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Pengaruh Strength Reduction Tanah Clay-Shale Akibat Pelaksanaan Pemboran Terhadap Nilai Daya Dukung Pondasi Tiang di Jembatan Suramadu Berdasarkan Analisis Hasil Tes OC Irsyam, Masyhur; Sahadewa, Andhika; Boesono, Atyanto; Soebagyo, Soebagyo
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 14, No 2 (2007)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Abstrak. Jembatan Suramadu yang akan menghubungkan kota Surabaya dengan Madura memiliki bentang total sepanjang 5.438 m. Mengingat lokasi pembangunan yang berada di laut dan beban rencana yang besar pada tiang pondasi, maka uji pembebanan statik konvensional tidak mungkin untuk dilakukan di jembatan utama. Alternatif tes pembebanan tiang yang dapat dilakukan adalah Tes OC yang mengikuti  prosedur Osterberg Cell Test. Tes ini dilengkapi dengan load cell, telltale, dan strain gauge sehingga dapat diperoleh kurva load-displacement untuk tahanan ujung dan tahanan selimut pada berbagai kedalaman. Hasil penyelidikan tanah menunjukkan keberadaan lapisan tanah clay-shale yang mengandung montmorillonite pada lokasi tiang bor. Jenis tanah ini sensitif terhadap berkurangnya tegangan lateral akibat pemboran dan terhadap weathering process sehingga dapat terjadi strength reduction. Strength reduction tanah menyulitkan predikasi tahanan ujung dan tahanan selimut pondasi tiang bor. Hasil Tes OC digunakan sebagai acuan dalam menentukan pengaruh strength reduction terhadap tahanan ujung dan tahanan selimut dengan cara membandingkan hasil pengukuran dengan hasil prediksi berdasarkan korelasi empiris yang umum dipakai. Untuk tahanan ujung, hasil Tes OC menunjukkan harga yang relatif dekat dengan hasil prediksi sehingga strength reduction untuk tahanan ujung akibat pemboran relatif kecil selama kondisi dasar pondasi bersih. Sedangkan untuk tahanan selimut, hasil pengukuran nilainya jauh lebih kecil dibanding hasil prediksi. Untuk meningkatkan daya dukung, maka dilakukan grouting melalui ujung tiang. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa setelah dilakukan grouting pada pondasi terjadi kenaikan nilai tahanan ujung dan tahanan selimut. Dibandingkan dengan tahanan ujung, tahanan selimut memiliki peningkatan kekuatan yang lebih besar dan setelah dilakukan grouting nilainya mendekati nilai prediksi. Abstract. Suramadu Bridge, which will connect Surabaya and Madura, is designed to have 5,438 m total span. Considering bridge construction that is above sea and huge design load on its pile foundations, conventional static loading test can not be performed at the main bridge. Alternative pile load test that can be performed is OC Test, which followed Osterberg Cell Test procedure. Equipped with load cell, telltale, and strain gauge, this test can provide load-displacement curve of end bearing and skin friction at any depth. Soil investigation result shows existence of clay-shale layer, which contains montmorillonite, at bore pile’s location. This soil is sensitive to lateral pressure reduction caused by boring and weathering process so that strength reduction can occur. Strength reduction of soil makes end bearing and skin friction difficult to be predicted. Strength reduction effect toward end bearing and skin friction are determined by means of comparing OC Test result to prediction result based on common empirical correlation. For end bearing, OC Test result shows value that close to prediction result’s. Therefore, strength reduction of end bearing caused by boring is relative small. On the other hand, skin friction measurement result shows that its value is much smaller than prediction result’s. For increasing bearing capacity, grouting through the pile base was conducted. Test result shows increasing of value either end bearing and skin friction after grouting through the pile base. Compared to end bearing’s value, skin friction’s value rise more and close to prediction value.
Hazard Deaggregation for Indonesia Makrup, L.L.; Irsyam, Masyhur; Sengara, I Wayan; Hendriyawan, Hendriyawan
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 17, No 3 (2010)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Abstract. Hazard deaggregation is required in seismic hazard analysis in order to determine the controlling magnitudes and distances for particular return periods of earthquakes. These magnitude and distance are required for physical interpretation of the results from probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and to take certain engineering decisions. This paper presents a development of hazard deaggregation for Indonesia. The deaggregation process is started by calculating the ground shaking with hazard level 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years. In this study, the deaggregation hazard map was analyzed using total probability method and by applying three dimensional (3-D) source models and recent seismotectonic parameters. Three source models were used in this analysis, namely: subduction zones, transform fault zones and background source zone. Indonesian earthquake source models were constructed and published attenuation relations to calculate the peak ground acceleration for rock site conditions were used in the analysis. The recurrence rates and sizes of historical earthquakes on known and inferred faults and across zones were determined from modified earthquake catalog. The results of this study are deaggregation hazard maps of Indonesia for 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years.Abstract. Deagragasi hazard diperlukan dalam analisis seismic hazard untuk menentukan jarak dan magnitude kendali untuk perioda ulang gempa tertentu. Jarak dan magnitude ini digunakan untuk interpretasi fisik terhadap hasil dari analisis seismic hazard probabilistik dan untuk mengambil keputusan tentang hal yang bersifat keteknikan. Paper ini memberikan hal berupa pengembangan deagregasi hazard untuk Indonesia. Proses deagregasi dimulai dengan menghitung goncangan tanah dengan level hazard 10% probabilitas terlampaui dalam jangka waktu 50 tahun. Dalam studi ini, deagregasi hazard diananlisis menggunakan metoda probabilitas total dengan mengaplikasikan model sumber gempa tiga dimensi dan parameter seimotektonik terbaru. Tiga model sumber gempa digunakan dalam analisis ini yaitu sumber gempa zona subduksi, transform fault dan sumber background. Model sumber gempa Indonesia telah dikembangkan dan fungsi atenuasi yang terpublikasi digunakan untuk menghitung percepatan tanah puncak untuk kondisi site batuan. Ukuran dan laju keberulangan gempa-gempa histori pada fault yang sudah dikenal maupun fault yang keberadaanya masih dalam dugaan dan juga pada zona yang lain ditentukan dari katalog gempa yang telah dimodifikasi. Hasil dari studi ini adalah berupa peta deagregasi hazard untuk Indonesia dengan 10% probabilitas terlampaui dalam jangka waktu 50 tahun
Development of Nationwide Vs30 Map and Calibrated Conversion Table for Indonesia using Automated Topographical Classification Asrurifak, Muhammad; Mikhail, Reguel; Wahdiny, In In; Rustiani, Siska; Munirwansyah, Munirwansyah; Irsyam, Masyhur
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol 49, No 4 (2017)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3634.056 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2017.49.4.3


