Ni Kadek Eka Widiadnyani
Departemen Konservasi, Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Gigi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Udayana, Jl. PB. Sudirman, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

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Apeksifikasi pada Gigi Insisivus Kanan Maksila dengan Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Widiadnyani, Ni Kadek Eka; Mulyawati, Ema
Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia Vol 20, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia

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Trauma pada gigi permanen imatur non vital dengan apikal terbuka sering terjadi dan melibatkan kurang lebih 30% populasi anak. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) adalah bahan pilihan terbaik yang dipakai sebagai bahan apeksifikasi untuk pembentukan apikal barrier dan penyembuhan pada gigi imatur. Tujuan laporan kasus adalah untuk melaporkan keberhasilan penutupan apikal dengan menggunakan MTA pada gigi permanen insisivus non vital dengan apikal terbuka yang diakibatkan trauma. Pasien perempuan 18 tahun dengan keluhan gigi depan atas kanan patah dan berubah warna. Kejadian trauma sejak 6 tahun yang lalu karena jatuh dari sepeda. Pemeriksaan klinis, gigi non vital dengan fraktur Ellis klas IV disertai apikal terbuka dan diskolorasi oleh karena trauma. Periapikal radiografis menunjukkan apikal masih terbuka dengan saluran akar yang besar serta terdapat radiolusensi periapikal. Apeksifikasi dilakukan dengan MTA dilanjutkandengan  pemasangan pasak pita fiber, pembuatan inti dan restorasi mahkota jaket porselin fusi metal. Simpulan hasil perawatan menunjukkan bahwa apeksifikasi dengan MTA dapat mempersingkat waktu kunjungan dengan pembentukan barier apikal yang merangsang penyembuhan dan dapat langsung dilanjutkan dengan restorasi akhir.ABSTRACT: Apexification With Mineral Trioxide Aggregate In Right Maxillary Incisor. Traumatic injury in non-vital immature permanent teeth with open apex is common, and it comprises approximately 30% of the pediatric population. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is the best material to be used as an ingredient for apexification procedure for apical calcific barrier formation and healing. The aim of the present case study is to overview the successful closure of root apex in pulpless permanent incisors with wide open apices as a consequence of trauma using MTA. The examination was conducted to an 18 year-old female patient who complained about her broken and discolored right upper front teeth. The traumatic injury of her teeth had happened since 6 years ago after she fell from bike. On clinical examination, she suffered from non-vital teeth with fracture Ellis class IV, apex open and discoloration accompanied by trauma. Periapical radiographic evaluation showed that root formation with wide open apices with root canal was large and indicated a periapical radiolucency. Therefore, apexification with MTA was performed followed by ribbon fiber-reinforced, core making and restoration of full crown porcelain fusion metal. From the treatment, it can be concluded that the time visit for apexification treatment using MTA is shortened, and MTA can heal and stimulate apical barrier formation immediately after final restoration.
Apeksifikasi pada Gigi Insisivus Kanan Maksila dengan Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Ni Kadek Eka Widiadnyani; Ema Mulyawati
Majalah Kedokteran Gigi Indonesia Vol 20, No 2 (2013): December
Publisher : Faculty of Dentistry, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (559.587 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/majkedgiind.7955


Trauma pada gigi permanen imatur non vital dengan apikal terbuka sering terjadi dan melibatkan kurang lebih 30% populasi anak. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) adalah bahan pilihan terbaik yang dipakai sebagai bahan apeksifikasi untuk pembentukan apikal barrier dan penyembuhan pada gigi imatur. Tujuan laporan kasus adalah untuk melaporkan keberhasilan penutupan apikal dengan menggunakan MTA pada gigi permanen insisivus non vital dengan apikal terbuka yang diakibatkan trauma. Pasien perempuan 18 tahun dengan keluhan gigi depan atas kanan patah dan berubah warna. Kejadian trauma sejak 6 tahun yang lalu karena jatuh dari sepeda. Pemeriksaan klinis, gigi non vital dengan fraktur Ellis klas IV disertai apikal terbuka dan diskolorasi oleh karena trauma. Periapikal radiografis menunjukkan apikal masih terbuka dengan saluran akar yang besar serta terdapat radiolusensi periapikal. Apeksifikasi dilakukan dengan MTA dilanjutkandengan  pemasangan pasak pita fiber, pembuatan inti dan restorasi mahkota jaket porselin fusi metal. Simpulan hasil perawatan menunjukkan bahwa apeksifikasi dengan MTA dapat mempersingkat waktu kunjungan dengan pembentukan barier apikal yang merangsang penyembuhan dan dapat langsung dilanjutkan dengan restorasi akhir.Apexification With Mineral Trioxide Aggregate In Right Maxillary Incisor. Traumatic injury in non-vital immature permanent teeth with open apex is common, and it comprises approximately 30% of the pediatric population. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is the best material to be used as an ingredient for apexification procedure for apical calcific barrier formation and healing. The aim of the present case study is to overview the successful closure of root apex in pulpless permanent incisors with wide open apices as a consequence of trauma using MTA. The examination was conducted to an 18 year-old female patient who complained about her broken and discolored right upper front teeth. The traumatic injury of her teeth had happened since 6 years ago after she fell from bike. On clinical examination, she suffered from non-vital teeth with fracture Ellis class IV, apex open and discoloration accompanied by trauma. Periapical radiographic evaluation showed that root formation with wide open apices with root canal was large and indicated a periapical radiolucency. Therefore, apexification with MTA was performed followed by ribbon fiber-reinforced, core making and restoration of full crown porcelain fusion metal. From the treatment, it can be concluded that the time visit for apexification treatment using MTA is shortened, and MTA can heal and stimulate apical barrier formation immediately after final restoration.
Perawatan saluran akar satu kali kunjungan pada gigi dengan karies servikal dilanjutkan dengan restorasi komposit dan pasak fiber Ni Kadek Eka Widiadnyani
Bali Dental Journal Vol. 3 No. 2 (2019): June 2019
Publisher : School of Dentistry Faculty of Medicine Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51559/bdj.v3i2.207


