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KAJIAN STANDAR NASIONAL INDONESIA BIJI PALA Dinar, Latifa; Suyantohadi, Atris; Fajar F, M. Affan
Publisher : Badan Standardisasi Nasional

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Penerapan SNI merupakan jaminan kesesuaian produk dengan spesifikasi yang telah ditetapkan. Maluku utara adalah daerah penghasil pala terbesar di Indonesia, tapi untuk menerapkan SNI biji pala yang ada saat ini yaitu SNI -0006-1993 perlu disesuaikan dengan kondisi saat ini dan perkembangan standar mutu yang diterapkan pasar dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. SNI tersebut perlu dikaji dengan membandingkan standar yang ada dipasar karena biji pala sebagian besar diekspor ke pasar luar negeri. Analisis dilakukan terhadap persyaratan mutu. Hasil kajian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingginya keragaman varietas biji pala yang ada di Maluku Utara menyebabkan penerapan mutu SNI terutama untuk mutu CN sulit terpenuhi. Standar pasar yang ada saat ini lebih banyak digunakan sebagai acuan dalam menentukan kelas mutu dan harga biji pala ditingkat petani dan pedagang. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian berat biji pala untuk kualitas mutu 1 ABCD 5 gram – 8,33 gram, kualitas mutu 2 RIMPEL (Shrivel) beratnya 4,11 gram- 4,99 gram, biji pala dengan berat ≤ 4,11 masuk kedalam kualitas mutu 3 BWP. Kadar air biji pala yang beredar dipasar sudah memenuhi syarat SNI 01-0006-1993, dari hasil pengujian kadar air pada 3 kualitas mutu diperoleh kadar air 10,54% untuk mutu 1 (ABCD), 8,64% untuk mutu 2 (RIMPEL) dan 11,92 % untuk mutu 3 (BWP). Persyaratan mutu SNI untuk kadar air biji pala maksimum adalah 10 % maka mutu 1 dan mutu 2 sudah memenuhi syarat SNI. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut SNI biji pala perlu direvisi yang mencakup persyaratan jumlah biji per ½ Kg terhadap produk biji pala yang beredar dipasar.
Analisis Mutu Pascapanen Melon (Cucumis melo L.) Kultivar Glamour Sakata Selama Penyimpanan Khairi, Amalya Nurul; Falah, Affan Fajar; Pamungkas, Agung Putra
CHEMICA: Jurnal Teknik Kimia Vol 4, No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (478.473 KB) | DOI: 10.26555/chemica.v4i2.9249


The aims of this study are to observe the postharvest effect of storage and traditional market’s material handling on the quality of melon fruit Sakata cultivar. The physical qualities of melon fruit been observed were weight (measured by a scale), diameter and length (by sliding range), also fruit peel and flesh (with Zwick Type Universal Testing Machine DO-FB0.5TS). Chemical qualities of Sakata melon been observed were water content (thermogravimetric), °Brix sucrose (refractometer ABBE), pH (pH-meter), total carotene, total acid, and vitamin C with destructive methods.Storaging melon with traditional market method resulted in decreasing the value of physical parameters and increasing chemical parameters. Sakata melon softened during storage with fruit peel texture values was 6.45-8.07 N and fruit flesh texture was 1.4-2.06 N. The weight loss of Sakata melon was 0.06-0.25 kg, diameter dropped 0.0-0.6 cm, and length dropped 0.1- 0.5 cm during storage. Water content decreased from 92.84% to 91.19%. Sucrose content increase with values of 5.74-7.7 oBrix. Vitamin C levels showed a low and fluctuating value, 14.52-19.91 mg/100g. The melon fruit was slightly acidic with pH ranging from 6.2-6.96 and the total acid increased from 0.16 mg ek/100 g on the initial day to 0.31 mg ek/100 g on the eleventh day of storage. The total carotene content of melons ranged between 4.23-5.64 mg/100 g and indicated the flesh color of melon was getting more orange during storage.
Alginate-Based Edible Coatings Enriched with Cinnamon Essential Oil Extend Storability and Maintain the Quality of Strawberries under Tropical Condition Siburian, Putri Wahyuni; Falah, Moh. Affan Fajar; Mangunwikarta, Jumeri
PLANTA TROPIKA: Jurnal Agrosains (Journal of Agro Science) Vol 9, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/pt.v9i1.10368