A nationwide Vs30 map for Indonesia was developed based on automated topographic classification from 90-m grid digital elevation data and their correlation with Vs30. Automated topographic classification has been proposed by Iwahashi and Pike (2007) and a procedure to convert topographic class into Vs30 maps has been developed by Imamura and Furuta (2015) based on Vs data from J-SHIS (Japan Seismic Hazard Information System). In order to be suitable for Indonesia, calibration work according to Imamura and Furuta’s procedure should be conducted since the geotechnical conditions in Japan may not be the same as in Indonesia. This paper presents adjustment of the Vs30 correlation by Imamura and Furuta to convert topographic class into Vs30 and construct a Vs30 map of Indonesia. This correlation was calibrated by using Vs data from BMKG (Indonesian Agency for Meteorological, Climatological, and Geophysics) as well as standard penetration test logs that were collected by the authors. Utilization of local field measurement data will certainly enhance the reliability of the Vs30 map. The developed nationwide Vs30 map will be very useful for disaster mitigation programs and for preliminary design of earthquake resistant buildings and infrastructure in Indonesia.
Studi Aplikasi Vacuum Preloading Sebagai Metode Alternatif Percepatan Proses Konsolidasi pada Tanah Lempung Lunak Jenuh Air: Trial GVS pada Perumahan Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta Suhendra, Andryan; Irsyam, Masyhur
ComTech: Computer, Mathematics and Engineering Applications Vol 2, No 2 (2011): ComTech
Publisher : Bina Nusantara University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21512/comtech.v2i2.2855