Pendahuluan: Perawatan saluran akar satu kunjungan merupakan perawatan yang meliputi preparasi biomekanis saluran akar, irigasi serta obturasi yang diselesaikan dalam satu kunjungan. Untuk perawatan satu kunjungan tahap perawatan dapat dilakukan lebih cepat serta mencegah terjadinya kontaminasi ulang saluran akar. Karies servikal pada gigi terdapat dalam berbagai bentuk, seperti abrasi, erosi dan abfraksi. Kavitas yang telah kehilangan banyak struktur jaringan keras gigi akibat karies dibagian servikal, perlu dipertimbangkan penggunaan pasak sebagai struktur penguat tambahan. Jika tidak dilakukan perawatan secepatnya maka mahkota gigi akan mudah fraktur oleh tekanan mastikasi saat gigi berfungsi, dan pasien biasanya lebih memilih untuk segera dilakukan pencabutan. Menghentikan perkembangan lesi yang sudah ada, dan menentukan perawatan yang tepat serta menunjukkan keberhasilan penatalaksanaan perawatan saluran akar satu kunjungan pada kasus dengan karies servikal sehingga gigi dapat dipertahankan kembali sesuai dengan fungsinya dan estetiknya. Manajemen kasus: Pasien laki - laki usia 56 tahun mengeluh gigi geraham kecil kedua bawah kanan. Gigi pernah terasa sakit, tetapi saat ini sudah tidak sakit. Pasien ingin giginya dirawat dan dipertahankan. Pemeriksaan obyektif gigi 45 terdapat kavitas servikal bagian bukal, dengan pulpa terbuka. Gigi tidak peka terhadap perkusi, palpasi, tes vitalitas positif linu, mobilitas normal. Jaringan pendukung gigi normal. Pemeriksaan radiografis nampak kavitas servikal yang telah mencapai kamar pulpa, 2/3 saluran akar membengkok ke arah distal, terdapat lesi periapikal yang melibatkan 1/3 apikal dengan penebalan ligamen periodontal dan lamina dura terputus. Simpulan: Perawatan saluran akar adalah salah satu alternatif perawatan yang paling umum sebelum terjadi kerusakan gigi. Perawatatan saluran akar merupakan salah satu pilihan perawatan pada pasien yang tidak memiliki banyak waktu berkunjung. Resin komposit dapat menjadi alternatif untuk restorasi gigi posterior dengan penguat pasak fiber resin, sehingga berguna untuk melindungi fraktur gigi dari tekanan oklusal. Perawatan saluran akar satu kunjungan diharapkan menjadi pertimbangan dalam menangani kasus-kasus gigi karies di servikas dengan kehilangan jaringan yang tidak terlalu luas, sehingga tidak perlu menghilangkan jumlah jaringan koronal gigi.
Kidney Histopathology of Wistar Rats Chronic Apical Periodontitis Luh Made Sudimartini; Anastasia Bhala; I Wayan Wirata; Ni Luh Eka Setiasih; Ni Kadek Eka Widiadnyani; I Made Merdana
Advances in Tropical Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences Vol 6 No 2 (2022): ATBES
Publisher : Institute for Research and Community Services Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/ATBES.2022.v06.i02.p04