Strawberries are often transported and sold without temperature control, which causes huge losses due to rapid decay and quality deterioration. In this study, the effectiveness of edible coatings using alginate and enriched with an antibacterial agent (cinnamaldehyde from Cinnamomum burmannii essential oil), to maintain the quality and shelf life of strawberry was examined. Alginate coatings were prepared by dissolving 2%(w/v) sodium alginate, 0.5%(v/v) glycerol, 0.1%(w/v) CMC, and 0.5% (w/v) stearic acid, while antimicrobial agent was prepared by homogenizing 0.5%(v/v) cinnamon essential oil and 0.2%(v/v) Tween 20. Physicochemical and biochemical attributes [weight loss, firmness, color (L*, a*, b*), soluble solids content, vitamin C loss, acidity level, odor, total yeast and molds, and total mesophilic microorganisms were analyzed during storage under tropical conditions at 27±2°C. Statistical analysis was performed using ANOVA followed by a Tukey test. The inhibitory activity of antimicrobial agent was evaluated using the disc diffusion method. An alginate-based coatings enriched with Cinnamomum burmannii essential oil (AL+CBEO) was effective in maintaining physicochemical quality attributes and reducing the number of spoilage microorganisms, while alginate coatings alone (AL) found to be optimal for vitamin C loss prevention and additionally exhibited a more desirable odor. Overall, strawberry stored under tropical conditions appeared to be better preserved by alginate-based coatings enriched with cinnamon essential oil. 
Analisis Kinerja Mutu Prototipe Greening Material Lumut Berdasarkan Perubahan Skala Warna L*a*b* dan RGB Prita Nurindahsari; Mirwan Ushada; Mohammad Affan Fajar Falah
agriTECH Vol 34, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1347.237 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.9528


Quality performance greening material of moss was pursued based L*a*b* color scale and RGB index. The research objective is to test the quality of performance greening material of moss based on temperature parameters. Then determine the optimum point temperature greening material of moss in a controlled environment by color change parameters. The research was pursued by testing a prototype greening material of moss (sphagnum sp) in confined space, three treatment temperature are average temperature 28 ±20C, high temperature 33±20C and 38±20C as the extreme temperature, with 500 ml water stream for 2160 minutes and without watering for 1440 minutes. Indications of quality performance can be seen by L*a*b* and RGB color change. The results were confirmed by using photosynthesis rate. The best performance is in the extreme temperature treatment by flushing, with 34.71% of G index. The research concluded has satisfied quality performance greening material of moss in maximum.ABSTRAKKualitas performansi greening material lumut diyakinkan berdasarkan skala warna L*a*b* dan indeks RGB. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk pengujian performansi mutu tumbuhan lumut dalam prototipe greening material berdasarkan parameter suhu. Kemudian menentukan titik optimum suhu greening material lumut dalam sistem lingkungan terkendali dengan parameter perubahan warna. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menguji prototipe greening material lumut (sphagnum sp) pada confined space, dengan tiga perlakuan suhu yaitu suhu rata-rata 28±20 C, suhu tinggi 33±20 C dan suhu ekstrim 38±20C dengan penyiraman air 500ml selama 2160 menit dan tanpa penyiraman selama 1440 menit. Indikasi performansi mutu dilihat dari perubahan warna Lab dan RGB yang didukung dengan laju fotosintesis tumbuhan lumut. Hasil performansi paling optimum yaitu pada perlakuan suhu ekstrim dengan penyiraman dengan indeks G 34.71%. Kesimpulan dari eksperimen ini bahwa kualias yang paling memuaskan dari kinerja mutu prototipe greening material lumut pada perlakuan suhu maksimal.
Penentuan Kriteria Mutu Biji Pala (Myristica fragrans Houtt) Berdasarkan Analisis Tekstur Menggunakan Teknologi Pengolahan Citra Digital Latifa Dinar; Atris Suyantohadi; Mohammad Affan Fajar Fallah
agriTECH Vol 33, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (465.474 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.9570