Vacuum preloading is an alternative method to improve water-saturated soft clay by accelerating the consolidation process. A trial using GVS system was done at Pantai Indah Kapuk residence, Jakarta to investigate the system reliability. Monitoring equipments used include settlement plate to measure the consolidation decrease, piezometer to measure pore water tension, inklinometer to identify the soil direction and lateral movement during the vacuum preloading process, and manometer to measure the vacuum pump pressure. Analytical calculations to estimate the consolidation decrease is done using one-dimensional consolidation theory of Terzaghi. Besides, a numerical analysis is performed by element method up to Plaxis software application. Meanwhile, the monitoring results are achieved using Asaoka theory that estimates the achieved degree of reduction and consolidation. The monitoring results and theoretical analysis indicate that the GVS system included in the vacuum preloading method is quite reliable as an alternative method of consolidation acceleration of water-saturated soft clay. 
Jurnal Jalan-Jembatan Vol 27 No 3 (2010)
Publisher : Direktorat Bina Teknik Jalan dan Jembatan

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Perencanaan infrastruktur tahan gempa, umumnya memerlukan data percepatan di permukaan tanah. Saat ini American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 07-2010 memberikan faktor amplifikasi untuk kebutuhan perencanaan bangunan tahan gempa sehingga perencana bisa mendapatkan percepatan dipermukaan dengan mengalikan nilai percepatan Peta Gempa Indonesia 2010 dengan faktor amplifikasi tersebut. Untuk mengetahui kesesuaian faktor amplifikasi tersebut terhadap analisis seismic hazard menggunakan piranti luak PSHA-07-USGS maka dilakukan kajian dengan analisis grid di Sumatera menggunakan variasi kecepatan gelombang geser (VS) yang mewakili Klasifikasi jenis tanah ASCE 07-10 untuk tanah sangat padat dan batuan luak (SC), tanah sedang (SD) dan tanah lunak (SE). Perbandingan faktor amplifikasi antara hasil analisis dan ASCE 07-2010 terhadap 2 (dua) tinjauan periode (PGA dan 0.2 detik) menunjukkan bahwa utuk site SC dan SD, hasil analisis menunjukkan hasil yang cukup mendekati ASCE 07-2010. Untuk site SE dan periode T = 1 detik, untuk permodelan dengan VS30 < 175m/detik diperoleh deviasi yang cukup besar antara analisis dan ASCE 07-2010. Hal ini kemungkinkan disebabkan oleh keterbatasan permodelan, yaitu hanya dapat menggunakan persamaan atenuasi tertentu yang hanya mewakili sumber gempa sesar. Untuk mendapatkan faktor amplifikasi yang baik disarankanuntuk melakukan analisis respon dinamik spesifik berdasarkan kondisi tanah lokal yang sesuai dengan klasifikasi ASCE 07-2010. Kata kunci : Analisis seismic hazard, faktor amplifikasi, percepatan puncak di permukaan, respon spektra di permukaan.
Parametric Study of One-Dimensional Seismic Site Response Analyses Based on Local Soil Condition of Jakarta Misliniyati, Rena; Sahadewa, Andhika; Hendriyawan, Hendriyawan; Irsyam, Masyhur
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol 51, No 3 (2019)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (18.616 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2019.51.3.7


Seismic site response analysis is used to estimate the response of soil deposits during seismic loading at any depth of interest and to interpret time histories as well as response spectra. This type of analysis involves many parameters that can affect the character of ground shaking. It is important to know the effect of these parameters in order to perform reliable seismic hazard evaluation at a site. This paper presents the effects of several parameters toward the characteristics of surface response spectra based on the local soil conditions of Jakarta using a one-dimensional (1-D) site response model with total stress approach. A parametric study was performed on two cohesive soil deposit profiles with a different site class, namely medium clay (site SD) and soft clay (site SE). The bedrock layers of both profiles were located at a depth of 300 m. In this study, the analytical methods implemented were the equivalent-linear method and the non-linear method. Several different dynamics soil models were also implemented. In addition, variation of property parameters, such as depth of bedrock, shear wave velocity of bedrock, layer thickness, etc., were studied. The results of this study indicate that all of the studied parameters have a significant effect on the response spectra at the ground surface.
Development of Nationwide Surface Spectral Acceleration Maps for Earthquake Resistant Design of Bridges Based on National Hazard Maps of Indonesia 2017 Mikhail, Reguel; Irsyam, Masyhur; Nazir, Ramli; Asrurifak, Mohammad; Hutapea, Bigman Marihat; Rustiani, Siska; Munirwansyah, Munirwansyah; Sri Harninto, Dandung
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences Vol 51, No 4 (2019)
Publisher : ITB Journal Publisher, LPPM ITB