Chronic apical periodontitis is an inflammatory disease that causes periodontal tissue destruction and forms chronic lesions. This study aims to prove that the administration of green meniran leaf ethanol extract can affect the kidney histopathology of chronic apical periodontitis Wistar rats. This study used a randomized posttest only control group design with four treatment groups and twelve replications of three sub-groups according to the time of application of the medicament paste, namely the 7th, 14th, and 21st days so that 48 Wistar rats were used. The treatment group consisted of negative control (K1), only injected with disease-causing bacteria. The positive control group was given 2% Calcium Hydroxide and Chlorhexidine digluconate. Treatment group 1(P1) was given calcium hydroxide and 10% green meniran leaf ethanol extract, and treatment group 2(P2) was given calcium hydroxide, 2% chlorhexidine digluconate, and 10% green meniran leaf ethanol extract. All samples were male Wistar rats with a weight ranging from 300-350 grams. The variables observed were congestion and necrosis with a score of 0 (normal); 1 (focal); 2 (multifocal); 3 (diffuse). The data were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric statistical test and if it showed a significant effect, it was continued with the Mann-Whitney test. The results of the Kruskal-Wallis test showed that in the K2, P1, and P2 treatments, there was a significant difference (P<0.05) in the category of congestion and necrosis of the histopathological changes of the kidneys. The results of this study indicate that the ethanol extract of green meniran leaves which has a function as an antioxidant can repair kidney damage caused by free radicals in chronic apical periodontitis conditions
The Effect of Intracanal Medicament Using Calcium Hydroxide in Root Canal Infection Toward MMP-9, TIMP-1 and EGF Level in Apical Lesion: a Literature Review Ni Kadek Eka Widiadnyani
Journal of Global Pharma Technology Volume 12 Issue 06 (2020) June 2020
Publisher : Journal of Global Pharma Technology

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Root canal infection is one of periodontitis spectrum that started by dental caries process. There are many bacteria causing root canal infections, mainly obligate anaerobe bacteria. Root canal infection can form apical lesions resulted from the interaction between bacteria and inflammatory cells. The apical lesion can be causing degradation of the extracellular matrix in the root canal system. Collagen degradation is the main characteristic of the apical lesion, which degradation process mediated by pro-inflammatory cells. One of them is a matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) mainly MMP Type-9 (MMP-9). Besides MMP, tissue inhibitor of MMP (TIMP) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) also play a role as MMP regulators. Root canal treatment with intracanal medicament needed to fix dental tissue destruction. There are many intracanal medicaments available, which is calcium hydroxide mostly used in dental therapy. Calcium hydroxide has an antibacterial effect and can be lowering inflammatory cells number. In apical lesion, immune-inflammatory response happened which inflammatory cells play an important role in extracellular matrix degradation. Studies showed that intracanal medicament using calcium hydroxide proven lowering inflammatory cells levels such as MMP-9, TIMP-1 and EGF. This review will have further discussion about calcium hydroxide mechanism in reducing MMP-9, TIMP, and EGF levels in the apical lesion. Keywords: Root canal infection, Intracanal medicament, MMP-9, TIMP-1, EGF.
Histopatologi Hati Tikus Wistar Periodontitis Apikalis Kronis Pasca Pemberian Medikamen Intrakanal Theresia Ene; I Made Merdana; Ida Bagus Oka Winaya; Ni Kadek Eka Widiadnyani; Luh Made Sudimartini
Buletin Veteriner Udayana Vol. 15 No. 2 April 2023
Publisher : The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/bulvet.2023.v15.i02.p15


Dental disease is a problem that is common in Indonesia, and it affects around 96.58% of the population. The use of chemical drugs that can cause side effects in patients makes people start other alternative treatments by using natural ingredients namely meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L). This study examines the liver histopathology of Wistar rats with chronic apical periodontitis after administration of intracanal drugs. This study looked at the effects of a medicament paste on rats for a period of seven, fourteen, and twenty-one days. Experimental animals were adapted to chronic apical periodontitis by inducing Enterococcus faecalis into right maxillary molars for 21 days.On day 22, all drug treatment groups were opened with GIC and given the prescribed drug treatment, and then closed again with GIC. The observed variables were the presence of inflammatory cell infiltration, hyperemia, and necrosis. Data were analyzed using a non-parametric statistical Kruskal-Wallis test, and if there was a significant difference, it was continued with the Mann-Whitney test. The results of the study showed that there was no significant difference between the three treatment groups (P1, P2, P3) and there was a significant difference between P0 and the other two groups. However, the results of statistical analysis of necrosis observed by histopathology in the liver showed that there was no significant difference between P0, P1, P2 and P3 treatments (P>0.05).From the research results, it can be concluded that administration of meniran leaves ethanolic extract can improve liver histopathology in rats with chronic apical periodontitis.