Separation of nutmeg based on quality at the farm level is still not done. At the market level process to separate the whole seed and seed damage done by direct observation. The process has the disadvantage, among others, can not be done continuously and mixed results. Development of non-destructive method for separate nutmeg by class quality effectively and objectively indispensable. On image texture analysis can be used to differentiate the surface properties of an object in the image associated with the rough and smooth, also the specific properties of the surface roughness and smoothness criteria that characterize an object of an object. This study aims to analyze the texture characteristics of the object image nutmeg with image processing to determine the quality grade of nutmeg. The materials used are nutmeg derived from Ternate town of North Maluku with reference to defined quality standards in 2000 that divides Menegristek nutmeg into three quality classes ABCD, Rimpel and BWP. Determination of the quality criteria nutmeg done by the method of discriminant analysis. Texture characteristics extracted from the object image consisting of nutmeg contrast, correlation, energy, homogenity, entropy. The results showed significant parameter correlation and the entropy distinguish quality classes nutmeg with a degree of truth of 96,7%.ABSTRAKPemisahan biji pala berdasarkan mutu di tingkat petani saat ini masih belum dilakukan. Di tingkat pedagang proses untuk memisahkan antara biji utuh dan biji rusak dilakukan dengan pengamatan langsung. Proses tersebut memiliki kelemahan antara lain tidak dapat dilakukan secara terus menerus dan hasil yang beragam. Pengembangan metode non-destruktif untuk memisahkanan biji pala berdasarkan kelas mutunya secara efektif dan objektif sangat diperlukan. Analisis  tekstur pada citra dapat digunakan untuk membedakan sifat-sifat permukaan suatu benda dalam citra yang berhubungan dengan kasar dan halus, juga sifat-sifat spesifik dari kekasaran dan kehalusan permukaan suatu objek yang mencirikan kriteria suatu objek. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis ciri tekstur dari citra objek biji pala dengan pengolahan citra untuk menentukan kelas mutu pala. Bahan yang digunakan adalah biji pala yang berasal dari kota Ternate Maluku Utara dengan mengacu pada standar mutu yang ditetapkan Menegristek tahun 2000 yang membagi biji pala kedalam tiga kelas mutu ABCD, Rimpel dan BWP.  Penentuan kriteria mutu pala dilakukan dengan metode analisis diskriminan. Ciri tekstur yang diekstrak dari citra objek biji pala terdiri dari kontras, korelasi, energi, homogenitas, entropi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan parameter korelasi dan entropi signifikan membedakan kelas mutu pala dengan tingkat kebenaran sebesar 96,7%.
Studi Pola Pertumbuhan Tanaman Sawi (Brassica rapa var. parachinensis L.) Hidroponik di dalam Greenhouse Terkontrol Mareli Telaumbanua; Bambang Purwantana; Lilik Sutiarso; Mohammad Affan Fajar Falah
agriTECH Vol 36, No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (504.973 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/agritech.10690


The vegetables should be cultivated in an optimal way to obtain maximum yield. In tropical regions such in Indonesia, the growth of vegetables are influenced by climate factors such as humidity, temperature, nutrients and light. To gain the optimal and controlled condition during the growth periode, mustard plants could be cultivated hydroponically in a greenhouse. This study was conducted to identify the growth pattern of mustard (Brassica rappa var. Parachinensis L.) that hydroponically planted in a greenhouse which is equipped with a temperature, nutrients and light control. The aim of this research is to determine the best factors combination that provide the most optimum growth. This research was conducted by three treatments that were temperature, nutrition, and light. Each of the treatment has three variations : temperature (32 °C, 35 °C, and 38 °C), nutrition (2 mS/cm, 5 mS/cm, and 8 mS/cm), and light (7000 lux, 12000 lux, and 17000 lux) so there were 27 cultivation spaces or greenhouses used with different micro-climates. The growth rate was determined by the area of the leaf and it was measured during 48 days of cultivation. Control in each greenhouse is done by a pump actuator, incandescent bulbs and TL lamps. The result showed that temperature, nutrients and light affect on the growth of mustard. By single factor analysis, we found that maximum leaf area was produced at a temperature of 35 °C that was 565 cm-, nutrition 5 mS/cm that was 639.27 cm- and 17000 lux light that was 697.42 cm-. In short, the best growth rate was obtained at a temperature of 35 °C, nutrition of 5 mS/cm, and 17000 lux of light yield 1068.82 cm- of leaf area.ABSTRAKTanaman sayuran harus dibudidayakan dengan optimal agar diperoleh hasil yang maksimal. Di wilayah tropis seperti di  Indonesia,  pertumbuhan  tanaman  sayuran  dipengaruhi  oleh  beberapa  faktor  iklim  seperti  kelembaban,  suhu, nutrisi dan cahaya. Untuk memperoleh kondisi yang optimal dan terkendali selama periode pertumbuhan, tanaman sawi dibudidayakan secara hidroponik di dalam greenhouse. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi pola pertumbuhan tanaman sawi (Brassica  rappa var. parachinensis L.) yang dibudidayakan secara hidroponik di dalam greenhouse yang dilengkapi dengan kendali suhu, nutrisi dan cahaya. Tujuan penelitian adalah menentukan kombinasi faktor terbaik yang memberikan pertumbuhan paling optimal. Penelitian dilakukan dengan memberikan tiga perlakuan dengan tiga variasi yaitu suhu (32 °C, 35 °C, dan 38 °C), nutrisi (2 mS/cm, 5 mS/cm, dan 8 mS/cm), dan cahaya (7000 lux, 12000 lux, dan 17000 lux) sehingga terdapat 27 ruang budidaya atau greenhouse dengan iklim mikro yang berbeda. Tingkat pertumbuhan ditentukan berdasarkan luas daun dan diukur selama 48 hari budidaya. Kendali di dalam masing- masing greenhouse dilakukan oleh aktuator pompa, lampu pijar dan lampu TL (Flourescent Lamp). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan suhu, nutrisi dan cahaya berpengaruh pada pertumbuhan tanaman sawi. Dari hasil analisis faktor tunggal, luas daun maksimum dihasilkan pada suhu 35 °C yaitu 565 cm-, nutrisi 5 mS/cm yaitu 639,27 cm- dan cahaya 17000 lux yaitu 697,42 cm-. Secara kombinasi, tingkat pertumbuhan terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan suhu 35 °C, nutrisi 5 mS/cm, dan cahaya 17000 lux dengan hasil luas daun mencapai 1068,82 cm-.
Analysis of Halal Certification Renewal Service Quality and Their Effect on the Customer’s Satisfaction and Loyalty in Yogyakarta (Case Study in Meatball Stall) Jumeri Jumeri; Khosyani; Falah M.A.F
Journal of Food and Pharmaceutical Sciences Vol 9, No 1 (2021): J.Food.Pharm.Sci
Publisher : Institute for Halal Industry and System (IHIS) Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jfps.1148