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (19.336 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/j.eng.technol.sci.2019.51.4.4


Spectral acceleration at the ground surface, including peak ground acceleration, provides essential information for earthquake resistant design and must be provided to bridge engineers in easily accessible media. Spectra acceleration maps are one way to deliver such information, but unfortunately the most recent Indonesian earthquake resistant design standard for bridges, SNI 2833-2016, only provides maps of earthquake hazard at bedrock. The development of earthquake acceleration maps at the ground surface for Indonesia in this study was based on earthquake hazard maps at bedrock with probability of exceedance (PE) 7% in 75 years, i.e. equal to an earthquake with a return period of 1034 years. Site conditions were adopted from the nationwide Vs30 map of Indonesia proposed by Irsyam (2017), which is a modified version of the Vs30 map proposed by Imamura &amp; Furuta (2015). Site conditions combined with hazard value were used to determine the amplification factors according to the criteria in SNI 2833-2016 and then multiplied with hazard at bedrock to obtain surface spectra acceleration maps. The resulting maps are very useful for determining earthquake loads for bridge design at the preliminary design stage. Improvements to incorporate more advanced calculation methods and updated data in a future research are recommended and very feasible.
Zonasi Hazard Gempa Bumi untuk Wilayah Jakarta -, Delfebriyadi; Irsyam, Masyhur; Hutapea, Bigman M; Imran, Iswandi; -, Asrurifak
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 24, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2561.878 KB) | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2017.24.2.7


Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil Vol 18, No 1 (2008): JANUARI 2008
Publisher : Civil Engineering Forum Teknik Sipil

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Bamboo pile-mattress was proposed as an alternative ground reinforcement to support road embankment on soft soils for the Surabaya Eastern Ring Road Project. A full scale test program was performed to investigate reliability of the reinforcement system since standard calculation for this type of construction was not available. The full scale program was consisted of ground settlement monitoring by settlement plates and pore water pressure monitoring by piezometers. Readings were taken for each stage of embankment construction. Analytical and numerical analyses were also performed to verify the full scale test results. Analytical calculation for immediate settlement was performed based on the elasticity theory, for consolidation settlement was performed by the 1-D Terzaghi’s consolidation theory. Numerical calculation was performed using the finite element method utilizing a commercial software package called PLAXIS. In the finite element analyses, subsurface soil and embankment were modeled as elastic-plastic solid materials using the Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria. Bamboo piles and mattress were modeled as elastic-plastic springs and elastic-plastics beams, respectively. Monitoring records and analysis results show that bamboo pile-mattress reinforcement has effectively increased stability. Consolidation settlement was found to be relatively uniform. Results also show that monitoring records and analysis results are relatively similar.
TEKNIK Volume 34, Nomor 3, Tahun 2013
Publisher : Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (666.857 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/teknik.v34i3.6983


Several methods for evaluating the effect of site specific condition of soil layers against earthquakes are presently available. Site Specific Analysis (SSA) and Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) are two methods commonly used for estimating the amplification factor of soil layers above bedrock. SSA can be performed using subsurface shear wave velocities and dynamic soil properties (density, shear modulus and damping). The HVSR is a simple method for estimating the site amplification factor. Based on the time and budget requirement HVSR is more efficient and effective compare to SSA method.This paper presents result of SSA and HVSR methodscomparison for estimating the amplification factor of soil layers. Two boring locations and six single station seismometer tests were perform within Tembalang District Area.