglobinemia, cyanosis, anemia, and jaundice. Although there are no specific antidotes, acetylcysteine is the drug of choice for paracetamol poisoning treatment. Symptomatic and supportive therapies play a more definitive role in the management of paracetamol poisoning. This paper aims to briefly review the clinical symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of paracetamol poisoning in dogs and cats.
Co-Authors Afif Muhammad Akhrom Afif Muhammad Akrom Afif Muhammad Akrom Agistanya Andimi Agung Budiyanto Agustina Dwi Wijayanti Ahmad Syahrul Fauzi Albert Jackson Yang Alek Arisona Alfarisa - Nururrozi Alfarisa Nururrozi Alfarisa Nururrozi Alfarisa Nururrozi Alfarisa Nururrozi Alfarisa Nururrozi Alfarisa Nururrozi Alfarisa Nururrozi Alfarisa Nururrozi Alfarisa Nururrozi Alfarisa Nururrozi Alfarisa Nururrozi Alfarisa Nururrozi Alfarisa Nururrozi Alfarisa Nururrozi, Alfarisa Alva Edy Tontowi Ambar Pertiwiningrum Andarini, Zahrah Prawita Andriani Dwi Hapsari Anggi Novita Sari Aurora, Clara Inneke Catur Sugiyanto Claude Mona Airin Dalimunthe, Naela Wanda Yusria Dewandaru, Risang Aji Dhasia - Ramandani Dhasia Ramandani Dhasia Ramandani, Dhasia Dionisius M. . Fangidae, Petra Yudha Gerson Yohanes Imanuel Sakan Guntari Titik Mulayni Guntari Titik Mulyani H Wuryastuty, H Haribowo, Nurman Hary Purnamaningsih Hary Purnamaningsih Hary Purnamaningsih, Hary Purnamaningsih Hastari Wuryastuti Hastari Wuryastuty Hastari Wuryastuty Hayati, Rusmi Hizriah Alief Jainudin Ida Tjahajati Irkham Widiyono Jeffi Chandra Ajiguna Joko Prastowo Julita Dewitri Merthayasa Jumaryoto Jumaryoto Kaswardjono, Yanuartono Kurniasih , Kurniasih Kurniasih Kurniasih Laksono Trisnantoro Luh Putu Ratna Sundari Margaretha Arnita Wuri Margaretha Arnita Wuri Mulya Fitranda Novia Nur Aini Nurman Haribowo Nurman Haribowo Nurman Haribowo Nurman Haribowo Nurrurozi, Alfarisa NURULIA HIDAYAH Okid Parama Astirin PP Putro, PP Prabowo Purwono Putro Prabowo, Teguh Ari Priyo Sambodo Putu Devi Jayanti Puveanthan Nagappan Govendan R Wasito R. Wasito Refika Melina Putri Rief Ghulam Satria Permana Rief Ghulam Satria Permana Rini Widayanti Rini Widayanti Risa Ummami Riza Priyatna Rusmi Hayati Rusmihayati, Rusmihayati Sarmin Sarmin Setiawan, Dwi Cahyo Budi Sitarina Widyarini Sitompul, Yeremia Yobelanno Slamet Rahardjo Slamet Rahardjo Slamet Raharjo Slamet Raharjo Slamet Raharjo Slamet Raharjo Slamet Raharjo Slamet Raharjo Slamet Raharjo Slamet Raharjo Slamet Raharjo Slamet Raharjo Soetiarso, Lilik Sri Hartati Sri Hartati Sukma Maharani Suparni Setyowati Rahayu Teguh Ari Prabowo Teguh Ari Prabowo Teguh Ari Prabowo Tri Untari Trini Susmiati Winarsih, Sugi Wisnu Nurcahyo Wuri, Margaretha Arnita yanuartono - - yanuartono - yanuartono yanuartono - yanuartono Yanuartono . Yanuartono . Yanuartono Kaswardjono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono Yanuartono, Yanuartono Yuriadi Yuriadi, Yuriadi Zahrah Prawita Andarini