The society awareness in consuming halal, safe, and healthy foodstuff within these past few years kept on increasing. This was closely related to responsible food manufacturers which produced sustain halal foods, as evidenced by ownership halal certification. In order to increase the satisfaction of food producers and to maintain their commitment to extend the halal certificates, the quality of halal authority service should always be enhanced. This study aims to identify the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) value, to determine the influence of halal label and product attributes toward customer’s satisfaction and loyalty of meatball stalls in Yogyakarta, and to identify the influence of halal label toward selling volume on certified meatball stalls. The instruments used were questionnaires containing 21 quality attributes of halal certificate renewal service. Analyses were performed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The model was composed of seven latent variables: halal certification, brand, price, taste, service, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Result of the research showed that taste and halal certification have significant effect on the customer’s satisfaction and loyalty of certified meatball stalls. Halal certification have affected the certified meatball stalls in Yogyakarta by increasing the selling volume of 25-37.5%.
QUALITY OF FRESH STRAWBERRY (Fragaria sp cv. HOLIBERT ) FROM KETEP MAGELANG CENTRAL JAVA AND ITS STORAGE IN TROPICAL ENVIRONMENT Mohammad Affan Fajar Falah; Putri Yuliastuti; Risma Hanifah; Pujo Saroyo; Jumeri Jumeri
Jurnal Agroindustri Vol 8, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : BPFP Faperta UNIB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31186/j.agroindustri.8.1.1-10


 Strawberry (Fragaria sp cv Holibert) is a non-climakteric fruit which have high value with high  consumer demand. Tropical environment conditions can deteriorate and decrease quality of their fruit. Objective of the research were to identify quality characteristics of fresh strawberry that storages in tropical environment with and without temperature controlled.Strawberry fruit were sampled from mountain area in Ketep, Magelang, Central Java. Several quality parameter were measured include physical parameter (fresh weight, weight loss, skin texture and color) and chemical parameter (water content, soluble solid content, vitamin C and titratable acidity). Then, fresh weight of strawberry were  compared with IQS 8026-2014 using control chart. Storage conditions were tropical condition without controlled temperature and controlled temperature at 4 oC and 10 oC. Result shown that chemical parameters of fresh strawberry were optimum at 4 oC storage condition for water content and soluble solid content. Physical parameter of fresh starwberry were better conditions at controlled environment. The standard quality  was confirmed with class 1 for weight averages >15-20 g/fruit for best fruit . Tropical conditions were deteriorate quality and shortage shelf life of the strawberry.
Analisis Mutu Pascapanen Melon (Cucumis melo L.) Kultivar Glamour Sakata Selama Penyimpanan Amalya Nurul Khairi; Affan Fajar Falah; Agung Putra Pamungkas
CHEMICA: Jurnal Teknik Kimia Vol 4, No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (478.473 KB) | DOI: 10.26555/chemica.v4i2.9249


The aims of this study are to observe the postharvest effect of storage and traditional market’s material handling on the quality of melon fruit Sakata cultivar. The physical qualities of melon fruit been observed were weight (measured by a scale), diameter and length (by sliding range), also fruit peel and flesh (with Zwick Type Universal Testing Machine DO-FB0.5TS). Chemical qualities of Sakata melon been observed were water content (thermogravimetric), °Brix sucrose (refractometer ABBE), pH (pH-meter), total carotene, total acid, and vitamin C with destructive methods.Storaging melon with traditional market method resulted in decreasing the value of physical parameters and increasing chemical parameters. Sakata melon softened during storage with fruit peel texture values was 6.45-8.07 N and fruit flesh texture was 1.4-2.06 N. The weight loss of Sakata melon was 0.06-0.25 kg, diameter dropped 0.0-0.6 cm, and length dropped 0.1- 0.5 cm during storage. Water content decreased from 92.84% to 91.19%. Sucrose content increase with values of 5.74-7.7 oBrix. Vitamin C levels showed a low and fluctuating value, 14.52-19.91 mg/100g. The melon fruit was slightly acidic with pH ranging from 6.2-6.96 and the total acid increased from 0.16 mg ek/100 g on the initial day to 0.31 mg ek/100 g on the eleventh day of storage. The total carotene content of melons ranged between 4.23-5.64 mg/100 g and indicated the flesh color of melon was getting more orange during storage.
Pendugaan Kelas Mutu Berdasarkan Analisa Warna Dan Bentuk Biji Pala (Myristica fragrans houtt) Menggunakan Teknologi Pengolahan Citra Dan Jaringan Saraf Tiruan Latifa Dinar; Atris Suyantohadi; M. Affan Fajar Fallah
Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian Vol. 26 No. 1 (2012): Jurnal Keteknikan Pertanian
Publisher : PERTETA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19028/jtep.026.1.%p


Abstract Factors affecting the quality of a product is one of them is the color and shape. Color and shape factor was used as a parameter the most attention in the selection of a product. Farmer level, the separation between the seed heads intact and damaged seeds have not done this led to lower prices nutmeg. Separation based on a whole seed and grain merchants and level damage done is done by direct observation. This separation process requires large amounts of labor, the cost is relatively large and long enough. Development of separation methods based on the nutmeg seed quality classes can be done with image processing technology in combination with artificial neural networks. The use of color and shape parameter in the selection of quality seeds in non-destructive nutmeg is needed to address the separation of nutmeg manually. This study aims to identify the quality of nutmeg by color and shape by digital image processing technology in combination with artificial neural networks. Color parameters of the model used consists of a color Red Green Blue, Hue Saturation Value color model, color model Lαb shape parameter consists of area, perimeter, roundness, compactness. Discriminant analysis based on parameters derived mean color saturation and a significant area as the network input. The results showed the mean saturation parameter and the area identified quality class ABCD head, and BWP Rimpel with 100% accuracy.Key words: nutmeg, quality, color, shape, discriminant analysis, neural networksAbstrak Faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas sebuah produk salah satunya adalah warna dan bentuk. Faktor warna dan bentuk digunakan sebagai salah satu parameter yang paling diperhatikan dalam pemilihan sebuah produk. Ditingkat petani pala proses pemisahan antara biji utuh dan biji rusak belum dilakukan hal ini menyebabkan harga biji pala menjadi rendah. Pemisahan berdasarkan biji utuh dan biji rusak dilakukan ditingkat pedagang dan dilakukan dengan pengamatan langsung. Proses pemisahan ini membutuhkan tenaga kerja dalam jumlah banyak, biaya relatif besar dan waktu yang cukup lama. Pengembangan metode pemisahan biji pala berdasarkan kelas mutu dapat dilakukan dengan teknologi pengolahan citra yang dikombinasi dengan jaringan saraf tiruan. Penggunaan parameter warna dan bentuk dalam pemilihan mutu biji pala secara non-destruktif sangat dibutuhkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan pemisahan biji pala secara manual. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi mutu pala  berdasarkan warna dan bentuk dengan teknologi pengolahan citra digital yang dikombinasi dengan jaringan saraf tiruan. Parameter warna yang digunakan terdiri dari model warna Red Green Blue, model warna Hue Saturation Value, model warna Lab parameter bentuk terdiri dari area, perimeter, roundness dan compactness. Berdasarkan analisis diskriminan diperoleh parameter warna mean saturation dan area yang signifikan sebagai input jaringan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan parameter mean saturation dan area berhasil mengidentifikasi kelas mutu pala ABCD, Rimpel dan BWP dengan akurasi 100%.Kata kunci : Biji pala, mutu, warna, bentuk, analisis diskriminan , jaringan saraf tiruanDiterima: 03 Januari 2012; Disetujui: 29 Maret 2012